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The cringiest things from Fire Emblem


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Something I hate most is probably a combination of people who have no idea what they are talking about, and birthday congratulations on miiverse.

The fact that every time it is a character's birthday in fates or awakening, the entirety of miiverse is just flooded with happy birthday posts. It is SO ANNOYING!

Then there is the people who think they know what they are talking about when they really don't.

For example I found like three people on miiverse who were convinced that Marth was the first exalt, and that Garnef was Grima.

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- More than 90% pieces of dialogue of FEA and FE:F. yup, I put them on the same bag. Don't care.

-FE10 last part. Micky in general too.

-Eirika, for shame, the stone you just don't do that...

-'A special dance milord ?'

... Well, this last ones were 'good kinds' of cringe. It showed weaknesses, and personality.

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Something I hate most is probably a combination of people who have no idea what they are talking about, and birthday congratulations on miiverse.

The fact that every time it is a character's birthday in fates or awakening, the entirety of miiverse is just flooded with happy birthday posts. It is SO ANNOYING!

Then there is the people who think they know what they are talking about when they really don't.

For example I found like three people on miiverse who were convinced that Marth was the first exalt, and that Garnef was Grima.

Uh. . .so don't hang out there?

Anyway, to actually answer the topic, it would have to be the age changes in FE7. Since little girls should play with bows and magic. :facepalm:

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Ehh, including fandoms? I dunno, a lot of Chrobin fan stuff makes me cringe. Though at the same time, a lot of reactions to some of the female characters/"waifus" make me cringe too.

Gameplay/game wise? The voice acting in FE9/10. Yeesh.

Also Peri's my room lines. Actually, most of the my room lines.


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For me what gets me in the fandom is people who take waifuism too literally. Like those that are dead serious into their waifu. I'd include roleplaying taken too seriously too but that is easy to dismiss. Special mention goes to Project Naga's arbitrary name changes in FE4, but that's more of a pet-peeve I guess.

Also the fact that there is two Wikis. Which am I even supposed to use?

As for the game themselves, Archers in Mystery of the Emblem, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery. Like was it necessary for them to have 5 move? Everything else has so much more, and by the time everyone promotes you're moving at 10 spaces per turn. They're not even that strong to begin with but now they also can't even reach the action.

Voice acting in Fates too, like at times I wonder if it's bad on purpose on some characters, like Camilla. Thankfully that's easy to fix thanks to my new best friend Arm9loader.

FE10's voice acting is so bad it's a joke, so it's kinda fun. My room lines are fine, hell the facerubbing thing is fine itself. Was there any voice acting at all in FE9 outside of Black Knight vs Greil?

Edited by SalShich10N
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FE10's voice acting is so bad it's a joke, so it's kinda fun. My room lines are fine, hell the facerubbing thing is fine itself. Was there any voice acting at all in FE9 outside of Black Knight vs Greil?

Yes, Ike's and Mist's voice in the cutscene before the prologue and in the scene when Serenes Forest was restored.

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Yes, Ike's and Mist's voice in the cutscene before the prologue and in the scene when Serenes Forest was restored.

There is also the last cutscene of the game with Ike and Elincia in the Royal Palace, with Ike trying to convince Elincia that she will be a good queen.

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The existence of skinship.

The Hoshidan siblings not being your blood siblings after all so that you can marry them. Its cowardly and a good indication of wrong priorities.

The whole hyperbolic time chamber nonsense they use to justify the second gens.

The actions of characters also being subtitled in some of Fates cutscenes. Things like ''falls'' when a character falls down or ''Groans of increasing discomfort''. But that's good cringe.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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The fact that Hector is able to marry Florina.

Cynthia's dialogue in Wings of Justice when she's Chrom's daughter is definitely one thing I can think of that you DON'T want to do when you want the game to ship a certain pair during development.

Both of FE8's Lords.

The inconsistencies in Chrom's character between Supports and the story itself. (At the very least, he sees like two different people between the story and the Supports.)

Ephraim's Story's handling of Lyon's possession by Fomortiis.

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Literally just how the fandom reacted to skinship being removed. Thanks FE fandom for destroying what little faith I had left in humanity.

I agree with this. Some of that stuff was awful.

I'll also add fandom's reactions to TMS #FE. That shit was just embarrassing.

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Pretty much what have been said, like:

- bad voice acting in FE10 (especially in non-English translations, oh my god...)

- Horrible in-game characters portraits in FE 1-3 (those huge foreheads were horrible !) but it's a twenty five years old game so it's easy to mock.

- Skinship. TBH, I'm glad it has been removed because it doesn't make any sense, especially in a game in which men and women are ashamed to bathe together in swimsuits... That should be removed too by the way.

- RD's part 1. It was so boring I'd probably have given up if I wasn't sure Ike would come back later.

- People that whined about Fates' localization.

- Under-leveled enemies.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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-Voice acting in FE9-10, as many others have said. (The Ike/Elincia scene in 9 is kinda okay, but the rest...)


"Incest is okay if they're not your blood relation!"

-This image. Creepy as fuck.

-Every time Merlinus said something stupidly wrong so that Roy could be the perfect boy genius again

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the blocky white .jpg artifacts in MCPugi's icon

The Fates localization team's insistence on spelling "ahem" as "ehem".


And also this:

Silas: We've finally made it to the port. So far so good. From here we can catch a ferry to Notre Sagesse. [Jakob/Felicia]'s off making the arrangements as we speak.
Corrin: Wonderful. We should all take this opportunity to relax for a bit. Azura in particular looks exhausted.
Silas: I noticed too. Well, it hasn't been an easy journey here. But there's also… Well, let's just say Lady Elise has been awfully fond of her. In fact, Lady Elise has been talking to her almost nonstop since they met. Lady Azura is very polite, but I worry all that chatter is wearing her out.
Corrin: Ha ha, you may have a point. Poor Azura doesn't stand a chance. Once Elise gets going, it's hard to stop her. She's a one-woman stampede.
Silas: It's as though she's trying to make up for all the sibling time they missed out on… It's rather heartwarming, when you think about it.
Corrin: Sibling time, eh? Hmm…
Silas: Ah! I'm so sorry, Corrin. I didn't mean to remind you of your own siblings in Hoshido. Please forgive me for making such an insensitive comment.
Corrin: Oh, don't worry about it. I was actually thinking of something else. (I was thinking about what Azura said earlier… Or what she almost said. Is she not Elise's sister after all…?)
Silas: What's wrong, Corrin?
Corrin: Huh? Oh! It's nothing. I was just lost in thought.

[spoiler=Also all this stuff]

Literally just how the fandom reacted to skinship being removed. Thanks FE fandom for destroying what little faith I had left in humanity.

…the cast's treatment of Peri and Corrin in general, Camilla's design as a whole…

A lot of things from Fates are cringey, but why do women HAVE to have their panties showing when they're riding horses? That sounds so uncomfortable???

"Incest is okay if they're not your blood relation!"

The existence of skinship.

The Hoshidan siblings not being your blood siblings after all so that you can marry them. Its cowardly and a good indication of wrong priorities.

The whole hyperbolic time chamber nonsense they use to justify the second gens.

The actions of characters also being subtitled in some of Fates cutscenes. Things like ''falls'' when a character falls down or ''Groans of increasing discomfort''. But that's good cringe.

- Skinship. TBH, I'm glad it has been removed because it doesn't make any sense, especially in a game in which men and women are ashamed to bathe together in swimsuits… That should be removed too by the way.
- People that whined about Fates' localization. (In my case, I feel this way specifically about people who feel that the localization ruined the entire game forever.)

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Cynthia's dialogue in Wings of Justice when she's Chrom's daughter is definitely one thing I can think of that you DON'T want to do when you want the game to ship a certain pair during development.

To be fair, Cynthia remembers little of her father; her supports with him are about spending time with him, making up for what little time they had together when she was growing up. I ship Chrom and Sumia hard

I'd argue if you play as a female avatar, that Chrobin is the more game-attached Chrom pair. Besides their strong platonic friendship in the main game, if your avatar doesn't marry Chrom, then Lucina hates her in their supports for no reason and Lucina and Morgan wonder why their parents never got married. I'm not a fan of Chrom inherently, so all of this and Chrobin in general makes me cringe.

Olivia may be another contender for it, too, all because Inigo is the only possible second child of Chrom to mention having the Brand. I quite enjoy Chrom's supports with Olivia (which are unfortunately rushed if they do get married), but the fact that it's only Inigo makes me cringe a lot whenever I decide to think about it. Why give him the interesting detail and not Cynthia, Kjelle, Brady, and Morgan? It's just so unfair.

Corrin: Oh, don't worry about it. I was actually thinking of something else. (I was thinking about what Azura said earlier… Or what she almost said. Is she not Elise's sister after all…?)

I'm glad I'm not the only one here. Garon isn't Corrin's biological father, either, so they should know better, but the writers gotta make them so naive.

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The game is kinda iffy on how old the children were when they last remember their parents. It's especially egregious with Chrom/Lucina as Lucina was supposed to be old enough to be taught by Chrom before he died, but he gets killed in the fight with Validar in her timeline which is when she was still an infant.

Lucina actually does have good reason to hate the Avatar due to that.

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the blocky white .jpg artifacts in MCPugi's icon

So I failed a bit with the auto fill in MS Paint, forgive me

On topic, every time I overanalyse FE plot thinking I'll find gold when all I find is trash with good concepts.

The fanbase's love of Soren. I just don't see it, the dude's an unlikable asshole, yet plenty seem to love the guy and seeing him get praised makes me cringe.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one here. Garon isn't Corrin's biological father, either, so they should know better, but the writers gotta make them so naive.

Honestly, I wasn't even thinking about that. What made me cringe was mainly the "I was actually thinking about something else. (I was thinking about this thing.)" "Pardon?" "Oh, it's nothing." which was honestly one of the single worst dialogue exchanges I've ever read in just about anything, due entirely to that one line of Corrin's that I emphasized. Just reading it made me feel embarrassed to be playing the game.

So I failed a bit with the auto fill in MS Paint, forgive me

It's alright, MS Paint's autofill function sucks for pretty much anything that isn't pixel art

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The game is kinda iffy on how old the children were when they last remember their parents. It's especially egregious with Chrom/Lucina as Lucina was supposed to be old enough to be taught by Chrom before he died, but he gets killed in the fight with Validar in her timeline which is when she was still an infant.

Lucina actually does have good reason to hate the Avatar due to that.

I think what we're supposed to assume is that the battle at the Dragon's Table did take place later in Lucina's timeline than the game's. None of the children would be as close to their parents (or mothers at least) if this weren't the case.

It's also true that Lucina even tries to kill Robin at the end of chapter 21, but Lucina doesn't hate male Robin in their supports like she does female. Justify that for me.

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