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So apparently I'm amazing, but also evil as fuck. Great!


I mean, just look at that man's face. He's clearly the evil guy

I'm not alone any more.

... Who are you?

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ohh, I love tests of questionable quality!

last time I did this, I was a 5w4, but let's see


You are most likely a type 5.

Your wings seem to be balanced.

Type 5 - 9.7

Type 9 - 8

Type 4 - 7.4

Type 3 - 7.4

Type 6 - 7

Type 7 - 6.4

Type 1 - 6

Type 8 - 6"

Type 5 is quite similar to how I am, but type 9 misses the mark so hard. I'm not even close to a peace maker.

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I'm not alone any more.

... Who are you?

I'm your long lost brother!

The world wasn't ready for two analytical, assertive and generally excellent chaps spawning in the same place, so destiny went full Nintendo and decided to commit some "poor localization" with our fates :P:

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Yeah I'd say type 5 is pretty spot on for me

Type 5 - 12.3

Type 1 - 12

Type 4 - 7.3

Type 6 - 5.4

Wing 5w4 - 16

Wing 5w6 - 15

Wing 1w9 - 14

Wing 4w5 - 13.5

Wing 1w2 - 12.4

Wing 6w5 - 11.6

Wing 4w3 - 7.7

Wing 6w7 - 5.9

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I got "ISFP - Adventurer".

I'm not sure if I completely agree with it. Some of the "weaknesses" that were given for ISFP are actually the opposite of what I feel are my weaknesses, and I'm not really all that artistic or curious. That, and my results seem to always change for every test I take, except for the "I" part.

EDIT: My last two results were ISTJ and INTJ, and I'm pretty sure I'm closer on the "T" spectrum than on the "F". I feel like aside from being "I" my results fluctuate depending on the questions that are asked.

Edited by Sunwoo
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It's a 1% improvement from the last time I took this test (wherein I got 100-0)!

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I forgot to add, my fifth component type was Assertive, so I guess I'm INTJ-A. I haven't seen that last part on the previous MBTI tests I've taken.

I'm surrounded by INFPs here.

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we intjs need to stick together

let's form a 0.8% club

I've only met three other INTJs in real life. Two of them are related to me.

I've seen the overall percentage anywhere from below 1% to 4%. I think I saw 0.8% being the number of INTJ females, but I'm not sure if that's referring to INTJ females as a percentage of the total population or just compared to other females.

I think the number of introverts has been over reported on many of these websites, because it seems introverts are more likely to take these tests in the first place. It's anecdotal, but the best accurate representation of the population I've seen was when a psychology class in undergrad all took the test. Extroverts outnumbered Introverts roughly 3:2 and Sensors over Intuitors 3:1, with the T/F and P/J being roughly split 1:1.

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I think the number of introverts has been over reported on many of these websites, because it seems introverts are more likely to take these tests in the first place.

I think you hit the nail on the head there. :)


I'm a part of the INFP club too! Haha.

Edited by Infinite Dreams
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I've only met three other INTJs in real life. Two of them are related to me.

I've seen the overall percentage anywhere from below 1% to 4%. I think I saw 0.8% being the number of INTJ females, but I'm not sure if that's referring to INTJ females as a percentage of the total population or just compared to other females.

I think the number of introverts has been over reported on many of these websites, because it seems introverts are more likely to take these tests in the first place. It's anecdotal, but the best accurate representation of the population I've seen was when a psychology class in undergrad all took the test. Extroverts outnumbered Introverts roughly 3:2 and Sensors over Intuitors 3:1, with the T/F and P/J being roughly split 1:1.

i've met two other intjs irl

one is my father and the other is my sister

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i've met two other intjs irl

one is my father and the other is my sister

Mine were my father, one of my cousins, and my Psychology professor.

To round out my immediate family: married to an INFP, my kids are too young to really test, my mother's an ISFP, and my sister's an INFJ.

Although, I think my son my very well be an extrovert. He's extremely social.

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Usually I get INTP for these tests but I guess I'm jumping on the INFP train this time!

68% Introverted

58% Intuitive

57% Feeling

87% Prospecting

52% Turbulent

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yo where my esfp/j buddies at

Out in the general population. Those are probably two of, if not the, most common types I've met.

Here, though? We have a bouncer. How'd you get through? Only IN types are allowed.

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