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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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"Yeah, just... stay down." Adele replied, loosening her grip on Cassandra, and sighing in relief as Owen ducked down and took cover. It took a few tense minutes for them to get to shore, Adele grabbing a small pouch of medicine before exiting the boat.

"Like hell I'm gonna let you assholes get away with that shit... we capture the ballista, forward!" Adele announced, seeing the Owen had gotten out on the other side of the coast... someone had to get things started on their end if he couldn't.

Adele grabs Vulnerary 3/3 from the convoy before deploying to 20,2

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"I-It's fine!" Cass squeaked as Adele let her go, shaking her head and getting herself ready for a fight. She didn't sit around as the bolts fell, instead doing her best to stay concealed and get to the inventory. She got what she wanted, and when they were at land, she rushed off the boat, ready to start swinging!

"Who wants to die first!?"

Cass swaps around her inventory as described before deploying on 20,1, and moving to 18,2, equips the Round Shield before braining Brigand #4 with her Bronze Axe!

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They'd finally reached land, and sure enough they had a greeting party waiting. One too many bandits, as expected. "For crying out loud..." With a sigh, Owen unsheathed his sword, taking a step back to assess the situation. They probably think they have the advantage, but are they going to step closer? "Let's hold our ground for now." The prince said, "I want to see if those further are going to come at us first..."

Owen to (24,14).

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Seeing Cassandra engage one of the nearby bandits, Adele charged the man, aiming to cut him down before he recovered from Cass' blow.

Adele to 17,3, unequip Heather Shield, attack Brigand #4 with Nacht

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The two ladies were charging the bandits with their axes raised. Serge was impressed. Adele wasn't lying when she said she was going to be in the frontlines, and Princess Cassandra was there, too. Serge drew his sword and charged the bandit behind them.

Serge to 16,2, attack Brigand #3 with Steel Sword

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"Well then, I suppose it's time to get a move on." Alain stepped forward and raised his hand. With a snap of his fingers, a stream of lightning came crashing down above one of the bandits. "Hmm, that's odd. And here I thought I was supposed to be having trouble casting my first spell," he grinned.

Alain moves to (18,3), and attacks Brigand #5 with Thunder.

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Freya's hopes for solid ground were answered quickly, though not in the way she'd hoped for. Stumbling when the ship was impacted, the deck was tough to move around in her armor, so she stayed still until everyone had begun to depart. The lady knight grabbed an extra sword from the convoy for battle, but opted for her bronze weapon instead when an ally injured one of the ruffians to take him down.

Freya takes convoy's Iron Sword and moves to 17, 2 then attacks Brigand 1 with her Bronze Sword.

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Emmet was sitting in the crows nest examining the string on Pinaka when the first ballista bolt hit. He leapt to his feet and searched for the attack. His instincts made him look out to sea meaning despite the advantage of a better viewing point, he didn't actually notice the attacks were coming from shor until several more ballista had struck. With great care he climbed down from the crow's nest. By now everyone else had noticed the attack and were getting ready for battle. He made his way to the convoy seeing if there were any spare bows he could use. Pinaka was quite precious to him and he lacked the resources to repair it should something happen. Sure enough a spare Iron Bow was there. He also noticed a powerful Libro staff and decided to take it. Better it sees use than lying here.

He rushed on to the beach, splitting up from Serge but staying with some of the other mercenaries. Lady Claire was also nearby too. That reassured him somewhat. He was reasonably certain that despite her bravado, she would be willing to use the elixer if his life was threatened.

Emmet takes the Libro and Iron Bow from the convoy, deploys and moves to 25,15

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Cass moves to 18,2!

Cass equips the Round Shield!

Cass attacks Brigand #4 with her Bronze Axe!
11 Atk, 100% Hit, 0% Crit
(8 72)
Cass deals 11 damage! (24/35 HP remaining)
Brigand #4 counters with his Iron Axe!
10 Atk, 50% Hit, 0% Crit
(29 41)
Cass takes 10 damage! (22/32 HP remaining)

Cass gains 10 XP!
Cass gains 1 Axe WEXP!

Owen moves to 24,14!

Adele moves to 17,3!

Adele unequips the Heather Shield!

Adele attacks Brigand #4 with Nacht!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 36% Crit
(49 66)
Adele deals 13 damage! (11/35 HP remaining)
Brigand #4 counters with his Iron Axe!
11 Atk, 53% Hit, 0% Crit
(86 53)
Brigand #4 misses!
Adele strikes again!
(72 13)
Adele makes some paste!

Adele gains 36 XP!
Adele gains 3 Axe WEXP!

Adele grows to level 8!
(6 44 24 41 39 39 76 5)
HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
Resistance up!

Serge moves to 16,2!

Serge attacks Brigand #3 with his Steel Sword!
16 Atk, 100% Hit, 8% Crit, 10% Adept, Charge Possible
(76 22)
Serge deals 16 damage! (16/32 HP remaining)
Brigand #3 counters with his Iron Axe!
12 Atk, 53% Hit, 0% Crit
(23 34)
Serge takes 12 damage! (22/34 HP remaining)
Serge charges!
(45 52)
Serge finishes!

Serge gains 36 XP!
Serge gains 3 Sword WEXP!

"Such poor manners, I hope they improve in the afterlife."

Sebastian moves to 18,1!

Sebastian attacks Brigand #1 with his Steel Sword!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 3% Crit
(38 42)
Sebastian deals 12 damage! (21/33 HP remaining)
Brigand #1 coutners with his Steel Axe
11 Atk, 29% Hit, 0% Crit
(95 13)
Sebastian politely sidesteps!
Sebastian strikes again!
(77 1)
Sebastian drives his blade through Brigand #1's throat!

Sebastian gains 6 XP!
Sebastian gains 3 Sword WEXP!

"Allow me to take position, Prince Owen!"

Nelon moves to 23,15!

Nelon is affected by Gynaephobia!

Nelon equips his Iron Sword!

Alain moves to 18,3!

Alain attacks Brigand #5 with Thunder!
16 Atk, 100% Hit, 13% Crit
(81 0)
Brigand #5 turns into a pile of ash!

Alain gains 36 XP!
Alain gains 2 Tome WEXP!

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Claire retreives the Wind tome from the convoy.

Claire had quickly decided that standing back up was a bad idea and ducked down for the remainder of the boat trip. It seemed like everyone was still in fighting form by the time they landed, but the ballista seemed even more threatening from up close. She'd have to be especially careful around it. The nearby pirates were of more immediate concern though.

Claire to (26,15), attack Myrm #6 with Wind

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Bar brawls and street fights? They couldn't quite measure up to this.

The rest of the crew had already plunged into battle with an oft-practised swiftness. Meanwhile, Scuttle ducked low and scrambled for cover, the drone of the ballista still ringing loudly in her ears. From the corner of her eye she saw Adele cleave a bandit's head in two, and couldn't help but take pause. Maybe out of morbid fascination. Maybe out of wide-eyed awe.

Step up your game, Miss Thames. It was unreasonable to think that all eyes were on her as she waded into combat; everyone else would be too disciplined and too battle-hardened to take their focus off. Still, Scuttle knew that whatever happened upon this battlefield right now was going to determine their judgement of her. A lot was riding on this.

She pulled her bow until the string was taut, inhaled, and fired.

Scuttle to (15,3), attack Hunter #2 with Steel Bow.

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Leaving his little buddy in the company of the ship's crew once it became clear that they weren't sinking just yet, Angus disembarks to the north.

[These new guys... they're good, very good. Let's see here... archer, out there. And... Scuttle? Come on girl, trying to slug it out with another archer's just gonna get you hurt.]

Angus weaves between his comrades, until he has a bit of space to charge--only a few meters, but enough to build up a fair bit of speed! Two heavy blows nearly tear away the hunter's draw arm, setting him up for Scuttle to finish off.

"Seems we get dumb bastards like this anywhere we go, eh?"

Angus to (15,2), attack Hunter #2 with Bronze Axe before Scuttle's move


Larissa to (26,16), refresh Claire

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Not smooth sailing indeed. More than just the ballista, plenty of bandits were a concern at the moment. Sidney opted to capitalize on an already injured foe.

Sid to (27, 14) & attack Myrm6 with Iron Bow

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Seeing Claire and Sidney team up ona lone swordsman, Doug swoops in for the finisher. The last thing the myrmidon heard was the twirl of a lance and a battlecry.

"For Dougistan!"

The myrmidon remained perplexed until the very end.

Doug to (27,15), attack Myrm #6 with Iron Lance: 16 DMG, 103 HIT, Canto to (25,16)

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Freya moves to 17,2!

Claire moves to 26,15!

Claire attacks Myrm #6 with Wind!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 0% Crit
(25 11)
Myrm #6 takes 12 damage! (16/28 HP remaining)

Claire gains 10 XP!
Claire gains 1 Tomes WEXP!

Angus moves to 15,2!

Angus attacks Hunter #2 with his Bronze Axe!
11 Atk, 100% Hit, 0% Crit, Charge Guaranteed
(63 64)
Angus deals 11 damage! (18/29 HP remaining)
Angus charges!
(65 27)
Angus deals 11 damage! (7/29 HP remaining)

Angus gains 10 XP!
Angus gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Angus grows to level 8!
(56 90 92 4 70 54 39 21)
HP up!
Skill up!
Defense up!

Sebastian watches Scuttle!

Scuttle moves to 15,3!

Scuttle attacks Hunter #2 with her Steel Bow!
11 Atk, 93% Hit, 5% Crit, 11% Adept
(22 0)
Scuttle shoots an arrow through one ear...
and out the other!

Scuttle gains 33 XP!
Scuttle gains 2 Bow WEXP!

"Oh? Aren't you a sweet little thing."

Larissa moves to 26,16!

Larissa refreshes Claire!

Larissa gains 15 XP!

Sidney moves to 27,14!

Sidney attacks Myrm #6 with her Iron Bow!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 14% Crit
(37 59)
Sidney deals 13 damage! (3/28 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 16 XP!
Sidney gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Doug moves to 27,15!

Doug murders Myrm #6!

Doug gains 40 XP!
Doug gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Doug cantos to 25,16!

Emmet moves to 25,15!

Claire moves to 27,15!

Claire helps Sidney equip her Steel Bow!


"Brother, they interest me... perhaps we can warm up before facing the Prince?"

"Splendid, sister, I would much like that!"

Apellon and Arteria move to 5,5!

Hunter #1 moves to 8,2!

Hunter #3 moves to 4,3!

Hunter #4 moves to 18,13!

Hunter #6 moves to 15,16!

Brigand #7 moves to 17,15!

Brigand #8 moves to 20,14!

Brigand #10 moves to 19,15!

Myrm #1 moves to 23.3!

Myrm #2 moves to 21,5!

Myrm #3 moves to 19,4!

Myrm #4 moves to 18,14!

Myrm #5 moves to 22,15!

Myrm #5 attacks Nelon with his Steel Sword!
6 Atk, 61% Hit, 5% Crit
(45 0)
Ouch! Nelon takes 18 damage! (17/35 HP remaining)
Nelon counters with his Iron Sword!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 11% Crit
(62 97)
Nelon deals 12 damage! (16/28 HP remaining)

Nelon gains 9 XP!
Nelon gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Pirate #1 moves to 11,5!

Pirate #2 moves to 18,12!

Pirate #3 moves to 25,10!

Pirate #4 moves to 29,13!

Pirate #6 moves to 21,17!

Reinforcements deploy!

Chapter 5 - Turn 2


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"Forgive my weakness, Prince Owen!"

Nelon moves to 26,14!

Emmet moves to 25,14!

Emmet heals Nelon back to full HP!

Emmet gains 15 XP!

Emmet gains 2 Staff WEXP!

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Doug saw how another myrmidon performed a nasty blow to one of their own (Nelon, not that Doug would know). Maybe they should hire that guy instead? The swordsman seemed pretty deadset on killing them all, so negotiation was out of the question. Doug swooped in from behind to save the day!

Doug to (23,15), attack Myrm #5 with Over Flag, Canto to (25,16)

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"Tch!" Cass cursed under her breath as the swine struck her back, the shield mitigating the axe's blade, but the thug getting in a good slug to her face. She wiped her cheek, spitting out a bit of blood, as Adele took him out near immediately. "Idiots, the lot of them... They know they're going to die, yet they fight, instead of offering surrender. I can't understand it." She sighed, and made her way back a bit, to that Alain fellow. He has a vulnerary hanging off of his belt. She snatched it.

"I'll be borrowing this. I hope you don't mind-- and I'll repay the favor if you're struck. Hold this, if you could, just for a moment."

Cass to 19,3, trade Mace for Vulnerary, use vulnerary

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Dougistan? Really now... Doug Dougistan is the best you had?

Sidney sighed. Now was not the time to be complaining about these things, mentally or not. More enemies approached from the shore, so she set off to start ridding them before they become issues.

Sidney moves to (25, 12) and attacks the pirate with her Iron Bow

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Doug moves to 23,15!

Doug attacks Myrm #5 with Over Flag!
16 Atk, 100% Hit, 10% Crit
(95 16)
Doug finishes!

Doug gains 40 XP!
Doug gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Doug cantos to 25,16!

Cass moves to 19,3!

Cass trades her Mace for Alain's Vulnerary!

Cass uses the Vulnerary to return to full HP!

Sidney moves to 25,12!

Sidney attacks Pirate #3 with her Iron Bow!
12 Atk, 92% Hit, 11% Crit
(58 64)
Sidney deals 12 damage! (19/31 HP remaining)
Pirate #3 prepares to count-...
(99 3)
(49 77)
Sidney deals 12 damage! (7/31 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 16 XP!
Sidney gains 2 Bow WEXP!

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"I mean, we are in Magonsaete now... they probably figure they've got a good shot, setup and home field, all that." Adele replied to Cassandra, turning to watch her as she got herself medicated... and seeing several swordsmen appear nearby from hiding.

"Stuff like that, see?" Adele noted, as she hurled a throwing axe at one of them, figuring that engaging a swordsman up close wasn't the best job for her.

Adele to (21,4), attack Myrm #3 with Hand Axe

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Adele moves to 21,4!

Adele attacks Myrm #3 with her Hand Axe!
15 Atk, 53% Hit, 16% Crit
(97 69)
Adele gains 5 XP!
Adele gains 1 Axe WEXP!
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