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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 Reunion


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The first line of enemies seemed to fall rather quickly... Adele wasn't particularly amused when Cassandra took the weapon straight from her hands and began to attack the knights with it... she would have preferred the Princess just allow her to take care of it, but sadly that was unlikely to ever happen. Instead of vocalizing anything, she simply let out a sigh, and took point towards the other knights, readying her axe. That hammer would have been useful right about now, though...

Adele to 7,14, equip Iron Axe

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"Ghhh!" Cass grunted, as the flat of the magical blade collided with her side. He hadn't managed a slice, being so knocked off balance from her wild swing, but the general had done his best to thwack back at her for it. Still, she smiled. A small cough, and she readied herself for round two. "You hit like a girl." It seemed her chances of striking back were slim, as Claire turned him into a shredded pile of metal with a simple spell. Cass scoffed at the general as Esclabor snided past her, tossing some sarcasm her way.

"I figured you'd be fine on your own, Tommy! Don't tell me you can't take a hit. I'm still standing~" The enemies were falling at a rapid pace, Cass wondering if they'd truly prepared at all for this engagement... Even Adele seemed ready for action! It's so nice to see her active again~ Ahhh, she's been so worried. "Go get them, darling~!"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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While the armored enemy foes seemed to be falling easily enough, a few members of the group split up to head after the other group of enemies. The princess seemed to be handling herself just fine, so Freya instead headed to be in position to help the prince in his own endeavors.

Freya to (4, 7) and equip Iron Sword still

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Claire had braced herself for the counterattack from the enchanted blade, but was quite confused when there was no wounding or pain whatsoever. After sending a second wind spell tearing towards the enemy, she turned towards the princess. "I think you're giving him too much credit, Cass." she smirked. "That felt more like a mouse." He may as well have tried stabbing her with a blade of grass, for all the good it did. It seems like magic weapons don't hold a candle to the genuine article? It was thoroughly unimpressive. The mage was almost disappointed at the pitiful display, even if the situation was to her benefit.

Out of the corner of her eye, she managed to catch Emily in action again - although the way she worked was still baffling to Claire. Her technique was too poor to be properly trained, but the results were just as good as her own magic - even though she was sure that whatever the Reliants member was trying should not be working out nearly as well as it was. Where did Serge find her? Between Emily's magic and her bubbly exterior, she was hardly an ordinary mercenary.

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Freya moves to 4,7!

Alain moves to 5,12!

Alain attacks General #1 with Thunder!
General #1 activates Vantage!
6 Atk, 49% Hit, 0% Crit
(23 57)
Alain takes 5 damage! (18/23 HP remaining)
Alain attacks for real this time!
(25 59)
Alain gains 63 XP!
Alain gains 2 Tome WEXP!

Angus moves to 9,14!

Angus attacks Armour #3 with his Hammer!
36 Atk, 97% Hit, 5% Crit
(11 61)
Hammer Time!
Angus gains 33 XP!
Angus gains 4 Axe WEXP!
Angus grows to level 12!
(38 25 65 49 53 73 22 52)
HP up!
Strength up!
Defense up!

Owen moves to 4,5!

Sidney moves to 3,16!

Sidney attacks Hunter #4 with her Machete!
18 Atk, 100% Hit, 21% Crit
(91 0)
So dead.
Sidney gains 27 XP!
Sidney gains 2 WEXP!
Sidney grows to level 13!
(71 83 62 25 8 8 43 82)
Skill up!
Speed up!
Luck up!

Adele moves to 7,14!

Adele equips her Iron Axe!

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What's going on? There appeared to be a battle going on around him. Dozens of forces were spread out in the scene before him, and seemed to be a advancing against a much smaller group. A much smaller group that was incredibly well armed and armored, and appeared to be making short work of the forces ahead of them. Marcus didn't have time to find answers to his inquiry though. He was on a mission from the duke. He needed to find and relay a message to Prince- Does that one have pink hair? Well, I guess that's one less thing to worry about. But how am I going to get to him? No matter where he looked it seemed that there was an archer waiting to shoot Scarlet out of the sky. Normally mages wouldn't be an issue for Scarlet, but it seems that one of the closest ones was armed with a wind tome. Why are they so well prepared!? Damn it. They couldn't have been tipped off could they? No...no, that's ridiculous. Despite his best efforts he couldn't help but be unnerved by the thought.

"Sorry to disappoint you Scarlet, but we'll have to play it safe for now."


"Don't give me that, it's the right choice, and you know it."

Marcus to 20, 12

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Serge moves to 2,8!


Marcus moves to 20,12!


Armour #5 moves to 3,17!

Armour #5 attacks Sidney with their Steel Lance!
10 Atk, 41% Hit, 0% Crit
(88 64)
Sidney counters with her Machete!
9 Atk, 100% Hit, 12% Crit
(61 80)
(81 39)
Sidney deals 18 damage in total! (15/33 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 10 XP!
Sidney gains 2 WEXP!

Armour #6 moves to 9,15!

Armour #6 attacks Angus with his Killer Lance!
3 Atk, 67% Hit, 38% Crit
(16 35)
Angus takes 9 damage! (29/39 HP remaining)
Angus counters with his Hammer!
38 Atk, 95% Hit, 3% Crit
(58 33)

Angus gains 30 XP!
Angus gains 4 Axe WEXP!
Angus sends a Killer Lance to convoy!
Angus reaches B Axes!

Hunter #2 moves to 10,15!

Hunter #2 attacks Angus with their Signal Bow!
1 Atk, 82% Hit, 5% Crit, 13% Adept!
(52 29)
Angus takes 1 damage! (28/39 HP remaining)
Angus is signalled!
Hunter #2 attacks again!
(56 93)
Angus takes 1 damage! (27/39 HP remaining)

Angus gains 5 XP!

Hunter #3 moves to 11,14!

Hunter #3 attacks Angus with his Steel Bow!
6 Atk, 100% Hit, 5% Crit
(99 59)
Angus takes 6 damage! (21/39 HP remaining)

Angus gains 5 XP!

Brigand C moves to 5,5!

Brigand C attacks Owen with their Killer Axe!
7 Atk, 37% Hit, 26% Crit
(5 18)
Owen's pants get shredded for 21 damage! (8/29 HP remaining)
Owen counters with his Killing Edge!
15 Atk, 100% Hit, 38% Crit, 11% Astra
(27 22 32)

Owen gains 47 XP!
Owen gains 2 Sword WEXP!

Owen grows to level 12!
(10 3 84 13 27 49 74 93)
HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
Luck up!

Hunter B looks at Owen again!

Hunter B considers his options!

Hunter B moves to 10,4!

"Is that a giant duck? Never seen anything like it! Don't worry about it! Just wait for them to get closer!"

Chapter 7 - Turn 3


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"Wonderful!" Cass shot Alain a cocky smirk, heading on over towards Adele and Angus. "I told you we'd be fine, Alain~" And so far, her fervor hadn't been unrewarded. Sure, she'd missed her swing, but that general had less force in his than she had. Is there something we're missing? It feels like this is too easy for am ambush, but they looked prepared... What a mystery.

"Sorry about that, hun," she said, taking her staff and handing Adele back the hammer. "I just had to join in on the fun, you know? Angus, you haven't killed yourself, either-- well, yet! Hahah~ What a wondrous success this battle has been! Here, let me fix what damage you've taken."

Cass to 8,14, trade hammer to Adele for Barrier, heal Angus with Heal staff

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Yes, yes. Just be careful, would you? I'd not like to see you hurt for being to zealous." Adele replied, taking the hammer back from Cassandra, before stepping towards one of the opposing archers and taking a swing.

Adele to 10,14, unequip Round Shield, attack Hunter 3 with Iron Axe

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[spoiler=best friends forever]
With the vial confiscated, Claire didn't have my avenues to explore when it came to figuring out... more or less anything about it. There was still one option left, and although it had been staring her in the face for weeks, she still wasn't particularly happy about pursuing it.

"Hello, Emmet." It had been about an hour since they'd set off, and after spending most of that time internally talking herself into it, she finally approached the bowman. "Can we talk?" She gestured with her head to drop back to walk with her. He was with the rest of the Reliants, but she didn't really want them around for the conversation. They wouldn't have anything to add on the subject and would probably just ask a bunch of questions she didn't feel like answering.

"Ah" said Emmet. "Miss Bennet. Of course." He slowed his pace allowing most of the group to pass them by. "I trust you're feeling better after that skirmish in the streets the other day."

"Much better, thank you." she responded, mulling over what exactly to say. "I wanted to speak to you about, well..." After a short pause, she decided that getting straight to the point was the best policy. although she lowered her voice slightly in case anyone was listening in. "The stunt you pulled with the vial the other day made me realise that I really don't know you." She didn't particularly want to know Emmet that well, but there were some questions to be raised about the circumstances of their meeting.

"When I first met you, back in the Mage Guild, I barely gave you anything to work off of. But you still knew what the elixir was supposed to be capable of." She'd been caught off guard at the time, but thinking back on it now... it was strange. "How long have you been looking for it, really?" Combined with the Emmet's panic when he thought she'd used the whole vial up, the mage had a feeling that there was something he wasn't telling her. And if he had more information, then perhaps that could give her a lead on how to reverse the vial's effects.

Emmet scratched his head. "I was never really looking for the fountain until you dropped into my lap. I was a fan of the legend and researched it casually but like most I found its existence quite dubious. Opinions can quickly change when you're given solid proof however."

"Ugh..." Claire groaned quietly as Emmet answered. So he'd just gotten lucky? She didn't think of Emmet as a particularly good actor, so the mage simply shook her head in disappointment and moved on. "I don't suppose you found anything that I don't know about, do you?" She wasn't optimistic if it was just 'casual research', but it was worth asking about.

"Well, unlike you I was forthright about everything I knew when we first met. Since then we've had access to the same research materials as we've travelled. So I doubt there's anything significant I know that you don't. If I had discovered something important I would have told you. We are partners after all."

"Don't give me that." Claire frowned slightly, not impressed by his attempt to take the moral high ground. "I think that both of us know the risks of telling strangers about the elixir now." Unlike Emmet perhaps, Claire was not in the mood to catch any more arrows if she could avoid it. "I hardly knew you then. I didn't know if I could trust you then. I still don't." She went silent for a moment. That last part was supposed to just be a mental note, but somehow it slipped out. Good going, Claire...

That was a little blunt, but her words had some validity to them. For all of Emmet's preaching about transparency, he himself had volunteered very little information about himself. "Who are you, Emmet?" Her tone was less defensive now, replaced with thinly veiled curiosity. "All I know is that you're interested in the vial, for some reason, and you're from Raewald. That's about it." She paused for a moment, before adding: "If you have something you want to ask about me too, go ahead." It was only fair, and she didn't have much to hide.
Emmet chuckled. "True enough. You had very little reason to trust me when first we met. But I hope you can come to trust me now after everything that happened. I saved your life Claire. I'm not sure if you realise that fact. I was the first to find you when the bard went manic. I found her standing over your unconscious body about to finish the job. Had arrived a moment later I wouldn't talking to you here now." Emmet's face darkened slightly. "I'd be hunting down that bard to avenge you and recover the vial."

He shook his head. "But that's irrelevant. You wish to know who I am. A reasonable request but I'm afraid the story isn't all that interesting. I'm the fourth child of a minor noble. As you know I spent some years in the college studying magic but I left before learning tome work. That was in order to pursue a career in the military which didn't pan out all too well. Tried my hand at being a monk but the life was too boring for me so now I'm a mercenary. That profession has lasted me longer than the others but I'm not overly attached to the life style. I enjoy the freedom it gives me and little else. Is there anything else you'd like to know?"

Claire's expression darkened as Emmet mentioned just how close her brush with death had been. "I thought I was dead. Hah..." The laugh was nervous and hollow - she wasn't sure why she even did it at all. "I guess I never really thanked you for that, huh." she realised, turning back to the scholar. "Most of it is really hazy to me, but thank you, Emmet." The mage still wasn't overly fond of him, but she could manage humility just this once.

She nodded along at Emmet's story, waiting until he finished to speak up again. "So you're a drifter, then? No wonder I hated you so much." she snorted. Claire had always been irritated by the lackadaisical attitudes of her fellow students back in Wihtwar college, so it only made sense that it carried over to the carefree bowman. "There's just one more thing I have to ask: what's your draw to the vial?" Everything else made sense to her - about Emmet and his attitude. Was it just an academic interest, or something else entitrely?

"What's my draw to the vial?" Emmet couldn't really understand Claire's question. "Is it not natural? You were there Claire. You seen that badger, dead a week, return to life. I should think anyone who witnesses a sight like that would be interested in the vial. The possibility of immortality...You'd need to be deranged to pass it up."

"Alright then." Claire's shoulders slumped slightly in relief. Considering his extreme reaction a week ago, she'd expected something else. "I haven't really thought a lot about using it on myself." she shrugged. Maybe immortality was great and all, but that was never her first consideration. "I thought about using it for other things, but..." She stalled for a few seconds, not sure what to say. "Well, I'm over it now." she finished, sounding a little impersonal. She'd hardly dared to let herself consider the option that her father could come back. And was the other subjects of the elixir so far, it seemed like it had been the right choice. Not that it didn't still sting a little.

The mage shook her head dismissively, trying to push the subject out of her mind. "So I've been doing this for Prince Owen's sake, mostly." she continued, relaxing ever so slightly as she spoke. "I don't trust the elixir at all anymore, but if there's a way to counteract it, it's worth investigating. Especially now that Malaphar's vial is part of the equation." As if they needed anything else to worry about when it came to the wizard...

Emmet raised an eyebrow. "By other things do you mean clowns?" He spoke with the slightest hint of disapproval in his voice.

Claire's face was unamused. "That's not it at all." She let out an exasperated sigh. I don't want to deal with this stupid argument again. Perhaps she should've given it more thought, but her intentions had been good. She wasn't just going to leave Slappy in a state like that, and it tied in just fine with her research... although she really wasn't in the mood to fight over it.

"Look, Emmet. Have you ever lost someone important to you?" Part of her wanted to say 'of course not' based on the severe lack of empathy she'd seen from him ever since they'd first met, but she kept her mouth shut on the matter. "Bringing someone back is more important than the immortality to some people. Like Scuttle..." The mage trailed off for a moment, feeling a little uncomfortable. We're not that different really, are we? She didn't want to acknowledge it, but it was true. Perhaps it would've been easier to ignore it and just hate the bard, but as it was part of Claire couldn't help but sympathise with her. "Ugh..." she groaned. Not for the first time, Claire found herself wishing that Scuttle hadn't gone way off the deep end.

"I don't think I've ever known anyone I'd consider important" Emmet admitted. "I suppose I admire my brother a great deal but it hasn't much bothered me that it's been half a decade since we've seen each other. Nevertheless I understand the concept. And that's really what bothered me so much about you choosing to waste the vial on a clown. If it actually had been someone you cared about then I'd understand. But instead you choose to test it on a stranger. And worse still a stranger we're not even in a position to observe the effects of right now. You squandered a precious liquid with really no gain at all." Emmet did not speak with the anger that had shocked Claire so much the last time they had addressed this subject. Nor did he even carry the tone of disapproval he had when first broaching the subject. Instead, he now spoke in a somewhat detached way as if Claire's actions in the past were some sort of point for academic debate.

It took a moment for Claire to come up with a response, trying to avoid getting too agitated as Emmet moved the subject back towards the direction she didn't want it going. "Okay. So assume that the person Scuttle attacked in the streets wasn't me - but instead a stranger, would you have just left them there?" she asked, not entirely sure if she wanted to hear Emmet's answer.

"Leaving someone like that when you know that you could help them would feel horrible." she continued, a slightly pained expression on her face. "It was the same thing with the circus. We should be able to check how he's doing after we return, but I don't think we should be optimistic anymore..." She wasn't happy about how the situation turned out, but her intentions had been good. The mage at least understood Emmet's frustration a little better now that he wasn't acting completely furious about it.

Emmet thought back to the moment he had first seen the bard standing over Claire. "I honestly can't recall if I even realised it was you before I acted" Emmet replied. "But it is my stated policy that you should help someone in need if it doesn't cost you anything. Though in that case, if I did have time to think about it, I probably would have been a lot more hesitant to attack with nothing more than a healing stave. Regardless I don't think you should help someone if it's going to cost you more in the long run. In saving that clowns life you might have doomed one of our allies here." Emmet swept his hand over the company in front of him. "Imagine if on that first day, during that battle on the shore, both the princess and princess received a fatal injury. In one instance you have enough elixir to heal them both, while in another you must choose between them because you'd given a dosage to a clown you don't know." Emmet let his eyes rest on Claire. "Which one of them would you have chosen to heal? Could you have chosen only one of them?"

Claire's head drooped slightly as Emmet spoke, now facing the ground ahead of them instead of the scholar. If things came to that, who would she choose?

Logic told her the choice was obvious: the life of Wyke's only prince (especially considering his father's ailing health) was more valuable than that of his sister's. But then again, the mage couldn't just leave Cass out to dry in that state either, could she? Perhaps she would try and save them both, splitting the vial's contents and failing both of them.

"There is no right answer." she gulped, turning back to Emmet with worry plastered all over her face. "There's just... nothing to be done there. If we aren't strong enough to protect them, then there's nothing that we can do." But that was just the way of things. Whether it was an assassination attempt, bandit attack or even Malaphar, it just came down to whether or not they were able to keep the royals safe. Claire went silent after that. There was nothing else to say.

Emmet nodded. "Indeed. We can't predict when disaster might strike. Our trip to Malaphar's world certainly cemented that fact. The best we can do is keep as many options open as possible. Or maybe to say it more elegantly, have as many arrows as possible in our quiver. The elixir was our most potent weapon. And not something that should be used rashly. We could have saved sir Nelon a lot of trouble had we used a drop of it on him, but I'm glad so see your affections for him weren't as great as those of the clown. Despite how grave his injuries seemed, he survived unaided." Emmet stretched out his arms. "Though all things considered, it's a moot point. I was the one that ended up wasting the elixir and I don't feel any more invincible for my efforts."

The mage took a quick glance at the rest of the group, ensuring that they didn't overhear, before responding. "Your acting might have fooled Scuttle, but I know it's still here." Whether this was Emmet trying to pull a fast one on her (unlikely, since he didn't even have access to the vial himself) or down to Cass, Claire was unsure. But it didn't particularly bother her.

"What are your thoughts on Malaphar, Emmet?" she asked, facing him again finally. "How do we stop him? I have some ideas, but it's lacking a lot of detail..." And there were so many variables. Would the distraction theory even work? How exactly did his twisted world function? How many of them could the wizard bring, and how many would he bring? There were a lot of things for Claire to wrap her head around.

Emmet stopped his stretch midway through as Claire revealed she still knew they had the vial. But you were unconscious at the time...that could only mean...the princess. *sigh* Cassandra what's the point of even having a secret if you're going to tell people? His mind paused for a second. Unless Serge or the diplomat have a closer relationship with her than I know of. People do tend to keep their dalliances a secret. He was just about to inquire how she knew the vial was still around when she swiftly moved onto another topic.

"I don't think we should fear Malaphar" said Emmet. "No doubt he is a powerful foe, but he's no god. That world was frightening but the fact remains, he failed to actually kill any of us. Maybe it was because he was injured, but the mere fact that someone managed to injure him in the first place means he's not invincible. Further more, the fact that he enlisted our aid means he's probably working alone. It's quite possible some of us may die should we encounter him again, but as a group, we can surely defeat him in combat. Our biggest concern should be in making sure he doesn't bring us into his world in smaller groups like he managed to before. We need to stay firmly together. Especially in regards to the prince."

"In his own world, he may as well be a god." Claire rebutted, evidently much more worried than her research partner was about this whole business. "I don't want to know what he's capable of without the injury, and we don't know how his powers work. Aside from what Sir Nelon was able to figure out, that is, but then we still need to find a way to abuse that weakness..."

Emmet's point about staying together was fair, but how casually he brought up the possibility of sacrifices left a sour taste in her mouth. "Hopefully, we'll be able to find something in Raewald which will help explain his magic." Raewald and Wihtwar were realistically their best shot at finding useful information on his powers - she doubted that any library in Wyke would be of any help, and if they did she'd never encountered any sign of it before.

"Hopefully we'll never see him again" Emmet muttered. "I'd love to get my hands on his vial and understand how his magic works, obviously. But you're right. We don't know the limits of his powers and that makes him dangerous. However the mere fact that he was injured means he's either unable to or unwilling to make use of his world whenever it's convenient...Unless of course there's an even more powerful enemy out there that we know nothing about." He laughed. "Now there's a frightening thought."

"I would hope so too, but I don't think we'll be that lucky." She shook her head. "I don't think his ego would allow him to just leave us alone. Do you?" Claire very much doubted that the wizard would accept being beaten - even if his injuries had tipped the odds in their favour. He was far too vain for that.

Emmet's point about Malaphar's power not being limitless was more agreeable though - even if he was far and beyond what they were capable of handling. "They say that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? I hope that's true." As much as having someone who could stand up to Malaphar would help, they really did not need any more problems.

"So the saying goes" said Emmet. "But three way conflicts have happened in the past. I do sense we will be seeing him again however. Malaphar doesn't seem like the type that would apreciate a slight against him. But he also seems quite level headed. I'm sure everything he had us do he arranged with some purpose in mind. Such a mind would not actively pursue a grudge if it interfered with his current plans, which he evidently has. My biggest fear is that Prince Owen's role in his agenda is not yet finished."

"If he's still a threat to the Prince, then it's still my problem." she stated flatly. "It's yours as well, I'd imagine, considering your employer." The Hermans were close to the Gaffneys, so it seemed like they'd be stuck working together for a while longer.

"Well, for the time being anyway. I plan on dissolving my contract with Serge once we've settled into Raewald. There are other matters I wish to pursue. One of which is to finally complete my education and learn how to wield tomes as a weapon. Do you think you could give me some pointers in that area?"

Claire offered Emmet a confused glance at first, unsure of what to say. He's leaving? That's the first I've heard of it. It seemed sudden, but in a way it lined up with everything else he'd told her today - there was something about the scholar that prevented him from sticking with one profession.

"It's not just the kind of thing I can teach." she shrugged. "Pointers I can do, but I don't know how far into your studies you were. Maybe understanding staves makes it easier, but I don't know how they really compare." She wasn't exactly opposed to helping Emmet, but she wasn't a teacher by any stretch of the imagination. "And I won't really be able to do that after we leave Raewald, unless you're not planning on staying at home." Which would make sense, considering his interest in the vial, but it was worth confirming either way.

"Well you're bound to know more on the matter than I do at least" said Emmet. "Any help you could give would be appreciated. Maybe you might have a contact that could help. I wouldn't be opposed to to travelling in Whitwar again. Ah. But it looks like we might need to continue this conversation some other time. Seems there's trouble ahead."

Claire didn't exactly have many contacts in Raewald, considering how young she'd been when she first started her magic training, but it seemed that trouble was afoot. "Alright then." Claire nodded, readying her tomes. "Don't do anything reckless Emmet."

With the hulking armour knight falling at the hands of Alain, Claire turned her attention to enemies at their backs. Owen seemed to be doing a good job keeping them at bay, but the last axe blow looked like it hurt - even if the bandit couldn't live to brag about it.

She hurried over to the prince quickly, who had thankfully managed to keep a safe distance from the rest of the attackers. "Emmet should be nearby, Prince Owen." she told him, before turning her attention towards the nearby swordfighter. Is that another magic blade? No problem. If he came after her, Claire was confident that she could give him a taste of what real magic felt like.

Claire to (4,6), equip Razorwind

Edited by SB.
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"Hey, I haven't seen what them wizards are packin' yet!", the mooncalf reminds Cassandra. "You can handle 'em this time though, eh~?" If the heavies and hunters were anything to judge by, there'd be no repeat of that fateful forest ambush. At very least, Angus didn't imagine he'd adopt some new, strange creature today! A similarity did come to mind as he wheeled past one hunter, however. A moment of levity confronting... a wyvern knight.

That thought didn't need finishing.

Angus to (9,15), attack Hunter #2 with Iron Axe

Angus Canto to (7,11)

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Cass moves to 8,14!

Cass trades Barrier for Hammer with Adele!

Cass heals Angus!

Cass gains 15 XP!

Cass gains 2 Staff WEXP!

"My uncle told me that a hot suit of armour is really uncomfortable."

Emily moves to 3,15!

Emily attacks Armour #5 with Fire!
15 Atk, 95% Hit, 6% Crit
(44 45)
Her uncle was right!

Emily gains 47 XP!
Emily gains 2 Tome WEXP!
Emily reaches C Tomes!

Emily grows to level 8!
(63 95 0 19 31 47 42 48)
Magic up!
Skill up!

"That was intense! I nearly lost my balance on that one!"

Adele moves to 10,14!

Adele unequips her Round Shield!

Adele attacks Hunter #3 with her Iron Axe!
17 Atk, 88% Hit, 32% Crit
(58 12)

Adele gains 27 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axe WEXP!
Adele sends a Steel Bow to convoy!

Claire moves to 4,6!

Claire equips Razorwind!

Angus moves to 9,15!

19 Atk, 97% Hit, 9% Crit, Charge not possible
(56 15)
Angus deals 19 damage! (12/31 HP remaining)

Angus gains 10 XP!
Angus gains 1 Axe WEXP!

Angus cantos to 7,11!
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[spoiler=Of Siblings and the Dead - April 7th 812, Magon]Cass had been wandering around trying to find Owen, her talks going well so far. And what luck would have it that Owen would be in the market, just as she'd finished speaking with Adele? A sign, to be sure, she was on the right track. Last night didn't even feel like a mistake, now. She hopped along, catching him by the arm and giving him a beaming smile. "Dearest brother! How do you find yourself, today? A lot better than last night, I'd hope."

She shook her head, taking a step back. "I was nothing but a fool last night, though I hope something positive came of it. I wished to spend some time with you today to see if I could make up for it... And I wanted to see about that seer I've heard of in town. There's a specific person I want to ask about, and I feel I may not be surprised by the answer. Do you want to come with me? We'll make a time of it, and do something fun after. Promise!"


The afternoon had been a most welcome distraction. Instead of the quiet morning at the outskirts of the village, he was met with the busy noise of the marketplace. It was rather quaint, a small village's way of keeping contact with the world outside. Did small Wykian towns had marketplaces with such varied stalls? Maybe close to the coast. Owen would have to check if time granted him the freedom.

Somebody held him by the arm, surprising the prince out of his thoughts. He looked to the side, it was Cassandra. "Sister." He eased his mood, it wasn't some worrying news, probably. The cheery mood was an awkward juxtaposition to their argument the last night...

No, that was a thought too soon. Cass promptly apologized for the event, and any guard Owen held in his posture was undone. "We have our days... you had a lot to let out, huh? I'd never thing you'd take so much appreciation for a drinking night." Owen almost held out a hand to ruffle his sister's hair, but held out and retreated it before it could be noticed. He would probably be called out for treating her like a child, or for doing it in public. That was a nice enough image to force the prince to hold back a chuckle.

"Is that so? You don't have anything else to do?" That was... not something Owen had prepared for. When was the last time they had a time like this? Owen wasn't exactly the busiest since he'd stepped in Magon --a nice change of pace, for sure--, so now was admittedly the best time for it. "Hmm... well, we can talk about that night later. This afternoon, I'm taking it easy. I'd love to take you on your offer, sister."


"And I made sure to let everything out, don't worry. I spoke to Claire, I spoke to Adele... I'm going to speak to Angus. Er, well, on that note, Adele said yes. To marriage. I asked her. And I plan to not hide this anymore, come what may. Really, grabbing your arm like that and smiling as I am are the smallest gestures as I try to hide my elation. I wish to tell everyone, but I have to remain coherent to do so, heheh~" A small giggle from her, something probably not expected of Cass, considering her demeanor the night before.

"Then, shall we be off? You'll probably be surprised, and might be upset by the person that shows up, but-- we're here for each other, come what may... And I've already steeled myself for this one. We'll cheer ourselves up with a walk on the town after, and you can tell me all your woes. It's been a while since I've let you speak your mind, instead of the other way around. I'd love to hear what's on the mind of ol' Owen Gaffney, hee~"

She put her arm around his, dragging him along to where she'd been told. The villagers had been rather kind in giving her directions! So it took only minutes to wind around the streets and find themselves in front of the seer's abode.

"Well... Here we are. W-Would you mind leading? It's a bit spooky."


"You..." Owen was not upset, but rather surprised. That was forward, and most of all dangerous, considering what they already knew the nobles would do to Cass. "I see..." He couldn't help a soft smile as Cass giggled, maybe it was for the best, if it did so strongly for her. How happy she was! Owen only hoped he could keep her safe from the resulting conflict.

Being grabbed by the arm and dragged halfway through the village, Owen had half a mind to tell Cass he'd already been there, but if she knew the way... "I... I don't know where I'd start. What's been on my mind?" Owen chuckled, shaking his head. "Not all interesting thoughts, honestly." It was either trivial or too gloomy for Cass in his mind. He spared her too much.

So I'm here again.... I hope Celia won't mind. As they neared the seer's shack, Owen took a step forward. "There's nothing to fear here, but of course. I'll go first." Taking the lead, Owen opened the door to the shack, holding an embarrassed smile as he met the seer once again. "Hello, Celia." The prince gave a short bow, "I hope I'm not sounding like a bother, your client is someone else this time."


The Seer's Hut had an atmosphere that was nothing like the rest of the village. The constant tension and the feeling that they were not alone, even Owen's third visit was providing new sensations. The candles lit the room dimly, Celia was in place at her table, again rather unsurprised of Owen's visit. If anything, Owen had become predictable even without any messages the spirits may have passed on to her. She watched him with an unblinking stare, waiting several seconds before replying.

"Children of Oswald, you have another individual you wish to speak to?" Celia asked, actually uncertain of Owen's current request - her neutral expression was riddled with confusion. "I am struggling to identify your intent... it is not often this occurs, I may actually have to rely on your words than those of the spirits."


"Nothing to fear, hmm..." Cass trusted her brother above all else, so as tense as the room became upon entering, she held tight to his arm and trusted his guidance. It really was an unnerving hut, though, and Cass felt a pang of regret upon entering, like they weren't supposed to be here, yet at the same time, were. It was odd, and uncomfortable; but not bad, per say.

"Children of... Either you run a fine network, or you're true to your craft. I've seen enough to believe the latter... And, that is exactly who I wish to try and speak to," Cass began, finally releasing Owen and stepping forward. "He has been at death's door for a while, and... While I am sure my heart will grieve for my father, I must know: has he passed on? And if he has... Can we speak to him?" Cass pleaded with a smile, hoping for either outcome to step forth.


It made sense, especially considering the sense of loss that the siblings seemed to be emitting. There was an air of uncertainty though, were they trying to speak to someone they did not know had passed? It was an unusual request, but they had come to the Seer's Shack with hopes of aid.

"I shall see what I can manage, it is difficult to locate a spirit if I am not certain if it has moved on." Celia replied, moving her hands across her crystal ball rapidly. She looked between her ball and Cass' expectant face, was there really no way of telling? There were moments when she felt she had finally connected, but they were far between and fleeting. Muttering to herself, she suddenly stopped, shaking her head.

"I cannot contact your father, his spirit does not respond to my calling, his essence does not linger in the world beyond... it is likely that he has yet to leave this world." she added, almost disappointed in her own lack of success. "If your confidence in his death had been stronger, it would have been a far easier task. I am almost certain that King Oswald still lives, although his grasp on life appears to be weak, his grip growing feeble and loose. However, I may be able to pass on a message to him. It is not something that I have attempted before, but his spirit skirts the edge of life... it would be possible, in theory at least."


That was interesting, for Celia to have no expectations of what to come, from how much she seemed to surprise Owen with foreknowledge. Considering the prince had no idea what Cass expected, she wouldn't get much by trying to learn the prince's motive. Did it work that way? Owen could only make assumptions. "You'll have to hear her word for it, I don't know her request myself."

And just as that, Cass' request was... certainly unlike what Owen expected. "You think that..." Well, it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility, but if it were true...

Celia's report was a relief, granting the prince a sigh in respite. "I see..." It hadn't crossed his mind that his father could've already passed away, with how busy he was. Honestly, it was better not to delve in it, a definite answer was much better than a shroud of doubt. "I see... Thank you, Celia."

The ability to pass on a message was surprising, could she really do that? If so, what should he pass? Owen had to think of it, perhaps Cass had a more solid idea.


Cass breathed a sigh of relief, though really, part of her wished it hadn't been the case. She'd seen how much pain he seemed to be in, and hoped that he'd moved on in his sleep. It was unfortunate that he had to keep going through it, but hopefully he would find peace soon... But, sending him a message, was it?

"I... Give me a moment." They probably couldn't send him a lot. Short and sweet? Could she encapsulate everything in that? She could try...

"Tell him... Tell him that Owen and I love him. That... That we miss him... Heh, tell him he's going to miss my wedding, but the Gaffney-Herman relationship is going to be all that much stronger for it. I'm sure he'll be able to piece together what that means... And tell him... Tell him I'm sorry. Sorry for not being the daughter he might've wanted..." She shivered, leaning gently against Owen again. Some of that hurt to say, because she wasn't going to see him again, but it was also so pleasant to tell him things openly, instead of hiding, or shouting, or...

It was lovely, to get to speak with her father normally, again.


Celia nodded her head, placing both of her hands on her crystal ball. "It shall be but a moment for me to channel your message to your father." she replied, closing her eyes. Contacting the dead involved either a lot of waiting or a traditional performance, there was yet another lengthy silence.

"Your message has been passed on, his reply was not terribly long, it appears that your father cannot manage much more than a few words. The phrase that he returned to me was 'Forgive me, my children'. Perhaps he had his own regrets also?" she announced pondered, wiping her brow hastily. "Contacting those at the edge of life and death is far more taxing than the departed. If he had actually passed and you had known of it, it may have been possible to bring him forth... but one cannot rush the natural order of the spirits. Those who try to tamper with the fringes of reality will be swallowed by the abyss."


Such a heartfelt message from his sister put a more solemn smile in Owen's face. He wished their relationship with father had been better overall, but... perhaps it would do no good to dwell on it.

Owen wrapped an arm around his sister, gently pulling her closer. "Thank you, Celia." He could hear his father's voice as Celia mediated his words, in his mind. I'm sorry I've hid my heart as well... sleep well father, may your last moments be happy ones. Owen's breath quickened... goodness, he would start to cry at that rate. "I'm... sorry we've made you go through with only vague knowledge, but it is truly appreciated, Celia. Thank you."


"Ahh..." Cass thought herself prepared for the message to be sent, and she had been, but getting something back had not been on the cards. As Owen's art wrapped itself over her shoulder, the falls began, Cass quietly crying next to her brother, smiling through it. "Thank you, Celia. Thank you... W-We should get going, brother." Cass was too hasty to leave-- she'd almost forgot payment.

"Ah, y-yes, how much? A... A service such as this cannot come for free, surely..." She still had her excess gold from Rashid's stand, and it would be incredibly rude to not offer compensation for Celia's time. That she had managed to exchange messages between the king and his children had been more than Cass could have hoped for.


Celia didn't appear moved by the siblings' tears, she'd remained patiently calm throughout the experience. "It is a service I offer, I do not ask for details that I do not require." she replied, staying sat in her chair. "Nine hundred pieces is my standard service charge for contacting the departed, I suppose I would accept half that for contacting the living. It was a far less complex task and required less preparation."


"Of course. Four hundred and fifty, then? Five hundred, just... For how much this means, to me. Here." Cass left what the seer wished fro on her table, fastening the sack to her waist again. "Brother, shall we get going, then? I still wished to speak with you. Thank you again, Celia." Cass tugged on Owen's sleeve, walking him out of the seer hut.

She let out a large sigh, as they left. "Wow! Wow... That was... That was very tense! But I'm glad I went through with it. And I'm glad you were there. So, let's put that behind us now... Walk with me, and talk with me. I have something important to ask you." She began a stroll towards the duck pond, hoping Owen would follow, beginning under the assumption he would.

"Tell me about Sidney, Owen."


For what reason she had, Celia took is as professionally as ever. The prince nodded and let Cass deal with the transaction herself, this time. "Perhaps it's better if I say your good work is appreciated. So long." A brief bow, and then the prince was walked by his sister outside, offering little resistance. That was the last time their paths would cross with that seer, probably.

"It was, huh? I didn't expect you to seek that question, but you did well. I think leaving him a message was a bright idea." Being out of the shack after such an experience felt really changing. It felt like some weight that had been tugged on and detached from the heart... that's how the prince would best describe it. "A walk, hmm. You sure?" Owen cocked an eyebrow, right, Cass wanted to talk to him before she brought the topic of the seer. With no reason to deny himself, Owen stepped forward, following his sister.

It was her next words that slowed his walk to a stop.

"Huh... Sidney? What about her?" Had they got into a fight? Owen knew she and Cass didn't get along that well at first, but supposedly they were on better terms now? "She's from Raewald, as she's claimed before. I've no reason to doubt her on that. And... she likes being around me." What was it that Cass was looking for?


Cass frowned, and stopped to not walk off on him. This is what had worried her. "Well, you see... If you had asked me of Adele, I would have said, 'Oh, she's lovely, her hair is gorgeous, her smile gives me goosebumps, sends shivers down my spine... I love her hugs, holding her hand, I've never felt safer than when I'm with her...' Or... Perhaps, anything of the sort, but--" she stared at Owen, trying to pick up anything on his face.

"You've just told me who she is... That she likes being around you. Don't tell me, that's the first thing that came to mind? Not any affection for her, or feeling happy around her? That might just be how you think, but, Owen, please tell me, she's not just forcing herself onto you. I like Sidney, I do-- I've long since gotten over my childish thinking of our first meeting, but I care about you far more. So pardon my worries-- I may just be love stricken, and you are far more mature to not succumb to that, but I would think you would say something of the sort when asked about your supposed partner."

Was there anything to read on Owen's face, really? He'd stopped. Apprehension? As much as she loved her brother, when he wasn't upset, his emotions were well guarded. At least, his true feelings. Cass wore her emotions on her sleeve, Owen took prying. And now, mind free from the temptations of the drink, actually concerned for his well being, this was probably the best time to pry before reaching Raewald.


Owen bit his lip, holding back what still turned out to be a brief cringe. "I see..." If he could've said more, he'd have admitted a tinge of jealously, to how strong Cass felt about Adele. He felt it wouldn't be wise.

"I can't say I know as much about Sidney as you do about Adele. That'd be very hard." Owen shook his head, "She speaks to me at times, she tells me how much I mean to her, but..." Owen wasn't quite sure how to follow, "I believe her attraction to me is real, and I see qualities in her. She has a wonderful singing voice, she appreciates that I treated her not as a thief, but as an equal... she's happy around me." Owen gave a soft smile, though it didn't last long. "Sometimes, I see desire in her eyes, but... I think this is too early. This is normal." He spoke more to reassure himself than convince his sister.


Good, he was opening up. "Come with me." Cass abruptly took his hand and led him along to the small pond area, settling herself down onto the grass and patting the space beside her. Owen could sit on his own. "I'm glad to hear you have nice things to say about her. I was worried that this was just some one sided affair. Something you were going along with because you cared too much for her feelings... You're quite the caring one when you want to be, aren't you?"

She let herself giggle a bit, staring out at the still water, only disturbed by the animals moving in it. "Normal, huh..." Normal... "I suppose I am... Abnormal, then, Owen. You see, Adele and I... Well, there's no need for details. But, perhaps I am pushing myself too strongly onto you. I've been thinking to myself, 'if you love someone, and they feel that way about you, then why wait?' But everyone isn't me, I suppose..." She sighed, a wry smile crawling through her lips.

"Now you've got me questioning myself, Owen... Goodness, and I had such confidence coming into this. Did I move too fast? Am I moving Adele too fast? We've already... And now I've asked her to marry me again, though she said yes, so... Ahhhh, why must thinking be so convoluted? I've already enough to worry about... I should be elated she said yes, and move on from there."

Cass sighed, shaking her head. "Enough of my ramblings. Answer me some more questions, Owen, if you would. If... If you had to choose, to spend time with one of the girls in the group-- or one of the boys, I am not one to judge... Who would it be? Who would make you feel the most comfortable, of all of them? Your sister is not an option. And neither is Adele; she's mine, hands off. Who, then? Please, tell me..."


Owen sat down beside his sister. The pond's peace and scenery was rather agreeable... he made a note to visit it another time, on his own.

"I don't think I can afford to not care, in a position like mine." Owen wasn't looking at his sister, the pond itself felt suddenly attractive to observe. He wasn't happy about the topic he'd brought up of his own volition, but was willing to tough it out his own way. "What's a king supposed to do to make Wyke prosper? What if people are unhappy, the nobles, or even our neighboring countries? I can't afford to not care... that's what a good king is meant to do, right?"

And then came Cass' self-doubt, Iwen bore a half-pained expression. Chastizing himself for the way he made his sister feel. "That's not true. You and Adele might have not moved up with your relationship that long, but you knew each other a great deal. You were already great friends. There's nothing bizarre or abnormal about it moving faster." At least, that made sense in Owen's mind, on how these relationships worked.

There was a brief silence as he digested Cass' concerns, enough for her to throw a question his way. Very curious of a question. "When you mean spend time, do you mean maybe romantically?" He cocked an eyebrow, "If you were to judge me for considering a man, I'd take some issue with you. I don't think that's the case, though. I never truly felt any strong attraction for a man." He sighed, "As for women... few and far between. I'm sorry about putting that doubt in your mind about your relationship, again." He sidetracked, scratching the side of his cheek. "If two people love each other strongly, I shouldn't judge them for the pace they chose."

"Eitherways..." A long, tired sigh escaped before the prince spoke again. "I... don't know how to answer that. People I'm comfortable with..." The prince dragged out the last word, frowning. "Out of the people I know well, I've always been comfortable with you and the Hermans, but that's not what you're seeking, right?" He remarked and continued, "I feel comfortable with Lionel too, since I've known him for a good time. I guess Claire is also company I enjoy. She's helped me research on the vial, and she seems clever. I've never felt under pressure around her compared to most nobles that own land, probably because Bennet isn't that influental." She was the ruler of Bennet according to heritage laws, but she didn't seem to leave the capital often. Was everything okay back there? "Angus is... young. I appreciate his eagerness, but I wonder if he gets carried away sometimes. Of course, you know him better than I do, feel free to correct me. As for the Valter sisters..." He gave a long pause, giving up with a shrug. "I've no bloody clue."


"Perhaps a bit of both, Owen. On a friendly level, and on a romantic one. What good is someone you can love, but not like? And enough on it Owen, I've moved past it already. I'm just fine with Adele, I promise. It was a moment of weakness, but she has a smart head on her shoulders. If she wasn't ready for this, she wouldn't have said yes, you know? And I would have been fine, but the point remains. The speed we're moving at is comfortable for the both of us."

Cass was more than content with that answer, and was going to leave it as such. This was about Owen, anyway! And his answer intrigued her. She could have picked on him for not mentioning Sidney again, but perhaps that had been deliberate, since he'd already shed light on her and how he felt for that situation. So close. Cass did feel a bit bad, prying into this without Sidney around, but it would help Owen stay unbiased without any other parties chiming in.

"It isn't. Adele is mine; I'll say it until I'm blue in the face. I'm glad you get along with her as a friend, but if I ever catch you making eyes at her, you'll receive the full brunt of my rage. I can get quite jealous~" Cass stuck her tongue out, at her half threat, hoping Owen would quit mentioning Adele. The more he did, the more she wondered if there truly had been a spark there, before she'd so quickly snuffed it out. It's his own fault, if there was... They had plenty of time to get together.

"Lionel and Claire, hmm? Then... Claire especially, since she's around, why do you not spend more time with her, Owen? Her name doesn't hold much weight, yes... And she seems to like you. Not just because you're the prince, mind. Claire is a quiet girl, but she's not all that well guarded. Would talking with people more to your own comfort levels not benefit you, Owen?" She ignored the comments about Angus, and the Valters-- he had been right about the new baron, and she knew little about the Valter girls as well.

"Perhaps I'm being too pushy, and once again, if you are happy with Sidney, then by all means continue down this plan... I just worry about you, Owen. You've never... At least, openly, been interested in someone. Maybe you were with Adele; if I took that from you, I'm sorry," she blurted, freeing her thoughts from earlier, "but now Sidney is getting herself involved in your life, and instead of happiness, all I see is worry and discomfort. Am I just missing the intimate moments? The private little things where you share smiles and kisses? Please, tell me if I am, because otherwise, I just... I have trouble condoning the current path you walk." She huffed. "Your happiness is paramount; your sister demands it."


"Ah, I see." Owen just nodded, if she felt sure of her relationship with Adele, that was good. The last thing Owen wished to acknowledge were romantic regrets from his sister. "I don't mean to make you feel like I'm trying to get her away from you. Please don't direct your anger at me." He chuckled.

"I don't know if approaching Claire like that is a good idea, sister. I mean, I do care for Sidney's feelings." Owen interjected, "We've spent time together alone, away from people's eyes. I enjoy those moments more, where there's no rank involved, no politics. Yet..." The prince's left eye twitched, turning his gaze down. The conversation had reached territory he wasn't comfortable with, but he wouldn't back out after the effort his sister put into prying. "She just has this... fire, to her. I don't feel I can..." There was no need to be so roundabout with Cass, Owen already knew what she and Adele had done. The prince shook his head in self-disagreement. "She desires me strongly, again and again she wished I would take it one step further, for us to bed, forget the present and make love through the night. However, I'm reluctant."

"I wish it would be simpler, slower. That we enjoyed things at our pace. A passionate kiss is fine, but further than that tugs that annoying part of my conscious that reminds me I'm the prince and she's a foreign noble." He sighed, "It kills me to deny her every time. It frustrates me to see her like that, but it also... it scares me to go further, yet."

Another sigh, staying so concise with such a topic was very quickly tiring the Prince. He laid his back against the ground. "It's not what I've thought, what I've expected. I thought things went slower, that I had more time to think. That I..." He brought his hands to cover his face. Owen wasn't crying, but he was quite distressed. "Just like politics. I wish I could stop and think things cautiously, but it's a race against time and better judgement." He'd retreated his arms to the ground, "I feel sorry for putting her through this..."


"We'll see..." was all she left that last bit at. She was far too protective of Adele, but who could blame her? The heiress was fiery, in looks and in how she held herself. That sort of personality always drew attention, especially romantic. Cass would have to latch that ring on soon, lest her paranoia turn for the worst at points.

"Now, brother, I never said approach Claire romantically... I know that Sidney's feelings for you are quite real, and obviously you feel some modicum in return; you haven't spurned her and you permit her to kiss you-- even I know you wouldn't allow just anyone to get that close." Cass nodded as Owen lowered his head, turning to face him and listen in. It was a bit much to hear her brother speaking of these things, but eye for an eye; she'd been rather casual of her own activities as well. "I supposed she was like that, but I didn't realize it was already happening. From the way she made it sound, she hadn't asked yet... Well."

How interesting. Owen laid down and Cass didn't quite know what to say. "I suppose there's a line of thinking you have to sift through that I can't help with, as much as I wish I could. Do you wish for this sort of relationship? If you wish for things to proceed slowly, all I can say as your sister is... To sit Sidney down and explain to her what's in store, or... Or find someone else." Cass shivered, saying that. Sidney was her friend, now! But her brother... Owen looks so distraught over this. I don't know what to do... Cass shuffled over a bit and began to pet her brother's hair, wishing she had more to offer.

"Maybe speaking with other women wouldn't be so bad. You've never been set up for a suitor from father. It's not your duty to produce an heir, so quickly... Or at all, if it came to that, but... Speak with Claire. For me. Just, as a friend. And see how the two of you get along... Alright? I do not wish to see your relationship with Sidney burn out, but I do wish to see you comfortable, more than I want this to work out. If you can make it work out in a way that you're comfortable, by all means." She was just repeating herself at this point, so she laid down too, sighing.

"Why can't everyone else have my luck with these sorts of things...?"


"She has asked, and she was turned down." Owen reaffirmed, intertwining his fingers as he stuck pensive, still laying against the ground. "I... don't want to put her through frustration, but I don't think it feels right, now. It's not that simple... or I just don't think it is, for whatever reason." He closed his eyes, unable to sink his head further into the ground, he let out a sigh, taking in his sister's pats to calm himself.

"I guess we'll have to talk about it, again." He wondered if his hesitance was tiring Sidney. How would he feel if the person he'd fallen head over heels just wasn't reciprocating the feelings in same?

He couldn't tell, it was too hard to put himself in that spot.

"What I wish for in a relationship..." Owen mumbled, "I... I guess I want somebody that I can rely on. Somebody that can share a shoulder as well. Not somebody that just looks up at me... I want a more level-headed relationship." Slowly, the prince lifted himself back to sitting. "If I can talk to somebody like that, I feel like I'll be comfortable about anything around them." It sounded easy, but part of him questioned how much it really was.

"I mean, if it's not my duty to produce an heir --and it certainly isn't yours--." He cocked an eyebrow at his sister, "...Then whose is it?" He stopped for a moment, turning to his sister. "Gewaint's?" He chuckled, "But that's something I don't want to think about yet, alright. As far as we know, dad's still clinging to this world, and I'm young. We're fine for now."

There was an awkward silence as Cass spoke her last bit, Owen looking down to the ground as he seemed deep in though from her words. "Cass." The prince started, "What does a relationship mean to you? Would you really call the events that brought you and Adele together 'Luck'?"


"Gewaint's, hah... No. Owen, if I must be truthful with you, I don't think the duty falls to any of us. I think... I think the most worthy person to rule should rule. Not someone's child, just because of tradition. No, I don't think its on any of us to bear an heir, not one bit. And that's the way it should be. This adherence to tradition is why I've gotten into so much trouble already. It's foolish." Cass was starting to get worked up. It would be best to turn the subject away. Luckily, Owen gave her a prime moment to do so.

"What does it mean to me? Well... Being in love with who you love, of course. Would I call the events luck? No, but I would call the smoothness of it all luck. I grew up with the woman I love, I spent all my time with her, and not only do we get along, we're both head over heels for the other. Yes, we have our moments of argument, but I doubt Father and Mother saw eye to eye on everything, either. And seeing all the issues you're having, I would definitely call myself lucky... Were I born with your disposition, getting stuck going back and forth between what I want and who I love..."

She sighed, patting Owen's head again, giving him a soft smile. "I'm definitely lucky, though I have worked towards what I have now. I suppose it's a wonderful combination of the both. And I wish you had the luck that I do. Were things to go as smoothly for you and Sidney, why, you'd have far less stress, right now. One less thing for Owen Gaffney to worry about. I can't wait." Cass chuckled, letting her arm fall from his soft hair. "Anything else? I'm quite enjoying this little moment, with you..."


Owen didn't quite know what to say when Cass admitted her opinion. "But... wouldn't you say our lineage is worthy? Take our predicament in mind, we're trying to cross the most dangerous land we know to get to Raewald and back early. For the sake of father's kingdom, our kingdom." While he understood her contempt of tradition --what it got her into already--, he also felt not everything that had become tradition was a miss. "Like father... even if I don't agree with some of his choices, he was a king that always strived for peace. He wanted his people to live safe, despite the time of tension he lived in. Raewald and Deira nearly engaged in a long, bloody war." He placed a hand on his chin, was it the right time to talk about matters like such? His gaze veered to the nothing. "I think... our family has a purpose, as high as it has been regarded. We all share the same blood, and we've all wished for the best of Wyke." That probably wasn't the same for Cass, everything about royal life seemed like an inconvenience for her... but it couldn't mean it was all that wrong.

Perhaps it was better for the topic to change, Cass speaking her mind of how she saw her relationship with Adele. That made more sense. Smoothness, huh... I don't think that'd ever apply to me, by nature. "I see... I think it's good you feel that way about her." He nodded, "Though I don't really think it's that easy to compare. As you said, you knew her all your life. I do not know Sidney all that well, we already went through this." He was holding a soft smile, it was a thoughtful gesture of his sister to try to put herself on his place, but it didn't feel quite accurate. Were I born with your disposition... no, I don't want to think of that.

His sister's recent patting mood wasn't quite expected, but Owen took to it neutrally. "Yeah, it's fair to call it a combination of both. I guess this is what they call fated lovers." He chuckled, "It would be nice if I had that luck, hmm? I guess it would." Though, I find it hard to see myself acting the way you and Adele do, I wonder... It was a bit jarring, he wasn't that good at expressing his feelings. It would probably turn into a disaster. "Anything else?" The notion quickly distracted him, was there anything he wanted to ask? "Huh... if, if you were to choose your life, sister, where would you be now?" He supposed she really disliked her life as royalty, so it was a thought that sprouted in his mind easily.


"Worthy of what? Why does blood matter? Tell me, Owen, would you rather a child of your lineage that has no right to rule-- no experience, no temperament, no want to do so --or would you rather a child you raised, unrelated to you, that has the qualities of a king? I realize you could get either from blood or by chance, but you must understand, this talk of blood and family lines has no impact with me. I see no reason for it. Those who can lead, should. And those who are supposed to, if they are unable, should be set aside... As much as I loathed father's treatment of us, he was a good king. A terrible father, but a good king. Was he a good king because he is of Gaffney blood? I'm not one to think so."

She shook her head, the idea of lineage was so lost on her. If Adele and I are to have a child, they will be adopted. None of this carrying on the bloodline nonsense.

At least the other side of conversation was pleasant, Cass flushing a faint shade of red at Owen calling them fated lovers. It had such a nice ring to it. This talk was to be about him, but the more they spoke, the more Cass found herself wishing to sing lovely about Adele. Hold it in, keep it for later~

Good, a proper distraction. "Where would I be? To live? I'm not sure. I haven't seen enough of the world to truly decide 'that's where I wish i was.' I suppose... If you meant something more abstract, then... I wouldn't mind just being a regular noble. Or not a noble at all. This life of a princess, is it the same for the rest of them? Are there girls in Raewald raised like I was? If there are, they must not be like me. I can't imagine there would be many so discouraged by their lifestyle... I know I'm the odd one out, hah... And you, brother? Are you satisfied with your status?"


"Actually, I had that in mind just as I was saying it..." Owen admitted, "No, I don't feel like I would press a son for the crown if he felt that wasn't his calling. If he shared the interest, I would try to support him in becoming a worthy leader... I just thought the chances would be higher if they were to share my blood." It seemed rather basic, "If a child not of my own blood had more virtues than my own... hmm." That was a curve ball. On one hand, objections would be held, however that illegitimate child inheriting Wyke would be for the kingdom's best interests. What was the point of a king if not to choose the best for his people? Halfway through that line of thought, Owen frowned at the nothing. Could my conflict with Gewaint be something similar? It was a bit darker a thought than he would have hoped. "If... it came to that, it'd be up for me to see how things go, and use the best of my judgement. I could be called a soft king, or a mad king... but dealing with the repercussions is part of the life of a king, is it not?" He offered a soft smile, still in thought. It seemed the question really left an impact in him.

"I did mean something more abstract, don't bother with the details if they're hard to piece." Now that line of thought was easier to pick up, "I don't know much about the Raewalden royal family, though I'd expect something similar. Maybe some are happier that way, but maybe some aren't as well." Perhaps the diplomat among them would have a better idea, Owen had a hunch that it was worse over there, for whatever reason. "I..." He had to think about Cass' question, when it came to it, he was satisfied. Yet... hadn't he sacrificed a part of himself to get there. "There are things I love and hate about it." Is how Owen could best put it. "I appreciate the chance to lead, the power to be a force of change, but I dislike the expectations strongly. It feels like I have to work to maintain a certain status quo, there are many who are judging my actions as a future king. In a certain way, it feels like the freedom I'm supposed to have to handle Wyke is not quite so." Perhaps he was just overthinking it, perhaps it was fine to go against expectations... was it really, though?


"That doesn't make a lick of sense to me... Why is blood special? It's just something inside of you, a red liquid; you lose all of it and you die... What does it have to do with lineage? I can't fathom--..." Cass was just confusing herself trying to understand where Owen was coming from, so with a tired groan she dropped the issue and tried to focus on other things.

"It is, but your apprehensions aside, I think the people will find you a proper king. I just have to smooth over my own issues with the nobility to get them to accept the both of us more... Though, coming back to Wyke with Adele's ring on my hand may make that a tad more difficult... Alas~" She was still going through with it. Another hurdle to conquer, but she had confidence, now.

"If I meet anyone in Raewald that's similar to myself, then I'll have to spend some considerable time with them. I don't think any of their royalty is going to match me, nor are they going to want to spend time with me after learning of my relationship. We'll have to see, but just to keep talks safe, I'll do my best to stay out of them. For your sake." Ah, politics. No space for a woman that loved another woman, not in these countries. I wonder how Wihtwar sees this... Or Magon, for that matter. I never did ask anyone. A missed opportunity, to be sure, but not one she really had time to get into, now.

"Well... No matter what happen, or who stands with you and against you, you'll always have your sister. And Adele. Most likely Angus. Nearly no chance of that going wrong, haha." She avoided patting him again, she couldn't be that much of a mother to him. "It's wonderful to speak with you alone, after so long... I love you, Brother~"


"Well..." Was it right for Owen to even press that train of thought anymore? "It's just... less to do with blood, more to do with fathers and sons often sharing traits. Of course, that's not always true." He shrugged, thinking back to his own family. "In that case, we'll see what happens, right?" That felt like the best way to put it for him. There was no need putting stock in words on their own, and not the actions behind them. Owen felt like he'd learned that from Cass, somewhere.

"The nobility will have to accept you one way or the other. Whether or not they whine at first won't matter." This time, Owen's tone was stern and sure. "If I am to be ruler, now, they will have to respect the ones I love." I have to be more confident in myself... like Jeeves told me. He wrapped an arm around his sister's shoulder, bringing her closer to him. "I'm... sorry, if I ever made your situation worse, sister."


"Heh... Thank you Owen. You're the only person who's never made my life worse, so don't even begin to think it. In fact, if I didn't have you, I'd likely have given up on being myself so long ago. You set me free. Remember that." She let herself lean against him, wondering if there was anything else to discuss, before realizing that she was getting rather tired... And Owen was incredibly comfortable.

"Just going to... Shut my eyes, for a bit, brother. I hope you don't mind..." With a small yawn, she nuzzled herself closer to him, quickly falling into a small nap.


"Heh..." That was... incredibly adorable, it made Owen forget the pressure he'd felt from the world. Even if it were just for now, there was nothing else he wanted at that moment. You are too kind to me, sister... Thank you. A soft kiss on her forehead, and Owen let her lean on him. "We still have time, and the weather won't get worse." He ruffled her hair gently, for a short moment, letting Cass become comfortable and have the rest she wanted. She deserved it.

The axeman's strike was met with an equally deadly riposte from the prince, once again striking a man's poorly-protected vitals. Thank you, Lionel. That said, the blow that Owen was no shrugging matter in itself. The axe had cut fairly into his lower body, his pants were stained with his blood and a sharp pain could be felt in his thigh where the axe struck. Ugh, I'll be a sitting duck if I stay... While he technically could, if he played it smart, he didn't want to deal with further wounds before treating that one.

The prince took a few steps back, closer to the group, hoping his wound could be taken care of by a healer. Calm down, you can still fix it, you won't be left lame... Owen took deep breaths.

Owen to (5,8), wait.

Edited by Xinnidy
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Sidney had hacked through the rival archer with ease using the machete, and after a few whacks at a knight Emily had set him on fire too. "What a joke! And you guys thought to capture Prince Owen?" She wiped off the blade, putting it away and drawing her bow instead, grouping up with Cass and Adele.

Sidney to (7, 15), equipping Iron Bow

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"Adele, I'm fine. Really. Trust me, would you~?" Cass couldn't help but smirk at Adele's overprotective nature. "You'll always be like this, won't you? Ahh, well, I'll just have to survive, and offer an 'I told you so'~ See? Look at my side," she said, lifting up her shirt enough to expose the bruise. "That armored man didn't even manage to pierce my skin. A bruise, and nothing more. So try to worry less, just for me~ You can fix me up after, if you're so inclined." She winked, and giggled, as Angus rode off.

"Stay safe! You're going to get more than a talking to if I come and see you with more damage than me!" At his question, she was sure with the barrier staff in her hand, the mages would pose little trouble.

"Sidney, good of you to join us. I hope you've been finding this as easy as I have. The guards back home posed more trouble than these bandits! I... Well, I can't say I'm disappointed, but I'm shocked, after our engagement on the beachhead."

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Emmet was eager to try out the modifications to Pinaka but it seemed everyone else was just as eager to fight leaving him locked into healing duty. "Well it's not all about me" he muttered.

Emmet to (5,9) Heal Owen

Edited by Jotari
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"Prince Owen! I hope you're not injured beyond fixing," Freya spoke as he had moved past her to be healed. "Well, I won't allow them to get any further." The armored soldier moved to near where the prince had been before, shouting at the foes, "Come! Face me! Or are you all too timid, like so many foes I've seen before?"

Freya to (4,4) with Iron Sword

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On his way back to the front, Angus couldn't help but notice a familiar, eternally-grumpy face. He waves, calling the baron closer.

"Ho, Thomas! C'mon, would you? We need you a mite closer~!"

Esclabor to (7,10)

The mooncalf looks him up and down--he knew that gait well, favoring some wound that so recently existed. "Sooo, how you holdin' up?", Angus ribs. "I'd assume any bloke takin' a swing at you came to regret it--tell me how you got 'im!" Something about the sour man always brought a smile to Angus' face, and it did even here. Maybe, just maybe, he could be jostled to good humor!


Emmet correction! To (5,8), cast Heal on Owen

[spoiler=no CC here][2:48:37 AM] Terrador: [2:46:00 AM] SB: Emmet needs to fix his tile

[2:46:08 AM] SB: Hes attempting the impossible
[2:48:16 AM] Terrador: he needs to be on (4,8) or (5,9), yes?
[2:48:44 AM] Terrador: Owen's on (5,8), so (4,9) isn't adjacent
[3:24:17 AM | Edited 3:24:25 AM] Jotari: Emmet’s really going full force with these impossible moves.
[3:25:03 AM] Terrador: lewl
[3:25:05 AM] Terrador: it happens m9
[3:25:27 AM] Jotari: Not sure if I have time to edit right now. So just tell Shin to process 5,8
[3:29:18 AM] Terrador: gggggot it

Edited by Terrador
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The battle seemed to be going mostly well. They were cleaning up the field quickly and efficiently. Each of them were playing their part in this battle, each of them taking down the enemy one by one. And here was Serge. In the back. With his arms folded across his chest. On the one hand, it was good to get some rest and not have to expend too much energy today. Easy battles seemed to be a rarity, and he welcomed them when they arrived. But on the other hand, slacking off could make him even the slightest bit rusty.

He looked out to the field, and spotted a sharp looking bladesmen out all by his lonesome. Hm...Might be trouble. But I might not be able to take him on one-on-one. Best keep a lookout.

Serge to [3,6]

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Damn it! Is there still nowhere safe? Damn these archers!


"Yes, yes, I'm frustrated too you know."


"Yes, I'm well aware he called you a duck."


"And then what Scarlet? Do you really think risking your life over an insult is a good idea?!"


"Then we stay up here, and wait for an opportunity."

Marcus twiddles his thumbs! (He stays in place and doesn't do anything.)

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Owen moves to 5,8!

Sidney moves to 7,15!

Sidney equips her Iron Bow!

Freya moves to 4,4!

"I hope your bear eats your eyes in your sleep."

Esclabor moves to 7,10!

Shin is a CARING GM!

Emmet moves to 5,9!

Emmet heals Owen back to full HP!

Emmet gains 15 XP!

Emmet gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Serge moves to 3,6!

Alain moves to 6,8!


Marcus idles!


Swordmaster A moves to 8,8!

"Is this one that our Lord warned us of?"

Swordmaster A attacks Alain with his Thunder Sword!
10 Atk, 66% Hit, 2% Crit, Charge possible
(55 42)
Alain takes 10 damage! (8/23 HP remaining)
Alain counters!
14 Atk, 80% Hit, 15% Crit
(63 42)
Alain hits for 14 damage! (29/43 HP remaining)
Swordmaster A charges
Swordmaster A strikes again!
(22 36)

Alain goes down!
Alain gains 1 Tome WEXP!

"His aura... it disturbed me."

Hunter A moves to 6,4!

Hunter A attacks Freya with his Steel Bow!
6 Atk, 88% Hit, 3% Crit
(43 91)
Freya takes 6 damage! (32/38 HP remaining)

Freya gains 5 XP!

Hunter #2 moves to 10,16!

Hunter #2 attacks Adele with his Signal Bow!
4 Atk, 79% Hit, 1% Crit, 13% Adept
(46 34)
Adele takes 4 damage! (31/36 HP remaining)
Adele is signalled!

Adele gains 5 XP!

Chapter 7 - Turn 4


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Claire readied herself as the bladesman approached, prepared to strike back at full force, but at the last moment she noticed him turn his blade on Alain. Oh well. Those things don't hurt much- And that was the moment when the diplomat fell.

Shit. Was his magic sword much stronger than the other one, or was Alain just that fragile? Well, that didn't matter right now. Claire quickly mobilised, hurrying to finish off the attacker before he could do any more damage.

Claire to 5,7, introduce Swordmaster to Razorwind

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