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I'm going to need more posts from Strawman before I can come up with a conclusive read on him. Would like him to talk about who he thinks could be mafia other than SB since he seems to be town-reading quite a few people. Would also like to hear his thoughts on the Elie lynch.

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So. . .SB claims to be scumreading the OC guy, yet isn't doing anything in public with that read. If SB thinks OC guy is scummy, then he should be pressuring OC guy via OC, preferably with the threat of posting every last thing OC guy said. If SB thinks that OC guy is town, then it's a pointless discussion, and SB's efforts should be focused elsewhere.

SB's actions seem somewhat weak, given that he's supposedly got a scumread off of it. Not doing something with a scumread is kinda bad, IMO.

'sides, if OC guy thinks that he talked to mafia, he can heartily out everyone he did talk to, and why he thinks there's mafia in that group, so the rest of the game gets associative reads. Otherwise, if it's who I think it is, it's a free night kill if OC guy is town. In other words, OC guy needs to step up his game.

At this point, what makes your scumread on Elie stronger than your scumread on SB? What you wrote here about SB is fine, but like...the wording of the bolded line bothers me; comes across as you weakening your own statement which seems overly self conscious.

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Trying to figure out what to make of OC guy. On one hand, trying to case someone with who I've had no direct contact with is a pain in the neck. On the other hand, SB's been concerned with OC guy for a lot of the game, so it's a not-so-weak associative read. I still need to do a full scenario analysis regarding the various theoretical alignments of SB/OC guy (both town, both scum, some mix of the two, etc.), and then I should be able to give you a better answer regarding SB. But naptime first.

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I claimed Miller immediately because I know that it isn't helpful for a Miller to keep their role hidden. It messes with Cop results and only really exists to weaken cops. I'd rather claim now and possibly be NK'd than waste a use of Cop.

I'd buy it.

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Freyjadour, what are your thoughts on 1) SB's latest post and 2) my post (meaning the reads in the post, not what you think of me)?

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SB's bothered by mysterious OC player which does make sense. I still think that I'd need to know more about this OC player than I already do to make an informed decision.

I think your reads are pretty solid. Truth be told I haven't really noticed Strawman or Elie so far and I could probably sheep what you feel about them. Otherwise, we have pretty similar views (Cam, Manix).

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Thought about SB some more. It's nice that he's scumreading the mysterious OC player and all that, but like...all of that content is functionally filler. It doesn't add anything to the game state while making him look like he's doing more than he is. Also more importantly, I feel like he's a smart enough player as town to not be fooled by Freyjadour's general play (and he's played at least two games with Freyjadour so far). So...why is he voting Freyjadour then? Would be okay with lynching him.

I have some updated thoughts on Strawman after reading some of his past games but I'd like him to respond to my case and more importantly, talk about his reads.

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SB (4): Strawman, Elieson, Yoloswag, Freyjadour

Elieson (2): Prims, Eclipse

Cam (1): Dorian

Freyjadour (1): Manix

Strawman (1): Refa

Yoloswag (1): SB

Not Voting: Cam

I don't think a Cam or Freyjadour lynch is happening at this point given the way people have been talking in thread. We have 17 or so hours, I'm not going to be around for most of them so I'd like to start consolidating.

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SB, what has you considering Eli for the lynch?

Manix, do you still think strawman's a good lynch? What do you think of SB?

I haven't paid much attention to strawman but refa voting him has me thinking I should. His one post throwing out town reads was kind of weird, scum like to do that in early game. I'll take a look at him tomorrow.

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Dunno if I'm gonna be awake for phase end, because my sleep schedule is eight ways of weird.

More that I think about it, the less reason town!SB would have to keep OC guy secret if he thought OC guy was scummy enough to mention in-thread. It's also weird that OC guy said that he felt like he talked to mafia - because if that's the case, and OC guy is town, then that means that the mafia could simply off him, and we'd be out an associative read. So OC guy's either playing sloppy, playing cagey, or playing SB.

The hell does this have to do with anything? This game relies on talking. . .like, a lot of talking. And having a role that talks to some people but not everyone else kind of goes against what I have in my role PM. Sooo. . .

OC guy, if you're town, and you think the mafia knows who you are, start creating non-OC associative reads.

Reread Refa's pale imitation of Eurykins. You mention Prims sounding like demotivated scum, and then. . .nothing, even after Prims posted stuff. You sticking by that read, or did you drop it?

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I haven't paid much attention to strawman but refa voting him has me thinking I should. His one post throwing out town reads was kind of weird, scum like to do that in early game. I'll take a look at him tomorrow.

We're running out of time.

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Tbh I just have a little bit of time.

I hard defended Bunch because A) I disagreed with the votes on him and thought the voters looked bad, B) was gut reading some of them scum and wanted to see how they progressed and reacted with their votes on him, and C) kept defending in explanation and response to people's questions. Its not unreasonable to stay on a topic when that is what other payers are specifically asking you about.

At that point I had a strong gut-only read that one of Manix/Prims was mafia. But I wanted to watch how their Bunch votes progressed when faced with strong opposing opinions of a town bunch.

I still believe one of Manix/Prims is Mafia, but I have literally nothing to articulate or substantiate that further.

SB 's recent content doesn't make me read him any better. His response doesn't really explain anything further on what I and others questioned him about his Bunch vote. And the way he approaches the OC discussion is strange, feeling like he both wants to talk about it but in a way that is beating way around the bush. (process of elimination could allow anyone to figure out the OC player just from looking at who posted during RVS), ie, how Refa figured it out. Thus, I question why he had to talk about it in such a roundabout way. And he also just entered it into the conversation strangely as well. I was looking for a response that would move me from him to one of Manix/Prims. As well as something from them. But I feel stronger about scum SB instead.

Elie read has been going back and forth, but i could lynch. Low motivation and mismatching reads to vote, even with his explanation.

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Well yeah, what else am I supposed to say about Prims?

You can actually pressure him, if that's a serious read - like, why should I think he's scum? Prims hasn't said anything about your read on him.

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10. I've only skimmed the latest posts because I've been walking around all day and should sleep, but this phase is looking rough and town's flying in a million directions.

SB, please tell me what your thoughts on prims are if anything.

Trying to wrap my head around SB bringing up OC guy the way he did. It's a confusing play.

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Manix, do you still think strawman's a good lynch? What do you think of SB?

strawman is probably still a good lynch. hard to explain why, call it gut. something rubs me the wrong way about how he's going about the game.

i have literally no opinion on sb at this current time, have tried to read but glazed over his iso before. will try again and post if i have something

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i find it strange that most of sb's content is related to OC guy (which is basically blitz, let's face it), given that blitz did say he wasn't really going to try pregame. sb needs additional contents and Soon

sidenote: i will probably move my vote a bit later. just got back to computer but am going out again soon

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My vote's likely going on Sb/strawman. The latter simply to sheep Refa (I think he's going in the right direction). I'll have time to lay down a better vote tomorrow.

SOMEONE do something about dorian. He is a straight null for me.

I'm waiting on Eli/prims as well cuz there may be something of value between them. Eli I always struggle reading but prims play has really disgusted me thus far.

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Simple question. On a scale of 1-10 how shitty and rushed do you all feel this vote is going to be?

The hell.

Like, if you're being considered as a lynch target, this isn't something that moves discussion forward. I know you're on the passive side, but defeatist isn't an adjective I associate with you.

My vote's likely going on Sb/strawman. The latter simply to sheep Refa (I think he's going in the right direction). I'll have time to lay down a better vote tomorrow.

SOMEONE do something about dorian. He is a straight null for me.

I'm waiting on Eli/prims as well cuz there may be something of value between them. Eli I always struggle reading but prims play has really disgusted me thus far.

Dorian can do something about himself when he comes back.

You're the second person that doesn't like Prims. Seriously, guys, why?

I really need reasons/logic, or N1's gonna be really uncomfortable for me.

Strawman's beginning to weird me out.

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Tbh I just have a little bit of time.

I hard defended Bunch because A) I disagreed with the votes on him and thought the voters looked bad, B) was gut reading some of them scum and wanted to see how they progressed and reacted with their votes on him, and C) kept defending in explanation and response to people's questions. Its not unreasonable to stay on a topic when that is what other payers are specifically asking you about.

At that point I had a strong gut-only read that one of Manix/Prims was mafia. But I wanted to watch how their Bunch votes progressed when faced with strong opposing opinions of a town bunch.

I still believe one of Manix/Prims is Mafia, but I have literally nothing to articulate or substantiate that further.

SB 's recent content doesn't make me read him any better. His response doesn't really explain anything further on what I and others questioned him about his Bunch vote. And the way he approaches the OC discussion is strange, feeling like he both wants to talk about it but in a way that is beating way around the bush. (process of elimination could allow anyone to figure out the OC player just from looking at who posted during RVS), ie, how Refa figured it out. Thus, I question why he had to talk about it in such a roundabout way. And he also just entered it into the conversation strangely as well. I was looking for a response that would move me from him to one of Manix/Prims. As well as something from them. But I feel stronger about scum SB instead.

Elie read has been going back and forth, but i could lynch. Low motivation and mismatching reads to vote, even with his explanation.

Okay, I'm fine with your explanation. FWIW, I read your ISO in this game where you were scum and you were far more indecisive and had less strong opinions. That didn't completely alleviate my scumread on you, though, hence the questions. Your explanation on your defense of Ms. Bunch is actually really legit, so I'm cool with that. Also cool with your SB vote, but I don't really get your issues with Elie? Like, I understand what you're saying but I'm not seeing that in his content. It'd help if you could like, I dunno, quote stuff from that.

As far as my read on you, uhhhhhh...null? Honestly, this is kind of petty but I felt so confident about my scumread on you and I don't think that it's completely wrong despite me thinking your explanation is good.

You can actually pressure him, if that's a serious read - like, why should I think he's scum? Prims hasn't said anything about your read on him.

Dude, I can't pressure someone who isn't responding to my case on him. The only thing that I haven't mentioned is that he held way too long onto that Elie vote for a really weak reasoning and never updated that reasoning in any meaningful capacity. Elie's later content is a lot better than his earlier content, so this is pretty egregious.


##Vote: SB

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Elie's recent posts haven't made him magically town, but disregarding that they're still not good. For what little reading he's doing of people he posts way too much speculation and it looks like he's padding his posts.

Strawman's post is bizarre because my vote has never been on Freyjadour? There was a point where I suspected Freyjadour but my vote was on Elie and Strawman never addressed me except when I asked him questions. Actions don't match with explanation.


##Vote: Strawman

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Fuck, I never gave my updated thoughts on Eclipse (spoilers: it's good for Java programming). Basically I'm feeling better about her because I can actually understand where she's coming from (WRT priorities on SB and Elieson; it came across as waffling to me before honestly but yeah) and I like her push on me (is that weird?).

Manix, why were you willing to lynch Strawman based purely on gut? That's like, fine if you're explaining why you're bothered with someone but not really good reasoning to lynch someone when you're voting someone you have more reasoning on. It's also like, really weird that you had no opinion on SB before this. Like...how? Also what reasoning of eclipse's are you basing your Strawman vote on? Nothing eclipse said looks voteworthy to me.

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Okay, I'm fine with your explanation. FWIW, I read your ISO in this game where you were scum and you were far more indecisive and had less strong opinions. That didn't completely alleviate my scumread on you, though, hence the questions. Your explanation on your defense of Ms. Bunch is actually really legit, so I'm cool with that. Also cool with your SB vote, but I don't really get your issues with Elie? Like, I understand what you're saying but I'm not seeing that in his content. It'd help if you could like, I dunno, quote stuff from that.

As far as my read on you, uhhhhhh...null? Honestly, this is kind of petty but I felt so confident about my scumread on you and I don't think that it's completely wrong despite me thinking your explanation is good.

It's like we're on different trains, and going in opposite directions. Chalked up Strawman's not-strong opinions to Strawman, but then came that weird lynch rating thing, and now I'm not sure what to think about him.

Dude, I can't pressure someone who isn't responding to my case on him. The only thing that I haven't mentioned is that he held way too long onto that Elie vote for a really weak reasoning and never updated that reasoning in any meaningful capacity. Elie's later content is a lot better than his earlier content, so this is pretty egregious.

I wouldn't say a "lot" better. After naptime and reread, he seems to have some conclusion that SB is maybe scum and a lot of people are town. Would like Eli to respond to everything, since one of his bigger issues (YOLO) said something.

For now. . .


I think I'll set an alarm clock, so I wake up a couple of hours before phase end.

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