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Patch 1.1.6 (Smash 4) Now Out!


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We don't know when its hitting exactly but judging by the size, we can expect some changes. As before I'll be keeping up with Smashboards patch notes for you all when it does eventually hit

. You will need 61MB of free space on Wii U and a whopping 325MB on 3DS to apply the patch.

Special thanks to DodgeDusk for bringing this to my attention.

What do you all want to see from this patch? I would personally love to see some Roy and Shulk buffs myself, both are fun to play (I'm actually having tons of fun as Roy right now like almost teetering on main from how much fun) but have some glaring flaws.

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Estelle Bright as a playable character. Anything less is unacceptable. =)

Haha you only said this because I said it on Skype! :P:

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remove cancer from the game

buff low tiers, leave top tiers as it is... a better samus would be awesome. maybe she could get a real jab now! maybe DDD could get his old down throw back?

my dream would be rage removal

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bayonetta nerfs?

We might see some, its funny though because people have actually been figuring out how to fight her quite a bit better now.

remove cancer from the game

buff low tiers, leave top tiers as it is... a better samus would be awesome. maybe she could get a real jab now! maybe DDD could get his old down throw back?

Melee Super Missiles would be great wouldn't it? Also yeah I agree with you mostly.

Also this exists apparently (linked by Rein) http://buffpuff.club/ maybe puff will finally get a break

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I said it because it was right. =)

Pipe dreams aside, I'd like the following characters to get buffed (not interested in nerfs) in the following ways (not saying these are the most necessary but what I personally would want):

Doctor Mario: I'd like his recovery to not be hilariously awful for no reason. So not only an Up B buff but also a Down B buff as well (maybe making it easier to kill with as well?).

Zelda: Needs all around buffs. Being faster would help, but I'd also like her Side B to not put her into fastfall (and maybe making it more powerful and harder to punish so she can actually space with it), her Down B to just be...better in every way (faster stronger harder better), more shield pushback (so her moves are safer on shield), and kill confirms.

Samus: Make it so that she doesn't lose her charge upon getting hit.

Kirby: Buff his kill throws, they're way too cool looking to not be better.

Fox: Give him his old jab back. Also make Up Throw -> Up Air a true combo.

Jigglypuff: Buff Rest, have easier setups into Rest, and buff all of Jigglypuff's aerials (either by being faster/stronger or better at comboing).

Marth: Just make him Melee Marth TBH (Brawl Marth is not preferable but works better than what we got).

Roy: Make his moves safer on shield and increase the sour spot damage because it's so bad. Also buff his Dancing Blades so he can do it out of a short hop.

Little Mac: Give him his old Side B back. Actually, just make it the same as the on stage Side B (same goes for his Up B).

Shulk: Reduce all of his moves frames by 5-10.

Mega Man: Just make him better somehow. I like Mega Man.

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I said it because it was right. =)

Pipe dreams aside, I'd like the following characters to get buffed (not interested in nerfs) in the following ways (not saying these are the most necessary but what I personally would want):

Doctor Mario: I'd like his recovery to not be hilariously awful for no reason. So not only an Up B buff but also a Down B buff as well (maybe making it easier to kill with as well?).

Zelda: Needs all around buffs. Being faster would help, but I'd also like her Side B to not put her into fastfall (and maybe making it more powerful and harder to punish so she can actually space with it), her Down B to just be...better in every way (faster stronger harder better), more shield pushback (so her moves are safer on shield), and kill confirms.

Samus: Make it so that she doesn't lose her charge upon getting hit.

Kirby: Buff his kill throws, they're way too cool looking to not be better.

Fox: Give him his old jab back. Also make Up Throw -> Up Air a true combo.

Jigglypuff: Buff Rest, have easier setups into Rest, and buff all of Jigglypuff's aerials (either by being faster/stronger or better at comboing).

Marth: Just make him Melee Marth TBH (Brawl Marth is not preferable but works better than what we got).

Roy: Make his moves safer on shield and increase the sour spot damage because it's so bad. Also buff his Dancing Blades so he can do it out of a short hop.

Little Mac: Give him his old Side B back. Actually, just make it the same as the on stage Side B (same goes for his Up B).

Shulk: Reduce all of his moves frames by 5-10.

Mega Man: Just make him better somehow. I like Mega Man.

I'd totally be on board for all of these to be honest and if I may add to the Roy one. Maybe increase the size of his sword by a small margin? So he can be a little more safe in general as well, also maybe make his throw combos a little more guaranteed although I enjoy the tech chases.

And yes I even agree with the Fox one because it just feels like something he should be able to do honestly.

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doc's down b kills REALLY early near the ledge and has setups iirc. he shouldn't be as slow as a slug though... why, sakurai...?

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I'd totally be on board for all of these to be honest and if I may add to the Roy one. Maybe increase the size of his sword by a small margin? So he can be a little more safe in general as well, also maybe make his throw combos a little more guaranteed although I enjoy the tech chases.

Oh yeah, I was too lazy to edit it but I agree that a Samus Super Missile buff would be cool. Also yeah, that'd be good but only if they increased the sweet spot size as well. I don't actually have an issue with his throw combos, at least at early %'s anyways. Well, I agree that they should be more consistent across characters though. Also maybe give his Up B slightly more superarmour or something? Not sure. I'd give it more range in general but I have a feeling that the reason it kind of has lame range is so that it's not a strictly better version of Dolphin Slash. More killing power on it would be hilarious though, so I'm all for that.

doc's down b kills REALLY early near the ledge and has setups iirc. he shouldn't be as slow as a slug though... why, sakurai...?

I didn't know that! TBH though, I was just hoping for it to be changed to 1.0.0 Luigi's Down B. Also yeah, him being faster would be pretty nice.
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Oh yeah, I was too lazy to edit it but I agree that a Samus Super Missile buff would be cool. Also yeah, that'd be good but only if they increased the sweet spot size as well. I don't actually have an issue with his throw combos, at least at early %'s anyways. Well, I agree that they should be more consistent across characters though. Also maybe give his Up B slightly more superarmour or something? Not sure. I'd give it more range in general but I have a feeling that the reason it kind of has lame range is so that it's not a strictly better version of Dolphin Slash. More killing power on it would be hilarious though, so I'm all for that.

Yeah that sounds right, I guess its just weird when I throw someone and they like can get out of a possible nair follow up later on.

Blazer is pretty good as an on stage option, I'm not sure if I'd want to sacrifice its KO power and usability for more recovery or just want it to be BETTER overall even if it wouldn't make sense :P:

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-No stupid unnecessary nerfs to non-top tiers (everything that happened to Corrin last patch except arguably the counter nerf fell into this)

-Buff low- and mid-tiers (personal hope: increase Robin's movement speed/grab range)

-Make Cloud less of a jack-of-all trades; make him rely on his limits more instead of them being a bonus on top of an extremely solid character

-Any Bayonetta nerfs are welcome

EDIT: Wait, what? 325 megabytes on 3DS? Why? Seriously, I think Smash updates take up more blocks than my actual downloaded games at this point.

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Wait, I forgot about the most necessary buff! Give King Dedede, and only da king, chain grabs.

Blazer is pretty good as an on stage option, I'm not sure if I'd want to sacrifice its KO power and usability for more recovery or just want it to be BETTER overall even if it wouldn't make sense :P:

Well, it was one of his defining traits in Melee. It can afford to be BETTER overall (especially if they buffed Marth like I want!!!!!!!!!!!), I guess.

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-Make Cloud less of a jack-of-all trades; make him rely on his limits more instead of them being a bonus on top of an extremely solid character

Do you want to make Cloud campy and boring?

I mean the nerfs before helped, because he hasn't seen as much competitive light, I think he's fine as is.

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Do you want to make Cloud campy and boring?

I mean the nerfs before helped, because he hasn't seen as much competitive light, I think he's fine as is.

I was under the impression that the nerfs outside of the one to Finishing Touch were slaps on the wrist; he KO's maybe 5-10% later overall. He's still regarded as top-tier by many.

Whatever they decide to do, I still think he's a little too good at a little too much.

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buff low tiers, leave top tiers as it is... a better samus would be awesome. maybe she could get a real jab now! maybe DDD could get his old down throw back?

I agree entirely with this. All of the top tiers are fine now, in my opinion, except for arguably Bayonetta. The low tiers are the ones that need fixing.

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As a Roy main, we're missing a few crucial things in Roy's design for his buffs. Realistically he probably won't get everything, but I can hope right lol.


Safe on shield moves.

Range increase bc Marth got one.

Roy's moves autocancel out of a shorthop, preferable F-air or B-air (SH currently 28 frames, autocancel window for moves are around frame 32 for F-air, 33 for B-air, >47 for N-air)

Cutting unnecessary frames (Roy's F-air comes out frame 10, Marth's comes out frame 6)

Small % increase (Roy has a harder time keeping up in damage against Marth due to his recent power buff)

F-Smash give enough shield stun or pushes the opponent far enough on sweetspot, so Roy doesn't get punished out of shield.

Roy literally has an identity crisis. He wants to be a disjointed rushdown characters, but doesn't have the frames/tools. Roy's fastest move is frame 5. I'm mainly hoping Sakurai trims the unnecessary fat on some his moves, since his moves shouldn't be coming out this late, if they wanted him as a rushdown character.

Kind of pushing it:

Make Roy's combos less weight dependent and give him more 50-50s.

Kill confirm off of Jab, maybe return his old D-tilt that pops you up to give you a kill confirm. (though Roy is a read-based character, so I highly doubt this xD)

Make B-throw viable as a throw through being to able connect with B-air

D-air have bigger range and less of a commitment (so much fat on this move)

Increased aerial acceleration (he's a rush down right, however, this would totally make him overwhelming in the air. It would also make N-air less of a commitment, as he can space in and out with it.)

Longer grab range

These are all the things I can think of at the moment that would probably make Roy a lot better right off the bat.

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Can they make this intimidating again?


Melee missiles, Charge Shot keep upon interruption, Charge Shot Air charge, Lower UpSmash hitboxes, and no SourSpot on Fsmash please

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