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Lucina can hit her hard as she's a red unit and Kagero has Warding Blow so build them up and strike her fast. Your only reliable hitter is Hawkeye as he's not blue and you lack red units, so maybe put Lucina and Kagero, among Hawkeye and Linde/Robin.

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1 hour ago, Quintessence said:

Lucina can hit her hard as she's a red unit and Kagero has Warding Blow so build them up and strike her fast. Your only reliable hitter is Hawkeye as he's not blue and you lack red units, so maybe put Lucina and Kagero, among Hawkeye and Linde/Robin.

That's the plan alright. I'm just interested in other team compositions as in should you go all in or go for more defensive strategy as in having a good bow user or healer and so forth.

edit: I just realized that by sending my heroes home I'll get feathers instead. How I did not see this earlier I have no idea... Well at least I can now send mainly those 3* heroes I have no interest keeping and save up the feathers for heroes that need higher rarity faster instead.

Edited by FoliFF
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I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My only ax user is 4 star Barst who is pretty lame when it comes to defenses. So I very quickly 3 starred my Anna and after next feather pay out she is gonna be 4 stars. But is it really worthwhile? Should I just wait to 5 star Barstow or is Anna more worthwhile? My castle is at 80% so leveling up is cake, would've been 100 but let's just say when I started I didn't know how much orbs you save by mass summoning, heh.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My only ax user is 4 star Barst who is pretty lame when it comes to defenses. So I very quickly 3 starred my Anna and after next feather pay out she is gonna be 4 stars. But is it really worthwhile? Should I just wait to 5 star Barstow or is Anna more worthwhile? My castle is at 80% so leveling up is cake, would've been 100 but let's just say when I started I didn't know how much orbs you save by mass summoning, heh.

Anna's not particularly bulky, either.  She can warp around at low health, though.  Whether or not this is a good idea is dependent on the rest of your units.

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Finished 8-5 Hard with 4* units only - Sword!Corrin, Fae, Sakura, and Virion.  Virion's Seal Speed and Fae's magical tankiness are the reasons why I was able to win. . .especially Seal Speed.  Sakura only healed once, but that's all I needed.  Corrin did his usual "be awesome" routine.

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I rolled Odin 4*. Currently levelling him with the idea of adding him to my 5* team of Camilla, Kagero and Lucina. 


Was going to get to 20k feathers (currently at 12.5k) and bump him to 5* but I have used him for a while now and am kinda underwhelmed. He is only level 20 though.


Does he get better? I also have Shanna as my other 4* blue option, but pretty unimpressed with her as well. Are either of them a good fit to add to the three listed above, or should I use some Orbs to try and get someone else in there? 

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5 hours ago, eclipse said:

Anna's not particularly bulky, either.  She can warp around at low health, though.  Whether or not this is a good idea is dependent on the rest of your units.

Warp to Setsuna.

Setsuna swaps HP with Anna.

Lissa heals Setsuna.

Works well enough in some situations.

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Now that I have feathers to play around with, I think I'll also bring Anna up to 4*. I actually saw a 5* Sharena in the Arena earlier.

Speaking of the Arena, man, I sure am glad that my Kagerou can survive one Takumi arrow. Sometimes she even doubles and kills him in one round. Otherwise I would have no counter to Takumi at all.

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My (good) red units are 5 star Lyn, 4 star Chrom, 4 star sophia, and a 4 star Olivia who isn't so strong. I have 3 spear users, 4 star Oboro (with heavy spear), 4 star Peri, and 3 star Subaki. I never take Peri or Subaki to Arena cause Subaki is thick but doesn't do enough damage, and I don't know if it's my Peri in particular but she has no particularly good stat which kind of makes her "meh" in my opinion. Oboro has nice attack and she's as thick as anything so I use her as a sack in arena a lot. Not to mention her rally defense AND seal defense AND threaten resistance which is super helpful in getting of some chip if Lyn doesn't insta-kill any of the Psychopathic 5 stars in Arena. I also have Gordon and Serra to heal for neutrals. But then I have 2 ax users who are both too weak to live through anything since the vast majority of 5 stars are red. So that's my ally situation. My main team is Oboro Lyn Barst and Serra, all pretty much have max skills except Lyn who doesn't have spur speed 3 or Galeforce yet. 





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37 minutes ago, Star said:

Heads up: I seem to have encountered a glitch. If you get to level 40 in the arena, the special dialogue on the home menu for that character doesn't seem to trigger.

Is the unit that achieved lvl.40 a 5*? Because only 5*'s get the special dialogue (just checking).



Hmm, are you asking us about what your best team could be? Lyn (try to get Galeforce on her ASAP), Oboro, Olivia (can do damage, but main usage I'm guessing is to dance. If you get Lyn Galeforce, she'll be really really good in combination with Olivia), and Gordon (3* or 4*? Try to get him the Brave Bow) probably makes the best overal team composition I'd say.

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Gordo is a 4 star and I have all of his skills already cause he's level 27. That team you said is good but it's weak to strong lancers and blue magic users which oboro can deflect but her Res isn't so hot. But I guess Gordon can take care of those guys, right? My question was whether or not getting Anna to four star is worth cause my Barst just stinks. The team u said is good though, Olivia's dance has gotten me out of some hairy situations. Guess I'll just 5 star Oboro for extra thickness. She actually survived a hit from Lucina once.

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I finally upgraded Freddy and made him stronger! He's not above the level I had him at before the upgrade just yet, but he's not far from it.


Got him Luna and Wings of Mercy too! (I made Luna more of a priority so Wings of Mercy waited even though I could've added it awhile ago) It's probably going to be awhile before he's five star though, it requires the Great Badges which I can't seem to get yet as well as the feathers. I'm guessing the Great Badges are only available in higher training tower levels?

I also got Sharena to three star. I'll get her at four star before I start saving the feathers to make Freddy five star.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

I finally upgraded Freddy and made him stronger! He's not above the level I had him at before the upgrade just yet, but he's not far from it.


Got him Luna and Wings of Mercy too! (I made Luna more of a priority so Wings of Mercy waited even though I could've added it awhile ago) It's probably going to be awhile before he's five star though, it requires the Great Badges which I can't seem to get yet as well as the feathers. I'm guessing the Great Badges are only available in higher training tower levels?


I also wanted to know in which floors we can get the great badges ><

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4 minutes ago, Alto said:

Floors six and up sometimes award great badges c:

That can't be right, floor six always says it'll give me a regular badge. But maybe that's because I haven't tried it due to not being that high level yet...

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3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

That can't be right, floor six always says it'll give me a regular badge. But maybe that's because I haven't tried it due to not being that high level yet...

The picture that is shown isn't what it gives you. It shows a regular badge even at floor ten. It's silly and confusing :p

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9 minutes ago, Alto said:

The picture that is shown isn't what it gives you. It shows a regular badge even at floor ten. It's silly and confusing :p

Oh. Yeah, that is weird...

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18 hours ago, Herman Bloom said:

I rolled Odin 4*. Currently levelling him with the idea of adding him to my 5* team of Camilla, Kagero and Lucina. 


Was going to get to 20k feathers (currently at 12.5k) and bump him to 5* but I have used him for a while now and am kinda underwhelmed. He is only level 20 though.


Does he get better? I also have Shanna as my other 4* blue option, but pretty unimpressed with her as well. Are either of them a good fit to add to the three listed above, or should I use some Orbs to try and get someone else in there? 

I just used feathers to get Odin up to 4*.  His start is extremely shaky, thanks to a weapon that requires buffs.  Once he gets going, he's pretty tanky for a mage, and he turns defensive buffs into damage.  Moonbow's a pretty good skill, too.  Right now, he's my strongest blue unit.  Any blue magic user would fit IMO, but Odin's the easiest to get.

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Looks like I need to level up my secondary team in a VERY short amount of time.  I have a strategy to beat Narcian's harder map, but it requires Gordin/Camilla/Raigh.  Hopefully, Camilla will have the speed necessary to not get herself doubled by the magic users.

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