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Worst personal skill?


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How about Velouria?

Recover 10 hp at the start of every turn at a chance equal to the luck stat.

...10. not 10%, just flat out 10.

That's just a terrible version of Good fortune.

I have to agree with the other guy that 10 is better than 10%, since no character can have 100+ HP you'd never get more than 5-6 HP (depending on class), and if you go out of your way to get her in a 60 HP class + HP+5 + HP Tonic, you can get a whopping 7HP.

That said, an RNG% chance to recover what Asugi gets via waiting is pretty much trash. However it is a passive so I guess that evems out its Luck%. I'd put Vel & Asugi's in the same group.

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10 is better than 10%

Seriously 10 is like 25% or 19%. Its objectively better than 10% in every points of the game

Maybe, but literally every other recovery skill in the game is still better because they are guaranteed to recover your hp, in larger quantities to. And Velouria has access to one of them naturally, and also Sol.

I mean, I don't deny it's still kinda good to occasionally recover HP. But it seriously is just a ripoff of Good Fortune, which isn't consistent enough for my tastes at least. Better to just use a staff/Vulnerary/stand next to Amaterasu Azura.

Do brave weapons work in the back under the new system?

As long as it is your turn (since that is when Brave weapons want to double attack), it should.

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Do brave weapons work in the back under the new system?

Nope. You have to attack for the brave effect to happen.

So, I see the following in this thread:

- Stuff that utilizes the "Wait" command

- Arthur

neither of which belong. The "Wait" command moves are very abusable (like, I can sort-of see the complaints behind Kiragi/Hisame, as they require a bit of set-up, but Asugi doesn't need any outside assistance), and Arthur's -5 Dodge can be pretty easily mitigated by Veteran Intuition (yes, it's DLC, no I don't care).

Which one's the worst? Probably Nina, since her requirements are so ridiculous. Soliel, at least, can pair with her clone to get the same bonus. Dishonorable mention to Mitama (this is mostly because it requires so many things to go right) and Forrest (good skill on paper, but Forrest needs to survive). . .oh, and Kana, because mine is never a Noble.

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^actually Braves work in attack Stance on the player phase. Its:

Main unit's attack

AS unit's attack x2

Enemy attack

Main unit's attack

Blow Skills also work this way too, this is why I made my Kiragi a Kinshi Knight with the Spy's Yumi and Deathblow. You can get some fun setups this way.

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I mean, I don't deny it's still kinda good to occasionally recover HP. But it seriously is just a ripoff of Good Fortune, which isn't consistent enough for my tastes at least. Better to just use a staff/Vulnerary/stand next to Amaterasu Azura.

Honestly so so so many of the personal skills are rip-offs of class skills so that doesn't really mean anything. For example:

Azura = Amaterasu

Hinata/Azama = Counter

Nyx = MagicCounter

Reina = Lifetaker

Kana = Renewal

Hana = Savage Blow

and that's just a few from off the top of my head.

I'd have to say Izana's is the worst. His own skill permanently makes him outclassed by every single potential competitor in every single role except dedicated healer... but you get him as a prepromote so it's a terrible waste to make him a dedicated healer since at no point will he ever be in a situation where he couldn't equip a weapon. I almost cried when I got his skill on one of my bond units. :(

EDIT: Speaking of which, people were comparing Izana's to Sakura's, but there's a class skill that is even better that does the same: Inspiration.

So yeah, let's add Izana = Inspiration to the list

Edited by cgRIPPER
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What, Solei has been considered one of the worst PS?

Soleil PS is like Top 8 best PS in the entire game. Its literally Xander PS

Agreed about Nina PS though. Male x Male pairing is actually kinda hard to achieve since so few Male x Male that have a rank is actually good

Like... i can think off anyone x Arthur, and thats about it

Edited by JSND
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So, I see the following in this thread:

- Stuff that utilizes the "Wait" command

- Arthur

neither of which belong. The "Wait" command moves are very abusable (like, I can sort-of see the complaints behind Kiragi/Hisame, as they require a bit of set-up, but Asugi doesn't need any outside assistance), and Arthur's -5 Dodge can be pretty easily mitigated by Veteran Intuition (yes, it's DLC, no I don't care).

I mentioned Arthur largely because while -15 crit evade to the enemy sounds huge on paper, in reality, you'll almost never see an enemy suffer the full effect because crit evade is only half luck in this game, for one (some of the very few enemies that DO suffer the full effect are either Big Bads or enemies that are relevant for all of one chapter), and second, it's actively detrimental to the user (and is one of the few personals that is such, at that), which I do NOT like in a personal skill. Admittedly, I did forget about Veteran Intuition, but still...!

Also, yeah, I forgot about Nina, which I'd agree is pretty bad, though that's more because I'm the weirdo who fields a mostly female team. And there's Hinata, too (A poor man's Counter that only works when you're at half HP or less... No thanks.).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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What, Solei has been considered one of the worst PS?

Soleil PS is like Top 8 best PS in the entire game. Its literally Xander PS

Agreed about Nina PS though. Male x Male pairing is actually kinda hard to achieve since so few Male x Male that have a rank is actually good

Like... i can think off anyone x Arthur, and thats about it

Silias x kaze? :p

Leo x Odin

Xander x Kaze (Kaze is kinda a whore)

Forrest x Iggy


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Yes, luck is still high enough for misfortune to give significant boosts to crit rate. You just hate zerks in general and Arthur specifically to... a completely illogical extent at this point.

Of course you'd say something like that. However, what you see as "illogical", I consider "justified" - I generally see low crit evade to be a recipe for disaster. Facing crit chances from pretty much everything under the sun is something I consider problematic, more often than not.
Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Of course you'd say something like that. However, what you see as "illogical", I consider "justified" - I generally see low crit evade to be a recipe for disaster. Facing crit chances from pretty much everything under the sun is something I consider problematic, more often than not.

Meh, again crit res cannot go negative, and Arthur is known for tanking 3-4 crit hits in one round of combat lategame, surviving, and ORKOing the nerds who tried to kill him right back.

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Dwyer isn't exactly helpful in terms of his personal skill, but I'm biased as I don't visit too many castles. But other than that he's a very good unit.

Reminder that slappyface is neither slappy nor face.

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I thought of Dwyer too upon seeing the threat title, honestly.

I'd say Azama's gives him some competition for it though, since you pretty much want Azama in a physical class ASAP. The only time I've ever seen Azama's ability have any real significance was when fighting against him in Conquest.

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Dragonstones suck. They require special set ups to be even remotely viable and is magic based, cant double, lower stats on use and 1 range. Kana having a personal skill dedicated entirely to it is very bad, especially since they have the ability to have any class to reclass too and have the highest mods.

Izana's is very bad too. Even from a situational standpoint, I dont see it being useful. It also means he will be doing -2 damage no matter what compared to the other magic users.

As stated before, nowadays almost no one goes to online castles to fight. Dwyer's is therefore very pointless.

Keaton's is also not good. Who cares about random ingredients that might not even be what you need?

As for people hating on Arthur's personal, having Percy fight next to him fixes his crit evade. And if you have DLC, Veteran's Intuition works just fine.

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Meh, again crit res cannot go negative, and Arthur is known for tanking 3-4 crit hits in one round of combat lategame, surviving, and ORKOing the nerds who tried to kill him right back.

You told me that before. It didn't convince me. Why bother repeating it? That being said, I might try to use Arthur when I actually get to play Conquest. Not that I'm expecting much.from him, because of massive trust issues. . .

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I think the whole dispute with Arthur has to do with difference of perspectives. On one hand, using Arthur can be incredibly frustrating because he will be crit'd more than other characters as you're trying to train him up and using him may cause an increase in resets because of that (assuming you aren't a filthy casual). On the other hand, at the end of all your training he becomes a heavily armored crit machine whose very presence also turns other allies into crit machines.

My opinion on the subject is that blaming him for getting crit'd because of his PS isn't entirely fair to his PS since his terrible luck means that is going to happen regardless. Furthermore, it is possible (through F!Corrin or Revelations Oboro) to make him a Spear Master himself for a total of +5 crit evade +10 crit and -15 crit evade to all enemies within 2 tiles. That's just from having him as a Spear Master not even counting any class skills equipped. If that doesn't sound like an amazing crit machine, then there's some other kind of misunderstanding here.

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I think the whole dispute with Arthur has to do with difference of perspectives. On one hand, using Arthur can be incredibly frustrating because he will be crit'd more than other characters as you're trying to train him up and using him may cause an increase in resets because of that (assuming you aren't a filthy casual). On the other hand, at the end of all your training he becomes a heavily armored crit machine whose very presence also turns other allies into crit machines.

My opinion on the subject is that blaming him for getting crit'd because of his PS isn't entirely fair to his PS since his terrible luck means that is going to happen regardless. Furthermore, it is possible (through F!Corrin or Revelations Oboro) to make him a Spear Master himself for a total of +5 crit evade +10 crit and -15 crit evade to all enemies within 2 tiles. That's just from having him as a Spear Master not even counting any class skills equipped. If that doesn't sound like an amazing crit machine, then there's some other kind of misunderstanding here.

This is a problem because Oboro and Arthur can't marry.

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I think the whole dispute with Arthur has to do with difference of perspectives. On one hand, using Arthur can be incredibly frustrating because he will be crit'd more than other characters as you're trying to train him up and using him may cause an increase in resets because of that (assuming you aren't a filthy casual). On the other hand, at the end of all your training he becomes a heavily armored crit machine whose very presence also turns other allies into crit machines.

My opinion on the subject is that blaming him for getting crit'd because of his PS isn't entirely fair to his PS since his terrible luck means that is going to happen regardless. Furthermore, it is possible (through F!Corrin or Revelations Oboro) to make him a Spear Master himself for a total of +5 crit evade +10 crit and -15 crit evade to all enemies within 2 tiles. That's just from having him as a Spear Master not even counting any class skills equipped. If that doesn't sound like an amazing crit machine, then there's some other kind of misunderstanding here.

Spearmaster Arthur sounds legit. Too bad he cant talk dirty nhor to Oboro.

Personal I love to let zerk!Arthur front line in attack stance with zerk!Percy. It's like bring your son to work day, with endless incredibly campy slaughter.

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My opinion on the subject is that blaming him for getting crit'd because of his PS isn't entirely fair to his PS since his terrible luck means that is going to happen regardless. Furthermore, it is possible (through F!Corrin or Revelations Oboro) to make him a Spear Master himself for a total of +5 crit evade +10 crit and -15 crit evade to all enemies within 2 tiles. That's just from having him as a Spear Master not even counting any class skills equipped. If that doesn't sound like an amazing crit machine, then there's some other kind of misunderstanding here.

Pity that his Revelations-only marriage options are Kagero and Setsuna.

Ignatius's personal skill is of rather... questionable value. It makes it sound like he requires handholding just so that he can have that damaged received reduction.

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Dang, I guess making a fool of myself is what I get for talking about Revelations before actually playing it lol.

Hmm, maybe I should make a F!Corrin Spear Master for my next run, just so that I can get Spear Master Arthur in my logbook...

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I think the whole dispute with Arthur has to do with difference of perspectives. On one hand, using Arthur can be incredibly frustrating because he will be crit'd more than other characters as you're trying to train him up and using him may cause an increase in resets because of that (assuming you aren't a filthy casual). On the other hand, at the end of all your training he becomes a heavily armored crit machine whose very presence also turns other allies into crit machines.

My opinion on the subject is that blaming him for getting crit'd because of his PS isn't entirely fair to his PS since his terrible luck means that is going to happen regardless. Furthermore, it is possible (through F!Corrin or Revelations Oboro) to make him a Spear Master himself for a total of +5 crit evade +10 crit and -15 crit evade to all enemies within 2 tiles. That's just from having him as a Spear Master not even counting any class skills equipped. If that doesn't sound like an amazing crit machine, then there's some other kind of misunderstanding here.

It's not only that, it's also that everyone who defends Arthur's personal fails to realize that almost no enemies actually take anything resembling a significant CEv reduction, meaning that even having him around doesn't really help turn allies into crit machines. . .

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It's not only that, it's also that everyone who defends Arthur's personal fails to realize that almost no enemies actually take anything resembling a significant CEv reduction, meaning that even having him around doesn't really help turn allies into crit machines. . .


That's 15 Dodge right there, which means that if you take ALL the numbers into account, he's operating on 11 Dodge total, at minimum. Like, are you challenging maps full of Killer weapons or something?

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