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What is your favorite video game opening/introduction scene(s)?


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I don't know. I wanted to make a topic about something other than FE. After binge watching the openings of several games I've played over the years, I decided on this topic to share my picks and hear the picks of other. So, tell me, what are your top/favorite video game opening(s), introduction sequence(s) and/or cinematic(s)?

Here are mine:

[spoiler=Final Fantasy VIII]

This one is my top video game opening, Final Fantasy VIII.

When I saw this cinematic for the first time many, many years ago, it absolutely enthralled me with the dynamic graphics (for its time), the epic music and the bombastic way each scene flows together. I still watch this cutscene even now and I can't deny that, in my opinion, it holds up when compared to cutscenes of this generation. It did everything an opening cinematic is supposed to do: pique the interest of the player and get them pumped for the game.

[spoiler=Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner]

This is my second top video game opening, Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner.

I've watched the Japanese version of this game's opening and, I have to say, I much prefer the English opening. While I do know that the song used in the Japanese/European version is significant to the story, I felt that the English song used fit better in terms of the hopeless, more darker mood and as an incentive to garner interest—at least my interest.

Honorable mention goes to the opening cinematic of Final Fantasy X. I wanted to post the video, but I couldn't due to what I am assuming to be file size. Here's a link to it, though. All I can say for certain about this opening is that it did its job for me—great animation, awesome action within the scene and music that got me pumped up.

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I really like the introduction scene of Xenoblade Chronicles. You get a first scense of the true epic scale of the two Titans that form the world in this game, together with an awesome music track. It always gets me pumped to play the game...

Edited by Masterthunderblade
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[spoiler=Persona 4]

The song is catchy, but my favorite part are the silhouettes of the main cast around 0:32-0:45. This intro definitely caught my interest with its stylishness and bright colors.

[spoiler=Tales of the Abyss]

I never have the heart to skip this intro. It's pretty much a perfect anime opening. The best part is the song, with or without vocals.

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I don't know what exactly made me love this opening so much: perhaps it's because It made me excited by seeing all of these characters accompanied by strange creatures.

Also, there is this strange and epic music that I can't stop to love.

Edited by The Wyvern Rider
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Final Fantasy VIII.

My immediate reaction when seeing this thread. Really amazing introduction. Up there with Persona 3.

But even so, mine's probably Monster Hunter Tri's introduction. It's hard to explain, but it basically gives me that Monster Hunter itch every time I see it.

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Megaman X3 (not sure if the opening only appears on the PSX version or not). The opening shows animated parts of Mega Man X and the battle between X and Sigma, and the start of the game shows X fighting those flying robots before using one as a transport to the Hunter Base, where the first level takes place.

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FE: RD's intro is one of the things I love about the game! It's really cool when you start the game, and actually changes a little to be even better once you reach a certain point of the game.

At first, a certain blue-haired mercenary hero is omitted from it, but once you meet him in the game, he's added! I liked what IS did there. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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Always gets me fired up when starting this game:

This and MGS3's also count

I also much enjoy Fates Conquest's and FE7's

Edit: if Title menus count, then the menu of the first three Syphon Filter games

Edited by MCProductions
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The strongest opening in any Video Game ever, to me is Majora's Mask, knocked off your horse, turned into a deku shrub and forced to attempt to get back the ocarina before the world ends (and in the time when you're figuring that out it gives you time to get to know the town, the people, and how people treat different races in the world). In the first hour or so the game conveys to you why it's different and why it's special.

I don't think long cut scenes are the greatest way to start a game.

Here's the video if you want that...

Edited by Locke087
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Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition (holy crap, that's a long name) has my favourite intro ever!

It is very stylized without losing that Street Fighter feel, the fights are fluid and feel epic. But the best part is how it integrates a lot of classic themes from previous games like small easter eggs mixed in in the already awesome Street Fighter 4 theme.


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While its a simple introduction to my favorite game of all time, it makes you wonder whats coming up, and that quiz at the beginning there actually determines your starting units/loadout. Theres a long bit of a historical intro too if you leave the opening menu up for too long, and theres a cutscene after the quiz showing your MC, Magnus going along with his starting unit camping and adventuring. before getting to the castle.


Up till about 8:20 in the vid from where I linked it at, which is 6:30

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Pokemon Colosseum. Seeing the protagonist blow up the hideout of one of the enemy teams in the beginning, stealing the snag machine, and making off in a hoverbike with his Espeon and Umbreon will always be one of the best moments in Pokemon for me.

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Demon's Souls is probably my favorite with its oppressive atmosphere from the get-go and pretty cool music. I also really like the intros for Shadow Dragon, Monster Hunter Tri, and the PS2 Berserk games(despite not having played either of them). Edited by Ambling Falchion
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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

Crystal Chronicles is a game that I will always be fond of, even though I discovered it way later. The later games and spin-offs were okay, but none could match the original game for Gamecube. It's a shame that the franchise died with Crystal Bearers back in 2009; I always found the themes of family and memories to be interesting in the series, as well as the music.

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

Okay, it's technically a cinematic trailer, but as far as I am concerned it is the "opening" to the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Blizzard has a habit of having great music and cinematics with amazing graphics, and combined they make memorable cutscenes. The story of Arthas as well as the expansion itself is memorable for me as I mainly played WoW during this era and a little during Cataclysm, the next expansion.

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