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Is Orochi the Illyana of Fates?


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No, unlike Illyana Orochi is an interesting character who isn't defined by a single gimmick

this. Ilyana is arguably one of FEs shittiest one-note characters.

Orochi and Ilyana also dont have anything in common regarding stats.

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Orochi and Ilyana are almost nothing alike. Ilyana is rather placid, and frequently very hungry, and rather nice. Orochi is flirtatious, a bit silly sometimes, and occasionally messes with people a bit (not as much as Azama). I'm really not sure they have anything in common besides gender and class. Ilyana isn't that fast, but Orochi is slower, and has huge magical growth. Statwise, Orochi is probably more like Micaiah.

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Statwise, I can definitely see the comparison between the two, although Orochi has more magic than Ilyana in exchange for slightly less bulk (Owain reminds me a lot of RD!Ilyana, now that I think about it). Fates is actually surprisingly good about straying away from archtypical characters for the most part, though.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Statwise, I can definitely see the comparison between the two, although Orochi has more magic than Ilyana in exchange for slightly less bulk (Owain reminds me a lot of RD!Ilyana, now that I think about it). Fates is actually surprisingly good about straying away from archtypical characters for the most part, though.

We got the panther and the bull again though :p

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Statwise, I can definitely see the comparison between the two, although Orochi has more magic than Ilyana in exchange for slightly less bulk (Owain reminds me a lot of RD!Ilyana, now that I think about it). Fates is actually surprisingly good about straying away from archtypical characters for the most part, though.

Fates also has a Jagen in Gunter, as well as the bandit bros. in Lloyd and Llewelyn. Azura is the Jeorge.

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Why everybody ragging on my girl Ilyana? She and Zihark were my OTP.

Eh. As for the comparison, they are not that similar in terms of growth. When I played, Ilyana tended to be really slow with middling magic, relatively high strength for a mage but high skill giving her critical hits more often than not.

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Maybe its just me but I find Azura to be a Nyna archetype more or less imo.

Otherwise, Takumi to me is a Jeorge for obvious reasons.

Azura is a Jeorge because we don't know she's part of royalty until a decent portion of the story, in a similar manner to Jeorge.

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Azura is a Jeorge because we don't know she's part of royalty until a decent portion of the story, in a similar manner to Jeorge.

So any two characters who share any one trait or circumstance suddenly makes for an archetype now?

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Jeorge is a character from the first Fire Emblem game who joins early, but is revealed to be part of royalty.

Hoo boy. . .

Jeorge is from a noble family, IIRC, but that's about it. FE12 supports should have more details.

Azura's some weird mix of Ninian and Caeda. She's a blue-haired dancer chick that's fast, frail, wields a lance, and

is a princess of a country no one cares about

. . .and she's also pushed as the main lord's love interest.

The only thing Orochi and Ilyana have in common is that both of them wield magic. Kinda think that Hayato's closer, but it's still a stretch.

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Hoo boy. . .

Jeorge is from a noble family, IIRC, but that's about it. FE12 supports should have more details.

Azura's some weird mix of Ninian and Caeda. She's a blue-haired dancer chick that's fast, frail, wields a lance, and

is a princess of a country no one cares about

. . .and she's also pushed as the main lord's love interest.

The only thing Orochi and Ilyana have in common is that both of them wield magic. Kinda think that Hayato's closer, but it's still a stretch.

From the Fire Emblem wikia:

"A member of the Jeorge archetype is a character posing as a simple traveler who joins early or mid-game, and is later revealed to be royalty, nobility, or otherwise of plot-critical heritage. They are commonly, but not necessarily, bards." Azura is part of this according to what I saw.

If anyone has objections to this, feel free to say so.

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From the Fire Emblem wikia:

"A member of the Jeorge archetype is a character posing as a simple traveler who joins early or mid-game, and is later revealed to be royalty, nobility, or otherwise of plot-critical heritage. They are commonly, but not necessarily, bards." Azura is part of this according to what I saw.

If anyone has objections to this, feel free to say so.

> Wikia

Because wikis are always accurate

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From the Fire Emblem wikia:

"A member of the Jeorge archetype is a character posing as a simple traveler who joins early or mid-game, and is later revealed to be royalty, nobility, or otherwise of plot-critical heritage. They are commonly, but not necessarily, bards." Azura is part of this according to what I saw.

If anyone has objections to this, feel free to say so.

1. There's a really big difference between royalty and nobility.

2. Azura's introduced as a princess of Hoshido shortly after you meet her IIRC.

3. Also, IIRC, Jeorge's heritage isn't really revealed unless you poke around for it. Otherwise, he has his intro lines, and his death lines in Shadow Dragon. He gets more elaboration in the sequel. . .which Azura definitely does not.

Also, this archetype is trying way too hard IMO.

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Admittably, I haven't played either of the Radiant games, so I know virtually nothing about this Illyana character.

I can say, however, that Fates does still follow the trend of archtypes used. Hayato follows the Merric line (it doesn't list him, but come on he is from the Wind Tribe), Kaze and Saizo the Cain and Able line, Scarlet might be a Minerva, Lloyd and Llewlyn the gay bandit twins, etc etc. So does Orochi follow this Illyana character? I dunno, she might. Others say no, but what do I know.

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The way I see it Fates does archetypes very differently than other games where it makes it harder to say if its even following archetypes.

For example, Gunter is the Jagen but in 2/3 paths he leaves after the prologue, and instead your early prepromote is a healer. The Cain and Abel are now ninjas. We don't get the clumsy/dumb fighter or the serene Pegasus Knight. I'm sure there's other examples.

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"We don't get the clumsy/dumb fighter"

We totally did. The unlucky Fighter right there?

"the serene Pegasus Knight."

Granted yeah we didn't get this one, although i don't even know what exactly is a serene pegasus knight.

Edited by JSND
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Illyana was a slower, slightly bulkier Mage in comparison to the more glassy Soren in the Tellius games. She and Orochi do have being slow in common, but her (relative bulk) is actually similar to Hayato.

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