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Nintendo is now worth more than Sony


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Let's wait it out.

FADs like Pokemon Go can only last so far, especially a beta like that.

I'm glad, though! And I love Sony, but I feel Nintendo needed that boost :)

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This brings a tear to my eye. I remember all the kids who bought the PSP and bullied me for having the DS. I mean they probably don't give a fuck now, but still.

Those kids have no idea what they missed on the DS. You did the right move! ;):

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This brings a tear to my eye. I remember all the kids who bought the PSP and bullied me for having the DS. I mean they probably don't give a fuck now, but still.

I bought both, but I brought the DS to school more, so I was basically treated the same way.

Fun fact, when the 3DS became a thing, I brought it to school for the streetpass feature, and was made fun of constantly for that. I bring the PSP ONCE and I was never made fun of for my gaming choices again

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Just makes me hope that FE on mobile can atleast make 5$ million revenue so that we can a lot of FE games in future. Granted, I'm still skeptical on the idea of FE mobile but.....I CAN DREAM OK?!?!?!

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Despite Nintendo's form I thought this was already the case.

That's because it was the case before the PS4, before their TVs started making money again, and for the entirety of the PS3-Wii-360 generation; around the start of this console generation Sony and Nintendo's market caps were valued at roughly $17b and $18b respectively before Sony's market value more than doubled due to recent successes (sound familiar?). This type of fluctuation happens all the time among electronics companies because of the nature of the business (all it takes is one new gadget to catch on, etc), only company fans and people with the money to invest make a big deal out of their share value relative to one another when it changes so often lol. It wasn't that long ago that Apple shares were less valuable than Microsoft, and now it's valued at more than Microsoft and Google combined.

Either way, "larger" isn't the proper word to describe it, Sony as a company is much "larger" than Nintendo and dwarfs it in total assets, revenue and several other statistics relevant to discussion (including debt and liabilities lol), Nintendo's valued higher currently. It's good news for a struggling Nintendo, but a comparison between the two is fairly irrelevant outside of using it as a benchmark. If VR catches on we could see the reverse happen again, or the NX could bomb and they'll plummet once more, or maybe Sony will over-commit to VR and it won't be a hit so their value will fall. It doesn't really tell you as a gamer anything apart from whether or not the company did something right or wrong recently. For comparison, Nintendo even after the launch and success of Pokemon Go isn't even worth half of what it was at the height of the Wii, and Sony is worth pennies compared to what it was in the early 2000s despite the PS4's popularity.

At the end of the day they're both companies that are shells of their former selves making an attempt to recover, regardless of their "size" or "value" relative to one another lol. The only hardware manufacturer in the gaming world sitting pretty is Microsoft.

Edited by Tangerine
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That's because it was the case before the PS4, before their TVs started making money again, and for the entirety of the PS3-Wii-360 generation; around the start of this console generation Sony and Nintendo's market caps were valued at roughly $17b and $18b respectively before Sony's market value more than doubled due to recent successes (sound familiar?). This type of fluctuation happens all the time among electronics companies because of the nature of the business (all it takes is one new gadget to catch on, etc), only company fans and people with the money to invest make a big deal out of their share value relative to one another when it changes so often lol. It wasn't that long ago that Apple shares were less valuable than Microsoft, and now it's valued at more than Microsoft and Google combined.

Either way, "larger" isn't the proper word to describe it, Sony as a company is much "larger" than Nintendo and dwarfs it in total assets, revenue and several other statistics relevant to discussion (including debt and liabilities lol), Nintendo's valued higher currently. It's good news for a struggling Nintendo, but a comparison between the two is fairly irrelevant outside of using it as a benchmark. If VR catches on we could see the reverse happen again, or the NX could bomb and they'll plummet once more, or maybe Sony will over-commit to VR and it won't be a hit so their value will fall. It doesn't really tell you as a gamer anything apart from whether or not the company did something right or wrong recently. For comparison, Nintendo even after the launch and success of Pokemon Go isn't even worth half of what it was at the height of the Wii, and Sony is worth pennies compared to what it was in the early 2000s despite the PS4's popularity.

At the end of the day they're both companies that are shells of their former selves making an attempt to recover, regardless of their "size" or "value" relative to one another lol. The only hardware manufacturer in the gaming world sitting pretty is Microsoft.

I guess making claims that the Wii U outselling One isn't going to change your mind is it despite One being more than just a game console? What a pessimist! :dry:

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list of shit microsoft sells: https://www.microsoft.com/accessories/en-us

come on harvey critical thinking

microsoft aren't sitting good because of the xbox one

I know what microsoft sells and I know that they are far richer than these two. But what I quoted bold was that he claims that Microsoft is doing fine as a game manufacturer which he is wrong. Xbox ONE can't even make a dent in Japan and again, its not just a gaming system. Microsoft can make easy money through just Windows and gadgets no doubt there. What Microsoft is king at is in the PC Market without a doubt the same way as how Nintendo is the king in handheld gaming.

They are actually pretty dumb to release two brand new consoles which one is releasing this year and the other one is coming next year. Its like SEGA deja vu here where they flushed out a lot of budget and got so little profit except that in Microsoft's case, that loss is more of a joke than it being more of a serious issue.

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But what I quoted bold was that he claims that Microsoft is doing fine as a game manufacturer which he is wrong.

No, actually the part you bolded claims that Sony and Nintendo are both shells of their former selves, and makes no mention of Microsoft whatsoever.


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