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It's like we're on different trains, and going in opposite directions. Chalked up Strawman's not-strong opinions to Strawman, but then came that weird lynch rating thing, and now I'm not sure what to think about him.

I wouldn't say a "lot" better. After naptime and reread, he seems to have some conclusion that SB is maybe scum and a lot of people are town. Would like Eli to respond to everything, since one of his bigger issues (YOLO) said something.

That's fine because neither of us are omnipotent. Honestly, I ignored the lynch rating thing because I wasn't sure what to make of it? It seemed pointless to me as either alignment.

A lot better is probably speaking from my biases, but there was a lot more content to analyze over his minimalistic RVS post at any rate.

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(sorry for not responding to things chronologically, I'm just posting as thoughts come to my head)

Elie's recent posts haven't made him magically town, but disregarding that they're still not good. For what little reading he's doing of people he posts way too much speculation and it looks like he's padding his posts.

Strawman's post is bizarre because my vote has never been on Freyjadour? There was a point where I suspected Freyjadour but my vote was on Elie and Strawman never addressed me except when I asked him questions. Actions don't match with explanation.


##Vote: Strawman

Considering you were previously parking on Elieson, what makes Strawman's actions worse than his?

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If this votecount is wrong, blame Prims [Votals 1.3]

SB (5): Strawman, Elieson, Yoloswag, Freyjadour, Refa

Strawman (2): Manix, Prims

Cam (1): Dorian
Elieson (1): Prims
Yoloswag (1): SB

Not Voting: Blitz, Cam

Suddenly, and apparently for no reason, you realize that the phase has been extended by 24 hours! Man, what a great mod you have. It takes 7 votes to lynch someone.

Edited by Mitsuki
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Hey I know that was a weird question but it wasn't meant to drive discussion. Thats why I said SIMPLE QUESTION.

I just wanted to know if an extension would be beneficial.

I don't want us to pull a terrible turbo lynch. So I gave us an extension.

I wasn't sure if I should use it on D1 or wait because an extension could always be helpful, so I wanted to do a general survey, but instead of just answering the question people flipped out so I extended anyways.

And Prims it wasn't about your vote, I know your vote wasn't on him and I never said it was.

I'm going too bed.

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@Refa/Manix, Blitz is scummy because he's completely unengaged in the game from our pms. There's being lazy and then there's asking someone for an opinion on a one line post that you didn't even read yourself. He also hasn't given me any reads which I kind of assumed he would be giving to other people if he didn't trust me or w/e but then there are a lot of people I would've expected Blitz to contact who he hasn't which makes me feel like he isn't really doing anything.

SB, what has you considering Eli for the lynch?

I don't like Eli's vote because he had more issues with Cam (and they were bigger issues with him iirc). I could've sworn I wrote this in my post but after checking I guess I deleted it or something?

SB 's recent content doesn't make me read him any better. His response doesn't really explain anything further on what I and others questioned him about his Bunch vote. And the way he approaches the OC discussion is strange, feeling like he both wants to talk about it but in a way that is beating way around the bush. (process of elimination could allow anyone to figure out the OC player just from looking at who posted during RVS), ie, how Refa figured it out. Thus, I question why he had to talk about it in such a roundabout way. And he also just entered it into the conversation strangely as well. I was looking for a response that would move me from him to one of Manix/Prims. As well as something from them. But I feel stronger about scum SB instead.


What do you expect out of my Bunch vote explanation? He posted opposite stances on shit and which looks like there's a huge disconnect there implying he's not really thinking about it when he should be as town. Your issues with how I talk about Blitz basically amount to "this is weird" but not really scummy so how does this make your read any stronger?

I think someone asked me about my read on Prims too but I don't really have one? I feel like Prims' content has been fine and nothing has really stuck out, but if anything he feels kind of subdued? If that makes any sense. Its not really anything stronger than a gutread though.

I don't really know who to vote at this point. I actually thought Strawman's initial vote on me was townie but I don't feel like he's done much since. I actually feel less bad about Omega since the thing I quoted but maybe thats me overcompensating for me misreading a post? Idk. If anything I would probably lynch Blitz but I don't feel like anyone will join me there for kind of obvious reasons.

Hi Cam.

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i spent some time in kirby talking about how much i hate what a lot of what early!freyja was doing which is like "MAN IT WOULD BE GREAT IF TOWN COULD DO X" without actually doing X - in this case, "talking about useful things". literally make something up if nobody else is talking. to address dorian's question, i wasn't trying to go anywhere in particular, just pushing freyja to see where he would go. i was going to keep it up but then i kind of forgot this game existed, but i agree with sb that freyja's responses don't seem genuine, specifically that he's answering questions as a formality. for example, this vote is really weak (like, even ED1 weak) and feels like it's just to get prims off his back. all this being said, i don't think freyja is being coached, whatever that's worth.

@Freyja: Why is jumping on an obvious jokewagon a scum move?

wrt eclipse's elieson vote, what exactly does "staying in RVS mode" mean for alignment? I used to hate RVS until discovering the joys of shitposting, does that make me scum? moreover, why does the fact that manix has since moved out of RVS mode make him less scum? i just did a cursory glance over the thread and i literally can't think of anything elieson had posted before then other than his RVS post

speaking of answering questions directed towards oneself, what exactly do you want me to say about the miller claim? i have no reason to believe/disbelieve it; "i will scan mafia" is kind of a no-brainer claim as town. is he town? i don't know?

elieson's comment on me is bullshit; if you'd read my posts in context you'd notice that i haven't posted shit since RVS at which point freyja is the only thing worth talking about. don't even give me the "you could have analyzed the manix wagon" line, that was a joke wagon and you know it.

i don't like yoloswag's and freyjadour's posts immediately afterwards, either.

@YS: can you explain where SB seems like he's trying to look good rather than sus out an alignment?

@Freyja: why is SB's case poorly constructed? is he scum for making it?

SB/clipseykitty's argument about ~mystery OC person~ feels real enough, but I don't like how SB dances around his reasons for suspecting OC guy and doesn't even really justify why he isn't saying anything ("kind of dickish" is, i suppose, a valid excuse for not posting exact logs but fsr i can't put my finger on it just feels like lip service)

"slow panic turbo" feels kind of oxymoronic, no? Don't have anything else to say about this, just wanted to point that out :D


I don't get why SB seems so fixated on OCguy missing that Boron wasn't in this game. Yeah, "not reading" makes you kind of a shitter (HA LOOK WHO'S TALKING), but like, why is that scummy vs town shooting (figuratively) from the hip in terms of what sticks out? What about timestamps? If he left immediately after as he said, surely you can check that.

wrt Refa's vote, why does Strawman hard-defending Bunch make him scum? I would think that "defending your townreads that are being wagoned" would be a no-brainer?

freyja's post here also just rubs me completely the wrong way. "I'd rather... possibly be NK'd than waste a use of Cop" - this isn't wrong, but why add that you're going to be nightkilled? it just seems like pointless padding, as well as a "ha i can be nightkilled look guys i'm town!"

@Freyja: What the hell do you mean by "we have similar views [on Cam/Manix]"? Where are you getting these views from? If you're sheeping Refa's logic as well, how do you know what "shitposting town cam" looks like vs "concerned scum cam"? I literally had not played in a year before RoM (in which I died N1), how can you get any gutreads off me from that? I'll let it slide from SB and Refa because they've a) played with me several times from before I left and b) are close enough friends with me that i would expect them to be able to gutread me like that anyway.

@Strawman, does "vote" mean your vote or today's lynch?

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i'll be honest i have no idea who is scum atm; i'm feeling not-good about SB and Freyja, but it wouldn't take much convincing to sway me on Strawman either. going off gut and history, gut-scum on Freyja = town and gut-scum on SB = scum, so that's something

i don't know if freyja would post like this if he had scumbuddies to help him, which is part of the reason i'm not trying to vote him immediately

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Hey I know that was a weird question but it wasn't meant to drive discussion. Thats why I said SIMPLE QUESTION.

I just wanted to know if an extension would be beneficial.

I don't want us to pull a terrible turbo lynch. So I gave us an extension.

I wasn't sure if I should use it on D1 or wait because an extension could always be helpful, so I wanted to do a general survey, but instead of just answering the question people flipped out so I extended anyways.

And Prims it wasn't about your vote, I know your vote wasn't on him and I never said it was.

I'm going too bed.

Thanks for giving us more time to lynch you, bro! I'll even have time to mount that plaque on my wall; "Got scum to use his OBVIOUS safeclaim and then lynched him 10/10".

Real talk, I'm fine with your use of your role (don't really see the scum benefit in allowing for a phase extension when you're the counter wagon), but why were you so vague about it before?

wrt Refa's vote, why does Strawman hard-defending Bunch make him scum? I would think that "defending your townreads that are being wagoned" would be a no-brainer?"

@Freyja: What the hell do you mean by "we have similar views [on Cam/Manix]"? Where are you getting these views from? If you're sheeping Refa's logic as well, how do you know what "shitposting town cam" looks like vs "concerned scum cam"? I literally had not played in a year before RoM (in which I died N1), how can you get any gutreads off me from that? I'll let it slide from SB and Refa because they've a) played with me several times from before I left and b) are close enough friends with me that i would expect them to be able to gutread me like that anyway.

It didn't make him scum on its own, it was that when combined with a lack of pushing elsewhere. I couldn't see how town could be so passionate about defending a dude while also being like "who is scum? eh, fuck if I know". Not that it really matters anymore, since he's probably a town read for me now (partially because of his role use).

I can't gut read you like that, I'm awful at reading you. I'm just sheeping SB's reasoning, since I think it's genuine regardless of his alignment.

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@Refa/Manix, Blitz is scummy because he's completely unengaged in the game from our pms. There's being lazy and then there's asking someone for an opinion on a one line post that you didn't even read yourself. He also hasn't given me any reads which I kind of assumed he would be giving to other people if he didn't trust me or w/e but then there are a lot of people I would've expected Blitz to contact who he hasn't which makes me feel like he isn't really doing anything.

I don't really know who to vote at this point. I actually thought Strawman's initial vote on me was townie but I don't feel like he's done much since. I actually feel less bad about Omega since the thing I quoted but maybe thats me overcompensating for me misreading a post? Idk. If anything I would probably lynch Blitz but I don't feel like anyone will join me there for kind of obvious reasons.

Fair enough, but why haven't you pushed him more over Freyjadour or...uh, other scumreads of yours that I can't remember?

I'm confused, how has Strawman not done much since? It's one thing to not like what he has done since, but he definitely has like more content and more thoughts out there.

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Oh well, I spend the better part of yesterday in front of this game and not much happen but as soon as I turn around to do something else does it blow up in a panic mess, yay same shire as always.^^;;

So, lets see what I can get out of it.

Cam unvoted and vanished again without adding something meaningful but he has apparently some meta thing, that I'm not aware of, going for him. If that isn't the case then someone needs to explain to me why that guy isn't a wagon yet. <_<

SB looks as he he stands in his own way. Honestly, his dance around mystery oc Blitz is confusing at best, I can see where his suspicion on Blitz comes from, mostly because I got a similar PM last night but the way he handled it so far looks more like he's looking for reasons not to vote there.

I'll have to look into Loloswag myself again, so I get to that in a bit, so about the Bunch vote. It would have been nice if he had added the “I see the Miller claim as null” but I see another problem here. If I did got it completely wrong then Bunch was concerned about “quick wagons” not “large wagons”, a difference that makes his supposed contradiction a misunderstanding at best and a misrepresentation at worst.

@Yoloswag: What's the matter? Am I that scary that you can't deal with me yourself?^^

Now fun aside, where does that sudden interest in Prims come from? Given that this is your only suspicion so far that isn't blunt sheeped or a flimsy wagon jump. <_<

I'm not interested in a Strawman lynch right now, the cases against him strikes me as paranoid gut and confusion than actual reasons and extending the day was a nice thing.^^

I also need to remember to look into Eli, I kind of assumed that he was busy with Blitz yesterday and then he slipped my mind but I guess he has to wait. Mostly because this took me long enouth that my Cam point is already outdated. So I better catch up now before I order my priorities.

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SB looks as he he stands in his own way. Honestly, his dance around mystery oc Blitz is confusing at best, I can see where his suspicion on Blitz comes from, mostly because I got a similar PM last night but the way he handled it so far looks more like he's looking for reasons not to vote there.

I'll have to look into Loloswag myself again, so I get to that in a bit, so about the Bunch vote. It would have been nice if he had added the “I see the Miller claim as null” but I see another problem here. If I did got it completely wrong then Bunch was concerned about “quick wagons” not “large wagons”, a difference that makes his supposed contradiction a misunderstanding at best and a misrepresentation at worst.

Uh, who is the bolded referring too? Maybe I'm just being dumb but I can't tell.

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Cam unvoted and vanished again without adding something meaningful but he has apparently some meta thing, that I'm not aware of, going for him. If that isn't the case then someone needs to explain to me why that guy isn't a wagon yet. <_<

you'd think the rest of the game would stop letting me get away with being a lazy fuck, huh
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you'd think the rest of the game would stop letting me get away with being a lazy fuck, huh

Yes, maybe I'm expecting too much here. >_>

However, I can't say that your latest content make me feel better about you. Mostly because your Freyja case seems like you have good reasons to suspect him, so I don't really buy your fence-sitting on that matter.^^;

@Refa: It was mostly about this post.

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SB/clipseykitty's argument about ~mystery OC person~ feels real enough, but I don't like how SB dances around his reasons for suspecting OC guy and doesn't even really justify why he isn't saying anything ("kind of dickish" is, i suppose, a valid excuse for not posting exact logs but fsr i can't put my finger on it just feels like lip service)


I don't get why SB seems so fixated on OCguy missing that Boron wasn't in this game. Yeah, "not reading" makes you kind of a shitter (HA LOOK WHO'S TALKING), but like, why is that scummy vs town shooting (figuratively) from the hip in terms of what sticks out? What about timestamps? If he left immediately after as he said, surely you can check that.

Not entirely sure what you're trying to say here but I explained why I was cautious to out Blitz at the start. If you don't like the explanation thats another story but its there and you kind of acknowledge it so idek what you're saying here.

The timestamps are about 15-20 minutes apart (between my thread post and Blitz's pm) so while I guess its possible he missed it, it doesn't exactly make him look good. It feels like he's scum because the questions are all he's really sent me and he's not even reading the thread properly before sending them (in at least once instance). Its possible he's sending his reads to someone else or something but by this point I feel like they would've been posted if that happened?

going off gut and history, gut-scum on SB = town and gut-scum on SB = scum, so that's something
fixed tbh
What parts of Freyja's play do you think he wouldn't make without buddies?

Fair enough, but why haven't you pushed him more over Freyjadour or...uh, other scumreads of yours that I can't remember?
I'm confused, how has Strawman not done much since? It's one thing to not like what he has done since, but he definitely has like more content and more thoughts out there.
Uh... I kind of have talked more about Blitz than anyone else at this point. I do kind of feel like I'm clinging to the read a little bit just because I don't feel that strongly about any scumreads atm even though there are a bunch of people I'm iffy on.
Look at Strawman's posts since his vote on me. He posted justification for his Freyja defense and keeping his vote on me, and a one liner on Eli. Aside from the extension stuff, that's the only thing there is.
That being said I'm still trying to figure out if Strawman would use his role here as scum.
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To elaborate on the last part, I think it would be risky for scum Strawman to use it when pressure on me had a decent chance of getting me lynched outright but he was a lot of people's secondary suspiion himself? I guess I'd lean towards no in the end? Mafia sucks.

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No problem, bro. In retrospect, if you're town I'm going to feel like an asshole but your latest post hasn't really changed my opinions so there's not much to say zzzzz phase extensions suck.

Blitz, you should talk with me.

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So I had a sleep, and my brain works for a bit.

Strawman's phase extension is welcome, but null in my books. Since he was one of the contenders for a lynch, and town wasn't really consolidating hard on someone, I can see it as a move for self-preservation. Not very keen with the "the turbo's gonna suck" method he used to gauge whether or not he should use his role.

SB, reads on the rest of the game? IIRC Blitz should be back tonight my time, so maybe he'll read the game and change everyone else's mind. Regardless, he's playing pretty sloppy, and there's more stuff from everyone.

Hi Cam, you would've missed phase end. Anyway, I already explained why (which boils down to meta). Much as your dump post is helpful, and you don't like a lot of things, you don't draw any solid conclusions from it. That's kinda scummy.

Was reading Dorian as town, and then this came along. Had a problem with Elie sitting on the sidelines, and then Dorian does the same thing. If something's not happening, make it happen! Ask questions, push for reads, that sort of thing. The reason why Cam's not being lynched is because he vanished for a very long time. However, I've got my own reasons for not liking Cam, so I can sort-of see him being a decent lynch candidate.

After sleep has righted my brain a bit, beginning to not like Manix - I can get toning the one-line posting down (that's good), and not suspecting the entire game (that's better), but he's barely talked about anyone else. His only real responses are to Freyja and Strawman. There's gotta be some sane middle ground where you interact with everyone while having a couple of cases!

Also realized (belatedly) that Prims not responding to Refa is pretty scummy. Like, "I should've done something about this 24 hours ago" scummy. Don't play mafia when sleep-deprived, folks~!

So, after complaining about half the game like how certain people complain about Fates, here's my "lynch" priority:

Cam/Prims (both need actual responses to their suspicions) > Manix/SB (reads please) > Strawman/Elieson (come back and say something)

Since Cam seems to need pressure to play, and Prims said something about going poof for a while, here's that pressure:

##Vote: Cam

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[2:26:17 PM] Tinker Blitz: quick question, do you think SB ever mentioned anything about OC guy trying to become the townleader in thread?

[2:26:21 PM] Tinker Blitz: if yes, please point it out

[2:26:29 PM] Tinker Blitz: if not, this could be a scumslip

[2:46:54 PM] Tinker Blitz: has to be before this post

[2:51:09 PM] Tinker Blitz: I just read your post, lmao

[2:51:35 PM] Tinker Blitz: I can't believe that your thoughts are VERY SIMILAR TO what I was thinking (without the OC stuff added in)

[3:18:21 PM] Refakitty³: I'm back.

[3:18:30 PM] Tinker Blitz: nice!

[3:19:58 PM] Refakitty³: uh...don't think he mentioned it before elieson but let me check

[3:20:10 PM] Tinker Blitz: what bothers me about it is

[3:20:25 PM] Tinker Blitz: SB is the one who thought of the townleadership stuff

[3:20:28 PM] Tinker Blitz: not Elieson

[3:20:39 PM] Tinker Blitz: and Elieson wouldn't expect me to townleadership either

[3:21:00 PM] Tinker Blitz: now SB doesn't mention stuff about townleadership in thread

[3:21:07 PM] Tinker Blitz: (at least, that is what I think)

[3:21:31 PM] Tinker Blitz: and somehow, Elieson is defending me about not forming townleadership in thread?

[3:22:00 PM] Tinker Blitz: it could be random, but it feels like something that was mentioned in scumchat and Elie just went with it....

I don't agree with it but Blitz wanted me to post this because he well, believes that it's a genuine scumslip (of course, it depends on SB being scum). He said that he'd probably go with an SB vote at this point but that he hasn't yet because he hasn't fully read through the thread.

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