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SB and Paperblade Suffer: Pokemon (Jan 14: Part 61 up)


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Ah yes, this game:

I suppose this was made for people who enjoy poor remixes, excellent balance, and absolutely loathe color.

Fun times.

You don't understand, it's so dark and edgy. So mature.

Do you think we leave in the Care Bear world?

​Life is harsh, people are mean.

And even if they probably didn't even had 20s (or just barely), The author already got it.

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I suppose this was made for people who enjoy poor remixes, excellent balance, and absolutely loathe color.

Fun times.

That excellent feels so sarcastic Edited by Paperblade
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I'm disappointed by the lack of mafia members, and Refa keeps getting shot. WTF.

EDIT: And be sure to remember your local mods who have to venture into Serious Discussion.

Edited by eclipse
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Episode 7 tomorrow maybe!

Also, the field in Episode 6 is

"Machines whir in the background."
*	Electric moves increase in base power x1.2
*	Motor Drive and Download's boosts are doubled
*	Technician applies on base powers up to 80
*	These moves increase in base power x1.5:
		Steam Roller		Techno Blast
*	These moves increase in base power x2:
		Flash Cannon 		Gyro Ball 		Gear Grind 		Magnet Bomb
*	The stat changing effect of these moves is amplified:
		Metal Sound 		Iron Defense 		Shift Gear 		Autotomize
*	Magnet Rise lasts for 8 turns
*	These moves will transform this field into a Short-circuit Field:		
		Discharge		Explosion 		Selfdestruct 		Magnitude 		Fissure
 		Earthquake 		Ion Deluge
			Discharge additionally can potentially alternate between the Short-circuit Field and the Factory Field for each instance of damage per attack in double battles
*	Nature Power becomes Gear Grind
*	Camouflage changes the user's type to Steel
*	Secret Power may reduce Attack
Edited by Paperblade
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I lied, episode 7 is now.

[spoiler=Electric Field]

#-------------------------------- Electric Terrain [ET] --------------------------------#
"The field is hyper-charged!"
*	Grounded Pokemon cannot fall asleep
*	Created by Electric Terrain
*	Electric moves from grounded Pokemon increase in base power x1.5
*	These moves now apply additional Electric type damage:
		Explosion		Selfdestruct		Surf			Muddy Water		Hurricane
		Smack Down		Thousand Arrows
*	Focus Punch will always fail
*	The stat-changing effect of these moves is amplified:
		Charge			Eerie Impulse
*	Magnet Rise lasts for 8 turns
*	These moves increase in base power x1.5:
		Explosion		Self Destruct		Surf			Muddy Water		Hurricane
		Smack Down		Thousand Arrows
* 	These moves increase in base power x2:
		Magnet Bomb
*	These moves will terminate this field effect:
		Mud Sport
*	Nature Power becomes Thunderbolt
*	Camouflage changes the user's type to Electric
*	Secret Power may Paralyze

[spoiler=Party Post-Gym]

Pokemon      Species    Lv G Nature  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Ability      Held Item    Moves
Roadkill v2  Kricketune 17 M Bold    56  31  28  27  23  32 Technician   Oran Berry   Growl, Bide, Struggle Bug, Bug Bite
Serious Disc Grimer     14 M Bold    50  27  23  17  19  16 Stench                    Poison Gas, Pound, Disable, Mud-Slap
Goonsquad    Zigzagoon  11 M Impish  30  13  15  10  14  20 Pickup                    Headbutt, Charge Beam, Tail Whip, Sand Attack
Refa         Combusken  17 M Relaxed 52  37  33  34  29  25 Speed Boost               Double Kick, Peck, Ember, Sand Attack
Scaldbot     Panpour    11 M Timid   33  17  18  19  18  22 Torrent      Rindo Berry  Play Nice, Leer, Lick, Water Gun
Robin        Pidgey     13 F Hardy   36  20  16  15  15  22 Tangled Feet              Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

MaybeUseful  Espurr      6 F Hasty   23  11  11  13  12  14 Own Tempo                 Scratch, Leer, Covet
Elieson      Finneon     9 F Serious 29  15  16  16  16  18 Storm Drain               Pound, Water Gun
Infernape    Pansear     7 M Naive   24  13  12  13  10  15 Gluttony                  Scratch, Play Nice, Leer, Lick
Demyx        Surskit    10 M Lax     28  12  14  15  14  20 Swift Swim                Bubble, Quick Attack, Sweet Scent
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Hey, now that I can clearly hear the music I can finally hear that the Trainer battle theme is a remix of the RSE Champion theme! ...How woefully out of place. And the wild battle theme is... a remix of the RSE Frontier Brain theme? ... Better I guess.

Man, such wonderful characterization on display. Including a fembot and the first Gym Leader being so unrelentingly chipper, bombastic(literally), and ungodly annoying. And she's the Electric-type Leader? This cuts within me deeply...

Team Meteor is a decent name though, even if their grunts are clearly Plasma recolors with a Rocket theme fixation. Bet they regularly bet with Team Flare to see who has the better Final Fantasy spell namesake! ...Oh, eclipse is a special grunt here. Huh.

jesus there's still so much grey

EDIT: oh look there's episode 7, Paperblade don't be doin' this.

Even in the bright and colorful Electric Gym there's still grey, dammit Julia you had one job and you ruined it.

So she rigs Voltorb to agitate them enough to blow themselves up to cut a path for you toward Julia woooow she is seven levels of fucked up.

Oh and her ace is a Lv. 15 Electrode, spoken like a true terrorist. Johto would be proud.

Edited by Mage Knight 404
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Yeah I upped the volume, I had it low since Reborn is normally ungodly loud but I had forgotten to take into account that Skype naturally lowers the volume of everything else while in a call

All the battle songs are remixes I'm pretty sure, they're on the youtube channel of the person who made them

Gym Theme is Johto Red/Lance theme

Team Meteor theme is Rocket Hideout

Rival theme is BW2 Champion theme

Trainer theme is Hoenn Champion theme

Team Meteor theme is Team Rocket battle theme

Wild Theme 1 is a Frontier Brain theme

RSE Frontier Brain theme is actually remixed twice, with another used as a secondary random trainer theme (I don't know why there's 2) that iirc replaces the other one partway through the game

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I noticed these episodes were sized badly after I uploaded the, I might reupload fullscreened versions some time this weekend, we'll see

Since I keep forgetting to bring this up in game, here is the wonderful world map that you can find in your pokegear, with the red square on where the game begins


Enjoy your massive city and jarring landscape changes

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Get that Swirlix hype.

From grey to more grey... but with boxes! Because I've always wanted to see what Pokémon would be like if it took place in Midgar. Also jesus this level scaling is making me think Gen 1 is clawing back from the dead for revenge.

Cain just jumped the boat from camp to creep pretty quickly, the use of tildes like that is obnoxious as fuck. Stop doing that, it's not charming.

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Ticket buys the whole seat but you only need the edge

Disappointed neither of you gave your best whiny Brad Pitt impression for ep 9

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[spoiler=Desert Terrain]

#--------------------------- Desert Field [DF] --------------------------------#
"The field is rife with sand."
*	The abilities Sand Veil, Sand Rush and Sand Force are activated
*	Sunny Day, Drought, Sand Storm and Sandstream last for 8 turns
*	These moves increase in base power x1.5:
		Heat Wave 		Needle Arm 		Pin Missile 		Dig 			Sand Tomb
		Thousand Waves
*	The stat changing effect of these moves is amplified:
		Sand attack
*	Dry Skin damages its user each turn
*	Sand Tomb deals 1/6 Max HP damage per turn (from 1/8)
*	Water moves from grounded Pokemon decrease base power x0.5
*	Electric moves against grounded Pokemon decrease base power x0.5
*	Nature Power becomes Sand Tomb
*	Camouflage changes the user's type to Ground
*	Secret Power may lower Accuracy


Pokemon      Species    Lv G Nature  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Ability      Held Item    Moves
Deathcake    Swirlix    21 F Mild    59  29  33  38  30  27 Sweet Veil                Fairy Wind, Cotton Spore, Endeavor, Round
Serious Disc Grimer     21 M Bold    71  40  33  24  27  22 Stench                    Poison Gas, Pound, Sludge, Mud Bomb
Scaldbot     Panpour    21 M Timid   55  29  31  32  31  38 Torrent                   Fury Swipes, Bite, Lick, Water Gun
Roadkill v2  Kricketune 22 M Bold    70  39  36  34  29  41 Technician                Cut, Sing, Struggle Bug, Bug Bite
Refa         Combusken  24 M Relaxed 70  51  45  47  39  34 Speed Boost               Double Kick, Peck, Flame Charge, Sand Attack
Robin        Pidgeotto  24 F Hardy   70  41  34  30  31  45 Tangled Feet              Twister, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack

Pokemon      Species    Lv G Nature  HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe Ability      Held Item    Moves
MaybeUseful  Espurr      6 F Hasty   23  11  11  13  12  14 Own Tempo                 Scratch, Leer, Covet
Elieson      Finneon     9 F Serious 29  15  16  16  16  18 Storm Drain               Pound, Water Gun
Infernape    Pansear     7 M Naive   24  13  12  13  10  15 Gluttony                  Scratch, Play Nice, Leer, Lick
Demyx        Surskit    10 M Lax     28  12  14  15  14  20 Swift Swim                Bubble, Quick Attack, Sweet Scent
Goonsquad    Zigzagoon  11 M Impish  30  13  15  10  14  20 Pickup                    Headbutt, Charge Beam, Tail Whip, Sand Attack
Manix        Mankey     15 M Careful 38  31  19  16  20  27 Vital Spirit Payapa Berry Leer, Focus Energy, Fury Swipes, Karate Chop
scorri       Skitty     20 F Careful 53  27  27  18  20  26 Normalize                 Disarming Voice, Double Slap, Copycat, Zen Headbutt
Useless      Happiny    10 F Modest  42   7   8   9  19  14 Serene Grace              Pound, Charm, Copycat, Refresh
Rein         Glameow    20 M Jolly   53  32  25  22  20  48 Limber                    Growl, Hypnosis, Feint Attack, Fury Swipes

I see only darkness before me

Edited by Paperblade
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Wow, Cassidy and Botch really let themselves go after "The Fortune Hunters!".

Is that... Could... could it be? The heralded pigments! Color! (and green too, the best one)

Wow, Zel really let himself go after HeartGold and SoulSilver invalidated his ROM hack.

holy shit Fern, that's not how Gyms work. seriously are all of the bloody Gym Leaders and their relatives in this game fucked in the head?

So Florinia really is a robot! How else can one simply turn off their emotions?

The Onyx Ward School! Building Trainers to reign in competitive battling by throwing in random meta trivia in this age of the internet! Because screw reading books.

He really doesn't know how Gyms work. Fern is a fuckwit and I no longer have any sympathy for him(I never did tbf but...).

Rini doesn't even have any custom sprites like Julia instead being a Sinnoh Ace Trainer recolor, lame gym leader 2/10 would not repair. And a Cradily as her ace, how lovely!

I love how more and more despondent SB sounds each passing episode. Soon Reborn will leave him bereft of life.

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Florininia used to be such a pain of a fight, the Cottonee used to be a Grotle, Breloom had Poison Heal with a Toxic Orb, and the Maractus/Cacnea/Cradily loved to Sandstorm

Or maybe it's because I picked a Chikorita the first time I played through, it's hard to tell sometimes

I am really looking forward to next episode in which we meet one of my... favorite characters

edit: Also SB doesn't know how to relish in the bad writing. This stuff sustains me

Edited by Paperblade
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