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another infp for the nerdpile. used to be a hard intp with like 90-100% t, but i've gone unrobotic and soft over the years, to the point that the infp description definitely fits best. (how bout that flawless p and a)

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That sounds much more intj than intp really. Intps do think logically though, it's just sometimes more fragmented or convoluted.

And missing small details has more to do with being an N type vs S type.

Intps miss small details because of focus on big picture and underlying meaning I guess.

this descriptions really lengthy but I think it might be better


I've read about the INTJ type. Some parts do fit, but others are kind of iffy. I know, I'm being kind of dumb for taking this beyond what I should, buuut

I'd not fit on the strategically capable person criteria. I'm more of an intuitive thinker than a deductive thinker. For example, when I'm playing FE, I hardly survey the field for enemy stats, calculate the outcome and play accordingly. I go for what seems more likely to succeed, that is, let a tanky character go to a forest/mountain and take the hit from a Berserker, instead of allowing a squishy unit (that could survive the attack if I bothered myself to calculate everything) to take it while the tankier unit does something more productive. "Chess-maneuvering" and intelectualism are wrong ways to describle my stuff.

I'm also not a decisive person at all, much less an insightful revisionist. I double cross myself a lot and I end up lacking confidence on what I say, because oftenly I've missed something out or I've only half developped my ideas. I hardly have "my shit together", as INTJs are implied to have.

I suppose INTP fits better. I'm trying to read that lenghtier article.

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Type 3 - 12
Type 7 - 11
Type 9 - 10.3
Type 8 - 10.3

Wing 7w8 - 16.2
Wing 8w7 - 15.8
Wing 8w9 - 15.5
Wing 3w4 - 15.5
Wing 9w8 - 15.5
Wing 3w2 - 14.4
Wing 9w1 - 13.8
Wing 4w3 - 13


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Type 6 - 12.7
Type 5 - 10.3
Type 4 - 8.7
Type 9 - 8.3
Type 7 - 3.3

Wing 6w5 - 17.9
Wing 5w6 - 16.7
Wing 5w4 - 14.7
Wing 6w7 - 14.4
Wing 4w5 - 13.9
Wing 4w3 - 11.2
Wing 9w1 - 10.8
Wing 7w6 - 9.7
Wing 9w8 - 9
Wing 7w8 - 4

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[spoiler=all of it]

Type 2 - 9.4

Type 7 - 8.4

Type 3 - 8.4

Type 9 - 7.7

Type 4 - 6.3

Type 6 - 6.3

Type 8 - 5.7

Type 1 - 5.3

Wing 2w3 - 13.6

Wing 3w2 - 13.1

Wing 2w1 - 12.1

Wing 7w6 - 11.6

Wing 3w4 - 11.6

Wing 7w8 - 11.3

Wing 9w8 - 10.6

Wing 6w7 - 10.5

Wing 4w3 - 10.5

Wing 9w1 - 10.4

Wing 1w2 - 10

Wing 8w7 - 9.9

Wing 8w9 - 9.6

Wing 1w9 - 9.2

Wing 4w5 - 6.8

Wing 6w5 - 6.8

i'm a helper!

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this is always fun

[spoiler=test results~]248fde288d7f3d1de46a48938ea52647.png

"INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration."

i'm surprised at this result tbh

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so like i did this one too

Type 2 - 12.7

Type 9 - 11.7

Type 4 - 11.4

Type 3 - 11.4

Type 6 - 9.7

Type 5 - 9.4

Type 1 - 8

Type 7 - 7

Wing 2w3 - 18.4

Wing 3w2 - 17.8

Wing 4w3 - 17.1

Wing 3w4 - 17.1

Wing 2w1 - 16.7

Wing 4w5 - 16.1

Wing 9w1 - 15.7

Wing 5w4 - 15.1

Wing 1w2 - 14.4

Wing 6w5 - 14.4

Wing 5w6 - 14.3

Wing 1w9 - 13.9

Wing 6w7 - 13.2

Wing 9w8 - 12.4

Wing 7w6 - 11.9

Wing 7w8 - 7.7

i'm a helper!

same, we're both type 2!!

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I already did this test on another website (#GameTheory), and got INTJ, but with this one I got INFP... I think I agree with the latter the best.

THE MEDIATOR: Diplomat - Constant Impovement.

Who are you and why do you almost have the same results as me?

The only difference is that I'm Diplomat - Confident Individualism. Which is hilarious given my ethnic background.

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That's what I usually test as. The test has a bit of bias to it, but I think the description fits me the best.

It seems that INTJ is often the villain mastermind archetype for some reason.

My INTJness might be due to my OCD in part. I've been following my life plan since I was 3.

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Oh, right, the other test:

Type 9 - 9.7

Type 5 - 8.4

Type 1 - 6

Type 2 - 5.4

Type 8 - 3.7

Wing 9w1 - 12.7

Wing 9w8 - 11.6

Wing 1w9 - 10.9

Wing 5w4 - 9.6

Wing 5w6 - 9.4

Wing 1w2 - 8.7

Wing 8w9 - 8.6

Wing 2w1 - 8.4

Wing 2w3 - 5.9

Wing 8w7 - 4.6

Looks like I'm pretty close to INFP tonight.

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i took that other test. It said I'm most likely type 9 and that my wings seem balanced. Whatever that means.

I dont have very high scores in anything. Scores in types 3 (achiever), 4 (individualist), and 7 (enthusiast) were so low they were omitted lol.

Type 9 - 10 - Peacemaker
Type 5 - 8.7 - Investigator
Type 6 - 7 - Loyalist
Type 2 - 5.7 - Helper
Type 8 - 5 - Challenger
Type 1 - 4.7 - Reformer

Wing 9w8 - 12.5
Wing 9w1 - 12.4
Wing 5w6 - 12.2
Wing 6w5 - 11.4
Wing 5w4 - 10.2
Wing 8w9 - 10
Wing 1w9 - 9.7
Wing 6w7 - 9.2
Wing 2w1 - 8.1
Wing 1w2 - 7.6
Wing 8w7 - 7.2
Wing 2w3 - 6.9

I have no idea what these wing things mean.

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87% Introverted

66% Intuitive

55% Feeling

87% Prospecting

57% Turbulent

Also for the other test:

Type 1 - 11
Type 5 - 11
Type 6 - 9.4
Type 4 - 9.3
Type 7 - 8.3
Type 9 - 7
Type 2 - 1.4

Wing 5w6 - 15.7
Wing 5w4 - 15.7
Wing 6w5 - 14.9
Wing 4w5 - 14.8
Wing 1w9 - 14.5
Wing 6w7 - 13.6
Wing 7w6 - 13
Wing 9w1 - 12.5
Wing 1w2 - 11.7
Wing 4w3 - 10.7
Wing 7w8 - 8.8
Wing 9w8 - 7.5
Wing 2w1 - 6.9
Wing 2w3 - 2.8

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