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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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15 hours ago, Valkama said:

Also the only kids it cost turns to create are Arthur and Tinny which would cost you 3 extra turns to have Tailto paired with Azel, Altenna costs you 4.

Is that really the case? I looked at your tables on reddit yesterday and iirc you said there they weren't taking into account Rescue, so the C4 and 5 TCs wouldn't have been accurate. And doesn't Azel have to pair with Aideen for the min TCs anyway?

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1 minute ago, Irysa said:

Is that really the case? I looked at your tables on reddit yesterday and iirc you said there they weren't taking into account Rescue, so the C4 and 5 TCs wouldn't have been accurate. And doesn't Azel have to pair with Aideen for the min TCs anyway?

The Claude pairing saves about 2-3 turns to Azel when you compare the gen 2 saves to the gen 1 saves so those numbers are accurate to what you would be looking at(Though it might be a turn off cause I think a 13 turn of CH5 is possible.) Some of the pairings are very borderline and not that viable to do in LTC. In particular it's extremely difficult to pair Lachesis and Brigid in the same run unless Brigid is paired with Midir and Lachesis is paired with someone in the Azel Jealousy group because they share Jealousy lists. Tailto unfortunately only pairs with Claude in time and since Claude is taken she's not getting paired.

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To my honest surprise Altenna got a weak average of 5.27/10 after once again 17 votes. Heh, maybe I AM a casual scrub after all :P

So yeah, let's finally start the children characters with our fir-

On 2017-01-27 at 10:20 AM, CappnRob said:

Last guaranteed character of G2? Oilikad my lad, you're forgetting Hannibal and his radical beard :P

On 2017-01-27 at 0:41 PM, Darrman said:

who's Hannibal again



*ahem* Guess it's time to talk about the Shield of Thracia with the sickest beard...

Class: General (level 20)
Holy Blood: None
Personal Skills: Continue, Ambush

Class Skills: Great Shield
60 HP (60%)
20 Strength (50%)
0 Magic (5%)
16 Skill (10%)
11 Speed (10%)
22 Defense (30%)
6 Resistance (10%)
7 Luck (10%)

My thoughts: He's better than Arden, I'll give him that. He does join prepromoted at level 20 with okay bases and the pretty handy Great Shield Skill, so there's at least that. His growth rates are really lame for Gen 2 standards, but since he joins at a high level, they barely matter to be frank. Also, while Adept is pretty nice, since he is quite slow, he won't be activating it that often, but it's at least there. Ambush is also appreciated, but it's not that useful anyways. And since he has the decency to join you with a Clipper sword and a Silver Blade, he is quite perfect for the sole job he'll be doing: Defending the castle. Yup, that'll be pretty much his sole role unless given a leg ring, because he has the same awful movement range as our bud Arden, meaning that his utility is very poor. At least, he is much better at combat and comes with a promotion, so he is not useless, but let's just say that he was born into the worst class possible.
Also, his recruitment is really annoying and requires a lot of unwanted planning to get someone that you won't really use seriously, so it's understandable if you just kill him off instead in Chapter 9, although you do lose Corple as well if you do that, so... 
Whatever, I give massive beard a 4/10 :)

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Hannibal is a guy with a sick beard and sick long hair. And he's old. 4/10.

Unlike Arden who actually had his uses, and had better growth rates, Hannibal is just the armor unit that was obligatory to put in the game because duh, Gen2 needs an old general (sarcasm).

Ahem, anyways. Hannibal is actually decent enough since he comes with two good weapons and high enough bases, at least in Strength and Defense. He also has the skill Great Shield. Therefore he can be called the actual true castle defender of FE4. Because that literally is what he is needed for. Stand on the castle and defend it. 

Hannibal suffers many problems. Firstly, he's a General, and thus his movement sucks. His growth rates really aren't great, and he only can have 10 level ups to improve. He's slow, so Continue doesn't work for him most of the time. Ambush is nice but it was never too useful. And it's tougher to recruit him then it was to recruit Ayra, because you actually have to go through him to get Corple/Sharlow in order to recruit him, and he also brings with him an army. Thus he could get killed, which means you won't get Corple/Sharlow iirc.

He can do nice damage, at least, and gives Sharlow the bersek staff. But all in all, unlike Arden, his purpose truly is to just defend the home castle.

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I love Hannibal with all of my heart, but he's baaaaaad. Definitely the worst unit of Gen 2. He can soak up a few physical hits, but as we've already dissected with Altenna, magic units are checkered in with physical units all throughout those last two chapters, meaning even trying to make him a physical damage sponge is risky, and getting any active use out of him has to be a calculated act.

So yeah, his only real practical use is sitting on a castle you know won't get besieged by magic. Which is a really, really niche role that can probably be filled better by several units.


Edited by Slumber
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He has better skills than Arden but therefore he joins much later.

He has the same purpose as Arden, warming up the thrones.

Honestly even Arden is less useless than Hannibal, because at least in the prolog and maybe even chapter 1 he can help a bit while Hannibel is never needed.

Unfortunately he must be alive to recruit Corple.

If I said Arden is the worst character in FE4, then I have to correct myself: It's Hannibal for me.


1.5 / 10

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Hannibal.... ok, he's bad, lol. He's hard to recruit, his growths aren't great, his bases are DECENT but not outstanding, he doesn't have holy blood, and while he does have more skills than Arden it's just Continue and that.... isn't the best skill to have on a general. Armors have no movement buffs in FE4, nor do promoted armors get any movement buffs so things like mountains are still insurmountable to him, and he comes right before the game ramps up the magic using enemies for the endgame.

But, I still love him because I have a soft spot for the Lawrence archetype, and older characters in general. and in any game that isn't 4 armors tend to be among my favorite classes And you need him alive to recruit Corple, so there's that too. Hannibal being already promoted does mean he has access to a decent arsenal of weapons to compensate his flaws some: he can use any Brave weapon to get some double hits in, plus aside from Finn he's really your only other good choice for dropping a silver lance on. Or you can just give him slim weapons to try and goad his continue skill into proccing (which if you do is a decent but not reliable 30% ish?). He can do large poke damage for your weaker or fallen behind units to mop up with.... but this is G2 so that doesn't really describe anyone except a promoted Corple or weirdness like Claude!Lester who's going to probably never leave the home castle anyway. Maybe in a Sub Run Hannibal shines better as a meatshield for your softer characters, but I've yet to do a sub run.

In the end, Hannibal CAN be used, and CAN be made useable, but you sort of have to go out of your way to do it. He trades in Arden's early game utility for some solid late game stats but it really is too little too late. Still, like I said, I love armors and I love Lawrence archetypes so I'm gonna throw in my half a point of bias for.... a 3.5/10 :Y I use him even though it makes things more frustrating BECAUSE I CAN. 

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Other than looking like a member of ZZ Top, Hannibal doesn't actually offer very much. He's only relatively durable and his inability to finish enemies, dodge or move is really detrimental. At least Ardan can do something in Gen 1, Hannibal is simply outclassed by pretty much everyone.

1.5/10 - His beard is really cool.

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Hannibal is really bad.  His offence is bad, his movement is bad, and funnily enough his durability isn't actually that great when he gets doubled by everything and FE4 weapons have really high MT (not to mention a lot of magic in the next few maps).  0.5/10, worst unit in the game

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Hannibal. Poor, useless Hannibal. The worst unit in the game. He arrives at Chapter 9, where he takes part in a very annoying recruitment sequence. He blocks your way because Trabant put his jerk hat on and decided to hold Corple hostage because why not. After using your only sleep staff charge in the whole game or rigging a sleep sword sleep activation or sending him into retreat mode or something, you better send Celice charging to the west in order to seize the second castle and then let Corple waddle up to old man Hannibal to get him on the team. So after undergoing that nightmare, what did you get? A general. In FE4. Remember Arden? He's worse. Arden at least had availability and could hit a bandit or two in Verdane. Hannibal? Useless, I say! Useless! He just gets left in the dust. His stats aren't amazing. He has Continue and Vantage and Great Shield but who cares? At least the slowcoach mages could hit res and the healers can heal. What can Hannibal do? Give you a sense of satisfaction as he Great Shields an arena chump?

Honestly, why even bother recruiting him. 1/10. At least he has his beard. Everyone is cool if they have facial hair.

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Now, it is time to briefly discuss the final character recruited in Incest of the Mounted Murderfest.

Hannibal is a pain to recruit. You have to roll past his castle without killing him, then take the next castle to get Corple/Sharlow, then head back with them to recruit Hannibal before Celice captures Kapathogia. All while he either attacks you or goes to get reinforcements. And he's not a great unit. Despite his ability to wield A swords and lances and B axes and bows, there's little to no point to giving him all the higher ranked equipment that others might want and can use better, including his starting equipment. His bulk, while good, is also not exceptionally so, and his lack of doubling ability won't allow him to effectively deal with opposition. Altenna's low res is still higher than his, which is pretty much useless with the sharp rise in magi in the last 2 chapters. Oh, and he's also a general, with all the issues that entails, including his low move and armour weaknesses. But he has Great Shield, so will that redeem him? Only about 20-30% of the time, and even then quite a few enemies will double now. He has Continue, but that likely won't proc often enough to be relevant. Ambush is about as situational as usual too. He gives Sharlow the Berserk Staff, sure, but that's highly specific and obscure for usefulness. Frankly, his improvements from Arden don't matter with a generation which is much harder than those improvements provide.

Also, he shows up in Thracia 776, and provides you there with his most useful contibution, Carrion. And even then that's debatable.

I'm going to rate the last fixed unit 1.5/10. Others will be interested in his items, so pass them on. It's not like he's massively important beyond protection of the castle. I'd rate him higher, if he started better than this. His weapon versatility is commendable, but at the cost of everything else, it's not worth it. I should know, I've gotten him to level 30. I can't say that for Arden (though that might change by the end of the current run I'm doing).

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And I thought Arden was still considered the worst. Well, at least he's not anymore. That counts for something, right? Right.


Anyways, I'm changing my score for Hannibal from 4/10 to 3/10. 

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On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 9:11 PM, OliKad said:



7- Cuan = 8.14/10 (21 votes)
8- Ethlyn = 8.77/10 (18 votes)
9- Finn = 8.30/10 (18 votes)
10- Midayle = 6.91/10 (19 votes)

11- Ayra = 5.94/10 (22 votes)
19- Lewyn/Levin = 7.15/10 (20 votes)

Wait, is Midayle considered better than Ayra? And Quan and Ethlyn are considered better than Lewyn? What? Can someone explain this to me besides the prior having mounts?


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12 hours ago, Yojinbo said:

Why would Cuan and Ethlin not be considered better than Levin and Aira? That's like asking why Sigurd is considered better than Noish or something.

Forseti. One shots most units and can almost virtually never be hit.

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1 hour ago, 1japanfan said:

Forseti. One shots most units and can almost virtually never be hit.

Which he gets for one and a bit chapter (Much as it is worth the hype). They have more impact on the earlier sections that can cause trouble for any playthrough, while Levin isn't relevant for too much before Chapter 3.

It's not just mounts that count. Availability's kind of a problem for a lot of units (incidentally, like Altenna) that can screw them over, and going slow won't fix that one.

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1 minute ago, Dayni said:

Which he gets for one and a bit chapter (Much as it is worth the hype). They have more impact on the earlier sections that can cause trouble for any playthrough, while Levin isn't relevant for too much before Chapter 3.

It's not just mounts that count. Availability's kind of a problem for a lot of units (incidentally, like Altenna) that can screw them over, and going slow won't fix that one.

Meh. I am not convinced. I think Lewyn is better than both Quan and Ethlyn.

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