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Would you like to see Fog of War return?


Fog of War opinions  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see Fog of War return in future titles?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Only if it affects the enemy as well

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I second that. It's got to affect both sides for sake of fairness. Though maybe, give the enemy one extra tile of sight over the player's units since players can think independently and craft traps and such.

Actually, that gave me an interesting idea. On maps that feature an indoor AND outdoor setting could use it outside exclusively, so it's like natural fog is obscurring the characters' vision. You could craft indoor traps that way.

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Nope, I hate it in every incarnation

The enemies act like its not even there but you still can't see shit. It's made already bad maps like Arcadia even worse imo.

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No. TBH, I'd be okay if it affected the enemy too, but as I doubt that'll ever happen... No. Its only real effects are enforcing turtling and making maps that were already awful to begin with even worse, imho.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Yes I'd like to see it, it's a nice mechanic, aside from it being realistic in some cases: imagine the mist of a dark place or castle, or the fog during rain and thunderstorms or just fog of the dawn, or anything. I'd be ok if it also affects enemies and allies. But FoW does add some strategy to the game.

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The only good thing that i can say about it is that it allows you to spam torch staves for grinding purposes, and activate the enemy control glitch in fe7 and 8. Otherwise, i see no positives. It tends to be less about actual dificulty and more about memorization, which it is always annoying when FE does (just like badly-telegraphed ambush spawns).

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Yes, if it affects enemies (which is what I voted) and it isn't coupled with otherwise annoying or hectic map elements like the already mentioned desert and rescue objectives (that one chapter in Sacred Stones could have been really annoying if the game was a hard one).

(Also, if we want realism, being able to see areas lit by enemy torches should totally be a thing)

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Yes, I really like fog of war maps, when done right. Making enemies be effected by the fog too could work really well, and would make it feel more fair, though I'd want more FoW either way.

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Well, Advance Wars already have enemies affected by fog of war, so why shouldn't Fire Emblem too? Also, make torches (or any lit area) visible to everyone, and allow variation in visibility depending on terrain. Also, units with high-Luck can find out a random enemy unit's location by intuition.

Edited by henrymidfields
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Voted no. The third option is just as bad, it wouldn't add any strategy because there'd be no good way to make use of the enemy's limited vision range. Like, instead of every enemy in the area attacking you, now one enemy advances so your units are visible and the rest still ends up attacking. Impressive.

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Honestly, other the the FoW maps that are paired with annoying crap like deserts(speaking of deserts, I wouldn't miss them if they didn't return in the next game. Most of my least favorite maps are desert ones), I find the worst ones to be the ones that are in freaking skirmishes in FE8, because I almost always end up having to send my units to every corner of the map just to find that last enemy.

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I'd love to see fog of war get remade, maybe add some different mechanics to it, I just like it because it gives an ominous feel to the map, and Thracia did it first and best.

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I like Fog of War conceptually, although it can certainly be a nuisance in practice. I really like the idea of it affecting enemies too, for the sake of fairness. Or, another way to do it is "lighter fog" - you can make out the form of enemies, but not their details. in other words, a fog-of-war in which you can see where the enemies are, but not what kind of enemies they are, or stats, weapons, or anything like that.

If fog is to return, I hope they include ways to dissipate it (torches, torch staves, etc.). In most games Thieves have increased sight, but it might actually be neat to change it to Light Magic users (since they can generate light) or Archers/Snipers (since they need good vision to shoot).

Of course, if they don't bring it back, I won't be heartbroken, either.

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Being unable to see your enemies doesn't really make much sense in a TRPG. It makes the game even more luck and trail/error based

That's one way of looking at it. Another is that it promotes caution, preparation for the unknown and the ability to improvise.

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Absolutely not. It has never been done well. I'd argue that Thracia had the most interesting incarnation of FoW, but it was spammed into pretty much every Gaiden.

I like Thracia's for how the maps were designed, but the pitch black maps were bad. Most of the time, Fog of War is just added for a lame gimmick unlike in Thracia. Advance Wars has done it pretty well, but that's because Sonja and Lin were so fun.

Edited by Ms. Bunch
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fog of war is important for the ambiance of the game. Any kind of uncomfortable vibe any of the recent fire emblems tries to incorporate doesn't feel scary because I can already see everything on the map and prepare for it.

And let me tell you, I STRONGLY prefer Fog of War to random enemy reinforcements.

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fog of war is important for the ambiance of the game. Any kind of uncomfortable vibe any of the recent fire emblems tries to incorporate doesn't feel scary because I can already see everything on the map and prepare for it.

And let me tell you, I STRONGLY prefer Fog of War to random enemy reinforcements.

Yes. Except Fog of War maps typically throw units everywhere with no formation just for the sake of tricking you. That is a worse ambiance than an organized legion of units.

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I would like to see FoW come back myself, but they could definitely improve on the mechanic. Even something as simple as giving archers extended vision would help.

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