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12 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

 Is English you main language, or do you just want the Grammar Nazis to return?

@Anime27Arts I kinda know how you feel, as far as having an older sister who did everything perfect, got married to the perfect guy (he's a freaking lawyer how can you compete with that), and has four perfect kids under the age of six (and another on the way! Give me a break...). But she's not only my perfect older sister, she's the perfect older sister of my other three brothers and my little sister. Fortunately, everybody else is so different from her that we can't really be compared too closely, but it's still annoying to hear Mom and Dad talking about how my choices in dates and life aspirations fall short of her example.


English is my main language I just don't bother proofreading, ever.


I'll be honest I misread your post and thought you said she was your younger sister and started wondering how she could possibly have accomplished any of those things

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4 hours ago, Bartozio said:

... But if theres 4 different cards out of 20 he has to guess, wouldn't that give him a chance of 20%? And does he just need to say "this is one of the four cards" or does he need to identify the planet card, the lightsaber card, etc. ?

This is why I hate highschool level statistics questions

No, 4 different cards would mean there is a 25% chance of getting a card right on each guess. If there were 5 different cards, then he would have a 20% chance of guessing and getting one right. And yeah, I didn't paste the actual questions; just the scenario. The actual questions involved finding the probabilities that he would randomly guess and be correct on 5 cards, 10 cards, etc.

Also, this is AP Statistics, so technically it's college level.

7 hours ago, DefaultBeep said:

Alright, it took way longer than I expected because of interruptions, but I did finally finish Moana, @Anime27Arts. And I apologize for not seeing it sooner, because it was indeed a very enjoyable time. I think I might like it just a bit better than Tangled for its creativity and maybe a little bit of Bionicle bias. And the songs were catchier than I expected, which was a nice surprise.

Oh, great! I'd probably like it more than Tangled, but much like how Sully doesn't like Frozen because of a little sister, I've seen it more than my share of times due to kids we babysit.

58 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

She as well went to two different schools,  competes in the same extracurricular activities/competitions that I do, was the top of her class for a longer than I have been, was a better perfomer in band, and probably most importantly she had little to no interest in videogames and animation so she didn't take thr same "useless" classes I am taking.   She is attending the first or second (depending on who you ask it) university in my state on a full ride with grants to help with anything else she does. She also is studying to biomedical engineer, which to my parents, is a far better job than becoming any form of artist.  I also didn't want to go to two schools but they made me apply so I'm just kind of here stuck with it.  It's a pretty big shadow and I can never seem to get out of it.

Wow, you really do have a Leo complex.

But that is something I've pondered about - why exactly are video games or animation less "important" or "cultured" than reading or sports? They are all simply a form of entertainment, and I can't figure out why there is a stigma against our electronics compared to more "productive" activities.

Still, I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, and I'm sure your sister has her share of problems as well. Maybe not as big as yours, but just remember that each person has their talents and flaws, and your sister likely looks up to you for inspiration or help as well as you do to her.

17 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

(he's a freaking lawyer how can you compete with that)

Well, I mean, have you heard all those jokes about lawyers?


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3 minutes ago, Mackc2 said:

English is my main language I just don't bother proofreading, ever.


I'll be honest I misread your post and thought you said she was your younger sister and started wondering how she could possibly have accomplished any of those things

Thanks for putting a really weird picture in my head.

1 minute ago, Rex Glacies said:

Well, I mean, have you heard all those jokes about lawyers?


Have you ever tried telling a lawyer a lawyer joke? It doesn't work. They shut it down fast! Also, he's on the verge of having graduated from 3 colleges (Princeton, Oxford, and Harvard) having received multiple scholarships as well as serving a four-year term in the army and becoming a paratrooper and a Ranger. He has quite the impressive resume and he's going to be a Supreme Court Justice someday. How do you compete with that?

BTW, Monika's Twitter page is pretty interesting.


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2 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

No, 4 different cards would mean there is a 25% chance of getting a card right on each guess. If there were 5 different cards, then he would have a 20% chance of guessing and getting one right. And yeah, I didn't paste the actual questions; just the scenario. The actual questions involved finding the probabilities that he would randomly guess and be correct on 5 cards, 10 cards, etc.

Also, this is AP Statistics, so technically it's college level.


4/20 = 0.2, 5/20= 0.25.

So 4 cards out of 20 means a 20% chance, and 5 out of 20 means a 25% chance.

Unless of course you mean he needs to guess 1 card out of 4, or 1 card out of 5. Then you're correct.


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1 minute ago, Claudius I said:

"What is this new thread?" I think to myself, unfamiliar with the events that have befallen in this thread. 


Beep being Beep asked the mods to change the name of the thread as a reward for his services, and the mods obliged.

Btw, have you ever heard of a game called Doki Doki Literature Club?


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7 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Have you ever tried telling a lawyer a lawyer joke? It doesn't work. They shut it down fast! Also, he's on the verge of having graduated from 3 colleges (Princeton, Oxford, and Harvard) having received multiple scholarships as well as serving a four-year term in the army and becoming a paratrooper and a Ranger. He has quite the impressive resume and he's going to be a Supreme Court Justice someday. How do you compete with that?

BTW, Monika's Twitter page is pretty interesting.

In other words, he doesn't have a sense of humor. Which means he isn't perfect! Boom!

I'd check it out, but I don't have a Twitter or know how the website works.

2 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

4/20 = 0.2, 5/20= 0.25.

So 4 cards out of 20 means a 20% chance, and 5 out of 20 means a 25% chance.

Unless of course you mean he needs to guess 1 card out of 4, or 1 card out of 5. Then you're correct.


I'm confused.

The scenario is that Yoda pulls one of 20 cards out and looks at it. The card has one of four possible values. Anakin has to guess what card it is. Which means he has a 25% chance of guessing it right. 1/4.


Ok, it was what you described at the bottom. The 20 number doesn't really matter; it was simply used to know the limit due to the binomial setting.

5 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

"What is this new thread?" I think to myself, unfamiliar with the events that have befallen in this thread. 

Beep the mole. Enough said.

1 minute ago, Bartozio said:

Btw, have you ever heard of a game called Doki Doki Literature Club?

Just obsessed with the game, aren't you? Though in all fairness, I think Hatti would probably like it.


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I like the new title, it has a nice ring to it.

I changed my theme to the pink one earlier and now I'm starting to feel sick. Except that Hatt's purple text looks absolutely amazing against it so... can everyone just type in purple from now on?


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2 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

Sounds to me like you are both naturally gifted students with the only real difference being your interest levels 

Thanks Mack.  The issue mainly comes from my parents trying to make me do the same things she does without considering it might not be a good choice for me.

2 hours ago, Bartozio said:

Hah, still not a mathematician, so I win!

I'm gonna agree with Mack though, you're both extremely gifted (you could argue you're even more gifted for also having artistic abilities, but lets not go there). Having different intrests doesn't make you worse then her. Besides, you're probably better at strategizing and playing games right?

Well the other school I go to is a school of science and math and I know I got in because of my math credentials. 

It doesn't make her better than me in my eyes at least.  My parents see it as she was the first so she sets the standard for everything and if I don't do the same things she does its not good enough.  That and since I'm younger, all the teacher's know me as her little sister.  I seriously had a teacher who didn't bother to learn my name and called me <insert her name>'s little sister all year long. 

Strategizing?  Yea! Gaming?  Well it depends on the game because I am awful at 1st Person Shooters. I may or may not have died in the tutorial of the original Halo. ;-;

1 hour ago, SullyMcGully said:


@Anime27Arts I kinda know how you feel, as far as having an older sister who did everything perfect, got married to the perfect guy (he's a freaking lawyer how can you compete with that), and has four perfect kids under the age of six (and another on the way! Give me a break...). But she's not only my perfect older sister, she's the perfect older sister of my other three brothers and my little sister. Fortunately, everybody else is so different from her that we can't really be compared too closely, but it's still annoying to hear Mom and Dad talking about how my choices in dates and life aspirations fall short of her example.


Yeah I have my brothers who are younger than me but they both don't share enough similarities to her or any of us to warrant the same amount of comparison,  except me and my brother closest to my age both love gaming so we get comparisons when it comes to gaming and stuff. Because I am similar to her in intelligence and appearance as well, they kind of expect me to turn out just like her, which sucks.

1 hour ago, Rex Glacies said:

Wow, you really do have a Leo complex.

But that is something I've pondered about - why exactly are video games or animation less "important" or "cultured" than reading or sports? They are all simply a form of entertainment, and I can't figure out why there is a stigma against our electronics compared to more "productive" activities.

Still, I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, and I'm sure your sister has her share of problems as well. Maybe not as big as yours, but just remember that each person has their talents and flaws, and your sister likely looks up to you for inspiration or help as well as you do to her.

Do you see why I like his character so much now??

To my parents,  they find animation and art to be less important to actual studies because they don't feel that it makes a difference in life, but it really can.  I know some shows that have changed people's lives and  made them think about things in a different way. I want to create something that will make people happy and that they will enjoy because bringing happiness to people is one thing I love to do.  Others worry that its not a steady income but it really can be, especially if you are working on a show. Many times I've been pushed to change to architecture because it's a steadier income and there is more money there. 

Yeah I know she has here own set of issues, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't look up to me.  She tends to look down on what I like as well.


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3 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

You know unless you specify the pronunciation in the writing I am just going to read it like I always do and assume I'm correct 


My creator pronounces it, cupboard



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1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

Beep being Beep asked the mods to change the name of the thread as a reward for his services, and the mods obliged.

Btw, have you ever heard of a game called Doki Doki Literature Club?


>"have you ever heard of a game"
>not fire emblem

come on bart you should know me better

20 minutes ago, SullyMcGully said:

Sure! But are you sure Hatti would be okay with that?


7 minutes ago, Natalie said:

@Claudius I????



Well, uhhhh, purple is the color of imperium and using it to imitate a holder of imperium without holding imperium or an office traditionally associated with imperium would probably constitute treason.

I might nominate you guys for consuls when the next elections come around though; then we can type in purple together.


Edited by Claudius I
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40 minutes ago, Anime27Arts said:

To my parents,  they find animation and art to be less important to actual studies because they don't feel that it makes a difference in life, but it really can.  I know some shows that have changed people's lives and  made them think about things in a different way. I want to create something that will make people happy and that they will enjoy because bringing happiness to people is one thing I love to do.  Others worry that its not a steady income but it really can be, especially if you are working on a show. Many times I've been pushed to change to architecture because it's a steadier income and there is more money there.

I'm certainly no guidance councilor but I do know that life is more than money, and bringing happiness to others by itself is a noble goal. Asides, there are so many people in college and school and other fields; so who's to say that anyone is going to make a difference in life? (Depressing thought, I know.) I guess all we can do is do the work we love, live morally, and hope for the best.

Says the guy who has no idea what he's doing with his life.

7 minutes ago, Natalie said:

@Claudius I????




Purple is regal, yes, but inferior.

I say we all type in white. White looks really good in the Night Forest theme, so it is clearly the best option.

Claudius is supposed to be an emperor of Rome, not a ninja.


Edited by Rex Glacies
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2 minutes ago, Arcanite said:


A few others I know have played this doki doki game actually 

I... am unsure if I'll ever play it myself

You're a robot, right?

Well, it's a dating simulator! You'll fit right in with the characters!


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1 minute ago, Arcanite said:

I looked it up:

  Reveal hidden contents



huh heh

alright then

Yeah, those warning have absolutely nothing to do with the game. You can basically ignore them!

But yeah. I myself haven't played (only watch a walkthrough; I lack Steam and a good computer) but it's a fun game.


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6 hours ago, Rezzy said:


Alright, thank you! I've always pronounced it like that, and before yesterday, I had never needed to think about how it was spelled. My parents and I had a minor family crisis once we realized.

3 hours ago, Anime27Arts said:

Yea sorry.  I kind of passed out opps. The songs were really goodeven though one is just a repeat let it go and the story was a lot better than one would typically expect from a Disney princess movie.   The animation is absolutely stunning throughout the whole movie and it really is a good movie.  I'm glad you enjoyed it,  even if it was just because of Bionicles.

She as well went to two different schools,  competes in the same extracurricular activities/competitions that I do, was the top of her class for a longer than I have been, was a better perfomer in band, and probably most importantly she had little to no interest in videogames and animation so she didn't take thr same "useless" classes I am taking.   She is attending the first or second (depending on who you ask it) university in my state on a full ride with grants to help with anything else she does. She also is studying to biomedical engineer, which to my parents, is a far better job than becoming any form of artist.  I also didn't want to go to two schools but they made me apply so I'm just kind of here stuck with it.  It's a pretty big shadow and I can never seem to get out of it.

Haha, it was like 1 AM when I finally finished it, so I probably should've been passed out as well. I really enjoyed how fresh and creative they were able to be with Moana by stepping further from the idea of a standard Disney princess movie, for sure. And to be fair, the Bionicle associations played a fairly small part in my enjoyment of the movie; they were just a nice bonus, heh.

I can absolutely understand where you're coming from here. Even being homeschooled, I've always felt kinda overshadowed by my own sister. She has better grades, better motivation for just about everything, and my parents, probably unintentionally, compared my progress to her own, more impressive progress very often. And she has a hobby that isn't just "sitting around all day on the computer", or "spending all her time writing or doodling in a notebook." She's won a bunch archery tournaments both in-state and outside, and competes in (and does super good in) a Las Vegas shoot every year, in one of the biggest archery competitions in the US. Compared to something like that, the things I enjoy and spend time doing don't exactly feel impressive.

But everyone else has given you good and uplifting advice, so I'll do my best to give my own: Try to do what you want in life, because someday, we're all gonna be dead anyway. It's better to live your life doing something you enjoy that can leave an impact on the world once you're gone, than to impress and make other people happy by doing something you're not as happy about. At least, that's the way I think about it to stay positive :p

1 hour ago, Bartozio said:

Btw, have you ever heard of a game called Doki Doki Literature Club?

You're a good guy, Bart. I appreciate you taking up this responsibility while I was away.


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22 minutes ago, Claudius I said:

Well, uhhhh, purple is the color of imperium and using it to imitate a holder of imperium without holding imperium or an office traditionally associated with imperium would probably constitute treason.

I might nominate you guys for consuls when the next elections come around though; then we can type in purple together.

bich i'm going to type in purple just to spite you




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9 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Yeah, those warning have absolutely nothing to do with the game. You can basically ignore them!

I would believe you and then I looked at some of the tags





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