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Pegasus Knights VS Wyvern Riders



45 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's better?

    • Pegasus Knights
    • Wyren Riders

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So I've used Pegasus and Wyvern riders and so far from all the FE games I've played, to me personally, I find wyren riders better.

I just can't stand the hell out of Pegasus. They have horrible HP, Strength and Defense that having good skill,luck and resistance is just pointless. Either I suck using them or that I have no idea how to train them. The only thing they are really good at is for utility purposes and that's just that. I wanted to use Florina but man...she's just...she didn't do it for me.

Wyvern riders on the other hand are more favorable to me. They are the opposite of Pegasus Knights with good defense, strength and skill as well as good hp. Their only downside is their weak res but that's about it.

In my playthroughs of FE, I find the latter the better class but idk, maybe you guys have a say in this so I'd like to know what are your thoughts on these fliers who can easily get bashed by archers....

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I do unfortunately agree that wyvern riders are usually better as units, so I voted for them. I still prefer Pegasus knights as a class though, because they're so pretty-looking a lot and I've always been a horse person. <3

Edited by Anacybele
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FE4: Peggies because Gen. 1 has no dracoknight. Altena has GaƩ Bolg, but Fee isn't really worse imo.

FE5: Tie. Since caps are generic you can fix the stats with the scrolls.

FE6: Miledy is the best unit in this game.

FE7: Hard mode Heath is great.

FE8: Hard. Honestly I find Tana the best flying unit. She's pretty strong too but can dodge much better than Cormag.

FE9: Tie. Marcia and Jill are both equally awesome. However Tanith is a really good second peg. knight too.

FE10: Jill and Haar are the gods in this game.

FE13: Peggies because they promote into dark fliers and learn Galeforce.

FE14: Camilla is the best unit in this game.

Edited by Eleanor Hume
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Hm, it's really hard to say which is better because it also depends on the game. I also tend to use both equally in the games that I've played.

Edited by Ryo
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Pegasus Knights are almost always better and/or save more turns. The only exceptions I can think of to this rule are FE6, FE10, and FE14 (giving the edge to Wyvern Riders because Camilla is better in 2/3 of the games).

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I think in terms of unit potential and unit startoff wyverns/dragons are almost always better, but it's not common to have a wyvern early whereas almost every FE game has a peg knight early who has good longterm potential.

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Pegasus Knights are almost always better and/or save more turns. The only exceptions I can think of to this rule are FE6, FE10, and FE14 (giving the edge to Wyvern Riders because Camilla is better in 2/3 of the games).

Basically this, although they are both pretty great in the games where Pegasus Knights promote to Wyverns, but thats kind of cheating :P:

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In older FEs peg knights were better imo because magic defense was such a rarity among physical combat units and dodging was generally less viable for classes with more middling speed. As the series develops though and we enter the double RNG system having a character with super high avoid seems more redundant now. Dragon Knights can now encroach on a peg knight's turf and the fact Con or Strength depending on the game determined attack speed now, something peg knights generally lack, dragons got a hand up. There's also the fact that dragons tend to start on the enemy team and thus if you're playing hard mode they get mild buffs as well.

Pegasus Knights still have early game potential and more long term investment (plus use in ranked runs) but the way the series has progressed has sort of made super dodgy weak characters more of a hindrance than a burden and the more generous magic defense given to non magical units means dragon knights can basically just do anything a pegasus knight does but better.

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Sumia is like one of the absolute best units in Awakening, Fred removes any bulk issues she has, the series hasn't changed THAT much since its modernization. Not to mention that Cherche isn't that great overall in the grand scheme of things, especially in comparison to both Sumia and Cordelia, and while Wyvern Panne is pretty ridiculous, Sumia by that point is also ridiculous and isn't stuck with E Rank weapons.

I sure hope I don't have to mention Caeda in Shadow Dragon, and Palla, Catria and Caeda in New Mystery as well (yes remakes but you said recently), this is also in a pair of games where dodging is rare, and most of their early game is spent as Pegasus Knights.

Camilla is like the lone modern Wyvern who is like legit better than Pegasus Knights.

Edited by Jedi The Red
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I disagree, I don't think Sumia is good. Her strength and def are too low and not everybody wants to stick her to Frederick. Chrom/Sumia is a common pairing, especially in male Robin runs, and Frederick is paired with a number of different ladies all around. I myself always put him with female Robin.

Cordelia is much better. She's not as fast, but she's still quick enough to double AND she can actually take hits and deal damage right back. She also doesn't come in at lv. 1...

Edited by Anacybele
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I disagree, I don't think Sumia is good. Her strength and def are too low and not everybody wants to stick her to Frederick. Chrom/Sumia is a common pairing, especially in male Robin runs, and Frederick is paired with a number of different ladies all around. I myself always put him with female Robin.

Cordelia is much better. She's not as fast, but she's still quick enough to double AND she can actually take hits and deal damage right back. She also doesn't come in at lv. 1...

You can't deny that it's easy to fix Sumia's primary problems (strength, and Defense) though. $$$ and a decent muscular pair-up makes Sumia shine

Cherche needs a lot help in comparison, as a Wyvern.

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I think it really depends on playstyle tbh. I don't think Sumia is that great in the grand scheme of things for more casual playstyles but I do recognize that she's essential for LTC and also that Cherche's speed really sucks.

I also don't think FEDS/FE3DS should really count in this discussion because pegasi promote to dracoknights by default so the classes aren't really differentiated.

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I think Jedi's point was that being a Pegasus Knight isn't inherently bad in newer FE games, not that Pegasus Knights are better than Draco Knights in FE11/FE12.

Sumia can ORKO at base with a Frederick pair up on HM and gets 3-4HKOed in return! And then she gets even better! Definitely better than Cordelia who has a significant availability disadvantage (by the time she joins, her bases are worse than Sumia's stats, and none of her advantages are meaningful enough to stop the forward momentum that Sumia already has going for her) and Cherche, who is just plain mediocre. You could make an argument for Panne being better in casual runs, but giving her a highly contested Second Seal (which you might not even have!) and her having E axes still makes her worse.

Edited by Refa
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That does involve a very coveted resource though: Frederick himself. He's very valuable in HM runs and sticking him on the back of Sumia, while good for Sumia, may not be the best choice for the player. But I'd agree with being better than Cordelia and probably Cherche. Though Cherche gets hammers and a better weapon type. Her speed is just such an issue. Frederick can also reclass to wyvern for lots of fun and he has a base axe rank and discipline. Idk though. At this point I think we're comparing characters rather than the class itself. That holds way more weight in games that don't involve reclassing.

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Must be hard for you to play games in which Pegasus Knights can promote into Dracoknights.

Overall, Pegasus Knights usually win out due to better availability/join times; look no further than speedruns of the GBA games and Path of Radiance.

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It depends on the game

In Awakening Peg Knights have the benefit of Galeforce and having no bad units (Cynthia is amazing), whereas Fates Peg Knights are... Hinoka is good, Caeldori is good... that's it. I really wish Falcon Knights didn't have staves as a secondary weapon choice, I remember reading somewhere they use to have swords which I feel makes a lot more sense because I feel units who start as Peg Knights are not designed to be healers (although Orochi!Caeldori makes good use as a healer).

With Wyvern Riders, with the exception of Camilla (because she defies logic with how great she is), I don't find myself using them a whole lot, most of them come off as flying armor knights, a class I'm really not a big fan of (but with the right pair up partner they can be decent). But I love Malig Knight as a class.

I neutral on both.

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You can't deny that it's easy to fix Sumia's primary problems (strength, and Defense) though. $$$ and a decent muscular pair-up makes Sumia shine

Cherche needs a lot help in comparison, as a Wyvern.

I wasn't comparing her to Cherche. Though I didn't use Cherche a lot, I only used her to marry to Lon'qu to get Gerome, so I can't really say. But I was only comparing Sumia to Cordelia. Cordelia doesn't need so much help to be good is what I'm saying. Also, Cordelia can get Sol and Bowbreaker because of Hero/Bowknight access, if memory serves, and that can make her even harder to kill.

And like I keep saying, there are players, me included, who don't ever put Frederick with Sumia. I don't want to be forced to put someone with a certain other unit for them to be good when I want to put these units with other people instead and that hurts Sumia a lot for me.

Edited by Anacybele
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If it was purely a matter of aesthetics, then I surely would prefer the pretty-looking women pegasi-riders, instead of the dude riding the wyvern.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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