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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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I'm tempted to half lynch clarinets i'll not lie lol because even if he is town I feel this would help get better associatives dramatically, Although never assume anything is confirmed off of that, can be a dangerous assumption.

@strawman, how come yolo over clarinets tho?

Also sorry but I'm having trouble buying that explanation since I don't see why you could have mentioned that on D1 since you implied you found Marth town totally?

moving yolo from slight town to null since I think I remember a game where he coasted the entire time and was scum,

Prims reaction test pretty lame tbh since he doesn't actually say anything about ars nova's response. Feels like padding out content although we'll see later when he does post content.

As of right now I would be fine with a clarinets,strawman, or prims lynch, i'd consolidate on yolo.

Not really feeling the ars nova lynch atm, Tone feels townie to me.

Shinori null, did not have much activity in AM/PM 2 either.


## vote clarinets

pretty tired of thinking and I feel like this would be the best lynch even if it was a town flip. Hopefully this pressure will also actually spur him to post.

I hate this clarinets vote and I had the reasoning behind it. Also the last line in this quote is absolutely awful. "The best lynch even if he's town" And with the pretext of it also being a prod vote? This is pretty terrible.

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No. I doubt he's scum over strawman/nova and I don't think the way marth treated prims is likely language spoken to a scummate.

If clarinets flips town, faerie knight goes on the chopping block. That'd have made his two scumreads over the entirety of the game (myself & clarinets) both town. So utterly wrong to the point of scumminess considering he's barely looked outside of us.

This is kind of bad imo. You said in a post before this that if you got lynched to steamroll straw/nova and now you also say clarinets lynch that means faerie knight is scum or at least should be lynched. Setting up more lynches on top of current lynches without a whole lot of info is generally not that good of an idea and sounds pretty bad IMO. Also just lynching FK SOLELY because his scum reads were town is weak reasoning and you should feel bad for it.

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@Strawman: yolo was key in getting the Marth wagon going and while he never posted his reasoning that also gave him a free pass to drop the bus at any time if he was scum and yet he didn't. I don't think Marth would've gotten lynched without him. How likely do you think it is scum!yolo decided Marth (who, mind you, was a hijacker, a powerful scum role) was expendable that early and stuck with it the entire day? A lot of Marth votes were consolidation; town's biases weren't even against Marth that much until yolo's vote. I'm not feeling scum!yolo because if he was trying to play the obvtown busser I'd expect him to capitalize on his voting record by making his content more palatable by SF's standards to cement himself as a town read

With that out of the way, I don't think Clarinets is Marth's scumbuddy because of gut. Can't figure out how to explain it as is but wanna Get This Post Out There so you're going to have to be patient with me. I don't like Ars Nova's case on Clarinets' posts about Marth though. Everything Clarinets says about Marth is neutral at worst IMO and it looks like Ars Nova is twisting it to make it a reason to vote Clarinets. Like, yeah, Marth wasn't on Clarinets' reads list... but that also makes perfect sense for a town!Clarinets who didn't suspect Marth, which lines up with the previous two Clarinets post that were cited.

If Marth was bussed then I agree Strawman makes the most sense. Scum being one of the main momentum votes seems unlikely because who wants to make their hijacker a wagon on D1? but Strawman / Marth distancing from each other is reasonable. I'm OK with that wagon. Second most likely contender for a Marth bus is Crysta, because she was on Marth early but only actually made a vote when the wagon was building up @Crysta: what changed between those posts that made Marth worth a vote then but not originally?

Ars Nova interactions with Marth are something I've seen from scum a lot (put buddy on the backburner to pursue another player). I hate this post because it looks like he's bringing up Marth again just for the sake of bringing up Marth again. It had only been 12 hours since Marth's last post, but when Marth finally posted again soon after Ars Nova didn't say anything about it when posting right after. His pursuit of Marth is tied to his scumread of Clarinets, which is convenient if Clarinets was a mislynch he was pushing since once Clarinets died he'd no longer have to push Marth.

Besides his bad ties with Marth I haven't particularly enjoyed his aggression in response to being voted. Saying I "waited until after Makaze had made a convincing case and a dead townie had chimed in" is twisting the issue to make me look bad because for all he knew I could have just suspected him from the start of the phase but not got around to posting. I didn't even fit into his proposed scumteam if he thought yolo was the third scum so it looks like he was just being antagonistic to bully people into not voting him.

##Vote: Ars Nova

I feel much more confident about his interactions with Marth being scum/scum than Strawman's, but I'd consolidate on the Strawman wagon. I don't have anything to add about Strawman that hasn't already been said, though.

Why was Yolo a key to getting Marth lynched? I think I'm missing something? Can someone point this out to me so I have that in my head. Did he heavily case Marth early on? I KNOW he was the third vote on the Marth wagon, so I don't quite understand how he was a key to getting Marth lynched.

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I like both prims and makaze's case as I said before. One thing is bugging me though, the Makaze vote and quick switch back to clarinets seems kind of puzzling to me as scum, I feel like ars nova's clarinets case had been well received by people and throwing that away would be kind of weird. Thoughts on this?


okay i can see that angle, but i just noticed that early game ars nova voted for marth for a serious reason which seems odd to me because why would you want to bus your highjacker right away.

I also noticed marth voted for clarinets right away, why would you want to bus your scumbuddy right away?

Why does this game make no sense >_>

I really feel like Commie scum has been around a hell of a lot more than me and has done even less than I have with empty posts like this as well as his hammer that happened previously.

Personally really not liking Commie.

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Still would like someone to comment on how yolo is a key part to Marth's lynch.

Outside of that I would prefer to lynch one of yolo/commie scum at the moment.

Makaze's vote onto yolo speaks to me wierdly though and I am going to go ISO makaze now as I'm not really liking it.

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yeah i'll admit i can't really fault you for not providing content when that my fault. I kind of assumed though that since I thought and (thought that everybody would think that ars nova was confirmed because the way he said "fuck it" with really nothing else except taking a break from mafia made me think he was scum who was tired of arguing which in turn made me think that your thoughts would probably just be the same anyway just with a tomorrow/today difference.

Regarding the clarinets lynch yeah it was the best I got, just got tired of thinking of things and felt a clarinets lynch would help clear things up even if he was town.

I don't really understand how the two posts you quoted as pointless were really pointless though. I did honestly feel that they were important questions to ask regarding ars nova because they caused me serious hesitance up until that self vote.

One question though, why yolo over me?

You have ED1 stuff I think on me? you have the hammer, the clarinets vote, the useless posts while on yolo you have strawmans case which is based off the marth vote and 1 post on yolo trying line up lynches. It just feels like you have more on me right now over yolo.

One last comment, regarding manix being killed over the masons? Isn't safeguard supposed to be that role sacrifices themselves for somebody else when shot?

I guess I do have to say that one thing that makes shinori a bit townier now is that comment towards me hammering early and not really caring to hear his thoughts.Feel like that wouldn't have been included in there as shinori scum.

For the rest of the game I'm waiting for an answer to something before I decide to proceed since it might change my thoughts somewhat even more although if I don't get it soon i'll post my current thoughts when this homework is done.

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Votals: 3.1

Shinori (1): PrimsMakaze (1): SBStrawman (1): CrystaNot voting (7): Yolo, Clarinets, Makaze, Shinori, Strawman, Faerie Knight, Junko

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have approximately 50 hours and 45 minutes left.

Did you miss my vote...?

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Yolo was actually the second on the Marth wagon but for some reason the votals don't reflect this. That post is also, strangely enough, his most informative content post though there's no case against Marth. He was around about an hour before deadline when there was time for him to switch his vote to Clarinets and I don't think he would have gotten much flak if he did.

@Makaze: Why did SB go from a null(er)-read here to a scum read worth lynching just hours before deadline? The waffly posts you cite happened some hours before; why not comment on them then?
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Votals: 3.2

Shinori (1): Prims
Makaze (1): SB
Strawman (1): Crysta

Yolo (2):: Makaze, Shinori

Not voting (7): Yolo, Clarinets, Strawman, Faerie Knight, Junko

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to hammer. You have approximately 39 hours and 40 minutes left.

mostly to correct the mistake with Makaze's vote

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@SB, Prims: Which of Makaze/Shinori/Strawman do yall want? I really think we should hit one of the latter two. Shinori's play has been shamelessly scummy this phase and who knows what happened to Strawman. Makaze at least pretended to not be blatant scum until today

@Town: Pay attention to the votals. Three of the most disgusting slots in the game want me dead as their first choice when the scumteam need a mislynch on D3 which is one of the most important phases.

##vote shinori

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Yolo was actually the second on the Marth wagon but for some reason the votals don't reflect this. That post is also, strangely enough, his most informative content post though there's no case against Marth. He was around about an hour before deadline when there was time for him to switch his vote to Clarinets and I don't think he would have gotten much flak if he did.

@Makaze: Why did SB go from a null(er)-read here to a scum read worth lynching just hours before deadline? The waffly posts you cite happened some hours before; why not comment on them then?

Rereading it, it looks like my reasoning was that he had posted something resembling a stance instead of just "gee idk who is scummy". Right now the main reason I'm not on SB's case is the strong Mason implication. But then again, FK has not expounded on whether they are neighbors or Masons and neither has SB.

well I can't say I've played with him more than once before, but I went and compared to what he had in ODGUATMAS where he was Town and at least in that game he gave reasons as to why he found the people he voted scummy.

this game has consistently been either not giving a case at all, or giving reasons to find other people scummy, then voting someone else.

This is the primary basis of my case on Yolo, that and just his on/off posts which don't actually tell us anything about what he is thinking.

Before we move forward, I need to know why I shouldn't be voting for Clarinets. Nova's case made sense to me when I thought Nova was probably scum and now that I know he isn't it makes even more. So, what is this supposed info that makes Clarinets cleared?

If there is no one alive who can give it, then what do we think it was?

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Ill be home in about an hour or so. And we'll be mafiaing for an hour or two once i get home. Will read stuff regarding yolos marth vote when i get home so i can decide if it actually means anything to me.

Also I'm really trying to avoid claiming so off something does happen to me i will only claim in the last 24 hours of the day phase

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i know a lot more than you do. it's not happening, at least not for a while.

i'm just preferring to be vague since it relates to information that you don't need to know yet

I have similar info.

Besides that, I believe Clarinets would've used his doublevote to push a counterwagon if he was scum playing the "wrong townie" card.

Playing bad if town =/= scum.

Since Manix died, would you please share this info?

Every other time I read your ISO I tinfoil about believing in a Prims/Clarinets team. I'd like to know why that is.

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## vote makaze

basically my thoughts summed up in my announcement with just a little more. Basically I feel like Makaze is way to willing switch off for ??? reasons as SB said. Notice how they switch off marth when the wagon is starting to build momentum and they seemingly try to divert it for Faerie knight for "pressure." I'm finding that their SB read was pretty puzzling (and felt kind of slight misrer since what SB said isn't a waffle post. Also unless i'm dumb I don't see any sb posts when the marth wagon was like at one up until marth was like at 6 so i can't see how sb couldn't have taken a stand? Although I guess you could say your reasons were bad and not just scummy its the timing of the vote that is bugging me.

@Makaze can you link a game where you were town so we can see your voting style.

Makaze>shinori because of the comment from shinori I talked about before.

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okay hold on a sec just noticed that Makaze called Strawman and Clarinets hard town reads or "near clear,". Although Makaze was quick to drop these i'm still not sure why Makaze would even take the risk of saying that as scum.

Now I'm even more confused. Why does it feel like everytime I find a read there is something to counter it >_>, going to think about this some more.

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## vote makaze

basically my thoughts summed up in my announcement with just a little more. Basically I feel like Makaze is way to willing switch off for ??? reasons as SB said. Notice how they switch off marth when the wagon is starting to build momentum and they seemingly try to divert it for Faerie knight for "pressure." I'm finding that their SB read was pretty puzzling (and felt kind of slight misrer since what SB said isn't a waffle post. Also unless i'm dumb I don't see any sb posts when the marth wagon was like at one up until marth was like at 6 so i can't see how sb couldn't have taken a stand? Although I guess you could say your reasons were bad and not just scummy its the timing of the vote that is bugging me.

@Makaze can you link a game where you were town so we can see your voting style.

Makaze>shinori because of the comment from shinori I talked about before.

Every game I've played on here including a few with you.

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gut read on strawman,

his last post just felt like a bunch of questions and i guess a comment but not really saying anything and a random unvote. Distinctly remember him doing something similar in am/pm 2. Admittedly though i've been kind of doing the same thing as shinori is right about me being on the fence about sb. The post seems weird but at the same time i can't see any scum motivation. But still reminds me of AM/PM 2 a lot.

@sb i guess i will agree that the reaction test doesn't really do much but don't think its scummy maybe because of bad bias. I still don't see how it'd make clarinets look bad though since clarinets is experienced enough at this point IMO to not get shaken up by a reaction test so we'll have to agree to disagree.

@strawman, i was silly and forgot fakeclaims were a thing and thought that if someone said the full faction town name it would confirm them as town since they could only know the town name.


##vote strawman

although i always feel bad for voting this early for some reason i feel like not voting is pretty much a waste of time since it never seems to work out.

Going through some ISOs at the moment:

Why did you vote for strawman here? This is a really weird and out of place vote.

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Going through some ISOs at the moment:

Why did you vote for strawman here? This is a really weird and out of place vote.


his last post just felt like a bunch of questions and i guess a comment but not really saying anything and a random unvote. Distinctly remember him doing something similar in am/pm 2. Admittedly though i've been kind of doing the same thing as shinori is right about me being on the fence about sb. The post seems weird but at the same time i can't see any scum motivation. But still reminds me of AM/PM 2 a lot.

which is where my gut read came from.

@makaze, okay I will go searching

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Regarding Clarinets, I can see prims case on him but at the same time it's clarinets. I can't really read them and if I vaguely recall I think we lynched clarinets for similar reasons in realm of mirrors. I would be okay lynching him at deadline i guess but otherwise not really.

I like strawman's case, marth tried to strawman the strawman and it didn't work!

On the other hand while strawman's new case is good there are definitely still some oddities I see. Namely I find the logic on Makaze a little shakey because although yeah I guess I could see it they did it for a grand total of one post so I can't help find it a little graspy even for ED 1 standards. Also although I asked for makaze thoughts I notice that strawman has not given thoughts on players such as clarinets. What are your thoughts on clarinets?

Finally on yolo, while their points against me are good. Yeah I'll not lie I didn't really want to commit to anything since I didn't feel too much I feel like their hastiness to lynch one and then if that fails the other one might work bad. slight read,


## Vote Marth

Although it could be said that I have more on strawman, I honestly feel way more confident in this read since yeah his part of the strawman case seemed like it was really stretching words.

@SB i'm never confident no matter how confident i sound T_T, Also regarding your response on clarinets, I still feel as if that kind of reaction test would not spur clarinets to act like that. I feel like we're going in circles though arguing this so meh,

You liking strawman's case is fine, but he was your last vote target and seemingly scumread yet you never posted as to why you swapped votes here really, did you feel like Marth was just scummier at the time. You don't really state much except that you like strawman's case on Marth. WHILE AT THE SAME TIME also throwing flak on strawman which I find weird, but not necessarily bad. I don'y think you would attempt to bus Marth while throwing flak against someone else who is casing Marth as marth's buddy. This makes me feel like you aren't allied with marth and slightly distrusted both players. So I'm actually getting town reads here at the moment.

Unless you and straw are buddies and there was just a massive bus-fest happening on D1.

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