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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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Pedal Power in Mario Party.

Pedal Power makes you wonder just what the folks at Hudson were thinking with these rotation games. Like, with the other ones you can say that they merely made the AI too hard. But this is a single player minigame. There is no AI involved and yet the only way to beat it is to rotate your stick so hard that it damages your hand and the controller.

The reason I count this as a level is the Minigame Island, where you have to beat all the minigames in order on a Mario-style overworld. If those games pop up during the regular board sessions, you can just lose on purpose and save yourself the blisters. But in this mode you need to win in order to progress. And I only ever managed to beat this game a single time by myself. All other times I felt like I was not even close.

Edit: Although I suppose calling it hard might be a bit of a stretch. I mean, there is no skill involved since spinning the stick is literally all you can do. And you either spin the stick fast enough to win or you don't. Maybe I can come up with a more appropriate answer later.

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Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Flying Machine level on full sync.

With a keyboard and mouse.

It's apparently a lot easier with a controller which I don't have, but the controls for that is a nightmare with a keyboard. The flying machine is hard in general with keyboard and mouse back in ac2 but MAN.

I think I only really managed full sync by taking advantage of respawn points and crashing not counting against your health bar because the controls are pretty fucking rough. Syndicate's carriages have a similar issue.

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"the devil went down to georgia" on expert, guitar hero 3. lotta ppl consider it to be the hardest guitar hero song, tho that's debatable. (only played two games in the series but tbh the song i actually had the most trouble with was metallica's "one." it's 6 minutes of easy but then that damn solo kicks in and i just. can't. move my fingers that fast. dead in seconds. they made the solo easier in later versions iirc)

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Not really sure but here are the things that come to mind:

-I beat IWBTG, don't really know what the hardest portion is but I've beaten all of it.

-See 1001 Spikes. I guess the boss of the arctic was very hard, since the falling ice gets very unpredictable towards the end.

-I beat hell in Cave Story in under 4 minutes.

-If bosses count, I beat the EO3 superboss, abyssal god, after ~40 turns had passed and he goes full offense (no longer heals but pattern becomes randomized).

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Flying Machine level on full sync.

With a keyboard and mouse.

It's apparently a lot easier with a controller which I don't have, but the controls for that is a nightmare with a keyboard. The flying machine is hard in general with keyboard and mouse back in ac2 but MAN.

I think I only really managed full sync by taking advantage of respawn points and crashing not counting against your health bar because the controls are pretty fucking rough. Syndicate's carriages have a similar issue.

Haven't played that game, but in Metal Gear Solid 2 on the PC, the sword controls (for an endgame fight) are placed in such a way that they seem to expect you to have three hands. Stuff on extreme left and right of the keyboard, and the mouse. It's a bid dumb. But you can do a stab attack with the sword using the scrollbar-press on the mouse, so you don't really need part of the keyboard that's used for sword attacks.

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(I'd be the player on the right, though I didn't score anywhere near as high when I did it)

Previous question: Depends on who you ask. :P:

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One of the levels in Kid Icarus: Uprising. The controls are terrible for lefties crai

I change my answer. Pretty much the entire checklist(s) for Kid Icarus/Smash Bros.

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Call of Duty 4

Heat and No Fighting in the War Room, I can't decide which is harder

On the one hand, No Fighting in the War Room is bad all around, with a couple of particularly infuriating sections (THE CROSS-SECTION)

On the other hand, Heat's final stretch is brutal. 4 minutes to fight through a shitton of enemies IN SMOKE (it does go away after a while but for the first minute or so but still) and go all the way back down the hill your enemies were fighting up.

Shoutout to One Shot, One Kill which would be pretty difficult if it weren't for the fact that there's two spots that absolutely break the AI. One in particular makes you pretty much immune to grenades but that doesn't stop the AI from throwing a shitton of them.

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Uh...I don't really have memories of super hard gaming moments. I remember a GBA James Bond game and I couldn't even reach level two or three for maybe a year or a few months of having it, but I was a kid. Some moments in Tactics Ogre also got really hellish and once in Dissidia Duodecim I entered a chain-like thing and I was stuck on 1 HP or quitting and I had to fight against Kefka or something, took me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages. Genocide!Undyne was also Hell, never managed to beat her.

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Stuff I've Beaten

Unofficial: a number of really fiendish third-party levels for Myth II, also did a few vanilla levels on Legendary.

Official: FM2014. The Championship.

Stuff I've Stonewalled On

Still haven't finished UT/UT2004. I cannot fucking get through HyperBlast, my imperfect human aim and anxiety under pressure have denied me. Even once had like an 8-2 lead which deteriorated to a 15-9 defeat. That's the one that stands out to me - certainly the only final boss I can think of that I just cannot get past.

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the AoE1 campaign is such magical low-effort Kaizo

shoutout to midway through the Babylonian campaign when they accidentally make the player Greek (possibly vice versa?)

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i don't remember anything particularly hard from anything, sorry

QOTD 925 - What's your favorite video game series? sent in by Paula Abdeen (i'm pretty sure this was asked before but whatever)

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