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Just pulled a Katarina (and I managed to snag 5* Ogma and Lyn as well, but no one else from the banner)

I guess I now will wait to see what her nature is before I decide if I keep her or make her Swift Sparrow fodder for Celica.

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

So with Kleine → Eine and Clarisse → Reese, does that mean Clarisse's real name is Rina?

I'm still never going to get over Leon (from Fates) → Leo and then Leo (from Gaiden/Echoes) → Leon

Localization team wyd

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36 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Breaking news! We got to learn Katarina’s real name! …is this even female?

Umm, Reese Witherspoon? 

Apparently, Reese is a Welsh name, well, anglicized version of Rhys. Not sure if this is true, but it also means ardent and fiery.

Edited by Kaden
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4 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

I'm still never going to get over Leon (from Fates) → Leo and then Leo (from Gaiden/Echoes) → Leon

Localization team wyd

No no no, you're reading it wrong.

In Japanese, Kleine is the sniper. Eine is Katarina's real name.

In English, Clarisse is the sniper. Reese is Katarina's real name.

Connecting the dots, Clarisse must not be Clarisse's real name, so either it's Rina from Katarina's name if their paired or... Ion from Legion's name (Ro from Roro's name) if they're circular?

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Just now, Ice Dragon said:

No no no, you're reading it wrong.

In Japanese, Kleine is the sniper. Eine is Katarina's real name.

In English, Clarisse is the sniper. Reese is Katarina's real name.

Connecting the dots, Clarisse must not be Clarisse's real name, so either it's Rina from Katarina's name if their paired or... Ion from Legion's name (Ro from Roro's name) if they're circular?

Oh okay that makes more sense 

I'm a dumb

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

No no no, you're reading it wrong.

In Japanese, Kleine is the sniper. Eine is Katarina's real name.

In English, Clarisse is the sniper. Reese is Katarina's real name.

Connecting the dots, Clarisse must not be Clarisse's real name, so either it's Rina from Katarina's name if their paired or... Ion from Legion's name (Ro from Roro's name) if they're circular?

What if they form a square with Eremiyah

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Decided to skip the New Mystery banner to try to summon Reinhardt. It worked, but the game decided to make me waste orbs first.

Also got a Chrom with a good nature, Tharja with a not detrimental nature, and ANOTHER LISSA.

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13 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Ah, I knew I forgot somebody. Nice catch.

Well, the first person to pop up in my head when I saw Reese was Lucahjin, a Let's Player whose first name is Reese and she's a woman.

Speaking of Reese, her max stats aren't listed yet, but her starting stats are and checking with other units' starting stats, I think Katarina will end up with 37 HP, 25 attack, 32 speed, 22 defense, and 32 resistance.

Edited by Kaden
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1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Redo the stage and take a screenshot this time. 

Okay, now it's here.... I must be tripping, or I did something that triggered the button to disappear without moving anyone. I'm 100% sure everyone had not moved yet though, though I was randomly fiddling with my phone before starting as I did something else.

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Great, great... 22 orbs from the paralogue and 10 orbs from the trials milestone thingie and back down to 2 orbs from summoning the new banner and I still don't have a different red mage. It's been 41 freaking summons. I finally had a different archer by 21 summons. Oh, and to add insult to injury, my first Jeorge is 4* with +Def, -Spd. Still gonna use him, but come on, game. Y'know, it's sad that for a regular archer, Virion is still my best option. At least I have a Gordin... At least... Why didn't Cordelia show up...

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4 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Great, great... 22 orbs from the paralogue and 10 orbs from the trials milestone thingie and back down to 2 orbs from summoning the new banner and I still don't have a different red mage. It's been 41 freaking summons. I finally had a different archer by 21 summons. Oh, and to add insult to injury, my first Jeorge is 4* with +Def, -Spd. Still gonna use him, but come on, game. Y'know, it's sad that for a regular archer, Virion is still my best option. At least I have a Gordin... At least... Why didn't Cordelia show up...

At least you have Gordin


My George is -atk



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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

Breaking news! We got to learn Katarina’s real name! …is this even female?

You know I have to wonder. Why did she even reveal her real name? (I haven't played the paralogue yet) Shouldn't an assassin not do that?

Also, I met a girl in real life named Reese. So yes, Reese can be a female name if that's what you were asking.

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5 minutes ago, Falcom said:

You know I have to wonder. Why did she even reveal her real name? (I haven't played the paralogue yet) Shouldn't an assassin not do that?

Also, I met a girl in real life named Reese. So yes, Reese can be a female name if that's what you were asking.

1. Its a reference to NMOTE iirc. By the end of this paralogue, Katarina already "reforms"

2. Characters from NMOTE isn't exactly known for being smart.

NOTHING is as dumb as Elice though. NOTHING

Edited by JSND
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53 minutes ago, Kaden said:

I think Katarina will end up with 37 HP, 25 attack, 32 speed, 22 defense, and 32 resistance.

The wiki already has her lvl 40 stats:

5Icon Rarity 5.png 31/34/37  29/32/35  31/34/37  12/15/19  29/32/35

That Def is so glassy I cut my everything just looking at it. It’s worse than Sanaki! Bulky mage, my ass.

     Lilina:    35/37/25/19/31
   Sanaki:    33/37/26/17/34
Katarina:    34/32/34/15/32
   Tharja:    39/32/34/23/20
   Celica:    39/32/33/22/22

Katarina is Tharja if Tharja shifted her HP and Def into Res.

Edited by Vaximillian
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