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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 Reunion


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Pieces of information Owen missed were being picked up fast now, almost too fast, he'd stood still, observing the events unfolding for a moment. They are undying? Ones who drank the vial? Would this also be the fate Emily would meet? A chill crossed the prince's gut. Apellon, and Arteria. Then, it is my job to stop their curse... But enough introspecting, the fact his own sister seemed to be so casually striking conversation with them was rather alarming, especially as it went well. A sword was thrown to her side, and she not so much as hesitated picking it up, continuing her small talk with the twins. "Cass, what are you saying?"

Prince Owen stepped forward, beside his sister, wary expression denoting his distrust of the two. "You don't need their aid, just--" He huffed, throwing back a stern stare at the twins. "Is that all you've come to say?" How would they know we're going to Tytila? This makes no sense for no-name swordsmen, could this all mean... "Are you underlings to Malaphar? Is that why you've come here?" I thought he was one to work alone, proud as he is, yet so many seem to claim loyalty to him.

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"Please, Emmet. You're awfully forward. I think we should get to know each other before committing to something long term." Apellon replied, almost as if he were half-tempted by the proposal of his own torture. "I can't say that friendship with you would be something that would satisfy me enough to indulge you. Unless... it would be interesting to see how far your desire for the Fountain would take you. Would you turn on your own allies here if it were to further your ambitions?"

Whilst Apellon was busy with Emmet, Arteria was more than happy to answer Cass for him. "A wedding? I would be more than grateful to attend... but I could also make it your funeral as well. Dear Princess, it would be rude to give you a weapon that would cause you harm." she cackled, watching as Cass clumsily raised the weapon. "The only harm that would come to you from that blade would be unintentionally severing your own arm during a sword swing... that would be delightful to observe, but unfortunate for your well-being. If handing you a sharp edge was enough to cause your demise... I would have offered to peel potatoes with you instead."

Owen's question was one that Apellon had chosen not to ignore. In fact, it appeared to amuse him so much that he couldn't help but laugh. "The wizard Malaphar? Ah, Traliard had spoken of him. A man beyond the balance of good and evil... and outside the realms of humanity. Battle against him was a truely superb experience, to face a shifting reality around us... it was a defeat we were both delighted to face." Apellon replied, fondly recalling his experience. "We have been watching you for some time, Prince Owen. However, to view in retrospect is one thing, it is not possible to predict an action you have not yet taken... without sufficient assistance of course. Thankfully, such assistance is not impossible to reach in Magonsaete."

Cereal Hunt

Nona hurried over to Claire, nearly walking into her in her rush. "Oh, Claire! I was hoping to find you! " Nona cheered, pausing briefly as she spotted the handkerchief in Claire's hands. Giving Claire a smile, Nona looked over at the escaping Nelon. Nelon appeared to look over his shoulder, breaking into a hobbling sprint as he turned back to face ahead. "He must be feeling better already. Baron Nelon's a funny one, isn't he? I'm so glad that you've become such good friends with him, Claire. My little Morta says she's seen you with him rather often the last few days. Of course, you would have more free time considering Angus is now betrothed... wouldn't you?"
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Claire took a single step back to avoid Nona tumbling into her, mouth hanging slightly open as she examined the sister. I wonder if she was even looking for me in the first place... It looked more to her like she was trying to chase down the poor baron, and Ceirch seemed even more eager to escape the closer Nona came to him. All in all, the scene was a little ridiculous to watch from her perspective. "Maybe he's just really shy around you..." Claire commented, not quite sure if Nona understood the full picture here. Perhaps the prompt would push her into revealing something about the situation.

Either way, the rider's continued ramblings caused her to frown, wondering how many times she would have to have the same conversation. "I really don't see how that would affect anything. I'm really not interested in Angus," she groaned. "Especially not in that way." The mage shook her head in disapproval. "I don't understand why you all seem to think that - Cass thought that I hated him." The truth was somewhere in the middle of the two, but it wasn't worth explaining all of that to Nona.

"Anyway, what was it you wanted me to talk about?" Claire asked, perhaps taking a brave leap into the unknown considering Nona's track record. Unless this already was what she wanted to talk about, in which case... Errrrrm... Were all of them gunning for Angus? The very idea of it was ludicrous, but at the same time... it kind of all fit together. The mage was really unsure of what they saw in him, if that was the case, but considering Morta and Nona's colourful personalities, she supposed that anything was possible.

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Emmet was left with a choice. His adversary had thrown the gauntlet down so to speak. To say yes would turn everyone who had travelled with against him. But to say no or to give a half answer would surely loose these potential allies forever. It wasn't a difficult decision. He wanted to play it safe. He had always wanted to play things safe. But look where it had gotten him. He should have murdered Claire the moment he met her and taken the vial. It would have been risky but doing things the safe way, the nice way, had put it out of his reach forever.

With a roar Emmet charged forward. However, he skidded to a stop just before reaching the swordman's range. He spun around and raised his bow. His back was exposed to the twins now as looked on the the faces of his old allies. Danger was around him on all sides. This would be either the end of his life, or the first step on his path to greatness. "My ambition is absolute" he declared. "Who would you like me to shoot?"

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"Don't worry about it, Owen," Cass said, voice obviously shaky, but she kept herself together. It was a marked improvement, compared to a few days ago. "And yes, I do. It's not just to duel against her... I want to learn how to use a sword. I'll tell you about it later. And, I'll ask for your help as well, later. I simply assumed learning a weapon would be better from someone with the same body type. That's all." It has nothing to do with how much she interests me. Nothing at all. She paused another moment; Cass hadn't actually asked Arteria why she was so fascinated with her. Is it just because we fought? Or is it because of who I am? I wonder... I'll ask, when next we meet.

"Just a sword, then. But not any less appreciated... I'll use it for practice. I'd like to think that if I can wield an axe, I won't be removing any limbs with a sword. I hope." Cass tried to lift the implement, finding the balance quite different from what she was used to. An axe had all its weight in the head... But this was even, balanced around the hilt. It was hard to keep it up straight with the weight so close to her, but she managed. I wonder... Can I be more like Owen and father with this? We'll have to see. "Make sure you wear your best dress... No funerals, thank you. I'd like to enjoy life with Adele, and have death come for me in many, many years..." If you're still around, maybe you'll get what you wish.

Cass had hoped all the surprises were over. But what was a good battlefield without one more shock? She hadn't been paying attention to Emmet's conversation with Apellon; she figured the question rhetorical. Of course, Emmet was upset about the vial, but they'd fought together, and he'd done everything to save her, more than once. He was a reliable comrade, and--

"What?" Cass could do nothing but stare in disbelief. "Emmet? What are you doing? C-Come back." Was it that easy? Had the vial meant that much to him? "The twins are enough; this is not a nice surprise... Please." Was he truly, truly going to do this? He looked... He looked so serious. Cass hadn't felt the pang of betrayal before-- it hit her like a hefty slab of lead. Arteria was likely loving her eyes going wide and her forced smile fading. "Put, p-put down your bow!"

Edited by Nanami Touko
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"Traliard...?" So they weren't with Malaphar, in fact, it seemed like their interests conflicted at least once. What is going on here? How many people have their eyes set on me? It was eye-opening, to be sure. "Assistance? You mean to say my moves are known? ...By you and who else?" He hadn't even the luxury to falter at that. They've already come this far, challenged a man not unlike a god, and still, the world was set on placing obstacles. No. Enough. The world will fall before I do. He'd griefed and doubted too many times, but he promised himself to change, ever since Jeeves...

A most off-putting roar broke any flow the tense discussion ever had, Owen turned his head to follow Emmet as he made his way to the twins. "What?" That was bizzare, unfathomable. "Sir Emmet? What do you mean? Are you mad?" The man was a Reliant, was he not? Did he not care about his contract? What kind of people have we recruited? If any sort of undisciplined person could be among them like that, then...

A chill coursed through his gut again. That feeling had become too familiar as of late. "Sir Emmet, put your bow down." He raised an arm to his side, trying to protect his sister. That was enough harm to his group for one day. I need to stop this. "If you shoot your arrow, you'll seal a fate of regret. You can stop this. Please, think." How... why is this happening?

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What in the world... Sidney looked at the strange sword twins, looked to Cass in surprise at what seemed to be an almost amicable conversation, then finally looked to Emmet before snarling. "Alright, I've had enough! I've had it today!" The thief drew her own bow, arrow already notched and aimed at Emmet. "The prince and princess have spoken, so drop it right now. Don't lower it, drop it on the ground. You move to shoot anyone and you're a dead man. And don't think I won't shoot! Or did you like getting hit in the face before?! I knew I was right to distrust you, with your stupid obsession with only the vial or this fountain or whatever! You're lucky we dragged your sorry rear around this far in the first place, and betrayal at the first sign of convenience is how you think to repay us? No, this will not stand. I'll give you ten seconds. If it takes you longer than that to consider whether or not it's worth it, then we all know just how much you're worth to us."

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"Sidney, no! Emmet, please!" Cass moved in front of Owen's arm, a pleading look on her face. "Emmet, don't you care about us? Is that vial truly so important to you? There must be more of it, if it is! Do you truly think they will show you to it? I've of a mind to believe that Apellon simply wishes to see you squirm under the decision, so please! Don't do this. Think of any other way. I realize my decision to use the vial was rash, but surely, we're worth more than a vial of unknown liquid!" Cass hoped that reasoning with him would do any amount of good, but... Why did he look so determined?

"If you're going to shoot, then... Shoot me. Because I've had quite enough of all of this, today. Between nearly burning to death, the tense dealings with strange riders, Emily, the twins... No more! Please. I implore you."

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"No." Owen spoke up loud and clear, response immediate as his sister offered herself a target for Emmet's treacherous arrow. "If you are shot, I will never find it in me to forgive him, sister. Please, stay behind me, just this once..." He was imploring, trying to pull ahead of his sister in Emmet's sight. "Please think of what I feel." The situation was getting ridiculous, grief after grief. What was the point of it all? Some sick pleasure for the twins that just showed up?

Disgusting. "Can you see, Sir Emmet?" The prince moved his head to acknowledge the whole scene. Them, Emmet, the twins, Sidney, the other Reliants... "We're giving them a full course, a complete buffet. They have no greater interest than seeing the man you are fall, not just in body." Owen looked at the scholar, eyes open wide. "Choose, but I beg you one thing while choosing: Do it as a man, not an animal."

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More, more, always more! This was getting absolutely ridiculous. Why were they even here? Why was Cassandra talking to them, giving the psychotic woman a bloody wedding invitation?! Why was any of this happening, why now, why ever? Adeltrudis was so sick of it all that she just wanted to scream, tear the heavens asunder with her roar of anger and confusion and hate. Pure hate, contempt for just about everything in her sight.

And Emmet just had to go and focus all of it. Did he really care so much about that bloody vial? He spoke of ambition, well, ambition could be tested. Adeltrudis' world was already a deep red, growing redder and redder as both Owen and Cassandra offered themselves to the crazed bowman. Why, why were they so brash, so stupid?! Why did they not just stand back like they should, not entice this madness further?! Adele stormed straight past the royal blood of Wyke, right past all of them, weapon not even drawn, fist clenched as she closed in on Emmet, her face adorned with undeniable fury. Others would use their words, but Adele was too livid for them at present. She would use presence alone, as she moved closer, closer. Not quite at the bowman, but close enough, close enough that any arrow he loosed at a target other than the Heiress Herman was paramount to suicide. Within moments she would be at him, her visage filling his vision in it's entirety. She didn't need words, not this time. She doubted Emmet would fail to understand.

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"O-Owen?" Cass almost made to push past him, but his voice had been stern, strong. Unlike how he normally denied her. It caught her off guard. Before she could protest further, Adele was storming off. "Adele! No! No more violence, no more fighting! I can't believe I'm having to preach this, but there's been enough death today! Let us talk!" With Owen in her way, and Adele already too far ahead to catch up to, Cass could do nothing but stand helplessly behind her brother and wait for a reaction. No... No, I never wanted to feel like this again. It was already tough enough standing tall with Arteria here, but Emmet doing this, Adele, running off, please...! You and Owen are the only people I can never watch get hurt!

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"I like you, prince" Emmet confessed. "You're level headed. Not brash and emotional like the rest of these fools. And unlike them you're not selfish. You truly think of other people. You might make a good king. But you're still too naive. Do you honestly think I can go back now? Would you forgive me? Perhaps you might. But I know Adele won't. And I know that bitch you share a bed with certainly won't. She's been dying to see me bleed from the moment we met though heavens knows why. I've been nothing but respectful to you people." Emmet raised his voice now, no longer talking to the prince alone. "Yet not one word of thanks have I heard for healing and saving you. Is this really so shocking? Did any of you ever stop to consider my feelings? I didn't ask for much. I just wanted you to preserve a miracle! I could have taken it for myself at any time. I should have. Yet I placed my trust in you. And now You have betrayed me. I have no other choice. This is the way things must be."

Are you enjoying the show, swordsman? Does this amuse you? Well then keep me around. And I'll bring further despair upon Owen and his allies.

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"No... N-No, we were done, everything was over, i-it was just a stupid potion..." So this is what it felt like, to have someone you trusted betray you. Emmet had done so much for them, that was true. Had they not been thanking him? Cass had figured her gesture of pay in Wyke had been thanks for all his healing; he truly was a skilled practitioner, did he not remember; did it matter, to him? Did i ruin him, and everything he was here for, pouring that drink down Emily's throat? There was too much to ask and no time to ask it. What Cass had been building over the last few days was not tough enough. It crumbled, and she clung to Owen's back, shrinking herself behind him, hiding her face. She didn't want to let Arteria-- or Emmet, especially Emmet, after all of that speech --she didn't want to let them see her cry.

Edited by Nanami Touko
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Slowly but surely, Marcus, Alain, and Scarlet made their way over to the unfolding scene where, much to Alain's contentment, his feet found the ground once more. He'd arrived just in time to hear Owen's conjecture as well as Apellon's reply and that set the gears in his head turning. Even if Apellon and and Arteria weren't directly working for Malaphar, there was no doubt in Alain's mind that the wizard could have been manipulating the two for his own needs from the very start. He'd done as much to them, so it wasn't entirely out of the realm of possibility. And if that was indeed the case, that would mean there was also the possibility that Malaphar knew that Owen and his company would be traveling to Raewald through Magonsaete and had the twins stationed to meet them upon the ship's landing.

But how... With the way the wizard operated it wouldn't surprise Alain if the answer was 'he just knew'. But perhaps there was a more logical reason... was somebody in contact with him? Where is the logic in that? We've only just met him and he wouldn't have even known we existed until then. That's what he'd thought anyway. But then it dawned on him. Malaphar wasn't just some nobody. He'd apparently been in contact with Owen's father, King Oswald. He had history with Wyke, and he had history with Owen's family in particular. But Owen didn't know about Malaphar, which suggests Oswald never mentioned him to his children... He felt like he was on the cusp of something big, but it would have to wait. His head was starting to hurt, and he needed to rest before stressing out over theories and conjectures.

It pained him to be so overly needy, but at the same time he was appalled that he'd gone so long without any healer except Emmet attending to him. And Emmet was as good as useless so that wasn't saying much. Speaking of... In the span of time that Alain had taken composing his thoughts, Emmet had gone from one side to the other, bow now drawn taut against Cassandra, Owen, and all the rest. He had to stifle a bit of a laugh seeing that. The man was a fool. In one swift stroke, he'd made an enemy of two nations. He'd like to tell Owen he was wasting his breath, but he didn't feel like getting involved in the debacle. With Emmet gone, he wouldn't have to worry about the man pestering him with suspicions. He was fine with that.

"Miss Larissa, I'm sorry to bother," he said, tapping the woman on her shoulder. She seemed frozen, staring at the body that Sebastian was tending to. Perhaps Emmet's outburst had given her further reason to withdraw to herself. Looking over her shoulder, he began to understand that Marcus had been talking about Emily, and not Laudine's mercenary. And Emmet was likely brought to irrationality because someone had the bright idea to give Emily the vial. At least he could say he wasn't around when that decision was made, so whatever the outcome, he wouldn't feel like he would be to blame if something went horribly wrong. "If you'd like to take a moment more to grieve, I can understand... but if you could heal me that would be most appreciated," he said. He wasn't sure what sort of relationship Serge's mercenaries had with each other, but he hoped she wasn't too distraught as to not be able to tend to him. It's just one thing after another with these Reliants it seems.

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Unlikely Target

Emmet's interjection had changed the nature of the conversation quite drastically, although the differences between unsettling and actively volatile were those only Apellon and Arteria seemed to enjoy. Grinning, Apellon put his hand into his own jacket's pocket, revealing a small vial of fluid to Emmet.

"You certainly are determined... would you go so far to achieve your goals? Perhaps immortality is not something you were hoping to obtain." Apellon taunted, gently rolling the vial between his fingers. "To fire on an unwitting ally would be relatively dull for my tastes... but if I were to name a target..."

Raising his free hand, Apellon's finger floated between members of the group. "It's hard to think who you would share any sentimentality with... but perhaps your armoured friend, Freya? I believe you wouldn't feel anything if you were to eliminate her, I wouldn't want to make you any less popular with your allies than you already are... you may have to act quickly"

Un-Nona Depths

Nona looked over as Nelon dove into a bush, his desperation to escape her taking priority over his own well-being again. "Perhaps I need to be more forward, thanks for letting me know, Claire." Nona replied, smiling as she focused back on Claire. "I was hoping that the last time would have let him know my intentions... but when looking for the bathroom, he somehow managed to fall out of the manor's chimney. Isn't that unfortunate?"

The mention of Angus and Cass brought another grin to Nona's face. "It's just that with Angus being readily available, I wondered where your heart would lie. Princess Cassandra's been awfully distant from him, it is almost as if they were not to be married at all." she laughed. "But that would be silly, the only reason for engagement would be true love, no?"

Patting Claire on the head, Nona couldn't help but look at the bush Nelon had fallen into again. "I wonder if he needs any help, I should go see how he's doing... I hope to see you later, Claire!"

With that, Nona left Claire to her own devices, skipping towards the bush merrily. It sounded as if Owen's group were starting to get a little more chaotic than usual, their shouts and threats were very audible to Claire.

Third Choice

Larissa jumped as Alain tapped her shoulder, her entire focus had been on Emily's body. "Oh? Sir Alain?" she replied, turning to him nervously. Her eyes were watering, but she was quick to wipe them as she faced him. "There's been so much going on, with Emily, Emmet... Commander Serge and those vile siblings... I'm not sure what to think any more. Emily didn't deserve to go like that, is war really like that?"

Lifting her staff, she pointed it at Alain's chest. "I'll... do what I can, but I'm not particularly good, Mister Sebastian might have been a better choice." she added. Sebastian however had stopped healing Emily, he was poised with a trio of knives between his fingers. His expression was almost threatening, his cool glare fixed on Emmet.

"It would be a shame to dispose of Sir Emmet, but I cannot say his manners are to my liking." Sebastian remarked, taking aiming. "I will allow my Lady to act first, but at the first hint of danger, these blades will find their way into his throat."
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Claire quickly got the impression from Nona's response that she'd missed the sacrcasm, and that she would have to apologise to Ceirch yet again later on. The comment about her 'intentions' was interesting, but she couldn't be sure what it meant just yet. She wondered if Ceirch would even let Nona take him alive, or if he'd sooner kill himself trying to escape. I hope he's going to be okay... she wondered as Nona left, although she didn't dwell on the thought for too long after spotting Emmet, bow poised at... their own party?

Claire hurried towards the source of the commotion, mind racing. It wasn't the first time this week that she'd seen one of their own turning a bow on their party, but at a time like this? What are you doing, Emmet? Panting slightly as she came to a stop, she began to wonder if she should've expected this. It was always about the elixir for him, but... I didn't think he'd go this far. Even during the first night in Magonsaete, where he completely furious at her, she didn't think that he'd try something like this. It seemed that calling him heartless had been right on the money.

Emmet's ravings continued even as Adele drew closer, and that was finally when the mage spoke up. "Nothing but respectful?" That was a lie to begin with. The man was a snake, and she'd seen his true nature. She'd been wrong earlier that day to begin trusting him again, but that delusion had already been shattered. "Do you think you're special, Emmet?" she yelled back, absolutely livid with him. "You think you're special - Engel's gift to Angelcynn - just because you didn't take the vial and flee!? I had countless chances and all the reason I needed to do it!"

She couldn't believe that he thought his actions were justified. "The only thing you're owed is a mercenary's payment, and if you keep acting like this, you'll never see that either." Claire was shaking in anger at this point, but still had Razorwind at the ready in case the need arose. Even after the strange man pointed her out as a target, the mage wasn't worried about Freya - considering her heavy armour, she was bound to be fine. Part of her knew that she was doing little to diffuse the situation, but she'd had enough. Malaphar's men, Emily's death and now this? If Emmet wasn't willing to stop, she had no qualms with making him.

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"Shut up, traitor! I didn't have a problem with you until you made yourself a problem when you made it painfully obvious that you care more a glass of liquid that you obviously vial more than anyone here's life, so don't try pulling the morals card!" Sidney shouted. "That you're even considering this shows me just how far gone you really are. I've heard all I have to for me to know that whatever help you might've given us doesn't redeem you after this and that we're better off without someone whose soul is as vile as yours. Claire's right! Not doing something awful is not even close to actually being a good person. It's been more than ten seconds! Time's up, and I'm not risking to see if you'll try shooting Freya or not." Sidney loosed her arrow towards him, already going to ready another... though at Adele's pace, she wondered if she'd even need a second shot.

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Freya observed with bewilderment the sudden conflict between the twins and the group. The ones we defeated?! I didn't notice before... how is that possible? Most of the talk of supernatural powers or activities was beyond the scope of her knowledge as a soldier, though while it was confusing it did explain their return. A lot of the terms were unfamiliar still, but when one of the sword wielders mentioned her name as a target for Emmet, that certainly registered to her. "You've got something else coming if you think I'll go down that easy," the armored woman barked. Absurd... why has protecting the princess now extended to the supernatural? Dismissing the thought, Freya took up a more defensive stance in case of any attack, though with her position compared to Emmet's one would be rather difficult.

Edited by Juliette
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Emmet wasnt even sure if he'd ever even heard the name Freya before. He couldn't even see the swordsman to know who he was pointing at but process of elimination told him who his target was. He moved his bow away from tje royal siblings and traing it on the armoured woman. Then Sidney began speaking again.

"Such selfrightiousness coming from a spoiled thief. I aim my bow at you. You aim yours at me. What makes us so diff-" Emmet's sentence was abruptly ended as Sidneys arrow struck him. His aim was knocked off but the arrow was still loosened. He couldn't have stopped it even if he wanted to. A flash of light illuminated the world between them as magic surrounded Pinaka's arrow. Emmet had not intentionally fired but the group was so tightly bunched together, most still arond Emily's corpse. Surely the attack whould hit someone.

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Adeltrudis let out a grunt as the magically-infused arrow slammed into her gut. It was different than a normal arrow, the wound seared, burned... it was a wholly different sensation, but she couldn't stop now. Pushing through the pain, it only took her a few moments more to reach Emmet. From there is was all auto-pilot, her left hand reaching out to grab at the man's collar, pulling him forward to meet her right, balled into a tight fist. She felt it collide with his cheek, his body jerk back from the impact, stopped from falling by Adele's grip on his shirt. She could feel her teeth grinding against one another, a moment of sweet release hitting her. She didn't even think, simply allowing her body to do as it pleased, pulling back her right and taking another swing...

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Emmet's sudden betrayal warranted a predator's glare... but not for himself. A lynch mob had already formed for him, overkill three or four times over. Their wrath was more than sufficient, but had they all forgotten? So astonished that Emmet considered only himself, and was beneath no wickedness... unlike their new best friends? Sure, Angus could bring himself to play nice--first wondering at the very secret so worthy of Emmet's soul, and second by Owen's lead--but that didn't wash away their attack on the beach, nor could it compare to turning that Reliant against the prince.

Angus' memory wasn't that poor.

The knight had to restrain himself, at least for now. That rat bastard was substantially less dangerous without Arteria at his side, and Angus' bare hands would accomplish very little. Everyone was hurt, scattered, tired, afraid--loud, too. So much noise for scum not worth their time, careening towards its own death. Angus, silent, still, had eyes only for Apellon. Not to ward against any trickery, but delivering a message that couldn't be withheld. Angus had no hope of hiding it: only in that moment, knowing his chance would come soon, did the Kearney even realize it himself.

He would scatter their ashes over Tytila.

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Cass couldn't stop herself, as much as she wanted to, peeking her head out over Owen's shoulder to watch the engagement. Watching was all she was doing, until it became painfully obvious that Adele had been shot. She couldn't just watch after that. She knew her love was strong, that she could take a hit, but she didn't care; this entire fight was beyond pointless.

With a small cry, she bolted past Owen catching up to Adele as she began her second swing, desperately clinging to her arm. "No more! You're hurt, I-I have to help you! Stop... Please, stop..." Cass' arms were weak as she tugged at Adele, crying quietly, needing to hold onto enough to actually manage pulling on the heiress.

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The pain of being shot for the second time that week left Emmet pretty disorientated. Even without the arrow, he probably wouldn't have been able to stop Adele's merciless assault. Emmet was not a weak man but his muscles were developed solely for drawing and maintaining tension in a bow string. He had no experience in close quarters unarmed combat. Unable to even fight back, he had no option but to weakly try and cover his face while holding tightly onto Pinaka.

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Serge had had enough. Emmet had finally shown his true colors to everyone, and Serge was in no mood to take betrayal lightly. After everything that had happened, after all that was happening, it took a toll on his mind. So when he heard the sound of an arrow hitting his employer, something in him snapped. He was angry, again, but this time, with no proper target to fixate it on. He was angry at nearly everything. He had tried so hard to be a good person, to be a proper man, a responsible boss. But, all that ever got him was stress, heartache, and a hard life.

And so, he intended to take out his anger on someone. From his kneeling position, he took his right leg, then his left, and stood up. He turned around, now facing everyone, though his eyes, full of absolute, uncooperative, irrational rage, he stomped his way over to the one person he was currently fixated on. Why couldn't it have been him? WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN HIM?! He grabbed Emmets bow and ripped it out of his grip with his left hand, and threw it away from him. Then, with his right, Serge grabbed him by the throat, ripping him from Adele's grip, and thus ripping the wool on Emmet's shirt, and choke-slammed him straight into the ground. "Is THIS all it's ever been about?! Have you been planning to kill us all from the start?! Did the guild even mean ANYTHING TO YOU!? ANSWER ME, YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT! WHY DID EMILY HAVE TO DIE INSTEAD OF YOU?!"

And then he remembered, there was someone else. He looked up, to see the smiling face of Apellon. It pissed him off even more, how he always looked so mockingly at him. How he always seemed like he knew everything, but shared absolutely nothing. "And you!" He stood up again, releasing Emmet's throat from his grip. If he had been choking him before, Serge didn't care at this point. Instead, he drew his sword, pointing straight at Apellon. "You think this is funny? You think you can just waltz up to me and laugh?! Let's see how much you smile when I slit your throat!" And with that, he charged forward, aiming for the neck.

Edited by Dandragon
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Catastrophic Symphony

Emmet had been swarmed by his former allies, with Sidney, Adele and Serge all trying to have a piece at him. Neither Arteria nor Apellon intervened as he was mobbed, both of them entertained by the assault on him. Arteria cackled in delight, clapping her hands as Serge manhandled Emmet, slamming him to the ground like an angry farmer dropping a sack of potatoes.

Apellon was more interested in Serge himself though, especially his remarks after he had finished with Emmet. Grinning as Serge began to swear, the unarmed Apellon replaced the vial to his jacket pocket. "Serge, you never fail to intrigue me. Your value for life... and yet your disregard for it once your anger consumes you. It's a fascinating moral dichotomy." Apellon sneered, watching as Serge began his assault. "However, you make one fatal mistake at a crucial moment."

Without any warning, Apellon catapulted himself over Serge, launching himself among the Reliants and landing on his feet. His agility was superb, far beyond anything that he'd displayed in their first battle. Serge's men stayed perfectly still, fully aware of how murderous their visitor was. "And that's declaring your attack. Not only with your words but also your passion. Your temperament is enough to alert a sleeping foe... I was hoping for more of a surprise. It would be delicious to cut down more of your men, but if I send you spiralling down into despair... where else would I be able to take you? Your suffering is best prolonged... then i can see what kind of man you truly are."

Arteria looked down at Emmet, grinning like she'd stepped on a particularly vulnerable spider. "Brother, I'm bored now. The Princess' friends are so busy killing each other... I would feel awfully rude to interrupt them." she yawned, stretching her arms. "Perhaps we should say goodbye to our lovely friends... and Emmet. I don't think I want to be friends with him."

"I agree, dear sister. But I shall leave him with a farewell present." Apellon laughed, taking the vial from his pocket again. "You see this vial, Emmet? You've sacrificed almost everything you have only to prove you would discard friendship for your goals. Perhaps my next action is a fitting reward for you?"

Taking the vial in his hand, Apellon hurled it at the ground, causing the glass vessel to shatter and spill its contents on to the soil. Watching the fluid soak into the earth, Apellon was characteristically pleased. "Now, I feel that it would be fair for us to depart... would it not, Prince Owen? I see no reason to claim a life from your group, but I do want to say one thing... the conflict at hand is far bigger than yourself, do not take it lightly, or you shall be swallowed up."

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