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When/what level do you promote in...


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FE1: I mess in the guts of it but I haven't actually played it start to finish... Probably ASAP due to promotion bonus mechanics.


FE3: At 20.

FE4: At 20 (which is ASAP there anyway)

FE5: Generally wait till 20 or at least near enough.

GBA: At 20. I earlypromoted Franz on my very first playthrough. I regretted it.

FE9: At 20 unless you're really slow (looking at you Rhys)

FE10: Haven't gotten far enough yet...

FE11: At 20.

FE12: At 20.

FE13: Does it even matter? I waited... I think.

FE14: I'll probably wait till 20.

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I've only played FE6 and following, so I can't speak for FE1-5.

With the exception of FE13, however, I almost always promote at level 20.

For FE13:

Reclass at level 10 unpromoted or level 15 promoted, and promote when I have all of the unpromoted class skills I want and most of my stats are maxed out (or if I'm level 20 and don't want to reclass again).

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Whenever it's opportune. Sometimes early, sometimes at 20. I typically wait unless I'm yearning for some extra power, but that's why I use some prepromotes anyway. For instance, if there's something that only a strong Pegasus Knight can reach, I'll turn my Peg into a Falcon Knight for the extra stat boosts.

In Thracia at the very least, early promotion should be a cornerstone of anyone's playstyle. The caps mean that waiting until 20 might waste that beautiful potential and those beautiful promotion bonuses.

In games like FE13/FE14, I don't really find that it matters, but the early games of those have few promotion items anyway. Never forget about Awakening with its lack of buyable Seals until a bit later than they should be

In PoR/RD, Level 21, since Seals/Crowns are ridiculously rare in the first place

Edited by Freyjadour
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It varies. If I can get the exp for them, definitely 20 in most games:

FE1, 2, 3: Can't really say. Not played 1, not played beyond part 1 for 2 and using prepromotes only for 3

FE4: Once they hit 20 (well, they don't need items and it has to be 20)

FE5: Thanks to scrolls, whenever works fine. (usually I'd wait til 20, though quite a few can get away with earlier fine if they have quite a few stats over 15). Hero Proofs are only buyable in Chapter 22 as well, so if you're not in the mood to be patient about cheesing it, then really, you won't be promoting too many to begin with.

FE6, 7, 8: Tend to go for 20, but if a unit caps a lot of stats beforehand and their remaining growths are more like 15 or 20 percent, then would be a good time to promote.

FE9, 10: Not played at all.

FE11: Most are unlikely to get too many caps to be honest. 20 can be fine to wait for.

FE12: Similar to FE11

FE13: 20 for promoting from their first unpromoted class, then either 15 from their promoted class (with few exceptions) or 10 from any unpromoted classes I'd be grinding skills from.

FE14: 20 for promotion, though I've only played Birthright so far. Heart Seals, on the other hand....

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FE2:Immediately, FE2 is basically 0% growths:the game

FE3:I haven't played it yet

FE4:ASAP since levels dont reset


FE6:Whenever I finally get a promotion item
FE7:Anytime is fine


FE9/10:levelling naturally


FE14:Depends, really.

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Do I need the extra movement/stats/weapon type/other bonuses? No? Then I wait. When I promote entirely depends on the playthrough - it's literally anywhere from level 10 to level 20 (except FE10, when I promote when the game says to promote).

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Early, I don't usually have promotion items in storage anymore.

Kinda make an exception for 6,7,awakening (only for characters recruited up to ch16 I think)

later unite like the children and reclasses beyond the first one just get promoted at 10. the GBA games get slow promotion mostly by nature of availability.

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