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Alison Rapp no longer with Nintendo Treehouse


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I KNOW Far from the Forest is mostly spam and all that.

But that's enough about the various Gates, and other off-topic stuff. The only reason why this topic is staying open is for someone to post a source regarding Ms. Rapp's supposed firing.

The reason why this topic has been left here is so that I don't have to retroactively warn a bunch of you.

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I KNOW Far from the Forest is mostly spam and all that.

But that's enough about the various Gates, and other off-topic stuff. The only reason why this topic is staying open is for someone to post a source regarding Ms. Rapp's supposed firing.

The reason why this topic has been left here is so that I don't have to retroactively warn a bunch of you.

Why u so mean 2 us :<

Anyway, here's the source http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/03/31/nintendo-terminates-fire-emblem-fates-spokesperson

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Because this is the kind of shit that can spiral out of control, in a very bad way. As in, I suspend people. Which I'd rather not do.

I'm not sure what the employment contract said, but given that she had to do so under an assumed name doesn't paint her second job in a good light. I don't think Nintendo would've objected if said second job was working at a fast food joint or something like that.

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edit: I didn't see the Eclipse post so I will say at least it would be stranger to me if Nintendo fired her over a second job in porn if true then her previous tweets, but they were from years ago so I'm going to say the former is more likely. They might have just wanted an easy way to terminate her because she was involved in some way with arguing about the Fates localization or something?

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Having shitty views doesn't mean she's a shitty person. Hopefully she realizes the flaws in her thinking and gets financial security.

She committed the deadly sin of supporting feminist views so GamerGaters harrassed her and got Nintendo to fire her. And they claim that Nintendo is bowing down to the SJWs.

You ok bud?

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if she was involved in the fates localization then it makes sense why she was fired. so mucn engrish holy shit


[c rank obtained]

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"In my academia days, I argued for laxer porn laws, lowering the age of consent, and being nicer to bronies."


I'd sing that "one of these things is not like the other one" song from Sesame Street but considering the subject of the rest of her tweets I donno if that'd be a good idea. >__>

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