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People do that all the time with the word revelation for some reason. Something about it drives people to add that extra s. It's just one of those weird little things people do, sometimes without realizing it.

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i mean, english-speaking humanity as a whole has sort of spent at least twenty years adamantly refusing to not misspell "rogue". we are all collectively very good at not getting names entirely right, and let's face it, there's like a million things called "revelations", plural. we're so used to seeing it pluralised that it doesn't even occur to us that maybe fe14 is calling it "revelation", singular :P

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i mean, english-speaking humanity as a whole has sort of spent at least twenty years adamantly refusing to not misspell "rogue". we are all collectively very good at not getting names entirely right, and let's face it, there's like a million things called "revelations", plural. we're so used to seeing it pluralised that it doesn't even occur to us that maybe fe14 is calling it "revelation", singular :P

This. Also, I think the plural comes more easily because usually when you think about groundbreaking new truths, you think of it as a series of reveals, ie more than one. Revelation (singular) just doesn't sound as significant.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I wonder why it's called Revelation and not "Sunshine and kittens".

Because Scarlet.

I've never actually noticed that it's Revelation and not Revelations. I just went with the flow.

...google search likes to make nintendo disagree with itself though


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As loose a term as it is, multiple revelations are revealed so it's fitting enough I guess. Plus it sounds better than Revelation when speaking it. Although I haven't really noticed many people saying Revelations in my experience. Usually I see it shortened to Rev and even I call it One Shots: The Path instead of its actual name.

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Honestly I wish they would've gone with something other than "Revelation" because it makes you think that there's going to be a big revelation but there isn't at all. Even if you didn't spoil yourself like I did when the Japanese version came out the revelation probably didn't feel that big.

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Because Scarlet.

I've never actually noticed that it's Revelation and not Revelations. I just went with the flow.

...google search likes to make nintendo disagree with itself though


This. I never knew it wasn't Revelations.

I DO know how to spell Rogue though, please.

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I have never even thought about it I just called it Revelations because it flows better didn't even realize it was just called Revelation, The more you know...

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Yeah, for a while there I was calling it Revelations. Dunno why, just sounded better in my head I guess.

Then I started to force myself to just say Revelation.

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I wonder why it's called Revelation and not "Sunshine and kittens".

Or Obvious True Path.

Or Naruto.

Or Plot-devices.

Or *insert many names that mock all the BS that Revelation contain*

Eh, now that I'm thinking about it, it make me think of Persona 1

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