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Character opinions that have changed


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Peri, was someone I didn't think I could like at all, but her supports with Laslow made me actually like her.

I was all set to be a Hinoka fanboy, but then I realized she didn't do much, but I still like her character just not as much as I thought I would.

Kagero is the opposite I was like "eh" at first eventhough shes a awesome female ninja which usually gets my attention, but her supports are really sweet and show different sides of her, be it her artistic side, her super loyal side, etc. I just think her dedication to her people and Lord just do it for me.

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I had a lot of this happen to me

Felicia: I hated her character, but when they were at the Ice Tribe village in Birthright, I started to like her and felt bad for her.

Silas:I had so much expectations for him. I married him in my first Female Run and he was such a jerk

Hinoka: I have not read too many supports, but I find her bland, but I still like her personality

Takumi: Dear GOD I LOVE THIS GUY SO MUCH. I hated him before because I thought he would be like Shinon, which I did not like his personality, but he grew on me.

Sakura: 4 words:Her stopping Iago so Azura could sing and save Takumi, ok that was more than 4 words

Saizo:Same as everyone else

Setsuna:I find her hilarious, I thought she would be some weird person who teased everyone in the army from pre release info.

Obor:Still my waifu, always my waifu. She is still awesome!!!

All my stuff for birthright. Will do conquest later

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I was pretty stoked about Nyx after seeing some of her JP supports and stuff. In comes English!Nyx, and i want it to die in all the fires of Gehenna. Nope nope nope nope.

So much. I didn't look into her character before I got the game, but from her short bio tease and her really cool design, I was ready to make her the character I used even though everyone else said they sucked for Fates. Cursed gypsy mage? Yes.

But literally the first words out of her mouth make her intolerably unlikable and immediately turned me off from ever wanting to use her. It doesn't help that whenever she pops up in My Castle she's yelling rudely at me.

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I actually like Laslow/Inigo more after Fates. My biggest ones though are Shigure and (as I said several times before] Ryoma. I found Ryoma's wild design a bit appalling at first (though i always liked Shiro). But then I met hI'm (or, watched someone else meet him) at Hoshido, amd I actually started to like hI'm (I actually ended up turning Hoshidan shortly after)..

My recent one is Shigure. I wasn't interested in him because I thought he looked boring and too bishi for my tastes. Then I read the translation for Ephermal Memories, and found him a lot more interesting, and now he is my favorite child character (after Shiro) I might pair Ryoma with Azura so Shigure and Shiro can be bros (on Birthright that is, in Revelations, she'll be mine). Shigure's version of LITAA is what really sold me.

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I thought Azura was cool at first, but there's just something about her expressions...she always seems mad whenever someone other than Corrin/Sakura talks to her. I mean I completely understand the whole social akwardness thing and just preferring to keep to yourself to avoid nonsense, but she really seems like the kind of person who just likes being alone just because. I tend to marry her to Kaden now since he's one of the few males she's not like "I wanna be alone shoo" to.

Shigure, despite being just like his mom, is actually one of my favourite kids. He is introverted and loves his alone time, but he seems to have a good balance of "I should be by myself", and actually conversing with people in supports. Plus his love for the arts, as well as his Pegasus/flying means he actually has reasons to want to be alone. I guess I can relate to him more since i'm an artist myself but I digress.

Camilla's supports and motherly vibes are alright imo. I thought she was gonna be just the fanservice character but she's an okay person at the end of the day.

Rhajat is not as bad as people made me believe she was. They said that she's literally just Tharja 2.0 in english, but the key difference I found in the support with the Avatar, as opposed to Tharja x Robin support is that Rhajat doesn't actually do anything. In Awakening, its implied that Rhajat takes advantage of Robin at the end of the A Support, plus the fact that she experiments on Noire. Rhajat kinda just follows Corn around and...that's all. No love spell, no hexes, just fawning over her hero. And she actually has a reason for liking him as opposed to Tharja's "lol he's the one" deal. I dunno how her other supports are, or if she experiments on Kana or anything, but from the little bit I see of her, I am completely fine with this character.

Peri is a strange case for me. I initially thought she was quirky, and at least unique. Im not too bothered by the whole bloodlust thing, and supports involving her food tend to be pretty charming. But...there's something about her voice. I am extremely lenient when it comes to voicework, I can even look past if if I like the character enough, but dammit whoever voiced her (and Selkie) is all over the damn place. aside from the raspiness which is the only thing that is consistent, she's either really quiet when speaking (which I guess is emphasizing her "killer" personality), or so high pitched that the voice cracks literally grate my ears. Her Private Quarters lines are completely fine though, suprisingly.

EDIT: Forgot one that I saw before I went to work today, Takumi x Kiragi's support. Now Ive never really had anything against Lord Dorkumi, I actually like the character overall, but that support...all the feels. A very good, realistic, and mature child support in this game. It legit made me smile.

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I thought Azura was cool at first, but there's just something about her expressions...she always seems mad whenever someone other than Corrin/Sakura talks to her. I mean I completely understand the whole social akwardness thing and just preferring to keep to yourself to avoid nonsense, but she really seems like the kind of person who just likes being alone just because. I tend to marry her to Kaden now since he's one of the few males she's not like "I wanna be alone shoo" to.

I tend to forget Azura is even in the game since she's only there to dump expositions and use the deus ex machina song that does whatever the writers need it to do. I even forgot to include her on the list here! I wanted her to be a villain, or an interesting character, but I got someone who tried so hard to be mysterious that the writers even forgot to give her something to act mysterious about! There's just...nothing to her in the main story.

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I tend to forget Azura is even in the game since she's only there to dump expositions and use the deus ex machina song that does whatever the writers need it to do. I even forgot to include her on the list here! I wanted her to be a villain, or an interesting character, but I got someone who tried so hard to be mysterious that the writers even forgot to give her something to act mysterious about! There's just...nothing to her in the main story.

Pretty much. I honestly don't understand the logic IntSys used here, they gave her a great backstory (The Nohr stuff, everything to do with Valla is blegh), gave her one of the most well-rounded, likable and engaging personalities in the game (and in my opinion the entire series), but in the story she gets...nothing. It's honestly mind-boggling.

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The Good

Oboro: Her initial voice clips were grating and her description made her sound like a Cordelia clone. How misleading both of those were! She's now one of my favorite characters in the series.

Takumi: I thought he was rather bland at first but his well considered story involvement made me really appreciate him.

Harold: I didn't care for his appearance at first but his hammyness and occasional moments of insight won me over.

The Bad

Selkie: My first thoughts were "Holo is in the game! Praise IS!" Imagine my disappointment when I learned about her personality and then heard her NA!voice.

Zero: I really loved his appearance and JP voice (disliking it would be muda muda muda muda) but he really comes across as a jerk and creep in his supports.

Silas: Seemingly nice guy, childhood buddy on the outside. Judgmental, jealous faux-nice-guy in reality.

Camilla: I was all on board for a doting older sister and I really dug her hair and horn accessories but her personality turned out to be obsessive and one-note.

The Ugly

A second tier for an entirely different degree of loathing.

Marx: He went from stern Camus archetype to the most hypocritical toolbag. I don't even care to read his supports because his story involvement is just so terrible.

Asama: Didn't think much of him at all until reading his supports. Total douchebag.

During the JP only phase everyone made Rinkah out to be the literal worst as a unit. Now, being my favorite girl, I was fully prepared to dump all of birthright's resources to make her good. I was willing to go against my principles and save her HP+5/Axefaire to buy for posterity if she was really as bad as people say.

Turns out, it's grossly exaggerated. She took only a little bit of resources to get rolling and ended up pretty awesome. I would use her every run. I even have plans to branch out of my favorite Berserker build now because I did Berserker like 3 times now.

Now I champion for "Rinkah isn't as shit of a unit as people make her out to be".

I'm a bit mixed on Rinka. In Birthright she's great for being a solid wall (something that passed over to Midori when I paired her up with Suzukaze) but her offensive abilities left a lot to be desired, even with handing over a lot of stat boosters. I think the real problematic thing for her in that route is the starting E rank on axes and just low bases in general. I had great success with her in Revelation however because she had SO MANY enemies to grind her weapon rank on early game, plus she has better class (Berserker access) and weapon selection. She makes a killer Berserker but then again, most people do.

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The Bad

Selkie: My first thoughts were "Holo is in the game! Praise IS!" Imagine my disappointment when I learned about her personality and then heard her NA!voice.

So I am not the only one that had the same thought about Selkie. While I dont mind her voice, I find her to be another Nowi situation where her personality and the way she acts creep me out to much to actually pair her with anyone, especially Corrin.

Im curious on what you think about Camilla's background. I always found the obsessiveness makes sense, especially if Corrin is a female because of the things she went through at a younger age. Having to kill your sisters and try to survive in a Hunger Games like environment at a young age would probably leave you really psychologically damaged. Though I do agree it was overdone a bit. I think if they made her obsession extend to anyone close to her, so the other siblings, and whoever she eventually marries, then it wouldnt be as annoying, and would make a lot of sense considering her past.

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So I am not the only one that had the same thought about Selkie. While I dont mind her voice, I find her to be another Nowi situation where her personality and the way she acts creep me out to much to actually pair her with anyone, especially Corrin.

Im curious on what you think about Camilla's background. I always found the obsessiveness makes sense, especially if Corrin is a female because of the things she went through at a younger age. Having to kill your sisters and try to survive in a Hunger Games like environment at a young age would probably leave you really psychologically damaged. Though I do agree it was overdone a bit. I think if they made her obsession extend to anyone close to her, so the other siblings, and whoever she eventually marries, then it wouldnt be as annoying, and would make a lot of sense considering her past.

It's not so much that I find Selkie's playful personality bad, it's just that there is nothing else to her. I mean, we have a kitsune, legendary creatures with all sorts of mythology surrounding them (mischievous, intelligent, the ability to change their shape or create illusions) and the personality they settled on was that of a mentally stunted girl obsessed with playing. I mean, yeah, I expected Holo so that was partially my fault, but I think they wasted the shapeshifters on some weird furry tropes.

Camilla has similar problems in that a character trait was blown up to be all consuming of her character. Cordelia often pined over Chrom in her supports but it pales in comparison to many of Camilla's supports (I mean, yeesh, look at Camilla x Harold). Camilla is a character I really want to like because interesting things about her backstory are hinted at in a few supports (Leon x Elise and Camilla x Zero iirc). But the game offers so little details or real context for her Avatar obsession, so most of the things I like about her are 50% headcanon. You'd think the Kamui x Camilla supports would be the place where that's all explained but it's just three conversations about how she wants to jump his bones but he's not too hot on the idea (until he is).

I think I'll post that Kamui x Camilla support I was writing on the fanfiction thread tomorrow.

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I'm a bit mixed on Rinka. In Birthright she's great for being a solid wall (something that passed over to Midori when I paired her up with Suzukaze) but her offensive abilities left a lot to be desired, even with handing over a lot of stat boosters. I think the real problematic thing for her in that route is the starting E rank on axes and just low bases in general. I had great success with her in Revelation however because she had SO MANY enemies to grind her weapon rank on early game, plus she has better class (Berserker access) and weapon selection. She makes a killer Berserker but then again, most people do.

I actually find her start on BR easier than on Rev, but I can work her easily in both--though granted I did also S her for Berserker there, but that didn't come into play until around chapter 20 or so. I definitely agree that her problem is bases and ranks, but with tonics and boosters I had her strong enough to ORKO the entirety of chapter 7 with unforged bronze, while in Rev the best I got is 2RKO (doing both on Lunatic) since chapter 9 enemies are kinda really bulky.

My last Rev run I had both Rinkah and Camilla as berserkers and I actually like Zerk!Rinkah a lot more. Cam misses her flight, first of all, but also Rinkah was a lot bulkier and can still tank enemies with ease, while Camilla became really squishy as one. Not as squishy as say, Charlotte, but her durability as a Wyvern was something I missed when I went zerk with her (alongside flight). Easy access to Death Blow also puts her above most other zerks, since that's reliably 100% crit rates right there.

This was from a run where I was also trying out Chieftain Saizo. Lunatic Classic Nogrind etc you get the gist

Unfortunately Saizo got really stat screwed (like he refused to gain stats even while in Dark Flier) though at least he didn't suck at axes! But man. I got to experience the awesome Chieftain pairup bonuses on Rinkah herself.

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I actually find her start on BR easier than on Rev, but I can work her easily in both--though granted I did also S her for Berserker there, but that didn't come into play until around chapter 20 or so. I definitely agree that her problem is bases and ranks, but with tonics and boosters I had her strong enough to ORKO the entirety of chapter 7 with unforged bronze, while in Rev the best I got is 2RKO (doing both on Lunatic) since chapter 9 enemies are kinda really bulky.

My last Rev run I had both Rinkah and Camilla as berserkers and I actually like Zerk!Rinkah a lot more. Cam misses her flight, first of all, but also Rinkah was a lot bulkier and can still tank enemies with ease, while Camilla became really squishy as one. Not as squishy as say, Charlotte, but her durability as a Wyvern was something I missed when I went zerk with her (alongside flight). Easy access to Death Blow also puts her above most other zerks, since that's reliably 100% crit rates right there.

This was from a run where I was also trying out Chieftain Saizo. Lunatic Classic Nogrind etc you get the gist

Unfortunately Saizo got really stat screwed (like he refused to gain stats even while in Dark Flier) though at least he didn't suck at axes! But man. I got to experience the awesome Chieftain pairup bonuses on Rinkah herself.

Have you had much luck with non-Berserker Rinka's? Berserker is the perfect compliment to her growths but it requires an S support with Kamui in Birthright. I've been meaning to try out that Dread Fighter/Blacksmith combo but the reliable crits on the Berserker are hard to beat.

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Have you had much luck with non-Berserker Rinka's? Berserker is the perfect compliment to her growths but it requires an S support with Kamui in Birthright. I've been meaning to try out that Dread Fighter/Blacksmith combo but the reliable crits on the Berserker are hard to beat.

I haven't really done anything but Berserker, but for what it's worth I actually found Blacksmith to be okay since I run Blacksmith until 20/5, dip in Chieftain at 20/6 for crits, and then go berserker, which means she still had to go from 4 to 26 without being a berserker. It won't be as strong, but defense-wise it's quite a bit bulkier than zerk (although at the cost of HP), so it works as an engage tank, well, given that you don't completely solo the rest of the game with Ryoma, that is. Soloing half the map is okay though because at least there's the other half. I have a feeling that Zerk is her strongest class, but I think she's flexible enough to work in others, even if she wouldn't be as powerful.

I have plans to just do raw Blacksmith once, then I want to test Wyvern, Malig, and Great Knight when I have a bit more free time, though I still have one more Berserker run I gotta do since I'm doing an all-female Berserker run of Revelation and I'm not doing a zerk run without my favorite zerk :P

I think Espinosa had success with the Dread Fighter build, so it works (you can segue into Mechanist in this build and pick up Replicate late, even) /u/cargup on Reddit also got her to work as a magical Chieftain.

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Yeah, there is one character in my case, kinda sorta. Xander. For me, he went from "meh, looks boring and that design is silly" to "ugh, I hate this guy! Doesn't he EVER LISTEN TO CORRIN AND SEE THAT HIS FATHER IS A CRUEL NUTCASE?!"

Basically, I thought he was meh at first, and now I hate him. Well, for Birthright anyway. I didn't play Conquest, though from what I've heard, it doesn't seem like he was handled much better there. Don't know about Revelation yet.

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Yeah, there is one character in my case, kinda sorta. Xander. For me, he went from "meh, looks boring and that design is silly" to "ugh, I hate this guy! Doesn't he EVER LISTEN TO CORRIN AND SEE THAT HIS FATHER IS A CRUEL NUTCASE?!"

Basically, I thought he was meh at first, and now I hate him. Well, for Birthright anyway. I didn't play Conquest, though from what I've heard, it doesn't seem like he was handled much better there. Don't know about Revelation yet.

LOL. Revelation... I hate Revelation's existence.

He's not much better in Revelation--but at least he isn't a complete idiot. This time, he is on the Corrinmui D-riding Brigade, along with the rest of the royal siblings, outside of Takumi (at least for a while).

I love my Xandy-Baby but his characterization is absolute garbagio in all versions of the game, outside of his supports (in my opinion).

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LOL. Revelation... I hate Revelation's existence.

He's not much better in Revelation--but at least he isn't a complete idiot. This time, he is on the Corrinmui D-riding Brigade, along with the rest of the royal siblings, outside of Takumi (at least for a while).

I love my Xandy-Baby but his characterization is absolute garbagio in all versions of the game, outside of his supports (in my opinion).

That's because the story doesn't let him - they literally have to have him walk in on Garon holding an evil monologue and saying exactly the things Xander doesn't want to hear, and even then he scolds Leo for thinking Corrin might be right.

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That's because the story doesn't let him - they literally have to have him walk in on Garon holding an evil monologue and saying exactly the things Xander doesn't want to hear, and even then he scolds Leo for thinking Corrin might be right.


Ah, the glorious writing of Fates! How I adore thee!

Sometimes, I hate this game's writing.

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Ah, the glorious writing of Fates! How I adore thee!

Sometimes, I hate this game's writing.

Sometimes? Sometimes? Fates is the storytelling equivalent of Nazi Germany. But, yeah, Xander is probably the worst iteration of the Camus, which is a shame, because he could have been handled much better. Have him be in denial that his father is a bastard and then have it all come crashing down on him just before the final battle. His suicide by cop with Corrin doesn't need to be caused by him killing Elise in a contrived manner. I feel like he could have been a deconstruction of the Camus when he just ended up being another manifestation of Fate's shitty writing.
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Sometimes? Sometimes? Fates is the storytelling equivalent of Nazi Germany. But, yeah, Xander is probably the worst iteration of the Camus, which is a shame, because he could have been handled much better. Have him be in denial that his father is a bastard and then have it all come crashing down on him just before the final battle. His suicide by cop with Corrin doesn't need to be caused by him killing Elise in a contrived manner. I feel like he could have been a deconstruction of the Camus when he just ended up being another manifestation of Fate's shitty writing.

It balances between being very amused, very confused and being very angry when it comes to Fates' story.

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I think I finally ran out of fucks to give and have accepted that the story is bad, especially Conquest and Revelations. But I still dislike it.

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I find constant bitching about the game's story more exhausting than the game's story.

I think I finally ran out of fucks to give and have accepted that the story is bad, especially Conquest and Revelations. But I still dislike it.

Sometimes its more healthy to run out of fucks to give.

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I find constant bitching about the game's story more exhausting than the game's story.

Sometimes its more healthy to run out of fucks to give.

Tell me about it. At this rate it's gonna be going until the next FE game is announced.

I don't have enough drugs to deal with this...

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Tell me about it. At this rate it's gonna be going until the next FE game is announced.

I don't have enough drugs to deal with this...

And when we reach that point, the "You know, Fates' story wasn't that bad after all" comments will begin.

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And when we reach that point, the "You know, Fates' story wasn't that bad after all" comments will begin.

You have no idea how much im waiting for that, with a bunch of Muttley snicking gifs on hand.

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And when we reach that point, the "You know, Fates' story wasn't that bad after all" comments will begin.

If it seriously gets to the point where FE15 makes FE14 look good, I'm quitting FE. There are some games that I play only for gameplay, but FE isn't one of those games. If I can't care about the characters, then I'm going to lose my motivation.

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