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What games did you put down and need to pick back up again(and finish)?


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Sometimes there are times when we may put a game down and may not return to it for quite sometime(And heck, we may even forget about them periodically).

Seeing how I have quite a list of games I need to get back to(and finish), I was wondering what games you guys may have put down and need to get back to(and maybe finish).

As for my list:

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest

......I'm...not too sure why I put it down(although, to be fair, I've been putting it down a lot this year since I got it). I got to Chapter 24, reseted a few times, and just kinda put the game down. Worse thing about it is that I've been craving to play the other FE games(and I got and am playing FE7 on the Wii U's VC).

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE

Now this game I put down due to playing it a long time in a short time span/playing it days straight(pretty much, I had a bit of Burn out from playing it so much. I still love the game though...I enjoy level grinding in this game[and a few others] since it isn't too big of a hassle to do so).

  • TMS#FE: 80 hours in 2 weeks

Persona 3

I've put this game down and restarted this game SOOOOOO many times, it's not even funny. Probably my inner completionist trying to get 100%...without a guide(something you kinda need to 100% this game...). When I put the game down too long, I almost always restart my playthrough...

Dark Cloud

As enjoyable as the game is, the final boss is a bit of a road block for me. It's not super difficult, just...having trouble fighting/hurting it(forgot why since I haven't played it in 2+ years...)

Final Fantasy VII and Dragon Quest 8

These two were SOLELY because of disc issues!

For FFVII, I had some troubles[Freezing/glitches] with my disc that stopped my progress when I got to Red XIII's hometown for the "Planet observatory" cutscene for almost a month until after cleaning it so much I FINALLY got past it! Although, I got to Rocket Town and put it back down for some time.

For DQVIII, it's another level entirely! My disc constantly froze on me during the cutscene before you get the boat, keeping me from continuing(and this was about almost 3 years ago, when I was a teenager didn't really have the money to get another one. Not to mention that this was my SECOND disc[off Ebay by the way], the first disc I got wouldn't load the first cutscene before reaching the first town/first mandatory battle. I was able to return the first disc in time...but it was too late for the second one)!

(I should also add any Final Fantasy game I've ever played. 1,2,3[DS], 4, 5,6,7,and 10. All for different, specific reasons.)

Tales of the Abyss (3DS)

Near the end of the game. I was just gonna put it down for a little while.....that was over a year ago.

Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies

Now this game I actually did pick up again recently, buuut like TotA, I put the game down for over a year and decided to pick it back up again and finish it(for obvious reasons that relate to Sept 8...)

...those are just to name a few.

So what about you guys? :Joshua:

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Here's my List:

Ni no Kuni

Xenoblade Chronicles

Skyward Sword

Tales of Zestiria

Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth

Shadow Dragon

Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Final Fantasy 4

Gravity Rush

Valkyria Chronicles

Persona 3

I've put this game down and restarted this game SOOOOOO many times, it's not even funny. Probably my inner completionist trying to get 100%...without a guide(something you kinda need to 100% this game...). When I put the game down too long, I almost always restart my playthrough...

This so much. I have lost count how many times I've restarted after the first full moon boss.

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Let's see... *opens up a word document with over 2 pages of games that need to be fully completed*

However, for some of the top and more relevant ones...

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations - I got burned out on Fates, and the gimmicks in Revelations were not helping matters. I marathoned through Conquest then Birthright, all the while making other "ultimate" files for later use. I also wanted to do Revelations on my ultimate file instead of my "canon" file, but could not get the resources I wanted for My Castle, so I ended up dropping it.

Xenoblade Chronicles - Funnily enough, I finished X before I finished Xenoblade Chronicles, and I had the original first for years before getting immersed in X. It's that completionist in me, I want to do the sidequests before finishing the final boss, but the sidequests tend to be a little boring, so I just end up postponing everything. I'm right at the final boss too and could finish at any time, but those sidequests, man...

Valkyria Chronicles - An odd story that started out by marathoning through Youtube LPs. I saw Project X Zone, Project X Zone 2, Resonance of Fate, Valkyria Chronicles, and Valkyria Chronicles 2, after which I decided to pick up the game. However, I was then somehow derailed into watching 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, and Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma. After of which I ended up watching a Stein's Gate Visual Novel, which went into the anime, the movie, the spinoff VNs, and even the Drama CDs. Stein's Gate Zero is probably next on my radar, after it gets localized and the anime of it gets made.

So, yeah, Valkyria took a backseat during the crazy marathons. I'm still somewhat in Stein's Gate phase, but then Earth Defense Force 4.1 took over...

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Once upon a time, in a world so long ago, I got pretty far in the original campaigns. I think on NOD I was at the last level, and GDI had significant progress. However, I still never got around to finishing the vanilla campaigns, even though I finished Firestorm, the expansion pack.

Cthulhu Saves The World - Another lifetime ago I tried running a Youtube channel and used this as my first public game. However, I no longer do Youtube and never got back to playing this, even though it's pretty good for a retro style RPG.

Volgarr the Viking - Another Youtube game that was a difficult action platformer. I need to get back to it, it was pretty good!

Frozen Synapse - Love the concept, but never held my attention long enough to properly sit down and beat the campaign. The soundtrack is amazing though and I listen to it regularly.

Medieval II Total War - I mostly picked this up on whim because of the mods (specifically Hyrule Total War at the beginning) and the fact it was on sale. I never got around to properly finishing a vanilla campaign, even ones from the expansions.

Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal - I loved Warcraft 2 and would spend lots of time messing around in the editor creating my own maps and creating an imaginary story and campaign. While I did manage to beat the vanilla campaigns, the expansion seemed to be harder as I was stuck on the second level or so for the Alliance but managed some progress as the Horde. A shame I can't really run it properly anymore...

Tactics Ogre, SNES Version - I picked it up one day after a friend was asking how to get it working. Sadly, while I managed to beat Act One, I think I got to a point where my units were not powerful enough to handle the enemy without losses. Since I didn't want to lose anyone, I stopped playing...

Super Mario 64, Star Road - Google it up, but it is a fun adaptation of Super Mario 64. However, other games soon took hold of my interest, leaving this one behind waiting to be completed.

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Project X Zone 2 (I actually played it for a while, but kinda forgot about it after getting Fates, and proceeded to ignore it for half a year; only picked it up again recently)

FE Fates (currently on Revelations; put down to take my mind off the support grinding that I was doing, and to pick up the aforementioned Project X Zone 2)

Rune Factory 4 (probably lost track of whatever the heck I needed to do by now)

There might be more, but those come to mind right now.

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Suikoden V

I rented this game from a video rental store a long time ago. I got to an area in a cave, and there were two boss that were twins...or something, I think. I really liked where the story was going and I kind of wish a FE game was somewhat based off of it.

Shadow Hearts : Covenant

Again, video rental store. I got to the starfish boss and couldn't beat it. I was relatively young at the time. Stupid as well because I kept restarting the game, thinking that winning boss battles was completely RNG (as I kept losing) and had nothing to do with my horrible comprehension skills.

Dot Hack Infection/Mutation/Outbreak/Quarantine

I want to complete the series as a whole. I had the first game; I let my uncle borrow it, only to never get it back. I own Mutation and have beaten it several times. I've never played Outbreak and I used to rent Quarantine, but I was too young to understand what was going on. Too bad this game series goes for so much money. I cannot find any of the games for any lower than 45 USD anywhere.

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Fire Emblem Fates: BIRTHRIGHT!

I got everything I wanted out of Conquest so Birthright was.... not really a priority. I picked it up again a fews weeks ago I think, and then beat it in three days. But yeah, Conquest was honestly, everything I was looking forward to in Fates so Birthright seemed... a little extra to me. Plus my man wasn't in Birthright and that's sad.

Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations

I think I'm doing that right now with Revelations. The game is going by so quickly and I feel like I can only use the siblings in the main chapters. But now my non-sibling team members I used in Conquest and Birthright are really underleveled and I feel bad and I feel like I need to grind. But I've already been grinding a looot, So I haven't felt like leveling up the Awakening Trio, Kaden, Kaze and Orochi. Seriously Azura didn't even make the cut for characters I use during the main chapters because I demand that I have Silas, Felicia and Niles on my team. Also I want to get back all the supports I worked hard to get on Conquest and Birthright(+some).

Final Fantasy VII

I just got to part where I can explore the over world map.... I plan on getting back to it in October when I've killed some games off my list.

Pikmin 3

I've done it to every Pikmin game that's not the first one. It was fun, but then my list of games piled up.

Pokemon Y

I just beat X, and then I played Y and then a Perfect IV team destroyed my team that I spent 4 generations working on tp get ribbons, and I got the team from different games because I like having my Pokemon listed from different regions, and I got them all in different Pokeballs, but no apparently culture doesn't matter because some Pokemon where just born better.

This is why I don't battle perfect IV teams.

Mario Kart: Double Dash

I just finished Wii, and Double Dash's controls are not as fun for me.

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There is likely more than this but this is what can think of right now.

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

After like 2 two mansions I started dropping and picking up this game a lot and leaving it for months at a time, I love the original Luigi's Mansion, but turning a game about exploration into a mission-based game just didn't work very well for me. That and the boss that spinned around circles and you have to fire crap at was way too hard to beat and annoying.

Fire Emblem 6

I'm on the record as liking this game a lot now, but initially now so much, I got like third the way through and dropped the game, I finished it later. It wasn't until my second play through this year that I liked the game much.

Little big planet 3

Nothing wrong with the game here just I wanted to play different game at the time turns out I actually dropped it like right before finishing the campaign.


Yeah kind a got sick of the game near the end, but then Iwata die so I decided to finish it. Glad I did because otherwise I would've never played Mother 3

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

The last levels were extremely brutal and I had another game wanted to play at the time so I just put the game on the back burner for the moment.

Oh but historically by most dropped and played game is definitely FE 11 it took quite a bit to finish it.

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My list is pretty long because real life gets it the way, but I will get back to them. I will only list my top priority to finish games

Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages

Legend of Zelda II

FE 6

I have others on my list but I want to finish theses three first.

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Hm...Let me check the top of my backlog:

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean

I went on a "Complete Magnus Gathering" run, (aka a 100% run) for this game and even though I only have the lategame stuff left to do, I haven't picked up frome where I last left off (Phantom Goldoba). Tbh, I don't know why I still haven't finished that run.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD

I played the GCN version last winter so that's why I've let this one stew for a bit, I don't want it to feel too repetitive when I play the HD version.

Hyrule Warriors Legends

Only got to the Master Quest Adventure map so I've still got all of those DLC maps to clear and...all that level grinding... :S

(I did almost finish the Wii-U version though)

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Probably more then I remember, but these are the ones I remember.

Final Fantasy 9

A game I really like and wanted to play through for a very long time. Sadly Fates came out shortly after I finally got the game and since then it slipped of my radar. I still want to finish it, but I seem to have problems with picking something up again after long periods of times.

Hyrule warriors legends.

I played through the story mode and the first adventure mode, but somehow I stopped playing and haven't picked it up again.

Xenoblade chronicle X

I still want to give this game a chance, but i'm really not looking forward to going back and getting annoyed at every bad design choice and annoyance that made me drop this game in the first place.

Untill recently Xenoblade chronicles used to be my biggest example. I got it when it came out in Europe, played it for 2 hours and then did't touch again for like 5 years. Fortunately I did get back to it and now its probably my favourite Wii game.

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Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl.

I just got burnt out by the dungeon crawling without a clear, obvious objective.

This is why I can't get into Etrian Odyssey, in a nutshell and I can't think of names for the characters I create. It starts fun but gets repetitive and boring soon.

As for my list...

FE Fates: Conquest and Revelations: I gave it some time after I was stuck on Conquest's last chapters and Revelations' gimmicks made me put it aside for a time, until I forgot about them.

Rune Factory 4: I love that game, but playing it continuously for an entire week made me burn out and give it some time. It made me forget about the game completely when I returned from vacations.

Bravely Second: Again, an amazing game that I've played continuously, then figured out I was reaching the end too quickly and decided to give it some time so I wouldn't go through that emptiness when you finish a good game. That however made me leave it for months. I still need to finish it.

The Witcher 3: I left it after I had so many games disputing for time with it, and my PC is too crappy to run it properly. I guess I'll wait until I get a better one and blame myself for buying it too soon.

and I suddenly feel like playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the (or "of a", idk) New World. It's been years since I've last played it.

Those are the ones I remember right now.

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This is why I can't get into Etrian Odyssey, in a nutshell and I can't think of names for the characters I create. It starts fun but gets repetitive and boring soon.

Thing about the Untold games is they have pre-established characters and more of their own plotline, but still have this emptiness in the early part of midgame where there's no clear objective but move forward and monsters are getting more powerful but you aren't.

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Etrian Odyssey Untold

I kind of got bored with it, but at the same time now I've gotten so rusty that picking it up again would kind of be tough.

I'm also underleveled I think, so I have some serious grinding to do.

FE6, 7 and 8

For FE6, I got to 11, but I accidentally did something to my file, and I have to restart. I just never felt like playing it again, especially once Fates came out.

For FE7, I just need to finish my EHM and HHM runs. I've just been busy.

For FE8, again, I just need to finish Ephraim-Difficult. Still busy.

Paper Mario, Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario: Sticker Star

For PM, I just need to go finish it eventually. I'm in the second dungeon.

For SPM, again I just need to go finish it.

For PM:SS, I got EXTREMELY frustrated with a puzzle in the Sand world or whatever. I did the puzzle 100% correct (I even double-checked online) but it STILL FAILED ME.

I got extremely enraged and pretty much decided to never touch the game again. And I don't plan on breaking that promise.

There's probably some other ones, I can't remember.

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Glad to see I'm not the one one who resets their files because reasons. :P This kind of thing happens to me on darn near anything.

Anyways there's way too many games to list here but one I can think of from recently is Etrian Odyssey. It took me a while to make a save file I really liked (tough I knew as soon as I beat the first boss).

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