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8 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

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Aparently it takes awhile for the game to check if Monika is deleted from the character thing, so the game continued as normal until I arrived at the part where they think you'll figure it out? I still think I outplayed the game here really...



Huh. What part are you on? Has Yuri gone full unhinged?


And the weekend passed?


And you're in the room with...


... Monika...


... after she deleted everything?






3 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:


Doki Doki is not oki doki.


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4 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:


Ahaha, what? I'm sorry Sully, but I think you're misreading the situation. I really am happy that you've been able to get along with everyone!

Although, it would be nice if maybe just the two of us could spend time together....

Hey! Maybe you could try writing a poem for me instead!~ Wouldn't that be fun, Sully?


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2 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:
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Huh. What part are you on? Has Yuri gone full unhinged?

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And the weekend passed?

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And you're in the room with...

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... Monika...

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... after she deleted everything?







Pretty much, yeah. she already restored things though. I didn't even need to do anything about it anymore, because I already deleted her...


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Why is my computer now broken? What's with these psychotic poems I'm "unlocking"? Who's cutting themselves? Is Monika evil, or is she another victim? Make it stop, somebody!



4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Ahaha, what? I'm sorry Sully, but I think you're misreading the situation. I really am happy that you've been able to get along with everyone!

Although, it would be nice if maybe just the two of us could spend time together....

Hey! Maybe you could try writing a poem for me instead!~ Wouldn't that be fun, Sully?


I don't want you to die, Beep! 

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Aaaand Bart silently slips into 200.

4 minutes ago, Bartozio said:
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Pretty much, yeah. she already restored things though. I didn't even need to do anything about it anymore, because I already deleted her...



Aha. So you're basically in the third act. And don't worry - that's the last one.

But what all happened in the room? Normally she "stares into your eyes while collecting her thoughts," and has a couple of deep monologues, but since you had already deleted her, did she just say a bit about deleting characters and then disappear?


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1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

Aaaand Bart silently slips into 200.

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Aha. So you're basically in the third act. And don't worry - that's the last one.

But what all happened in the room? Normally she "stares into your eyes while collecting her thoughts," and has a couple of deep monologues, but since you had already deleted her, did she just say a bit about deleting characters and then disappear?



Yes, third act.

She talked a bit about deleting everyone and how it was just the two of us, and then the game noticed she was deleted as well I think.
I'll probably look up a playthrough to see what happens if you play it normally.

Also, of course I'll make use of you guys being distracted to take the 200. Duh...


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2 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:
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Why is my computer now broken? What's with these psychotic poems I'm "unlocking"? Who's cutting themselves? Is Monika evil, or is she another victim? Make it stop, somebody!



I don't want you to die, Beep! 

Ahaha... Don't worry about me, Sully. It sounds like you've got your own things to deal with right now.

But, I'd be careful around Yuri if I were you... Maybe I shouldn't be saying stuff like this, but I don't think she's fully there in her head, if you catch my meaning.

It might be better for both of you to stop spending time together, for her own health.

But that's fine! Then you and I can be with each other instead! I think you and I might have a lot more in common than you think, after all~


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8 minutes ago, Bartozio said:
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Yes, third act.

She talked a bit about deleting everyone and how it was just the two of us, and then the game noticed she was deleted as well I think.
I'll probably look up a playthrough to see what happens if you play it normally.



Yeah, the whole characters folder thing is more of a gimmick than anything. The game doesn't actually use it for anything truly important, but it'll check to see what files are there at occasional points, when it actually matters. Most likely, you deleted her file soon after a point where the game would've checked the folder, but then didn't reach any other points for it to check until you reached Monika's Room. I know that different things can happen if you delete character files at the right time, but I'm not sure when those points are, or what exactly they'll change.

Oh, except I do think that there's a unique thing if you delete Monika before playing the game at all. That one might be interesting to try, if you're curious.


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@Rex Glacies Oh Rex, I admire your enthusiasm, but I don't think you're as d̸e̷d̷i̸c̸a̶t̶e̷d̴ to this as you should be. Just c̶u̴t̷ it out and let Sully and I be with each other, alright?~


I'm sorry Rex, I didn't mean it. If I was a self-aware character in a visual novel, I would gladly choose to stalk you over Sully!

...I don't know if that's really a compliment or not, actually. I guess I'll let you decide.

209 @SullyMcGully I dunno, I don't actually remember what that part is. Maybe flip a coin? Heads for yes, tails for no?

Edited by DefaultBeep
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3 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Wait, do I say yes or do I say no? I don't even know what the question is!

I assume you're in the room?

2 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

@Rex Glacies Oh Rex, I admire your enthusiasm, but I don't think you're as d̸e̷d̷i̸c̸a̶t̶e̷d̴ to this as you should be. Just c̶u̴t̷ it out and let Sully and I be with each other, alright?~

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I'm sorry Rex, I didn't mean it. If I was a self-aware character in a visual novel, I would gladly choose to stalk you over Sully!

...I don't know if that's really a compliment or not, actually. I guess I'll let you decide.


Cut it out? Eh? Eh?


More of an insult to Sully - my life's pretty boring compared to his experiences on a farm and trying to woo girls and all that.


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So Yuri just stabbed herself. That was a thing. Now she's still talking. She should be dead now. But she isn't. What's the deal? Also all of her text is garbled, so I don't even know what she's saying. Maybe I shouldn't have promised to be with her forever.


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1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:
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So Yuri just stabbed herself. That was a thing. Now she's still talking. She should be dead now. But she isn't. What's the deal? Also all of her text is garbled, so I don't even know what she's saying. Maybe I shouldn't have promised to be with her forever.



Ahw, you made same choice I did. Was hoping you wouldn't, so I could learn what happened otherwise...


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4 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:
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So Yuri just stabbed herself. That was a thing. Now she's still talking. She should be dead now. But she isn't. What's the deal? Also all of her text is garbled, so I don't even know what she's saying. Maybe I shouldn't have promised to be with her forever.


Looks like you're in for a long night. See you in the morning!~

6 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Cut it out? Eh? Eh?

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More of an insult to Sully - my life's pretty boring compared to his experiences on a farm and trying to woo girls and all that.


When in doubt, g̷l̸i̷t̴c̸h̵y̵ ̴t̸e̷x̴t̷ the pun. Although I wish there was a lower setting; that's the lowest level of glitchiness I can find, and it still feels a bit too much. But it's still better than... 


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The same thing happens regardless, just like with Sayori. I think the only change is the implication that she stabs herself out of heartbreak, or she stabs herself out of... pleasure.

213 Alright Anime, now this is just getting silly.


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Just now, DefaultBeep said:


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The same thing happens regardless, just like with Sayori. I think the only change is the implication that she stabs herself out of heartbreak, or she stabs herself out of... pleasure.


Good to know.


I was scared she'd stab me if I rejected her...


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Oh yeah, by the way @SullyMcGully: have you been keeping the game folder open while you're playing? Don't forget, you can find a few fun Easter eggs in there if you check at the right times!~

216 This seems like a fitting topic to get 6*6*6 on.

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3 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

When in doubt, g̷l̸i̷t̴c̸h̵y̵ ̴t̸e̷x̴t̷ the pun. Although I wish there was a lower setting; that's the lowest level of glitchiness I can find, and it still feels a bit too much. But it's still better than... 

Where did you find the glitch text? Did you just Google it?

5 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

So many spoilers!

Doki Doki Literature Club is a fun, normal dating simulator visual novel that is all straightforward and not-at-all involving psychological horror.


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4 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Oh yeah, by the way @SullyMcGully: have you been keeping the game folder open while you're playing? Don't forget, you can find a few fun Easter eggs in there if you check at the right times!~


I assume by game folder you mean history log? It's gotten pretty darn weird in there lately.

@Rex Glacies My life isn't that exciting. Sometimes, I wish I had nothing to do so I could do something else.


I have to say, after looking at this still frame of Yuri for the past 20 minutes, she's starting to look attractive. She looks good in red.


Edited by SullyMcGully
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1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

I assume by game folder you mean history log? It's gotten pretty darn weird in there lately.

@Rex Glacies My life isn't that exciting. Sometimes, I wish I had nothing to do so I could do something else.

  Reveal hidden contents

I have to say, after looking at this still frame of Yuri for the past 20 minutes, she's starting to look attractive. She looks good in red.



You're aware you can skip it right? It makes the text go by a lot faster. There's probably another way to get past that point faster, but eh.

@Anime27Arts Yeah, you should totaly give this game a try!


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1 minute ago, SullyMcGully said:

I assume by game folder you mean history log? It's gotten pretty darn weird in there lately.

@Rex Glacies My life isn't that exciting. Sometimes, I wish I had nothing to do so I could do something else.

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I have to say, after looking at this still frame of Yuri for the past 20 minutes, she's starting to look attractive. She looks good in red.


No, he means the actual files on the computer.

Hmm... I guess Beep would be bored watching either of our lives.


How about brown? Cause it's gonna start drying in a bit.

Also, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to just click "skip" because it'll take a while.


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