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Now that I think about it, there isn't a Brave tome in the game yet. I don't think it'd be too OP to have one; Gordin has the Brave Bow, and no one cares about him. Maybe they'll release one with Celica when they get around to Gaiden, as a reference to Celica's Gale.

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Now that I think about it, there isn't a Brave tome in the game yet. I don't think it'd be too OP to have one; Gordin has the Brave Bow, and no one cares about him. Maybe they'll release one with Celica when they get around to Gaiden, as a reference to Celica's Gale.

Yeah, that would make sense if they're going to add a Brave-type tome. Wonder what color Celica'll be though...

Wonder what they'll give Alm for a special weapon tho. I never played Gaiden (but I'd love to pick up Echoes when it comes out), so I dunno if he got a special sword of any kind (but it wouldn't surprise me if he did).

Also, just saw the update, and I can't complain. Between this and finally having enough orbs to summon again (just in time for the new banners!), I'm pretty happy about today's progress.

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2 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Yeah, that would make sense if they're going to add a Brave-type tome. Wonder what color Celica'll be though...

Wonder what they'll give Alm for a special weapon tho. I never played Gaiden (but I'd love to pick up Echoes when it comes out), so I dunno if he got a special sword of any kind (but it wouldn't surprise me if he did).

Also, just saw the update, and I can't complain. Between this and finally having enough orbs to summon again (just in time for the new banners!), I'm pretty happy about today's progress.

I'm thinking Green, since it's a Wind tome. There are currently no good Green Mages in the game (Merric is kinda bad). Hopefully when they release F!Robin, she'll be a good Green Mage too.

Alm gets a Falchion really really late, but it might function differently from the Archanea Falchions. I hope it does, honestly.

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1 hour ago, Arcanite said:

S̶H̶E̶L̶L̶ ̶Y̶E̶A̶H̶.̶ ̶M̶Y̶ ̶H̶O̶M̶E̶ ̶B̶O̶Y̶S̶/̶G̶I̶R̶L̶S̶ ̶A̶T̶ ̶N̶I̶N̶T̶E̶N̶D̶O̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶T̶H̶R̶O̶U̶G̶H̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶!̶

Ahem nice. Now all we need is a "view map" and "formation" tool for arena

I would settle for getting formation on Story Mode and Training Tower maps.  I can sorta understand them wanting to just throw us into the Arena at random and see how we do, even if starting position has cost my a few matches.

For the other maps though, I don't see why we can't place our troops as we like, like every other FE game.

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Just now, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I'm thinking Green, since it's a Wind tome. There are currently no good Green Mages in the game (Merric is kinda bad). Hopefully when they release F!Robin, she'll be a good Green Mage too.

Alm gets a Falchion really really late, but it might function differently from the Archanea Falchions. I hope it does, honestly.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

And hopefully they'll release F!Robin soon. It kinda bugs me that she's not available, despite M!Robin and both Corrins being available.
Another thing that bugs me: Neither Corrin shows up in the World of Conquest or World of Birthright, and Azura doesn't show up in either of those either. Are they going to show up in a World of Revelation?

Also, I looked up Alm's Falchion... and it's just a lesser version of Marth's. Doubt it'll work any differently from the Archanea Falchions, but hey, at least Alm's guaranteed to have a good final weapon if that's what he ends up with. Unless he gets a different final sword in Echoes. That'd be cool, I think.

4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I would settle for getting formation on Story Mode and Training Tower maps.  I can sorta understand them wanting to just throw us into the Arena at random and see how we do, even if starting position has cost my a few matches.

For the other maps though, I don't see why we can't place our troops as we like, like every other FE game.

Also, seconding the bolded part. This is kind of annoying at times in Story mode, where I've had to figure out which unit in my main team was going where, switch around my units on the Edit Team screen until I had them starting where I wanted them, go back to the mission and try it again. It isn't fun.

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2 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

And hopefully they'll release F!Robin soon. It kinda bugs me that she's not available, despite M!Robin and both Corrins being available.
Another thing that bugs me: Neither Corrin shows up in the World of Conquest or World of Birthright, and Azura doesn't show up in either of those either. Are they going to show up in a World of Revelation?

Also, I looked up Alm's Falchion... and it's just a lesser version of Marth's. Doubt it'll work any differently from the Archanea Falchions, but hey, at least Alm's guaranteed to have a good final weapon if that's what he ends up with. Unless he gets a different final sword in Echoes. That'd be cool, I think.

Also, seconding the bolded part. This is kind of annoying at times in Story mode, where I've had to figure out which unit in my main team was going where, switch around my units on the Edit Team screen until I had them starting where I wanted them, go back to the mission and try it again. It isn't fun.

Yeah, I had Maria locked in a room with Ryoma.  That wasn't fun.

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Just now, Rezzy said:

Yeah, I had Maria locked in a room with Ryoma.  That wasn't fun.

That map surprised me too. Fortunately for me, my healer was on the outside of Ryoma's Fun Time Room (he was locked in with... I want to say Sharena, but it might've been Lyn... either way, whoever he tried to 1v1 wrecked him fairly easily and got healed up afterward), so it wasn't so bad.
Though I'm gonna be coming up on this map in Lunatic in a day or two... Hopefully I'll remember to put Roy as my leader for that map.

Still, getting your healer stuck in a 1v1 with Ryoma... Damn, that's gotta suck.

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1 minute ago, ILikeKirbys said:

That map surprised me too. Fortunately for me, my healer was on the outside of Ryoma's Fun Time Room (he was locked in with... I want to say Sharena, but it might've been Lyn... either way, whoever he tried to 1v1 wrecked him fairly easily and got healed up afterward), so it wasn't so bad.
Though I'm gonna be coming up on this map in Lunatic in a day or two... Hopefully I'll remember to put Roy as my leader for that map.

Still, getting your healer stuck in a 1v1 with Ryoma... Damn, that's gotta suck.

I managed to break the wall and get her out of there, but it wasted a turn essentially and really put me on the defensive, when I should have easily tackled it, if I could put them where I wanted.

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6 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Yeah, I had Maria locked in a room with Ryoma.  That wasn't fun.

My Serra was locked with him all three times and did fine. He didn't even get an opportunity to lay a finger on her before Lilina blew his sorry lobster face up.

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Update is live! Doesn't look like there's anyone else besides the new 4 Focus heroes, so those expecting a large roster update will have to wait a bit longer. This focus lasts until 2/27/2017 (2 weeks).

However, there's a Paralogue up! It's called Family Bonds, and I'll put my thoughts here once I've played it. There's also related special quests to the Paralogue.

Hype time, and let's start a full pull. Wish me luck!

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Will confirm that the pulls are the same as always (except the focus characters).  Good luck to anyone who tries them!

Also, today is Virion Day.  He's absolutely hilarious, so if you don't have Takumi, get him.  Hell, even if you DO have Takumi, get him.  Seal Speed is no joke.

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Julia's actually a Green Mage, and I think she might actually see some use. Her Attack is already 24 at level 1 for some reason, but the rest of her stats are kinda on the low side. We'll see how this goes. She does have Breath of Life though, which is wonderful.

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Man, I'm depressed now. Hoping for an Erika or an Ephraim, got Seliph instead. It doesn't help his skills do not look interesting at first glance as I prefer to run my teams with a healer. His "half health" mechanic is not something I am particular fond of. It doesn't help that I perceive him as the weakest of the four Focus Heroes.

Ephraim's skill set looks amazing for physical teams. His weapon gives ATT to allies and he debuffs DEF like nothing. His special, Moonbow (I was close to calling this, I thought he would have Luna), also relies on ignoring their Defense!

Erika focus a bit more on maneuverability, allowing herself to Pivot (I called this skill!) and Drag Back opponents to be defeated by allies. She can also increase she SPD of her allies with Hone SPD, allowing her to "double buff" (+ATT & SPD). Also, as an aside, it seems like the Twins are unmounted, but I'll wait until someone can confirm that.

Julia looks interesting. Her weapon is effective against Dragons, has Dragon Fang, and can provide off-heals with Breath of Life. I'll just need to know how fast she is before deciding if Julia is any good.

Oh well, perhaps when the numbers are in and the tacticians gather together to update the Tier List, maybe Seliph will surprise me and actually be better than I think he is. At least I can say I got a 5* character where others did not...

@Jayvee94 - Only the 4 new heroes were added as a focus. All other characters seem to remain in the pool as before, but someone else can confirm that for certain.

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6 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

Okay guys. I don't know if there's a topic about this but..

What are the new skill sets of the new heroes? Also is anything changed about the list of possible heroes besides the focus.

Since the download just came out, not much is officially known yet. The heroes list is basically a merged set though, with the only New people being the main 4.

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As I posted in the legendary weapon thread, what the shit, Naga? Give up two points of attack and you get not just +2 Def/Res when attacked but you get Effectiveness vs. Dragons? Can the Binding Blade go down to 12 points of attack and also get counter from any distance?

Just the ramblibfs of a very annoyed Roy fan...


P.S. They totally referenced twincest in the paralogues. :P

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Hmm... I'm thinking of putting Julia on my team of Lucina/Camilla/Kagerou/Young Tiki, but I'm not sure who to drop. Young Tiki is pretty handy as a surefire Hector counter, and having two Breath of Life units can't be too bad. Dropping Camilla means I lose that sweet sweet Brave Axe...

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1 minute ago, goodperson707 said:

When it comes to named weapons might dosen't have anything to do with the effects they have. They have 1 more point than the respective silver+ regardless. The lesser might is due to Naga's tomeness. 

So if Naga were a melee weapon, it would literally just be a better, gree Binding Blade?

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