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Looks like I got mediator again.

one of my favorite hobbies is getting headpats. another is leaving in the middle of games to eat/shower

I have an obsession with delivering headpats, unfortunately.


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I've gotten this one pretty consistently for quite a while now.

This is almost identical to my result.

Differences: only 18% introverted, 91% intuitive, 71% feeling, 69% prospecting, and 59% assertive


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Oh, one of these again. Let's see...


100% Introvert

64% Intuitive

55% Feeling

65% Judging

78% Turbulent

Hmm... I never think that tests with scaling answers to be ones I could ever be sure I'm answering them right... oh well...

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update apparently i got even more extraverted since i last took one of these

96% baby wooooooooooooooooooo

Edited by Specta
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73% Introverted

62% Intuitive
60% Thinking
84% Prospecting

I always get INTP despite being very skeptical of some things that are said there (and this doesn't even take into account the fact that we tend to believe on vague things said about us). I know it's just for fun though.

Edited by Rapier
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ok i went to screencap my results but it didn't save

so i took it again and apparently i did something slightly different

also apparently this one doesn't think i'm esfj so i have go read about a new type


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My score always changes between INTP and ISTP, and solidly so.

Like, i first took the test and got ISTP, with the S being in its 50s

Then i just retook it and got INTP with the N in the 50s as well

That said, i do think i'm more of an INTP

My scores were:

96% introverted

53% intuitive

67% thinking

78% prospecting

78% turbulent

I find it very interesting that I got such a high % of introvert, specially when compared to the last time i took the test, considering I'm actually feeling way more sociable, talkative and at ease around people than I did for a long time, particularly when compared to the last time i took the test. Well, I guess being an introvert isn't that related to sociability

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thats such an intp thing to say

but most intp descriptions are bad imo

to be honest, I could see myself on the description about someone who has a turbulent mind, who likes to speak about an idea before it is fully developped, who likes seeing patterns on things and organizing, that kind of stuff

but the "immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available" part is iffy. Immensely complicated clockwork? I'm more of an absent minded person than someone who thinks about every nuance. Taking every idea and fact possible (when I actually miss out small details very easily and frequently)? Logically sound results available? The logicians who had to deal with my nonsense would puke at this, lol

I'd really like to see a personality test that has a good degree of comprobability.

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I decided to take the quiz again for funsies

I got INFP. I most often get ISFP so I thought I would just answer that anyway (I teeter on the edge between intuition and sensing every time, so it's almost always ~0% or ~50/50)

But then I started reading further like into the strengths and weaknesses and was realizing that I wasn't finding a single thing I disagree with

Often when I got ISFP I would find a couple things I disagreed with (especially including this quiz in particular)




Comprising just 4% of the population

apparently 4% of the population comes to sf

I coulda swore back when I kept getting ISFP that was the most common type that came onto sf

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