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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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It depends on the kind of gore and the medium. Gore involving parts of the face, especially eyes, tends to get to me faster than most, and I have a higher tolerance for gore in video games, books, and comics. I'd still say that said tolerance is pretty high.

Edited by Knight Falchion
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It depends on the kind of gore and the medium. Gore involving parts of the face, especially eyes, tends to get to me faster than most, and I have a higher tolerance for gore in video games, books, and comics. I'd still say that said tolerance is pretty high.

similar to this

watching stuff that you can find on say liveleak gets to me faster then a movie like hostel

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I can handle the maximum amount in fiction

however I dropped out of anatomy because I couldn't handle looking at our internal organs in a textbook.

lol i have a hard time looking at the heart in anatomy class sometimes. which is really bad because i want to be in a field involving the heart.

[spoiler=A little bit graphic. Just spoiling it in case anyone casually reads this and finds it too graphic.]

the maximum amount of gore i can handle is like blood, cut limbs and maybe like the forceful removal of some organs.... at least in viewing. Like, I can't really endure an eye popping right out of the socket, but I find it okay if it's like completely removed. If you rip out a heart, I don't wince really hard at it, but it's really the screams of agony and terror that I don't feel really okay with. Though, I think it's pretty easy for me to handle gore in reading.

What I can't handle is someone being sliced the fuck open and all their intestines falling out with blood spilling all over the place. that's too much for me. I also cannot handle torture where they're ripped the fuck open with their guts spilling out. It just seems super disgusting to me because it shows that the human body is really just a giant soft bag of blood and mush. However, I do think it's more the audio than the sight that really affects me. Blood-curdling screams of the forceful removal of one of your body parts, without anesthetic is way more painful than I can probably imagine.

it's crazy how people enjoy some of these things though. i just don't understand the appeal to it.

Edited by Jiac
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Depends on the context. I really don't like violence, whether it be fictional or otherwise. If it's something like open-heart surgery (or any other situation where the intent isn't to harm/maim), I'm fine with it.

Edited by eclipse
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Previous: Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, with shoutouts to Jinzo, Brionac, and Destiny Board.

Current: I don't do nausea? I actively dislike watching torture or similarly gruesome stuff (live-action or real, animated is w/e), especially involving eyes or fingernails, but I don't get nauseous. Intent can make things worse, but isn't necessary for me to be uncomfortable.

Edited by Euklyd
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It depends on the context. Recently I watched the Korean film Oldboy and the gore there was quite effective within the context which necessitated it. Gore for the sake of gore though? Wouldn't care to seek such content out.

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