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Was too lazy to read yesterday and too busy today...

At everyone who thinks I am scum sk, care to explain why I would EVER shoot Yolo n1 after I knew full well Dorian wanted him lynched? And why I would ever want Eclipse dead, both those moves are burning bridges for me

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Gilgamesh has the better interactions but the worse tone, and Blitz has the worse interactions but the better tone. I'm going to follow my gut on Blitz and go with this:

##Vote: Gilgamesh

However I would really like Blitz to explain the reason for his change in read on Prims. I don't feel like he's explained it.

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my Prims read, which was he really isn't doing stuff and not that motivated in the game and is just floating around going from one place to another, changed to a townread after N1, first of all because I reread the OC converstaion I had with him. There, he was actually trying to figure out what I was intending to do, that I totally missed when I talked to him in the beginning (I was kinda busy during a lot of my convos and had paid less attention than I normally do). And then there was the push on Elieson, which had a major deciding factor in the lynch and the Andrews lynch that came after, so, my points against him were quite gone (because his push was quite real). Will read and answer other stuff a bit later

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I was going to say something here but then I forgot.

Was too lazy to read yesterday and too busy today...

At everyone who thinks I am scum sk, care to explain why I would EVER shoot Yolo n1 after I knew full well Dorian wanted him lynched? And why I would ever want Eclipse dead, both those moves are burning bridges for me

Yolo said he could prove that he was town by D3. Like...there's no way in hell he'd be getting lynched. No clue about Eclipse, I didn't really think about that one too much other than she was generally getting townread. Really for me, though, it's like...you, Prims, and SB (talked w/Marth about the latter two and he's saying I should vote them over Blitz but that seems dumb to me) are the only ones who make sense as an SK. Like, I really don't see why Gilgamesh would claim something like that as SK when it'd just mean that he'd become PROVEN SCUM one day before LYLO.

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my Prims read, which was he really isn't doing stuff and not that motivated in the game and is just floating around going from one place to another, changed to a townread after N1, first of all because I reread the OC converstaion I had with him. There, he was actually trying to figure out what I was intending to do, that I totally missed when I talked to him in the beginning (I was kinda busy during a lot of my convos and had paid less attention than I normally do). And then there was the push on Elieson, which had a major deciding factor in the lynch and the Andrews lynch that came after, so, my points against him were quite gone (because his push was quite real). Will read and answer other stuff a bit later

Do you think he makes sense as an SK? Why or why not?

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Do you think he makes sense as an SK? Why or why not?

I would say more likely on the not, because first of all, I don't think there is an SK and it feels to me like the kills were n00bscum. Secodly, because he wouldn't be pressuring the scumread on Andrews or Elieson that hard. He would be more laid back, imo, as itp.

The shots make sense from his pov as sk on omega, but not Eclipse. Why would he as SK shoot Eclipse when he could easily sit on the sidelines and get one or the other lynched instead of making cases on me himself

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I KNOW YOU JUST SLEPT and this is really cutting it close to the wire but what do you think about Gilgamesh's claim?

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Blitz, why don't you think there's a SK?

I'm struggling to think of anything to say at this point, can I quickhammer Gilga for laughs

Not to worry Primsy, I am on it! Anyway I changed the list one last time and this is how it currently stands: 1. Prims, 2. BBM, 3. SB and 4. Refa.

I am telling you guys that Blitz/Manix is the golden ticket for the final scum member, Blitz should be lynched 100% without fail in the game next phase and if that doesn't cause a game over then go after Manix and don't try and let him talk you out of it! Alright, good luck town, I am on my way to the graveyard!

##Vote: King Gilgamesh

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Every day, somewhere in this world, someone self-hammers [Votals 3.3]

Gilgamesh (4): Blitz, Manix, BBM, Gilgamesh

Blitz (2): Prims, SB
Not voting: Refa

And it's always a terrible idea.

Welcome, Cam! You are the town LyLo doublevoter.

Doublevotes deactivating in __Lo? Screw those haters.
I'm giving you a doublevote that works only in __Lo, to ensure your supremacy on deciding the most important lynch of the game. And to make up for setup design faults to be honest.

If you die, you'll pass your down your role as legacy to someone else. While you're alive, you may post in your PM anytime to give us a list of which players you'd rather give your doublevote to, in order of priority. This doesn't count as an action.

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

RIP Gilgamesh. This is a sad day for town.

It is now Night 3! It will end in 27 hours and a half. Remember to send in your actions at least one hour before deadline, just like always!

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I miscalculated time very badly, and I couldn't update in time. RIP me.

Anyways let's check how things are going in Europe! Other than very poorly, which has lately been a trend here:


Welcome, Dorian! You are the town macho VT.

Your special abilities consist in being manly as fuck and handsome. Which doesn't go very well with mafia but hey, you can't complain about being so hot.

You win when all threats to your faction can no longer win, as long as at least one member of town remains alive.

Yay, more corpses! Who could have expected that more countries would be destroyed. At least Spain is still safe! Also it looks like Gaius took over France replaced in for Prims. Please take care of Izhuark!

D4 begins now! It will end in 72 hours and a half. Good luck to everyone!

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All France is good for is surrendering anyway! Hi hey hello, my phone is broken and I have limited SF access. I am chugging along through ISOs and the lynches, but a recap or something would be stellar.

From first impressions, Blitz scum is probably the best I have atm. Asking questions without utilizing the info gained is something Scum!Blitz does, and it reminds of how .hack Blitz played.

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I am inclined to think that Gaius was modsubbed in because Mitsuki said something she shouldn't, which kind of implies he's town? Want thoughts on this.

Nobody should vote because Mitsuki is a jerk and won't tell me if Gilgamesh's role can go to scum or will cause *YLO so this could be stealth mylo which is very fun.

Massclaim should happen today, Gaius and Manix should send me them via code first so they can't switch them up based on what the other put.

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I am inclined to think that Gaius was modsubbed in because Mitsuki said something she shouldn't, which kind of implies he's town? Want thoughts on this.

Nobody should vote because Mitsuki is a jerk and won't tell me if Gilgamesh's role can go to scum or will cause *YLO so this could be stealth mylo which is very fun.

Massclaim should happen today, Gaius and Manix should send me them via code first so they can't switch them up based on what the other put.

Gonna shoot this down real quick because it will dereail from scumhunting. Prims subbed out for personal reasons I won't disclose. I wasn't modsubbed. I'll send you my claim after I finish my post even though it's pretty worthless.

From what I've read of your opinons, it seems likely that Elieson/Andrews was the entire scumteam and I agree there's a good chance that the last scum is SK.

I had a bunch of wagon analysis with awesome colors but realized its useless since we're ITP hunting. SB was Elie's counter wagon before Prims and Eclipse turned onto Elie, but I don't know if that's a town tell since Mafia wouldn't know who the SK is either.

SB: Look above for wagon analysis, called Blitz out first (as far as I can tell I haven't read the game page to page), good defense against Refa who was attacking a non-alignment indicative element (SB's motivation) and pushing hard on it. Sort of focused on Blitz when scumhunting but most recent large post (SK hunting) was good and ended up on both scum wagons.

Refa: Refa's pushes have been pretty weak so far in my opinion.

I'm going to take a look back on the thread later tonight and think about SB's apathy, he might just be bored. If I was scum and getting wagoned it doesn't seem like a good idea to be like "hey guys this invisible guy is scummy" and cling onto that. It's giving me pause; blitz and SB have accused each other and while I'm not crazy about the latter I have no reason to trust blitz

Refa's Response: This is a dumb reason to let SB off the hook. I'm fine if you think that SB isn't scum, or that you think SB is less scummy than <insert player here> but like Scum!SB is not going to be playing optimally. The dude has rolled scum for like the last 50 games and I wouldn't be surprised if he was demotivated and not really playing optimally (this is why I'm decently confident that he's not town because I don't see why he'd be so demotivated disregarding something to do w/real life but I'm not a mind reader).

This is a really weak push on SB in my opinion, sure scum wouldn't be playing optimally, but you're not actually scumreading him. You're saying that he could be scum because his demotivation might be linked with rolling scum again.

Lynch Prims tomorrow if Arlie flips town, and probably SB the next day.

##Vote: Elieson

Ignore the date above it's after the N1 flips


Prims- This explains the conviction despite the weak reasons for voting Elieson. Nice bus.

Something strikes me as scummy about how Refa calling for a Prims lynch if Elie flipped town, but then voting for him on a bus while disregarding his earlier post. It's not so much the logic which is pretty null, more like the progression of reads.

Blitz: He hasn't done all that much, asked a lot of questions in the beginning without using what was given to him after (based on what other people have said), once he enters the thread on I believe Day 3, he has some pretty bland townreads, and two null reads, one of which he votes for having a useless role despite having better logic on SB (which was in turn a waffly read.) Followed by lots of game spec and questioning that went nowhere. Suddenly he has an epiphany and we're back to no SK and I assume Scum Vig SB? Like, he sorta dissapeared after that (I assume he's OC this phase, I would have chosen to NOC in order to defend my self better as town)

SB>Blitz>Refa for me atm. I made it through Blitz, SBs, BBMs (rip), and half of Refa's ISO. Will look into Manix and Refa Part 2 soon but it's my brother's birthday and I want to get something out before I might be called away for familial reasons.

Refa actively bothers me more than Blitz does, with Blitz it's a bunch of more minor things stacking up together.

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Claim: Km rffs mf Lfyk Rxuomkho Ymgzrsjsx Gbc. T fdu ovom cdinx wouolvv ii fmqexfo lqs dzn dunq zqguo sovmew. Izkt'c ia. Uuwchlow Daaqdza, PFGPHO MDVSRMCIN

SB you should have the password since I'm assuming you were the Courier that sent the message.

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