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Do you like the Kaga era or post-Kaga era more?


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So for those who don't know, Shouzou Kaga is the creator of the Fire Emblem series and was director(?) for the first 5 games in the series. After Thracia 776, he left Intelligent Systems to form his own company, Tirnanog, and created Tearring Saga and Berwick Saga. I was thinking lately about how FE4 is actually quite a divisive game in the series when it comes to fan opinion, as some seem to really like it, while some can't stand it. So I was wondering if the majority of the fanbase preferred the Kaga-era (FE1 to Thracia) or post-Kaga era (Binding Blade and up) more. I personally prefer the Kaga-era more. Now, I've only ever completed one post-Kaga era game (Awakening) but I've played a decent amount of them, and overall I just like the mechanics and gameplay (and in some games story) better in the Kaga era. I like how the older games feel way more intense, I love how revolutionary some of the ideas were, and how some of these never returned. This leads to the games feeling more unique in my opinion, and in an era of Fire Emblem where it seems IntSys is taking the safe route more and more, that's a breath of fresh air. I mean, just look at Fire Emblem Gaiden. That was far from taking the safe route. What do you guys think?

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Neither era is necessarily bad, but I played through the FE games chronologically for the most part, and I have a preference towards the SNES titles.

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Both have their ups and downs and the series wouldn't be here without both of them, so I like both equally.

That said, for discussion purposes... Nah, I still can't decide XD

Although, while I'm here, I do think the post Kaga games get a bit of unnecessary flak for "staying on the safe side".

True, the GBA games as a whole were mostly carbon copies of each other and a downgrade from the SNES games gameplay-wise. However the games were far from safe and, if anything, a huge gamble at the time for moving the series to portables and simplifying the series for a wider audience.

I don't even need to describe how the Tellius games were a risky gamble that didn't really pay off in the end.

The DS remakes were another risky manoeuvre, in my view. Granted, Shadow Dragon was a boring as heck remake, but it was the first time they attempted a fully fledged remake. Afterwards, I feel like IS didn't really know where to take the series next, so they tried experimenting with New Mystery being a 1.5 remake, adding things like the Avatar and DLC that would eventually become staples.

Awakening was the biggest risk-taker of all. Yes, most of its ideas were borrowed, but it tried its own unique take on everything. If they played it safe and made any old Fire Emblem, it's quite possible the series would have been indefinitely shelved.

Finally, I can't deny that Fates copied a lot from Awakening, but compared to say FE7/8 and New Mystery, it had more than a few radical ideas--and you can tell from the controversy that followed. Who would have thought there'd be a day when Fire Emblem would have split releases like Pokemon and Zelda?

Moving on, we've got Fire Emblem mobile, which we know nothing about, but is totally uncharted territory for IS and Nintendo.

Edited by VincentASM
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I lean more towards the post Kaga era. While I do believe that FE 4 and 5 have the best stories. I just overall enjoy post Kaga era more. They fully fleshed out gameplay, and the games feel similar.

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I think that at least during the time of FE4 and FE5 the developers were willing to try more risky and daring story ideas then what is found in later games. That being said, I think the games that came out even after Kaga's departure are of better quality then most other JRPG series on the market today.

Edited by wraith
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The gameplay of the NES original was very much fumbling around. Just look at the promotion bonuses and enemy stats in that game. I have never understood the few vocal gaiden supporters either. It's true that the game is experimental, but it's also true that the whole experience kind of funnels you into doing one thing, and on top of that it has 36x14 maps with only four enemy units, summoner mechanics (aka reinforcements every turn in a position to block off the boss), and the deterministic AI is even more noticeable than in the GBA games if you are inclined to choke pointing or putting your units in a block formation.

So in my view 3-5 are the only Kaga games worth looking at. I don't really have much against 3, although I find it kind of generic feeling. 4 is WAY against my personal taste, and also easier than 3 and 5 for the most part.

As much as I enjoy FE5, it doesn't outweight the combination of all the "decent" experiences offered by the following games. It doesn't help that 12 and especially 11 have better gameplay than their inspiration. 6-9 are indeed somewhat uninspired compared to 5, but are all meant be a blast in the short while you blaze through them with varying degrees of success, but success nonetheless.

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It really all depends, despite the fact that Gaiden is my favorite Kaga game, I think Holy War and Thracia 776 were done a bit better. On paper, I feel like Thracia and Radiant Dawn are both complex and introduce some cool mechanics. However, I think it only looks real good on paper. Both of those games from both of those eras have quite a few issues. Aside from that, I feel that the other games in the series I have been playing it a bit safe to an extent aside from Fates. I still think the best out of the post-kaga era is Path of Radiance and that IntSys is trying to make new games that are going to appeal to the fans. I think Fates was a step in the right direction for the most part, but it still has quite a few issues. Unfortunately, while IntSys can improve, Kaga can only do but so much. There is his new game coming out in the future and I'm looking forward to it and just see what kind of ideas he brings to the table. I am watching Ghast play Tearing Saga, and from what I've seen so far. It looks better than Thracia, and it looks like Kaga has improved since he left IntSys.

To summarize: I think both eras have their high points and low points

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I really only like 3 and 4 from the Kaga era. From what I have played of 5 so far, it's good, but I probably wont play it any time soon after I finish my first run.

As for post-Kaga, I like more of the games. I like all the GBA games, despite the fact I feel 6 and 7 are way too similar (At least 8 introduced/brought back more unique features), PoR is in my top 3 FE games (With 3 and 8), RD is great (minus the story), 11 and 12 are good (Albeit lackluster), then 13 and 14 which I bought enjoyed (Again minus the stories).

So yeah I enjoy post-Kaga more.

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I prefer the Kaga era more. While I find 1 and 2 to be clunky and imbalanced as heck , I like 3-5 , mainly for their graphics and art.

Also for the fact that Thracia is way difficult is something I find a good challenge.

4 and 5's graphics have to be the best in the series in my opinion , after which IntS made the GBA games more cartoonish looking and then finally going for 3D.

Story wise , I find 4 to have the best in the Kaga era.

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FE4 and FE5 are my favorites games in the series but the others games created by Kaga didn't conquer me like the Jugdral games, altough I still like them. The post-Kaga era has more title I enjoy and I loved three of them nearly as much as FE4 and 5(these titles are FE6, 8 and Conquest).

So...I guess I prefer the post-Kaga era more.

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Personally I'd say there's three eras: Kaga (1 through 5), Post-Kaga (6 through 10), and Post-Post-Kaga (11 through 14). I would actually say there was an even larger pivot in terms of gameplay and story philosophy between Radiance Saga and Awakening than between Thracia and 6.

No era has a consistent strength or weakness--FE4 has basically garbage story, characters, and gameplay, but Thracia has a pretty decent story and the best gameplay in the series. Post-Kaga plots range from the best in the series with 8 and 9 to confused messes in 7 and 10. I don't even think it's a matter of ambition or risk taking--FERD was far more ambitious and risky than FE4, for instance. Post-Kaga gameplay tends to be pretty uninspired. Meanwhile, Post-Post-Kaga (or rather, Post-2007-companywide-Intsys-failure) sees a pivot toward absolutely no story emphasis (which was also seen in pretty much all of Intsys's properties post-2007) but with a lot of advancements and experiments in gameplay that keep the games pretty refreshing.

Edited by General Banzai
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I'd have to say teh post-Kaga era by default, since I don't care for most of the Kaga era games whatsoever. That being said, my least favorite game story wise is Sacred Stones.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I like all of the games, but seeing as 3 of my top 5, including my personal favorite, FE's come from the post Kaga era, my choice becomes rather apparent there. Granted some could argue FE3 is two games but whatever

That said, FE4 is my least favorite gameplay wise, and it comes from the Kaga era, but RD is my least favorite story wise, so both eras have their faults. Heck RD is my second least favorite gameplay wise, but yet, I still get a great deal of enjoyment out both it and FE4

If anyone hasn't tried out Tearring Saga yet tho, I implore you to do so. it has the best elements of the Kaga era, and quite a few of the best elements of the post Kaga era, so it would be my favorite "FE" if the unit positioning in the prep screen wasn't the FE3 method.

For fun/reference, I'll leave my top five FE's here so you can figure out my standing

1. Fates

2. FE3 or Tearring Saga if you count that

3. FE6

4. FE7

5. FE2

Edited by MCProductions
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I usually divided the Fire Emblem story like this

1990 - 1998 = Kaga's Era (FE1-5)

1999 - 2001 = Intermediate Era (No Games released here, only canceled plans)

2002 - 2007 = Post Kaga Era (FE6-10)

2008 - 2011 = Intermediate Era No. 2 (FE11-12)

2012 - 2016> = Awakening Era/Post-Post Kaga Era (FE13 onwards)

I have a special love for the games in the Post Kaga Era... So... I think that it's my answer :p

Edited by Troykv
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I usually divided the Fire Emblem story like this

1990 - 1998 = Kaga's Era (FE1-5)

1999 - 2001 = Intermediate Era (No Games released here, only canceled plans)

2002 - 2007 = Post Kaga Era (FE6-10)

2008 - 2011 = Intermediate Era No. 2 (FE11-12)

2012 - 2016> = Awakening Era/Post-Post Kaga Era (FE13 onwards)

I have a special love for the games in the Post Kaga Era... So... I think that it's my answer :p

I glad some people are breaking this up. "Post kaga era" (as defined by the OP) is way to broad to say you like/dislike it as a whole. For me, I like the "Post Kaga era" (FE6-FE10) and the 'Awakening Era' (FE13 onwards). Support conversations are what get me invested in the characters so I'm not really interested in playing the games before them. Also, mechanically seem like they would be hard to adjust to.

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I usually divided the Fire Emblem story like this

1990 - 1998 = Kaga's Era (FE1-5)

1999 - 2001 = Intermediate Era (No Games released here, only canceled plans)

2002 - 2007 = Post Kaga Era (FE6-10)

2008 - 2011 = Intermediate Era No. 2 (FE11-12)

2012 - 2016> = Awakening Era/Post-Post Kaga Era (FE13 onwards)

I have a special love for the games in the Post Kaga Era... So... I think that it's my answer :p

Yeah, I think this sort of era system works overall better since it will be unlikely that anyone besides some people here have played any of the Shouzou Kaga games because they never came here in the first place or because they are far too old for others. As for me, I'm pretty much stuck between the Kaga era and the Post Kaga era because from Kaga. I like FE 3 and Jugdral while Post-Kaga I like Sacred Stones and Tellius. Finally, despite the fact that I can see what the Awakening era is going for, it ain't my cup of tea. I enjoyed both games but they don't leave much of impact once you set it all down.

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Both of them have their strengths, and while Kaga's games after Thracia, Tearing and Berwick feel like evolution of what FE was going for originally, I also feel like IS had an interesting way of evolving the series.

I like Kaga's ideas much more than the later FE's, but they have their merits as well. Not exactly an easy choice, I feel current FE plays it much too safe, while Kaga wasn't afraid to mix up his formula, but at the same time, playing it safe has allowed them to get fairly good at making sure certain mechanics work properly, however balance is still an issue, but that will always be an issue with a series that has so many characters per game.

Kaga's games are more memorable because of how much they feel different from each other, post era has various segments where its kinda samey, the GBA era, the Tellius games, the DS games, and 3DS games, all while they have merits, good design etc, they have the same feel as each other, unless you're like us who can tell the little differences. Tellius is the stand out of course, because both games are very different in terms of not only difficulty but also the mechanics they employ, in the GBA era, we had FE6 which is one of the harder games in the franchise with a much more simplistic design than most of its predecessors at that point, FE7 which is many (including mine) first FE and it was functionally an easier, streamlined FE6, and FE8 while having a strong story, is basically capitalizing on what worked in fe6/7 while making it even more accessible,

Tellius was arguably the most ambitious the post-Kaga peeps at IS got (other than Fates), with several mechanics from Kaga's games returning, the whole new shove system, the BEXP, the base stuff, with FE10 it felt the same and more like an expansion on ideas and testing new ones, however thats when we regress to FE11, a simplistic remake of FE1, however this was the advent of class changing, generally solid game, there just wasn't alot of meat to it, then FE12 came in and Lunatic challenged us, still arguably the most difficult yet fair FE has ever been to this day, despite the games horrific character balance, and it just expanded on ideas from FE11 for the most part so people often lump them together despite some good differences, it was simple yet challenging. This is where the true inspiration for Awakening came from I feel.

Except they missed what made FE challenging in Awakening, allowing it to be bulldozed even on Lunatic if you knew what you were doing, past chapter 2, which is one of the weakest designed chapters in the entire franchise. Awakening was weirdly ambitious yet REALLY safe at the same time, bringing back tons of old mechanics, while adding the oft criticized and praised "Pair Up",

Then Fates came along, which modified Pair up into something not entirely stupid but still pretty busted, added tons of new weapons, various cool classes, in terms of gameplay I love the road Fates took, we got tons of new cool stuff in a post Kaga game for once, and I can only hope they continue using new ideas, but not forget the roots that they came from. I can only hope that the next game can escape the stigma of being Awakening inspired, and many things in Fates want to stand out, but the aspects that Awakening has its mark on, weakens the overall experience and drags it down, because its not allowing Fates to stand on its own whatsoever.

Edited by Jedi
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I can only hope that the next game can escape the stigma of being Awakening inspired, and many things in Fates want to stand out, but the aspects that Awakening has its mark on, weakens the overall experience and drags it down, because its not allowing Fates to stand on its own whatsoever.

The Marriage System is one of the most obvious signals of this (This directly affects the original script just for the sake to allow the S Support with everyone), but yeah, there are more things that Awakening affects in Fates for the worse.

Yeah, I think this sort of era system works overall better since it will be unlikely that anyone besides some people here have played any of the Shouzou Kaga games because they never came here in the first place or because they are far too old for others. As for me, I'm pretty much stuck between the Kaga era and the Post Kaga era because from Kaga. I like FE 3 and Jugdral while Post-Kaga I like Sacred Stones and Tellius. Finally, despite the fact that I can see what the Awakening era is going for, it ain't my cup of tea. I enjoyed both games but they don't leave much of impact once you set it all down.

I glad some people are breaking this up. "Post kaga era" (as defined by the OP) is way to broad to say you like/dislike it as a whole. For me, I like the "Post Kaga era" (FE6-FE10) and the 'Awakening Era' (FE13 onwards). Support conversations are what get me invested in the characters so I'm not really interested in playing the games before them. Also, mechanically seem like they would be hard to adjust to.

Thanks :D

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tbh, i didnt play much of the Kaga era games. I played a little, and enough to get an idea of what was going on during that time. It was a pretty simple formula and i think the SNES portion was the most daring out of that era.

But i favor the post-Kaga era(s) a lot more. Its just more my style, i guess. Ive always liked whistles and bells.

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The Marriage System is one of the most obvious signals of this (This directly affects the original script just for the sake to allow the S Support with everyone), but yeah, there are more things that Awakening affects in Fates for the worse.

Yeah, and thats not to bash Awakening, but I prefer when a game stands out compared to another game in a series. I think pair up staying was good because they refined it, but there was (imo anyways) no reason for Marriage or the inclusion of Inigo, Severa, Owain etc, even if those 3 did get some good extra development in the process, it still feels awkward to me, like IS thinks without referencing Awakening, they won't sell a game as well now.

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I only really liked FE4, from all the other Kaga games that I've played. I appreciate that he renews the formula on every game instead of recycling what was already done in the other games until the end, but his ideas didn't go so well on practice and some of them were too convoluted. I think FE5 is a good example of this.

I like where the series is going, gameplay-wise. It's trying to inovate and improve the formula instead of keeping it unchanged (FE6-8 suffered from this), while on the same time it isn't trying to change to something very different on each game. There's more of a solid ground for fans, and that makes me more comfortable.

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