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[FE7] Ultra Sadistic ENM Draft: La Tercera

Carmine Sword

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Chapter 20 3/85

Oleg's AI is odd. He won't counter Hector across the wall, but ran up when Hector headed around the wall. Eliwood can still ORKO easily enough with Guy so it's not a problem.

Chapter 21 3/88

Eubans is actually pretty fast, Hector couldn't double him. He could 2HKO him though.

Chapter 22 4/92

Both lords are max so there's no hope of getting the gaiden.
Hector took the ranged boss, Eliwood was danced to get the other boss. Pent and Hawkeye murdered everything else.

Chapter 23 4/96

Hector grabbed Eliwood, was danced, and dropped him on a fort so he could kill swordsmen. Next turn, Hector grabbed him and dropped him forward again.
From there, Eliwood could reach Lloyd and kill him with Guy+some rigging.

Name    Level HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs  Bat Win
Eliwood 20.00 34 18 15 19 14 13 5   148  77
Hector  20.00 35 18 13 12  8 16 6   145 101

Chapter 24 11/107

Hector didn't get much training in because he needed to get the Hammerne village. Damn nomads.

Chapter 25 8/115

Hector was danced forward at first, and Ninian/Eliwood brought up the rear. Ninian used a Pure Water to survive all the siege tomes coming at her.
Everyone got inside on turn 5. Hector killed everything in the way and Ninian danced Eliwood when he got in range of the throne.

Chapter 26 15/130

Hector left side, Eliwood right. Ninian brought stuff for :Nino:. She got to level 10, and used two Heal staves before the end of the chapter.
The thieves beat me to the chests but thankfully they dropped both the Rescue staff and Boots.

Chapter 26x free/130

:Nino: got to use 13 Heals, 14 Mends and 8 Barriers in the 20 turn allotment. I'm not going to reach Warp until Limstella's chapter, but with 4 more Barriers I can use Rescue in George's chapter.

Name   Level HP SM Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Bat Win
Eliwood  Max 34 18 15 19 14 13  5 208  99
Hector 18.57 54 27 24 18 14 27 15 230 167
Nino 10/6.83 26 14 13 18 13  7 16  27  17

Chapter 27 9/139

Eliwood went west and got Warp, Hector and :Nino: went north and drew the super troopers. After that, Hector went on to the boss area while :Nino: doubled back and killed wyverns.

Chapter 28 5/144

My other dudes were on the right :Nino: Rescued Eliwood, who ran ahead and killed the knight. Nils danced :Nino: who Rescued him.
Turn 2, :Nino: stepped ahead of Eliwood and gave him Rescue so she could Hammerne it. She was danced and killed an archer. Eliwood killed the sniper.
Turn 3, :Nino: got Rescue back and Rescued Nils onto the pillar. Eliwood hit the wall twice. On EP, George ran over.
Turn 4, Eliwood broke the wall and attacked George. :Nino: healed him.
Turn 5, he killed George and Nils danced him. :Nino: Rescued him for no reason and then he seized.

Name    Level HP SM Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Bat Win
Eli   20/3.29 40 21 17 20 15 14  9 238 120
Hector  20/20 56 28 24 19 14 27 16 254 189
Nino 10/14.62 32 17 17 19 18  8 22  54  40
Edited by Tricky Drick
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I'm actually kind of surprised that I got a better turn-count than Horace in Cog.

it helps when your eliwood had double the stats

mine could kill 0 enemies on the entire map, and one of my dudes had to get warp

Edited by General Horace
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You're allowed to use an undrafted flyer to get the Warp village in Chapter 27 only. You'd still have to get rid of the ballistae first so they don't get attacked on their way to the village though.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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C18 6/76 turns

I'm so glad I suggested that Dart rule.

Oswin charged, Eliwood cleared a path for him. Oswin was just far enough to 2-range Uhai on turn 5, but he didn't have enough str to 2HKO with javelin so I took an extra turn. Serra and Dart chilled around near the start and she only got two mends and some meatshielding exp sadly. Failed to get the torch staff aswell.

Eliwood     20.00 29  13  11  16  19   8   8 A Swd
Oswin     19/6.42 45  18  15  15   6  26  12 A Lnc C Axe
Serra        4.94 19   3   5   8   8   3   5 C Stf

C18x 7/83 turns

gdi, I keep losing turns. I blame Eliwood for not ORKOing an armor knight, which made the mages surround oswin next turn, which prevented Eliwood from taking the ideal path because he had to kill one of the mages. Oswin killed the boss over the course of 2 turns since he didn't double and didn't have an EP.

Eliwood     20.00 29  13  11  16  19   8   8 A Swd
Oswin     19/7.96 46  19  15  15   7  26  12 A Lnc C Axe
Serra        5.28 20   3   6   8   8   3   6 C Stf

C19 7/90 turns

Eliwood actually led the charge, he also ORKOed Cameron with a longsword and did the same for most cavs. Oswin went alongside him, killing mooks and ORKOing Darin with a hammer on turn 7. He could've used a silver lance to ORKO aswell, but the first RN string allowed for 2 hammer hits so I rolled with that. Serra followed them and got exp and she needs more magic.

Eliwood     20.00 29  13  11  16  19   8   8 A Swd
Oswin     19/9.21 47  21  15  16   7  28  13 S Lnc C Axe
Serra        6.01 21   3   6   8   9   3   7 C Stf
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You're allowed to use an undrafted flyer to get the Warp village in Chapter 27 only. You'd still have to get rid of the ballistae first so they don't get attacked on their way to the village though.


that rule was stupid and was abolished in the first draft later in the topic

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Dark Souls 3 is updating so I might as well run through a few chapters while I'm not playing that.

Chapter 14, 14/53. Pirates are obnoxious and should stop sitting on the other side of the map.

Chapter 15, 9/62. Finally a sub 10 turn chapter! Man I suck at this game.

Well I guess two counts as 'a few.'

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@Carmine: You underestimate the power of :Nino:! Really, it's because of ENM and the rules that let you slowplay 26x but I'm just glad that :Nino: is good for efficiency in this context.

@Magic try this. Change the name to the same as your file, but keep the 5 on the end. Load state 5 when you start the game.

Chapter 29 11/155

Eliwood killed everything and staff-spammed with :Nino:

Chapter 29x 5/160

Arena and shopping.

Name    Level HP SM Sk Sp Lk Df Rs Bat Win
Eli  20/17.72 49 25 21 24 24 22 12 279 156
Hector  20/20 56 28 24 19 14 27 16 273 190
Nino 10/16.51 33 18 18 21 19  8 22  64  42
Chapter 30 4/164

This isn't completely optimal but I don't think a 3-turn is possible with my team.

Hector killed a cav and :Nino: Rescued Eliwood forward. Nils danced her, Eliwood grabbed him and ran forward, :Nino: ran forward and dropped Nils.

Turn 2, Hector ran forward, Eliwood grabbed him and ran forward. :Nino: Warped him to the spot 3W 1S of the centre ballista, Nils danced her and she ran forward.

Turn 3, Warped Eliwood over the river, he dropped Hector in Lim's range. Nils tried to not die.

Turn 4, Hector killed Lim and Eliwood seized.

Chapter F 4+1/169

Turn 1, Eliwood opened the bottom-left door, Hector the middle-right door, Athos killed a sniper, was Rescued by :Nino:, danced and opened the middle-left door.

EP, Hector wounded Darin and Uhai, Athos wounded Brendan and killed the warrior, Eliwood wounded Jersuma.

Turn 2, Eliwood Elixir'd, Athos killed Brendan, Hector wounded Darin. Nils danced Athos to kill the Bolting sage, :Nino: Physic'd Hector.

EP, Eliwood killed Jerme and Ursula, Hector killed Darin and the general, Athos killed Kenneth and the druid.

Turn 3, :Nino: Physic'd Eliwood and he killed the other sniper. Hector equipped a Swordslayer and opened the top-right door. Athos was danced to wound Lloyd.

EP, Eliwood wounded Uhai, Hector killed Lloyd and Athos wounded Linus.

Turn 4, Nils Ninis'd Athos, Eliwood killed Uhai, Hector killed Linus and the door opened. :Nino: Warped Athos and he killed Nergal on PP+EP

Hector, Eliwood and Athos could each do good damage to the dragon.

Edited by Tricky Drick
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I'll have to download no$gba and do this on the comp because I'm not installing the Wii U so far because too lazy and no TV gives me zero stimuli lol.

Soon the monk and the merc will stain their robes and clothes with Morph blood!

Such delicious quintessence!

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Tried to use your file Baldo but VBA doesn't support that save game file. The message had a 13 at the end, dunno what that was. So I guess I'll do Lyn mode and uh do ENM. In the end, my units won't take benefit of it. Well Lucius only hits a shaman.

Unless some of you guys have a save, the ones that are generated are .sg1

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It was a savestate (.sgm file), so it should work. Maybe you have a different version of VBA?

I posted if in the case that Gradivus (and Horace's) save didn't work.

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It worked Horace! I imported it and it opened. So uh, Idk if I was doing something wrong between open/loading or what. Anyways I'm terrible at file management so blame me!

Also, it is 1.8.0-511

edit: so now I have a .sav and a .sa1 file, which one should I keep and which one should I delete?

Edited by Quintessence
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Que comience el show!

C11: 8/8

Oh my god Eliwood is so terrible, got HP LCK RES then HP SKL but then STR SKL SP RES, so not bad I guess. He went straight forward without major AI manipulation and he crtblicked the boss in the end so I guess I saved a turn there.

C12: 7/15

Wood ate ring and went east to the mountain and hit and countered there until the boss ate rapier on his face. Hector kills stuff north.

C13: 7/22

Lol had to do this twice cuz I turbo'd B button and did not accept sidequest lmao. Lame. Wood went to the river and wrecked chumps there. He had to crtkill Boies otherwise he'll die. Fartre visited Merlinus, if this is allowed then ok if not I'll eat 4 turns. Marcus and Oswin meatshielded unequipped.

C13x: 7/29

Eli goes up then left while Oswin, Hector, Serra and Marcus meatshield. Eliwood is getting super stronk. Totally not HORSE level chumpwood.


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Let's GOOOO~!


I am not sorry.

Chapter 11 - 7/7

Had to creatively shuffle inventories around to keep the meatshielding rule intact. The only non-Eliwood combat was Rebecca. Otherwise, Eliwood hoofed it to the boss, and Marcus bought a ton of Vulneraries before the map was through.


Nearly halfway through the Rapier, send help.

Chapter 12 - 8/15

Hector/Oswin cleared out the top, Eliwood got the rest. Eliwood nommed the Energy Ring on turn 1 (while Matthew could use it, I think that Eliwood's gonna see more combat). Finished the map on EP due to some bullshit critical or other (was aiming for "not dying to a 25% Steel Axe hit").


Chapter 13 - 9/24

Hustled everyone except for Marcus/Oswin to the Torch village. Marcus and Oswin hung out together, and the enemies couldn't scratch 'em. Managed to have Serra tank a hit, and recruited Guy, because Eliwood took a while to kill the boss. Bought a couple more Vulneraries for good measure, and forgot to sell the Heal staff. Like a boss.



Chapter 13x - 7/31

Eliwood walked to the village, Matthew got some experience, Guy died (thanks man), and Serra's got more experience than Bartre and Dorcas combined.



BONUS: The True Facetanker:


Edited by eclipse
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Horace's Eliwood is still better than Moulder was.

I'm surprised Matthew went all the way through.

So am I. Though picking up the Body Ring is a must.

Chapter 14 - 14/45

The Killing Edge put in WORK on this chapter! Still not a fun chapter.

Parked Eliwood on the southern bridge, and everything sorta-suicided into him. Matthew stole the Vulnerary from the Javelin dude, and picked at things that Eliwood failed to kill. Once the initial rush died, Eliwood hoofed it over to Erik, chugging Vulneraries along the way. Erik died to a Killing Edge or two and two Iron Swords. Matthew diddled around south, then caught an archer's attention and ORKO'd the sucker with Marcus' Steel Sword. On the final turn, Eliwood blicked the armor.



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