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Serenes Gaming Challenges (SFGC) #4 Super C (Contra)


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If you're tempted to participate in a challenge, then for the sake of joining, I'd request that all entries be submitted anonymously, and have results checked by Jedi (the host) and/or myself (since I'm doing all this work). This way, winners, participants, completionists etc, can be evaluated fairly and not have their work reviewed or copied by others. Of course, you can go out and research these challenges on your own, but where's the fun in that?

If you decide to give a challenge a shot, and record it, you can submit your video at the link below in a simple 5-question Challenge Club Completion Form.

Serenes Forest Gaming Challenges Entry Form

In here, all you add is:

  • Your SF Username
  • The challenge joined
  • If you "completed" it, or if you simply did your best to complete it *There may be instances where the winner isn't determined by completion, but progress completed.
  • Time/Score *If any.
  • A URL of your run as proof

Results are compiled at the end of the participation period and announced after a day of review for legitimacy and performance. The challenge joined exists because there may be instances in which more than one weekly challenge may be available for participants to join, or there may be instances in which extended time may be given to perform certain challenges, while others may not have the same available duration.

Edited by Elieson
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Ok submitted and generally this is how I'd like these to go, probably won't post em on the thread very much, but yeah, remember commentary is optional and all, no forced SPEAKING ROLES :P:, and I have a playlist up now I can add the submitted videos to.

my submission to the first challenge.

So question, does the Battletoads challenge need to be completed solo, or can I drag a friend along with me?

If you can drag a friend, it'd be interesting, but I dno how that'd effect score since I had P1 score attack in mind, maybe combine the scores I dno.

Edited by Jedi
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ha, i did the challenge despite not playing the game until two hours ago!

If you're interested I didn't do COMMENTARY like Jedi but I played a toad with shades and did some great dancing on the fence

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5 submissions so far, looking to end this on the 10th of the month, so those of you still doing practice runs/thinking about it, you have a week

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Can I submit a challenge?

Mega Man X

Acquire as many powerups as you can, in a single Life, and get scored through a point system:

  • 2 Points for Boss Kill powerups
  • 2 Points for Equipment
  • 1 Point for Energy tanks/Health Boosts

Goes all the way through the primary 8 Mavericks. You win if you get them all when you have Sigma unlocked, in a single life. Otherwise, it's most points wins.

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Can I submit a challenge?

Mega Man X

Acquire as many powerups as you can, in a single Life, and get scored through a point system:

  • 2 Points for Boss Kill powerups
  • 2 Points for Equipment
  • 1 Point for Energy tanks/Health Boosts

Goes all the way through the primary 8 Mavericks. You win if you get them all when you have Sigma unlocked, in a single life. Otherwise, it's most points wins.

I'm up for that.

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If other people have challenges they'd like to submit, they should totally submit them, so Jedi and I aren't posting all the most radical ideas.

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If other people have challenges they'd like to submit, they should totally submit them, so Jedi and I aren't posting all the most radical ideas.

Yes, people who have me on skype, discord or just want to pm me here, can give me challenge ideas to put on the queue, I will not judge too harshly of course, but no telling when each one will be used that I do approve.

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Batter wins the first challenge, Elie will provide a prize, but in the meantime here is challenge #2

Also remember people you can submit any kind of challenges to me & Elie, although older games that are easily accessable would be better just fyi.

Challenge #2 from Elie is basically
Playing Megaman X1 for the SNES, You have 1 life to go through and see how many powerups and boss weapons you can get, each one is worth a certain amount of points

Acquire as many powerups as you can, in a single Life, and get scored through a point system:
2 Points for Boss Kill powerups
2 Points for Equipment
1 Point for Energy tanks/Health Boosts
Goes all the way through the primary 8 Mavericks. You win if you get them all when you have Sigma unlocked, in a single life. Otherwise, it's most points wins.

Revisits are allowed and you are allowed to practice each stage once before your proper run begins

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6/8 BossKills 12/16
5/8 Heart Tanks 5/8
4/4 Suit Pieces 8/8
2/4 Etanks 2/4

27/36 points. Damn you Spark Mandrill pitfalls, i got sloppy when I forgot how to get your Etank. Edited by Elieson
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This is a cool idea, nice job guys.

Thanks! I'm glad you approve, I was a little anxious when I saw you posted for some reason, but now i'm not haha.

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Oooh I'm definitely getting in on this weeks action. I really like the idea of this thread too. I'm not suggesting this for the very next challenge or anything, but what about an X-Buster only run of one of these games, with the same 1 Life Only rule? Or even classic Mega Man, even though I suck at those haha. I'll definitely have to scheme up some more of these ideas, challenge runs were really all you had when you grew up with maybe one, two new games a year if you were lucky lol.

EDIT: Thought of a few more(non-system intesive) challenges .

Punch-Out!: No continues, determined by who lasts the longest, then by score.

(Super) Contra: No Konami Code, determined by who lasts the longest, then by score.

Pokemon (GBA): Nuzlocke run, determined by who lasts the longest, then by in game time.

Sonic 1/2/3&K: No deaths, more emeralds = more points. Ties determined by in game point total.

Comix Zone: Beat the damn game >_> (the actual challenge is no continue, but it's not much harder tbh)

Zelda: A Link to the Past: 3 Heart Run, though I can't remember if the game keeps track of continues or not so I don't know how to determine a winner.

# of practice runs would be determined on a game to game basis.

Edited by Deltre
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Is a 3 Heart Run in Link to the Past even possible?

I don't think it is.

If you're gonna submit that for LttP, you should modify it to say no optional hearts or something

On top of that, it would make for a pretty long challenge, I wonder if that would get accepted.

Edited by Soledai
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