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So disappointed with my summons. Got nothing but crap besides 1 good pull. Is +res -def good on fae?

edit: I've heard she's decent, what is she generally used for/what does she counter in arena?

Edited by immatx
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Now for some Character stuff...

Klein - Brave Bow (Glacies, Death Blow, Quick Riposte)
I seriously wonder what his stats are. Brave Bow, Death Blow, and Glacies? This guy has so much damage potential...

Sanaki - Cymbeline [Grants +4 ATT to adjacent allies after any combat with this unit] (Harsh Command, Triangle Adept, Hone ATT)
Eh, not really seeing Sanaki's potential here. Unless she has amazing stats or I simply misjudged her, I don't see Sanaki being that useful...

Reinhardt - Dire Thunder ["Brave Tome"] (Blazing Thunder, Vantage, Goad Cavalry)
This guy looks interesting, especially since he is a mounted, blue tome user. Cavalry teams are looking better and better!

Olwen - Dire Thunder (Reposition, Warding Blow, Ward Cavalry)
If Reinhardt is offensive, Olwen is defensive. Offensive is typically more valued than defense, so I'll have to see how this plays out myself.

Eldigan - Mystletainn ["Killing Edge"] (Growing Light, Fury, Lunge)
Seems to highly rely on his special for damage. He looks interesting, but having Lunge is a bit lackluster in my opinion.

Lachesis - Absorb (Physic, Solid-Earth Balm, Spur RES)
Eh, not so sure about this one. Actually, she seems like a reverse Sakura (+RES Balm, Fortify DEF). but Lachesis has Spur RES instead of Fortify RES and Absorb instead of Fear.

Sire's Glance Tier List: Klein > Reinhardt > Olwen > Eldigan > Sanaki > Lachesis

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Welp, so much for predicting protagonists of games first. :P Didn't expect Sanaki to show up so soon!

(Now hopefully I have the crazy luck to roll both Sanaki and adult Tiki so I have half a team full of apostles just for lulz)

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6 minutes ago, Sire said:

Now for some Character stuff...

Klein - Brave Bow (Glacies, Death Blow, Quick Riposte)
I seriously wonder what his stats are. Brave Bow, Death Blow, and Glacies? This guy has so much damage potential...

Sanaki - Cymbeline [Grants +4 ATT to adjacent allies after any combat with this unit] (Harsh Command, Triangle Adept, Hone ATT)
Eh, not really seeing Sanaki's potential here. Unless she has amazing stats or I simply misjudged her, I don't see Sanaki being that useful...

Reinhardt - Dire Thunder ["Brave Tome"] (Blazing Thunder, Vantage, Goad Cavalry)
This guy looks interesting, especially since he is a mounted, blue tome user. Cavalry teams are looking better and better!

Olwen - Dire Thunder (Reposition, Warding Blow, Ward Cavalry)
If Reinhardt is offensive, Olwen is defensive. Offensive is typically more valued than defense, so I'll have to see how this plays out myself.

Eldigan - Mystletainn ["Killing Edge"] (Growing Light, Fury, Lunge)
Seems to highly rely on his special for damage. He looks interesting, but having Lunge is a bit lackluster in my opinion.

Lachesis - Absorb (Physic, Solid-Earth Balm, Spur RES)
Eh, not so sure about this one. Actually, she seems like a reverse Sakura (+RES Balm, Fortify DEF). but Lachesis has Spur RES instead of Fortify RES and Absorb instead of Fear.

Sire's Glance Tier List: Klein > Reinhardt > Olwen > Eldigan > Sanaki > Lachesis

Eldigan: Fury gives +3 to all stats. That's pretty big considering his AoE damage. I wouldn't call it _amazing_, especially given the current meta and overall Falchion based swordtiers, but it's a better niche than Seliph considering it's quick access to AoE chip.

Reinhardt...Has a fucking Brave tome & Vantage?! Are you kidding me?! This now defines the cavalry meta, since free Gunter just needs 2200 feathers to give Reinhard +6 *2 attack. This is ridiculous!

Klein/Reinhardt >>>> Olwen > Eldigan > Sanaki/Lachesis IMO. Absorb has its place in the game and without Triangle, it's not bad as long as her stats aren't bad. 

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27 minutes ago, Jave said:

So I take they've officially retconned "Raquesis"

Unfortunately, I saw the trailer that they kept Lachesis instead of changing it back to Raquesis like in the website unlike Thea, but I'm pretty sure they didn't actually noticed it was Raquesis in Awakening since she is one of the playable SpotPass characters instead of getting mentioned or their names appears in the script only like the others.

But, it's really good to see Chris Smith returned as Reinhardt, Erin Friz. returned as Olwen and Sanaki, and it's an another surprising to see Cristina Vee is voicing Lachesis (Raquesis). Since Tellius characters are getting added, I wondered if Nintendo will bring the other Voice Studio for getting the returning casts from the Tellius games for some of the characters like Jason Adkins as Ike, but I am not too sure if they'll bring Lani back as Micahia (since this most likely that Lani's role was only canon in Radiant Dawn and her role of Lyn is definitely not since Super Smash Bros. games isn't canon)?

Edited by King Marth 64
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hello i believe this is the part where we get an "i told you so" in here

9 minutes ago, King Marth 64 said:

Unfortunately, I saw the trailer that they kept Lachesis instead of Raquesis like in the website, but I'm pretty sure they didn't actually noticed it was Raquesis in Awakening since she is one of the playable SpotPass characters instead of getting mentioned or their names appears in the script only like the others.

Keep telling yourself this if it helps you sleep at night, but as always, the only way they could have possibly not noticed it in the context is if the name change was so atrocious that they failed to recognize it as the same character -- which would itself be more than enough reason to change the name.

Raquesis is far and away the worst name change that Awakening made, and I am ecstatic that we're taking our first steps to purge it from the franchise.

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6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:


I don't even have a blue tome user, lol!

Who even was a blue tome user before Olwen and Reinhardt joined? M!Robin and Linde?

Odin says hi.

New set looks interesting. Nice to see some Tellius reps finally... and Thracia. Maybe after this next focus will be more Tellius reps? Maybe Micaiah and Ike? ...a man can dream.

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Hey ya'll, a PSA of sorts:

Do Paralogue 2-1 on hard with a Green Unit on your team, for a freebie Orb in the Quests/Missions area. Save some Stamina and consolidate with at the very least, Anna, on your team.

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Honestly, based purely on skills, everyone in this new banner except Klein looks kinda trash lol. We'll have to see what the stats look like before we can fully judge, but still...

Klein is basically a "fuck you" to Gordin, isn't he? Death Blow and Glacies to make every flier regret they were ever added to this game. Also, being able to counter-double is pretty darn good; you could almost say it lets him keep his Brave effect even when baiting. It all hinges on whether or not his Speed is decent enough, though. If it's good enough, he could actually be a good Takumi counter maybe.

Sanaki is lol. Two Hones for the same stat that can't stack... I suppose you could say this lets her Hone allies both near her and away on the same turn, but that's extremely situational, and you're better off getting Sharena with Rally Attack instead. Triangle Adept automatically makes her too specialized to be useful overall. I rate her 1/Tharja.

Incoming Brave tome, huh? I think Reinhardt has some potential. He overrides the common weakness of Mage Knights being too slow, but he probably is still frail. Also, Brave helps overcome the 5-count on his Special Skill, probably making him one of the more effective AoE Special attackers. Vantage is cool I guess, but honestly not super helpful for a mage if you ask me. Interested to see how he'll fit in against Linde. He doesn't have the healing support, but with the Brave effect and 3 tiles of Movement, he might shake up her spot as the best Blue mage, and also one of the best mages.

But Olwen has Pull and Warding Blow... If their stats end up being similar, I think Olwen will be the preferred pick for the more useful skills.

Eldigan has Fury, which automatically makes him useless (you take damage even if you get hit by a ranged enemy!!!). End of story there.

Lachesis is a staff unit. Lol. And she doesn't look that great, honestly. For starters, her Staff is Absorb, which automatically makes her a low-tier healer, since A) she doesn't have good supporting offense, and B) she is reliant on damage to self-heal, which Absorb is absolutely horrible at with only 4 Might. Aaaaaaand she has Physic. Aaaaaaaaaaand her Balm is Defense. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAND HER PASSIVE IS SPUR RES.

tl;dr: not gonna pull.

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4 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I remembered him and purged that line from my post. Guess you were too fast.

I only wish my units were as fast as my posts. :0

Seriously, all my greens must have lead weights attached to their ankles Rock Lee style judging by their speed stats. :|

Lbr though, Odin is pretty forgettable in this and Fates, stat wise at least.

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