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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

In '87, Huey released Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.

QOTD 939 - what is the pettiest thing you have ever done submitted by a

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937 - what is usually the first thing you notice about a person appearance-wise


QOTD 938 - You like Huey Lewis and the News?

This belongs to my top ten music songs of all time, so yes.

QOTD 939 - what is the pettiest thing you have ever done

I'm very petty in general, especially if people annoy me in the publicity.

The pettiest thing was probably this year when the neighbors had a loud party (without asking me before) and I called the cops.

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im sure ive done worse but

when i was seven i was like "i love pokemon" and my uncle kinda scoffed and said "bet you won't like it in five years"

of course i got mad but he was pretty insistent on it so five years later on my twelfth birthday i brought it up to him again.......

"remember when i was seven and you said i wouldn't like pokemon in five years??? u were fucking wrong" and i've reminded him about it every year since

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in freshman year i had a bet with one of my friends on who could keep a post it note taped to their forehead longer. he smugly told me he would win

i won

i smugly reminded him of my winning for almost the entire school day

Edited by Knight of Argentum
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im sure ive done worse but

when i was seven i was like "i love pokemon" and my uncle kinda scoffed and said "bet you won't like it in five years"

of course i got mad but he was pretty insistent on it so five years later on my twelfth birthday i brought it up to him again.......

"remember when i was seven and you said i wouldn't like pokemon in five years??? u were fucking wrong" and i've reminded him about it every year since


Your dedication is an inspiration

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This one time, I headed onto the bus with a (sealed) can of energy drink. The driver said, in the most sickeningly saccharine tone, "Hello! How are you this morning" to





entering the bus and when you say the same greeting in the same wording to everyone it sounds hella hella fake, goddamn, same emphasis on the same syllables and everything

anyway she sees the can and like, okay, so a driver's technically well within their rights to stop anyone drinking but

a) nobody does that

b) it was fucking closed

anyway she was just kind of a massive whining poppins-esque figure about the whole thing and i had to like, talk her out of confiscating this thing i had just bought


she continued to use exactly the same greeting to everyone who entered the bus

this called for drastic measures

i decided, as i left the bus, that i would not thank her, a breach of personal custom as well as traditional etiquette

fuck this screeching pink hellion

fuck her


it gets to my stop

i lick my lips with anticipation

i hop down

i pull out my card

i put it against the myway box thing

it beeps

my muscle memory betrays me

"Thanks have a nice day"


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This one time, I headed onto the bus with a (sealed) can of energy drink. The driver said, in the most sickeningly saccharine tone, "Hello! How are you this morning" to





entering the bus and when you say the same greeting in the same wording to everyone it sounds hella hella fake, goddamn, same emphasis on the same syllables and everything

anyway she sees the can and like, okay, so a driver's technically well within their rights to stop anyone drinking but

a) nobody does that

b) it was fucking closed

anyway she was just kind of a massive whining poppins-esque figure about the whole thing and i had to like, talk her out of confiscating this thing i had just bought


she continued to use exactly the same greeting to everyone who entered the bus

this called for drastic measures

i decided, as i left the bus, that i would not thank her, a breach of personal custom as well as traditional etiquette

fuck this screeching pink hellion

fuck her


it gets to my stop

i lick my lips with anticipation

i hop down

i pull out my card

i put it against the myway box thing

it beeps

my muscle memory betrays me

"Thanks have a nice day"



This guy up for super villainy, mang. Thats just...too much

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i did the same except it was a driver who actually asked me for id because i was getting an 16 and under ticket - I was 14 or 15.

my friends who were taller and honestly looked older got on fine before me, but apparently because I had a slight beard at the time I needed ID. I didn't bring ID and had to pay a full fare.

I remembered to not thank the driver as I got off the bus.

Edited by Tryhard
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i did the same except it was a driver who actually asked me for id because i was getting an 16 and under ticket - I was 14 or 15.

my friends who were taller and honestly looked older got on fine before me, but apparently because I had a slight beard at the time I needed ID. I didn't bring ID and had to pay a full fare.

I remembered to not thank the driver as I got off the bus.

So what was wrong with that? He was just doing his job.

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I'm kind of with NM for Tryhard's example. I agree it kind of sucks, but I think bus companies do sometimes put people on their buses to check and make sure fares are collected, etc. It may be a low chance, but they're kind of putting themselves a bit at risk to flout rules about fares, assuming their employer does something like that routinely.

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once my brother and i were fighting and i pretended to be seriously hurt so i could get a punch in on him

QOTD 940 - do you have a favourite clothing pattern submitted by b

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i want to say spread-out polka dots but i have lots of big stripes and pinstripes in my closet

shoutout to tartan and madras plaid and of course solid colour

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