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Are You Comfortable With Bringing Your Home Consoles To Friends' Houses?


Are You Comfortable With Bringing Your Home Consoles To Friends' Houses?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Are You Comfortable With Bringing Your Home Consoles To Friends' Houses?

    • Yes, and I'm totally willing to bring my console over to a friend's house and I wouldn't be worried at all about damage.
    • Yes, but I would be somewhat worried and overprotective when bringing my console over.
    • Yes, but I would be extremely overprotective and keep a sharp eye on my console when travelling with it and when it's at my friend's place.
    • I'd only bring my console if my friend was heavily insistent on it and there was no other feasible options.
    • No, I'd never bring my console over to a friend's house.

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Are you comfortable with bringing your home consoles (and all necessary controllers/devices) to friends' houses? If you haven't had to do so before, just answer the question in terms of how you'd respond if a friend ever asked you to do so.

I personally don't really like doing so, but I have brought over home consoles to other people's houses on a few occasions, though I was quite worried and stressed out about the console getting damaged while bringing it over and kept a sharp eye on it for the duration it was at my friend's house. I even wrapped the console up in multiple cloths to prevent scratching.

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I do it tons of times of course I always watch over it everytime when I do so. Luckily since everyone I bring my console to their house is also a gamer, I trust them to also be cautious with my possessions.

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It depends on where I'm taking it. I bring em for family gatherings at my grandma's (because it's fun being able to play Smash and stuff with visiting cousins I rarely see), but not really anywhere else.

Since there's no option like that I voted for somewhat.

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I don't really mind it at all when it's actually at my friend's house. The part that worries me the most is when it's traveling and there's no one in the car with me to hold it and make sure it doesn't get hurt.

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I typically lug a console around if I plan on showing friends a game, or heck if I go to a smash tourney, I tend to bring my Wii U so I can help setup one of the venues.

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i only ever lug my n64 anywhere, and when friends get together it's usually at my place anyway since i'm pretty much the only one of my friends that has an actual house that isn't an apartment

that being said, i wouldn't mind taking my wiiu or w/e either, they're easy to transport if you don't let the cords get out of control.

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It is sometimes a pain in the ass to unhook everything and hook everything up somewhere else, but for the most part I really don't mind doing it

I did this all the time when hanging out with my friends

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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I did it all the time. don't even really store them properly either, I used a standard toolbox or maybe it's a fish/tackle box? But anyway, as long as I can cram the stuff in, I don't care if the console is sitting on top of the games or the wires or whatnot. This is how I learned how to undo knots I put my consoles through like 6 years of weekly "there and back" abuse, and I think the only things I ever lost were controllers and decks broken in the process.

I'd still do it without a moment's hesitation, but these days my friends invite me over to play their games since no one's really interested in my collection.

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My friends and I do it all the time and I totally don't see a problem with it.

Hell, when I was in undergrad one of the guys in my hall brought over his Wii and hooked it up in the main lounge area. A lot of the people in the hall played games together there, and they even went out to buy Brawl when it came out.

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Nope I don't. Because my friends don't have enough care and they slam their greasy pizza hands on my pristine controllers! Yes, I'm super overprotective with my gaming stuff. Most people have said if my cartridges or controllers are brand new due to how clean and maintained they've been, and nope, they have lots of years eating dust!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm always weary of letting possessions own me, so I pretty much always bring my consoles over to my friends' houses. Would it suck if they broke? Yeah. But I suppose sharing good times with friends and letting them have fun is more important to me than my belongings. Heck, one of them borrowed my Radiant Dawn copy about 3 months ago and he doesn't know where it is. Stuff happens. No sense worrying about a silly console* or game when there are more important things in life. And, thankfully, games and console are replaceable.

EDIT : Typo

Edited by CervusOpimusSilvae
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