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4 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

If you bring Eclipse here now, I am not your friend anymore

C'mon, it's just a song reference! I thought you were our resident country music robot? Besides, I would never want to betray this thread until we pass 703 anyway!


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2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

C'mon, it's just a song reference! I thought you were our resident country music robot? Besides, I would never want to betray this thread until we pass 703 anyway!

If I am remembering right, I think I said I don't listen to country music much and I only know a few things

1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

Since when were the two of you friends?

Why does it matter? 



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1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

Poor Rezzy. Up and got double ninja'd. In this game, you got to know when to hold 'em/know when to fold 'em/know when to walk away/and know when to run.

You better count your money!


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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Poor Rezzy. Up and got double ninja'd. In this game, you got to know when to hold 'em/know when to fold 'em/know when to walk away/and know when to run.


It happens, I'm diverting half of my attention to Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, but it seems no one here at SF plays it besides me.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

It happens, I'm diverting half of my attention to Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, but it seems no one here at SF plays it besides me.

Sounds like you need to change your priorities
I am not bothering with that game heh I have other better mobile games to play :yawn:


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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

Sounds like you need to change your priorities
I am not bothering with that game heh I have other better mobile games to play :yawn:


But Animal Crossing!  I've been playing it since I was 16.

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

But Animal Crossing!  I've been playing it since I was 16.

ew attachments
I have New Leaf, and I've played the older ones too.... but bleh

I try to have one game that requires devotion on my phone

1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

The first game I ever bought that I ended up regretting buying was New Leaf. It was so boring. I see why you women like it so much.

Robots like that game too*
Why does that sound sexist


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7 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

It was so boring. I see why you women like it so much.

... Youch.

I played Wild World, and I did play it for a long time, but eventually it just got too boring. I prefer games with plots, I guess.

I have accepted my fate. The ninja have conquered me.


Edited by Rex Glacies
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I need friends as well. Not for Animal Crossing or Heroes but - er, um, eh...

5 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

I submitted my project! Goodnight and God bless!

You're a better man than The Three Procrastineers. (Is that a good name? Beep? Anime?)

Robots shouldn't ninjas. There should be a law against that.


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25 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Since when were the two of you friends?

You mean me and Arcanite? Attempted murder is a great way to get close to one another. Also unholy amount of questions. My goodness, the questions...

22 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

If I am remembering right, I think I said I don't listen to country music much and I only know a few things

Whoops, my bad then. I guess my mind just boiled it down to "Arcanite" and "country music," haha. I forgot the important "knows a little but not much about" that goes between those two.

20 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Poor Rezzy. Up and got double ninja'd. In this game, you got to know when to hold 'em/know when to fold 'em/know when to walk away/and know when to run.

Sadly, I think you and I are the only ones who get these references. We've been walking these streets so long, and singin' the same old song, so we know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Serenes.


I was never that into Animal Crossing, but my sister and I both loved Harvest Moon. I put way too much time into Harvest Moon DS, haha. Stardew Valley may be a good idea for a purchase someday.


@Rex Glacies Sure, I'm down for that title. It's just stupid enough to work!

Edited by DefaultBeep
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6 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

I need friends as well. Not for Animal Crossing or Heroes but - er, um, eh...

You're a better man than The Three Procrastineers. (Is that a good name? Beep? Anime?)


Even after school, there's still always paperwork piling up, in my line of work, anyway.

5 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

You mean me and Arcanite? Attempted murder is a great way to get close to one another. Also unholy amount of questions. My goodness, the questions...

Whoops, my bad then. I guess my mind just boiled it down to "Arcanite" and "country music," haha. I forgot the important "knows a little but not much about" that goes between those two.

Sadly, I think you and I are the only ones who get these references. We've been walking these streets so long, and singin' the same old song, so we know every crack in these dirty sidewalks of Serenes.


I was never that into Animal Crossing, but my sister and I both loved Harvest Moon. I put way too much time into Harvest Moon DS, haha. Stardew Valley may be a good idea for a purchase someday.


I put hundreds of hours into Harvest Moon 64.  I usually married Ann or Karen, though I did Maria once.  I played the ones for the GBA quite a bit as well.  I played through the Gamecube ones, but by then my available gaming time was becoming limited.  Stardew Valley looks nice, but I'll need a lot more free time before I can attempt that one.  My spouse seems to enjoy it, though.

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My sister enjoys Harvest Moon; she plays it nearly every day (which is an accomplishment given the only games she ever really plays is that for the DS and Wind Waker). I enjoyed it for a bit, but like Animal Crossing, it just wasn't very fun. I also lost all will to play once that blizzard took down my silo. R.I.P. Silo.

10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

@Rex Glacies Sure, I'm down for that title. It's just stupid enough to work!

I thought it might be a bit too silly for us, but fortunately we all have low standards.

Man, that was a trainwreck with the numbers.


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9 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

"Arcanite" and "country music,"

When you think of country music you think of me?

11 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Attempted murder is a great way to get close to one another. Also unholy amount of questions. My goodness, the questions...

LOL was it that bad?

What do you think of memes by the way?


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12 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I put hundreds of hours into Harvest Moon 64.  I usually married Ann or Karen, though I did Maria once.  I played the ones for the GBA quite a bit as well.  I played through the Gamecube ones, but by then my available gaming time was becoming limited.

That's about my record too. Although I always went for Ellie I think, except for the one time I tried for Ann in Back to Nature, and an unfinished attempt at the Harvest Goddess in Friends of Mineral Town. Relatives of mine preferred Karen and Popuri.

I wonder who I'd go for now if I replayed an HM. I still have my GC and Magical Melody. On the ladies side I'm guessing I'd go for Dia, and of the bachelors, Ray or Carl I'm thinking, from what I can remember that is.

I liked Magical Melody, and for some reason I liked its buying land feature- even if I never built a second house.

6 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

When you think of country music you think of me?

When I think of you I think of this:




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9 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Even after school, there's still always paperwork piling up, in my line of work, anyway.

I put hundreds of hours into Harvest Moon 64.  I usually married Ann or Karen, though I did Maria once.  I played the ones for the GBA quite a bit as well.  I played through the Gamecube ones, but by then my available gaming time was becoming limited.  Stardew Valley looks nice, but I'll need a lot more free time before I can attempt that one.  My spouse seems to enjoy it, though.

Sadly, I never could stick with one save long enough to get married, in any of the HM games. I'm just not good with long-lasting games like that, even if I do really enjoy the gameplay. I bought Stardew Valley for my sister one Christmas, and she seems to enjoy it pretty well. I just haven't bought it for myself yet, mostly because I do still have all of these unfinished Harvest Moon games already.

3 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

My sister enjoys Harvest Moon; she plays it nearly every day (which is an accomplishment given the only games she ever really plays is that for the DS and Wind Waker). I enjoyed it for a bit, but like Animal Crossing, it just wasn't very fun. I also lost all will to play once that blizzard took down my silo. R.I.P. Silo.

I thought it might be a bit too silly for us, but fortunately we all have low standards.

Man, that was a trainwreck with the numbers.

Yeah, my sister was always better at sticking with one save file than I ever was, but I think I have the edge over her in total save files. For a similar kind of game with a bit more excitement, Rune Factory is another very solid series. It has the farming, marriage, and scheduled events of Harvest Moon, but it adds combat, exploration, and an actual main story. Plus it's fantasy themed, which is always a plus in my book.

We'd probably just be too lazy to think of a better name anyway, so it's perfect for us :P

5 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

When you think of country music you think of me?

LOL was it that bad?

What do you think of memes by the way?



I never said that I was good at associating people with things.

It was quite a lot, but it was really a lot of fun. I had a blast with my interview, and hopefully everyone else had a fun time asking me questions.

There are some that I really like, although they're hit-or-miss for me overall.


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