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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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I think I read like two pages of Metamorphosis before I had to put it down

The Kafka book about a guy turning into a bug? That's pretentious? Whaaaa

i'm pretty pretentious myself so i'm not sure


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iunno, i have to look through my list of indie games. i couldn't get through episode 1 of lain without falling asleep

QOTD 1006 - You gain a mate who is exactly to your tastes, personality and looks. However, everybody else sees them as a (literal) monster. Do you stay with them, or leave?

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Honestly I'm perfectly happy with exactly the way my bf is and given how my brain functions I can't even imagine being attracted to this hypothetical "perfect mate" anyway, or anyone else for that matters

However, if keeping this guy around means he can do the dishes and clean the bathroom, then I'd perfectly happy taking him on as the free butler I mean what

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Given what I want out of a guy, I'm staying.

EDIT: I'm assuming I'm single for this question. Otherwise, the point is moot.

Edited by eggclipse
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