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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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Still not quite sure whether Courier is necessarily Town, but at this point, I think YOLO seems to be the sketchiest.

##Vote: YOLO

I'm somewhat skeptical that both Makaze and Crysta would be Town, since I doubt Town would have two investigative roles in such a small game. Both of their results are also pretty convenient, so there's no significant credibility to either claim.

I still think scum SB would be silly, but I am definitely a Neighbor and not a Mason, so blindly trusting him based on his character may not be a good idea when the role explicitly screams NOTMason i.e. partner is NOT Town-confirmed. I would be willing to change my vote to SB if I can be convinced that it's better to lynch a Neighbor claim (because tbh I doubt scum SB would have any other threatening abilities outside of communicating with and deceiving me).

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yeah so your targets are self-admittedly bad, the claim itself brings us no new info, you said nothing about shinori D3 despite having a scan on him, having a cop is super unlikely when the stone mechanic is already effectively a cop, your role is much less believable in this set-up than a tracker is (considering hijacker...) and it's heavily unlikely both you and makaze are town

blatantly scummy claim

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yeah so your targets are self-admittedly bad, the claim itself brings us no new info, you said nothing about shinori D3 despite having a scan on him, having a cop is super unlikely when the stone mechanic is already effectively a cop, your role is much less believable in this set-up than a tracker is (considering hijacker...) and it's heavily unlikely both you and makaze are town

blatantly scummy claim

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Both claimed investigative roles are pretty limited, so I can see them happening. Claiming an investigative role with no useful results is just as bad as claiming Vanilla imo, so I don't think Crysta's claim is worse than YOLO.

Though, now that you mention it, Crysta's claim does look pretty terrible. This is gonna look terrible on me but I agree with Prims and would like to sheep him.

##Unvote: YOLO

##Vote: Crysta

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Ah, yeah, Courier on nightkill target implies Town Clarinets. I'd say that's pretty solidly confirmed.

I currently find Crysta/SB to be the most likely scumteam.

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I prefer SB over Proto's slot because SB has been the most responsible for being super vague about the claim and I think that as a town neighbor he would know better.

Why would I want to claim "hey I'm not a Mason" and try and draw a shot instead of doing nothing with it? If town!SB thinks FK is town then all it does it get rid of a mislynch distraction which he probably could've turned into with how he was going. I have to retract the mason shit as scum later anyway so why do I not just dispel it from the start anyway and risk looking Really Fucking Bad?

Crysta is probably scum even disregarding the claim because town Rolecops do not exist in setups with scum multi-part role names like Marth's.

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Welp I'm not good T getting scum.

## vote crysta,

No bold because mobile. This is l-1 I believe

Assuming this lynch works haven't we automatically won the game pretty much ?

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Natasha why can't you talk to us! Say something before we lynch you! ..... The Cleric from Grado said nothing as she was marched to the chopping block. After the rope had been tied, you saw a veil of most fall away from her boy, revealing the corpse of Vigarde underneath. In shock you wondered what Grado's emperor was doing here, and who else could be working with him!?!

Crysta- Vigarde, Mafia Jack of All Trades, Lynched Day Four

Votals End of Day Four

Crysta (5):SB, Prims, Proto, Yolo, Junko

Not Voting (4): Manix, Crysta, Makaze, Clarinets

Night Four ends in 23 Hours and 18 minutes.

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If you live on the battlefield, you know this day will come... Now it was Tethys turn to mourn as her lover fell to the ground, a knife in his back. His final words may be lost...

Junko- Gerik, Town Two Shot Roleblocker Announcer, Killed Night Four

... or perhaps not.

Kind of tempted to lynch one of the masons just in case. After that yolo, if that doesn't work the other mason. After that I think that's the game?

With 7 alive it takes 4 to hammer. You have 72 hours until phase end.

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We're not Masons, we're Neighbors. I think it's highly likely for the last scum to be SB. I agree with Junko's final words.

##Vote: SB

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