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11 minutes ago, Ryu Yuki said:

So the new story map features:

1) Constant reinforcements

2) God Ike (He takes no damage and is basically completely immortal)

God Titania, too.

Unless my Klein and Robin (F) should've dealt no damage?

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So am I the only one who hates how heavy handed the "defense" maps are? Instead of actually making you defend a point, they just make one unit fucking immortal and throw wave after wave of pawns at you. IS can do much better than this shit.

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dat Embla Ward -- no cheesing defend maps by killing the boss.

Is it me or is the clear Chapter 10 My Nintendo mission glitched? I already finished the entire Chapter on Normal difficulty but it wouldn't let me get the points.

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3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

They're really laying on the intrigue with the whole Bruno/Zacharias/Masked Man stuff this time, aren't they?

At least, we now know which two of these match.

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 And... Ike's stats is literally Roy with the resistance dumped elsewhere(-10 Res compared to Roy dumped completely into ATK and Defense)  Very simmilar distribution to Barst, but the silliest part is the fact that he comes free with Swordbreaker

Fucking busted unit. Its a good thing he's not a day 1 release this parameter without SI would destroy everything


Titania is basically Anna on Horse(-4 Speed but their stats is otherwise essentially identical). Not sure how i feel about her, but its notable she's the fastest Horse at 34


This batch seems to be basically "Ike or bust"

Edited by JSND
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Rolling to get at least one five star out of this banner but nope, five three stars and none of them are even new. It's almost like this game is rng based or something...

The whole god Ike and god Titania were utter nonsense though. I suppose they had to think of something to make the map "defense based" but this just seems stupid. But I did get some amusement out of seeing a five-star level 40 Marth deal 0 damage to a 20-something leveled Titania, whose defense was even lowered. Who needs good defense stats when you can cheat.

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I like the effort they put in to these new units as well as the new story maps. I hope this is IS telling us they're committed for the long run. Though some story aspects are a bit odd the effort is there.


The only thing I'm salty about is that the new World of Radiance quests are rather hard but the reward is only 1 orb

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26 minutes ago, JSND said:

 And... Ike's stats is literally Roy with the resistance dumped elsewhere(-10 Res compared to Roy dumped completely into ATK and Defense)  Very simmilar distribution to Barst, but the silliest part is the fact that he comes free with Swordbreaker

Fucking busted unit. Its a good thing he's not a day 1 release this parameter without SI would destroy everything


Titania is basically Anna on Horse(-4 Speed but their stats is otherwise essentially identical). Not sure how i feel about her, but its notable she's the fastest Horse at 34


This batch seems to be basically "Ike or bust"

I mean did you not expect Ike to be the best unit on HIS banner. 


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2 minutes ago, mikethepokemaster said:

I mean did you not expect Ike to be the best unit on HIS banner. 


i expected Ike to be good.

I don't expect Ike to get Swordbreaker, because thats honestly the deal breaker that makes him perfectly skilled from the get go

I mean W: Ragnell, A: Heavy Blade(this is... ok), B: Swordbreaker. C and Sup is usually flexible filler. Only thing Ike misses from being a complete god out of the box is having Horse below him


That and i'm actually somewhat hyped for Titania if only because before her info is released i expected her to be a fast high damage Axe

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So im in the middle of a mass summons and I'm kinda running out of space, r there any units that r completely useless that I can just send home without worrying?

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All right, just so I'm up to speed on the business with Zach...


The Masked Man is Prince Bruno and Veronica's older brother. Zacharias was sent to investigate Embla, and was caught by Veronica after making significant, yet unreported, headway into the mystery.

After this, well... I'm a tad confused as to what happened at the end of Chapter 10, but either Kiran got stuck in another dimension or just in Tellius, and Veronica tried to kill them, only for Zacharias to save them and let them out... except they also had to get out of Tellius again with the Order. If it's the other dimension, well, we know what happened to Zacharias, we just don't know how he survived Veronica's craziness.

Is that about right?

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Surviving 10-4 with no deaths was the hardest mission...All because of immortal Ike. At least Titania had Emerald Axe so you could just blockade her with a red unit. Overall, I found the reinforcement maps to be underwhelming.  

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18 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

All right, just so I'm up to speed on the business with Zach...

  Reveal hidden contents

The Masked Man is Prince Bruno and Veronica's older brother. Zacharias was sent to investigate Embla, and was caught by Veronica after making significant, yet unreported, headway into the mystery.

After this, well... I'm a tad confused as to what happened at the end of Chapter 10, but either Kiran got stuck in another dimension or just in Tellius, and Veronica tried to kill them, only for Zacharias to save them and let them out... except they also had to get out of Tellius again with the Order. If it's the other dimension, well, we know what happened to Zacharias, we just don't know how he survived Veronica's craziness.

Is that about right?

Pretty much. I think should of just realesed 5 story maps instead of just 1 the story pick up a bit.


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7 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

So is 10-5 on a timer or something? The game doesn't tell you it has one but the map just says Game Over after a number of turns.

You have six turns to complete the map.  The game tells you this before you enter the mission, although I will admit that it could have been made a bit more clearer.


Now that I think about it, they should tell us what turn it is during gameplay, so that we can keep track of how many turns we have left.

Edited by sonicstormer38
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5 minutes ago, sonicstormer38 said:

You have six turns to complete the map.  The game tells you this before you enter the mission, although I will admit that it could have been made a bit more clearer.


Now that I think about it, they should tell us what turn it is during gameplay, so that we can keep track of how many turns we have left.

You can view the current turn and the turn limit by opening the menu from the bottom left corner.

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