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8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Not that the armour is actually practical, mind you. But at least the outfits are pretty modest indeed.

The armor is most definitely practical. It's not the stupid boob-plate crap you see in the 3DS games or anything. I'm not sure how some of the characters can move in the armor they're drawn in in Awakening and Fates. But I never questioned this about any of the Tellius characters' armor. They look like they can move around just fine in it, even the heavy knight armor and Halberdier armor. Their armor looks like it's in more pieces and layers to enable more joint movement and bending over, especially on the torso.

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 Again, the problem i see with Awakening and Fates isn't really that their artwork is sexualized


They just look SILLY. Theres a reason i specifically bring up sexualizing in my Linde post to highlight that FE7 Pegasus Knight is just as sexualized.

I don't have problem with every design in Fates. I'm actually ok with say Hana. I'm really ok with Azura. Hell people had problem with Corrin(F) and i'm ok with that too.


But then you have THOSE surounded by Camilla, Nyx, and Ophelia

For awakening replace that with uhhh Tiki, uhh Say'Ri, Lucina, vs probably everything else. Not including stuff that i didn't care about to complaint about or like

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Yeah, a little bit of sexualization won't really bug me. It's that Fates and Awakening to some extent sacrifice practicality and decent-looking clothing for the sake of a lot of sexualization in some designs. Camilla is the worst case. That panty window, her boobs and cleavage, all that looks so forced and there just for the sake of it. Females almost never wear pants anymore. Even heavy knights like Effie fight in their underwear. Female Corrin also has the forced open thighs that look very silly just so she can also have no pants.

And there are ways you can still make a "sexy" character without ditching practical armor and clothing. I've said plenty of times that Petrine in PoR is proof of this. She has largeish boobs and some cleavage, but she still looks practical in what she wears in battle.

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1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

The armor is most definitely practical. It's not the stupid boob-plate crap you see in the 3DS games or anything. I'm not sure how some of the characters can move in the armor they're drawn in in Awakening and Fates. But I never questioned this about any of the Tellius characters' armor. They look like they can move around just fine in it, even the heavy knight armor and Halberdier armor. Their armor looks like it's in more pieces and layers to enable more joint movement and bending over, especially on the torso.

There was a thread on the topic that I'm just going to link here in an attempt to not derail this thread even further.

Basically, Y U NO COVER STOMACH, pauldrons of doom are impossible, free-hanging tassets don't work, and the pegs' armoured bras are silly.

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

There was a thread on the topic that I'm just going to link here in an attempt to not derail this thread even further.

Basically, Y U NO COVER STOMACH, pauldrons of doom are impossible, free-hanging tassets don't work, and the pegs' armoured bras are silly.

Huh, I never noticed that thread. Huh. But I have to disagree that Tellius has a lot of impractical designs. It's not just covering vital areas that matters. Being able to move also matters, especially if you're infantry. You can't fight if you can't move! And unfortunately, you also can't actually cover every part of the body without restricting movement too much in some way. Its just not possible. The most vital areas are your head, chest, and torso, and then you can cover your legs as well without restricting your movement.

While Tellius armor doesn't cover as much as some of the 3DS armor does, that part of the article is true, it also doesn't restrict movement. I feel the 3DS armor does the latter too much to be practical.

I also do agree that the impraticality of armor/clothing in the 3DS games is more a problem with the women, but it is still there for a few of the men too. *cough*Odin*cough*

But yeah, this is getting off topic, so I'll end this here.

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59 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

I don't mean it means it's bad. I've read, played and watched many beautifully drawn porn animangame,  thank you. I know Shokugeki no Souma's artist was originally a porn artist too. What I am implying is their tendency to sexualize their characters anyway, even in non-porn works.

Ah, then let me apologize if I sounded rude before. I just like concise direct statement, you see (not that I know if you're certainly pissed by my rudeness because I'm not a word psychic). But hey, just in case.

I..didn't even think of sexualization when I saw that Linde's art. It just never crossed my mind due to how out horrible it is kek (the latter one is even worse).

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11 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

I'm going to also link this video if you're talking mobility.

Dude, that's not English... I don't understand what it's trying to get at as a result.

Also, I never said Tellius was the MOST practical ever. It's just a lot more practical than 3DS FE armor imo.

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5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

Dude, that's not English... I don't understand what it's trying to get at as a result.

You don't need to know French in order to watch the visual. They don't talk there.

Many French words are pretty similar to the English ones anyway. Armour, combat, mobility, stuff like that.

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Even among armor that isn't practical, there's a difference between armor that at least looks like it's trying to be practical and armor that blatantly doesn't.

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Basically the point is real full plate armor is a lot more mobile than it looks. People can do backflips in them.

Tellius armor is certainly visually pleasing and I love most of the stuff that comes out of Senri Kita's stylus, but realistically it's not the most practical design. I don't expect fantasy armor to be 100% practical for the sake of more variety and visual differentiation of characters, and the Tellius design does it without breaking immersion, so I'm generally ok with it. But if we're talking practicality's sake, Fates male armor actually is a bit more practically designed than Tellius in some classes (we don't talk about fates fighter though, fuck that class design entirely). PaladinM and HeroM are quite nice, especially. It's a shame they just had to make it worse for the women (actually HeroF and Wyvern Lord F is pretty good too--Hell, Revenant isn't bad as a class, Camilla's more of a special case), because otherwise it would be pretty neat.


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Regarding the Linde "piece," my two problems with it are the over-emphasized assets and the "dead face." Yes, it is still a sensual piece, but could make the argument that is tries to capture the feeling of a classic Renaissance painting in that the subject matter is a beautiful woman (and actually clothed). Then again, I do not mind Dragon's Crown designs  (50 Unlockable Artwork - Gallery) and other stuff by Vanillaware. Some of it is off-putting, sure, but most of it are rather pleasing to look at.

Regarding armor, add me to the list who enjoys the Tellius designs and not so much Fates. Fanservice has its place, but it has to make sense when it is used. Aesthetically pleasing armor is nice and I what expect that in a video game. If the armor is also practical, that is a bonus. Silly armor (Knights and Generals in Awakening, Camilla's and Charlotte's designs) tend to break the immersion.
* * * * *
Back to Fire Emblem: Heroes, where do you think the story will go? The Main Story ended up a "To Be Continued" note, while some of the latest Paralogues (and Xenologue)  have interesting developments. I also remember there being an interview that more original characters will be added to Heroes, so any ideas on who they may be?

Alternatively, do you just play Heroes for the gameplay and skip past all the story sections?

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2 hours ago, JSND said:

Oh my. Forget everything that I said about FE1 Linde. That's just Linde drawn wrong in every possible way. The heck is even the point of this artwork. I can't tell if this is fanservice or just showing us a dead Linde. I honestly don't know how this ended up as official art.

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5 minutes ago, Sire said:

Back to Fire Emblem: Heroes, where do you think the story will go? The Main Story ended up a "To Be Continued" note, while some of the latest Paralogues (and Xenologue)  have interesting developments. I also remember there being an interview that more original characters will be added to Heroes, so any ideas on who they may be?

I expect that Veronica and the Masked Man will eventually be playable in some form. Zacharias, maybe.

I also think it likely we'll see original characters for the other weapon types added in the future.

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3 hours ago, JSND said:

My brain


Also those questions on the Japan twitter event, were they made for 3 year Olds or something? Arrows are effective against which unit? Are you kidding? Is this fire emblem 2nd grade? 

We got those orbs in the bag

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8 hours ago, JSND said:

They can do whatever with Linde


But nothing




Could ever top the sheer disgusting level of that official fanservice Linde art


Like seriously i find Camillas design silly, Charlotte design stupid, and majority of Fates/Awakening design just looks bad.


But Linde redefines what the word disgusting really means. 

Which artwork are you talking about?

Ninja'd: Never mind, I think I found it... And I'm unsure if that is official.

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27 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

My brain


Also those questions on the Japan twitter event, were they made for 3 year Olds or something? Arrows are effective against which unit? Are you kidding? Is this fire emblem 2nd grade? 

We got those orbs in the bag

These are meant to be the easiest level questions, you know. :P Harder ones will come later.

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3 hours ago, MrSmokestack said:

I'm stuck leveling my Ninian since her stats aren't very good even at Lv. 40.

What have you been doing to level yours? I had 1500 SP saved up on my Sakura 5* so I got her Pain / Recover / Swift Winds to get Ninian easier KO's. I think there's more I could do, though...

Late response, but I ran a training team of Ninian, Olivia, Priscilla, and Jaffar. 

I unequipped Dance from Ninian so Olivia could dance to her, Priscilla was for healing, Jaffar was for softening enemies up for Ninian to kill (interchangeable with any thief or a healer with Pain). It still took a loooong time, but I managed to get there in the end.

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Ugh... Maybe I'm salty, but I can't hold this anymore...

I feel like everything about Sophia's design in this it was done to make her the worst character in the game. :Sophia:

- The Slowest character in the game (so slow that every non-Reinharadt/Gordin Brave user can x4 her to hell)

- She has the lamest weapon in the game, the other slow characters at least get something: Reinhardt's and Gordin's Brave Weapons; Effie's Wary Fighter and insane Atk, Henry's, Cecilia's and Leo's special Books; Reinhardt's and Hawkeye's Death Blow.

- Sophia skill are Res based: Warding Blow (something useless if you can't double or has a special effect in your player-phase's Attacks) and Fortify Res (Who cares about increasing it's Res outside of the Blade Tomes Users?)... She only would lack Rally Res to be the ultimate Res based character in the game... But with that horrible speed she is still destroyed for the magic users.

- Every possible role that Sophia would fit, are better fitted and more optimun.

She doesn't ever work as a Sacrifical Lamb... she is just so lame... Why IS?.. It feels so wrong to be afraid of the enemy units that are supposed to have disadvantages against you.

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17 minutes ago, Troykv said:

Ugh... Maybe I'm salty, but I can't hold this anymore...

I feel like everything about Sophia's design in this it was done to make her the worst character in the game. :Sophia:

Yeah she's not really that good. I don't understand the point of fenrir or fenrir+. Her atk is decent and her resistance is pretty great, though. They should have given her some sort of special tome like nosferatu or something to make her a little more useful. The unfortunate thing is that the dragon based skills  (draconic aura and such) aren't really good either and since it's 4 cool down and she has no speed I fail to see its function on a unit like her. 

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She might not have the greatest base skill set, but you could probably carve her a niche with a bit of Skill Inheritance magic.

For example, give her Swordbreaker and she'll slaughter most sword lords regardless of their boon/bane (there are exceptions, Eirika, Lyn, +Res Marth to name a few). She won't even die to a counterattack (read: Raijinto. Or that one person I went up against that actually had Lv 40 +10 Distant Counter Chrom). Alternatively, she could probably make use of Quick Riposte and use it to bait out ranged threats like Takumi and Julia (ORKO's +Res Takumi, will need an Atk buff for +Res Julia, but still an ORKO). Edit: she'd need a def buff for +Atk Takumi. And after that's all said and done, you've got Dragon Fang fully charged.

Defiant (probably Atk) + Threaten (probably Res) would make her pretty good bait, with her high defenses.

There's probably more, but long story short...if you really were dead set on making her useful, I'm willing to bet you could do it.

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@Troykv Yeah, that sounds about right. Sophia's not that good, outside of having skills I want to give other characters. But, maybe we can fix her via Inherit Skill? I'm thinking maybe we could start by giving her Rally Defense/Resistance for a Command Skill (whichever of those your teammates require)... And then give her Moonbow, so she can at least have a chance at using her Special Skill... And then give her Death Blow and Threaten RES so she can deal more damage (if she's only going to get one hit, it needs to count for a lot)... and for a B Skill, perhaps a Breaker skill? Not sure which one should be used, I'm thinking either Axebreaker so she can counter Hector and other axes or Swordbreaker so she can beat down low-RES sword lords; I don't see any reason to use the Tomebreakers. And for a weapon, maybe Raudhrwolf, so she can wreck cavalry, or Raudhrraven, for double WTA (though, if she gets this, maybe give her Triangle Adept over Death Blow).
Would this possibly fix Sophia?

14 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Yeah she's not really that good. I don't understand the point of fenrir or fenrir+. Her atk is decent and her resistance is pretty great, though. They should have given her some sort of special tome like nosferatu or something to make her a little more useful. The unfortunate thing is that the dragon based skills  (draconic aura and such) aren't really good either and since it's 4 cool down and she has no speed I fail to see its function on a unit like her. 

Dragon Fang's function on Sophia is that Attack is her highest stat (unless you had a -ATK/+DEF or -ATK/+RES Sophia), so you can add a large amount of her ATK stat as additional damage when you get it charged, and given how Sophia's stats are distributed she looks like she's supposed to be a one-hit nuke that doesn't take hits very well, so there's really no point in giving her anything except more power... Of course, this fails since Sophia isn't built to last long enough to charge Dragon Fang up 99.99% of the time (4 cooldown on a unit this slow and fragile is just not a good idea), but that looks like the logical explanation from where I'm standing.

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5 hours ago, Effies_Home said:

The team is coming together...


Amazing results compared to last season. While I'm not top-tier in the offense area, it's much better than previous seasons. Not to mention my defense results are impressive. I think this may be "The team," but only time will tell

If you don't get a focus character... it really gets so much of an uphill battle.

I only had one 5 star before *AND* had to train up 2 star female Reflet.MHckBdC.jpg

I'm also probably going to get kicked off ranked by seasons end. And no successful defenses this time around.

Oh well. I never get ranked feathers anyway.

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20 minutes ago, shadowofchaos said:

If you don't get a focus character... it really gets so much of an uphill battle.

I only had one 5 star before *AND* had to train up 2 star female Reflet.MHckBdC.jpg

I'm also probably going to get kicked off ranked by seasons end. And no successful defenses this time around.

Oh well. I never get ranked feathers anyway.

Heh this is me. Except I do get ranked feathers sometimes. The only reason why I haven't now is because I'm carrying around some random chick named "Robin" for bonus points. All she does is sit in a corner and try to not die before my other 3 units finish the match. I got 2 defenses so yay me.

But next season, it's on. The war of Annas will be here! And I will be prepared. Heh heh heh 

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26 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Heh this is me. Except I do get ranked feathers sometimes. The only reason why I haven't now is because I'm carrying around some random chick named "Robin" for bonus points. All she does is sit in a corner and try to not die before my other 3 units finish the match. I got 2 defenses so yay me.

But next season, it's on. The war of Annas will be here! And I will be prepared. Heh heh heh 

The number of Anna's will be pretty ridiculous. I've got a Lvl 27 4*, but I might not even use her. I've already set my team up to counter most options, so I'll probably just win the old-fashioned way

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