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In a RPG, would you restart a boss battle if one of your characters died and didn't get any EXP?


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Not unless they all started at the same level and joined at the same time ala FF1. Even then, I'm inconsistent.

This reminds me of my recent White Mage run, there was one who died, so he/she was like 3 levels lower than everyone else.

It was kinda funny.

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I used to, but I generally don't so much anymore, mainly because I've come to realize that it's usually more of a time investment than the outcome is worth. It kinda annoys me when it happens, but I can live with it.

Besides, in most RPGs, the difference in stats from just one or two levels is pretty negligible, anyway.

Edited by Topaz Light
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With the exponential level curves of most RPGs, characters tend to level out in the long run. Besides, it's not like losing a bit of EXP will make the game unbeatable, right?

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Yeah, I do. It annoys me to see my guys level up differently.

This is especially true for the Etrian Odyssey games.

Pretty much this.

Unless it's the second boss in EO4. Fuck that boss. If anyone dies during that battle and I can't revive them they made a worthy sacrifice to get over that thing.

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Not unless it was due to an easily preventable mistake on my part.

I do, however, go out of my way to stall the battle and try to revive any fallen characters (if possible) unless doing so would be more likely to result in the death of even more of my party members.

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Depends on the battle and the situation. If the boss battle was kind of long or a pain in the ass, I probably wouldn't bother, but otherwise I probably would since having characters at different levels really bothers me. >_>

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Depends how much trouble the boss gave me.

I once beat the Trap Box in DQVIII with only Yangus as a survivor. I ultimately decided to not redo it since I didn't feel like grinding for an easier time and I'd have to go through the entire dungeon again due to how DQ saving works.

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I don't think I've ever done this in any game I've ever played. Ever.

I think there are occasional bosses where you get bonuses if you beat them with certain/all characters alive. For instance, FFV's ending is different if not all characters are alive after the final boss. For something like that, I'd reset.

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In game like EO, if many characters dies, your chance of winning are compromised anyway, so I'll reset before winning (the exception was the EO2 Battle against Artelinde, because it was hard enough as it is.)

It also dépends how easy it is to gain Exp. If it's extremely restricted, It may be Worth a shot to start again

If you have the choice between many characters, I wil just swap them around, so if a character is overleveled, he will just be benched for a while.

In Tactical RPGs and the like, it generally won't happens because I prefer to use stupid strategies than ending up with an overleveled unit.

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