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Jedi's Playthroughs: Bleed 2 S Rank run & another game too.


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Ouch. I'm sure missing that Seraph Robe is gonna sting...

In hard mode it'd hurt a bit because you want to have one for Jill. But in NM she doesn't really need one since she can survive two physical hits.

Rafiel's angelic robe comes in time for Micky in 1-9. (if she still shouldn't have enough HP a/o defense to survive a shot)

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Game gives you another one, not as bad as it could be in some other cases.

I guess, but it still stinks because Jill has [bLEEP!]ing abysmal base hp for her level.

In hard mode it'd hurt a bit because you want to have one for Jill. But in NM she doesn't really need one since she can survive two physical hits.

Rafiel's angelic robe comes in time for Micky in 1-9. (if she still shouldn't have enough HP a/o defense to survive a shot)

Stat boosters generally aren't the type of thing I'm comfortable missing though.

Also, looking at the 1-3 video, I once again must disagree with the claim that weapon ranks rise slowly in Fates (at least for E to D and D to C).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I guess, but it still stinks because Jill has [bLEEP!]ing abysmal base hp for her level.

Stat boosters generally aren't the type of thing I'm comfortable missing though.

Also, looking at the 1-3 video, I once again must disagree with the claim that weapon ranks rise slowly in Fates (at least for E to D and D to C).

Yeah Jill has weak HP.

I generally compare Fates weapon levels to FE6's in terms of their slowness and I often feel its the case haha.

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3 Months ago I know why I bought it, but now I'm not sure. But hey its not like RD has too many things unfixable :P: on normal

Also do people like the skip base button compromise? Is it easy to see etc.

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I don't see a point of buying the arms scroll since you have discipline you can pass around and multiple hidden arms scrolls you can get in part 1.

I always would go for the status boosts, if I have the money.

The iron long bow has actually uses in chapters with ledges (1-5, 1-7, 1-F) despite Leonardo's attack speed is screwed.

In 1-5 most enemies can't be onerounded by anyone aside of Sothe except for the fire mages. However with Leonardo's long bow and someone else you can kill pretty much each enemy on the ledge.

I guess Aran has the discipline scroll currently, right? Because he wants to use Tauroneo's silver lance early on. The others won't have issues with their weapon level.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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The long awaited Sonic CD playthrough will be starting most likely tomorrow, and i'll probably trade off vids depending on time and stuff.

So Radiant Dawn and CD will be rotating when I have times and stuff, and maybe Bruiseday will begin next Tuesday who knows.

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Speaking of Arms Scrolls, I generally go out of my way to find the hidden ones because they're gems in disguise. The few units that have Wexp issues could just use Discipline.

Also, the 1-5 header featuring Bryce, Gawain and Tauroneo is amazing. And it was Sigrun who stated (courtesy of Sephiran) that stuff about mages and deserts.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Sonic CD Begins

Speaking of Arms Scrolls, I generally go out of my way to find the hidden ones because they're gems in disguise. The few units that have Wexp issues could just use Discipline.

Also, the 1-5 header featuring Bryce, Gawain and Tauroneo is amazing. And it was Sigrun who stated (courtesy of Sephiran) that stuff about mages and deserts.

Yeah, I'm just playing a tad goofy I guess :P:

Thanks I found it pretty randomly honestly, I was looking for Tauroneo art to use for the header and it came up. I was pretty sure Soren mentioned it to Ike too btw, but I may be MISTAKEN. It happens.

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I prefer Sonic Boom over You Can Do Anything, but I like the rest of the Japanese ost more than the American ost, its a sacrifice I had to make :P:

Next FE update should be soonish.

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I prefer Sonic Boom over You Can Do Anything, but I like the rest of the Japanese ost more than the American ost, its a sacrifice I had to make :P:

Next FE update should be soonish.

Speaking of, you got it on the PS3? Because you get to choose between the Japanese soundtrack and the American soundtrack.

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Speaking of, you got it on the PS3? Because you get to choose between the Japanese soundtrack and the American soundtrack.

I have the Steam Port, but yeah Christian Whitehead's version of the game is on the PS3 and 360 as well. Really well done port, I'll probably get more into the actual changes on the next part, because Collision Chaos is a good point to talk about the fixed collision detection.

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Let's get this over with, badly played chapter with meh commentary, 6(2) is way better in both categories...

i'm glad Christian whitehead made spindash like it was in sonic 2. and yay Japanese soundtrack! i like both, but man JP is so good. JP and sonic adventure 1 have my fav soundtracks

SA1 has an amazing ost, its hard for me to rank Sonic ost's overall though considering like 95% of them are amazing.

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Once I saw the facepalm header, I knew something bad was liable to happen. I just didn't expect it to be a huge loss.

Also, I consider the Kard, and killer weapons in general, to be huge rip-offs in RD - much too pricey for how effective they AREN'T (which is thanks to sky high enemy luck). I mean, 2400 gold for a weapon that only has a mere 4 Mt and a marginally better crit chance than an iron dagger? Seriously? Likewise, the best use I get out of killer weapons in RD is selling them because they fetch good $$$$$.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Posted · Hidden by Kirie, November 23, 2016 - double post
Hidden by Kirie, November 23, 2016 - double post

Once I saw the facepalm header, I knew something bad was liable to happen. I just didn't expect it to be a huge loss.

Also, I consider the Kard, and killer weapons in general, to be huge rip-offs in RD - much too pricey for how effective they AREN'T.

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14:40 You can be glad that the killing edge myrm didn't crit Aran.

That too. I all but forgot about that part because of THAT.

Anyway, with regard to the comment about Laura dying meaning having to kiss a quick clear on Ike goodbye... Would a run like this really be the type of run where wild chances like that would be worth taking??? Because I think even in a casual run, taking on Ike is tantamount to suicide.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Posted · Hidden by Kirie, November 23, 2016 - double post
Hidden by Kirie, November 23, 2016 - double post

14:40 You can be glad that the killing edge myrm didn't crit Aran.

That too. I all but forgot about that part because of THAT.

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Sonic CD part 2 is up

Anyway, with regard to the comment about Laura dying meaning having to kiss a quick clear on Ike goodbye... Would a run like this really be the type of run where wild chances like that would be worth taking??? Because I think even in a casual run, taking on Ike is tantamount to suicide.

It'd just have cut the time of that chapter down significantly for the viewers is mostly what I was thinking of. It's not the hardest thing in the world to setup

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That too. I all but forgot about that part because of THAT.

Anyway, with regard to the comment about Laura dying meaning having to kiss a quick clear on Ike goodbye... Would a run like this really be the type of run where wild chances like that would be worth taking??? Because I think even in a casual run, taking on Ike is tantamount to suicide.

Quick clearing Ike with Laura requires a lot of care and focus on her, maybe even low manning in order to dump BEXP on her. He can low clear 3-13 with anyone he wants, though ~
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It'd just have cut the time of that chapter down significantly for the viewers is mostly what I was thinking of. It's not the hardest thing in the world to setup

Quick clearing Ike with Laura requires a lot of care and focus on her, maybe even low manning in order to dump BEXP on her. He can low clear 3-13 with anyone he wants, though ~

The problem is, he stands to lose someone if he gets unlucky (Ike has a bond support with Soren, who ain't gonna move, meaning whoever tries likely has a chance to just flat out get ludicrously gibbed, or if not, they're still liable to bite the dust come enemy phase - no way in the seven hells I'd endorse something like that, ESPECIALLY on an ironman). Ashunera forbid you gave them a support. . . On top of that, it doesn't help that most of the Daeins struggle to do any real damage to him.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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The problem is, he stands to lose someone if he gets unlucky (Ike has a bond support with Soren, who ain't gonna move, meaning whoever tries likely has a chance to just flat out get ludicrously gibbed, or if not, they're still liable to bite the dust come enemy phase - no way in the seven hells I'd endorse something like that, ESPECIALLY on an ironman). Ashunera forbid you gave them a support. . . On top of that, it doesn't help that most of the Daeins struggle to do any real damage to him.

It also depends on who he is focusing on. While it is risky, an Iron or Slim Sword Ike won't deal such high damage. For instance, Nolan or Jill can stomp him despite WTD, and they can tank and/or dodge the laguz and can take the chance of facing an enemy phase on Ike. But they can wear Resolve. If you want to be edgy throw Trueblade Edward with Wrath and Resolve and there's little chance for Ike to survive a RW mode. Or Leonardo for shits and giggles, or Aran for max THWOMP with Beastfoe. But if you're training all of them at once then just stall and pull the GMs. Edited by Quintessence
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