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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

My condolences. Seriously, −Atk is extremely bad on Clair.

Yeah, it's a sad day indeed. I was kind of upset when I got her because I was really hoping for Roderick. Got even more depressed upon discovering her IV ._. Shame, I really like her art but I won't be using her anytime soon. She's just there to look pretty :lol:

18 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Mae is bae, especially with a blade tome <3

Oh goodie! More reasons to spend all those Odin's I got from this banner! 


13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Hit and Run has the advantage of working even when the opponent cannot move onto the tile you're standing on (assuming they didn't die), which was a strategy used rather effectively by several players in the Camus Grand Hero Battle.

I personally like Darg Back more since it could create more combos. Yeah Hit and Run can be good, but it's mostly useful for Fliers because of their ability to move over any terrain. It's too bad I don't have any other units that will benefit from Hit and Run though. :(:

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7 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Is there any point to threaten atk anymore? Attack ploy works at a better range and costs more sp meaning higher arena score :/

Well if you can't manage to pull Katrina threaten atk is definently the next best thing. :p

But it also looks like it probably won't be great on particularly low res units like my -atk Ike with his 18 res who I've been running threaten atk on. 

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9 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Is there any point to threaten atk anymore? Attack ploy works at a better range and costs more sp meaning higher arena score :/

Yep.  Threaten Atk works on tiles diagonal to the target, too.

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13 minutes ago, Kiran said:

Is there any point to threaten atk anymore? Attack ploy works at a better range and costs more sp meaning higher arena score :/

I mean Attack Ploy only works if the opponent has lower res than you while Threaten Atk always work, so there's that. 

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1 minute ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

So if Threaten skills are you beating an enemy at a staring contest to lower their stats, what are Ploy skills? Like you're so terrifyingly powerful that low Res units can detect you from a distance?

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This is the best thing I've seen all morning even if it's better off in the Jokes and Memes thread

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So I have a headache figuring who should I promote next? Here are my units:






Main objective is to promote someone ready to use/already invested, pretty much.

Some thoughts:

1. Michalis - vanilla with swap and axebreaker 3. Needs good proc.

2. Camus - needs assist, proc and B skill.

3. Seliph - has Dragon Fang and Threaten Def 3. Needs positioning assist and better A skill.

4. Zephiel - has Pivot and Ward Armor.

5. Nino - has Glacies but needs better A skill and needs B skill.

6. Robin - has Swap and Swordbreaker 3, but needs Triangle Adept.

7. Stahl - has Luna and Hone Cavalry.

8. Tharja - has Ardent Sacrifice, Desperation 3 and Threaten Res 3.

9. Cherche - has proc (lol glimmer, can be replaced), Drag Back and Fortify Fliers. I have Barst/Raven for Brave Axe fodder.

10. Tiki - has Axebreaker 3, needs assist and better A skill.

11. Xander - has Draw Back, Bonfire and Ward Cavalry, but lacks good A skill and Quick Riposte.

Any ideas? Halp!

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32 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

So I have a headache figuring who should I promote next? Here are my units:

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Main objective is to promote someone ready to use/already invested, pretty much.

Some thoughts:

1. Michalis - vanilla with swap and axebreaker 3. Needs good proc.

2. Camus - needs assist, proc and B skill.

3. Seliph - has Dragon Fang and Threaten Def 3. Needs positioning assist and better A skill.

4. Zephiel - has Pivot and Ward Armor.

5. Nino - has Glacies but needs better A skill and needs B skill.

6. Robin - has Swap and Swordbreaker 3, but needs Triangle Adept.

7. Stahl - has Luna and Hone Cavalry.

8. Tharja - has Ardent Sacrifice, Desperation 3 and Threaten Res 3.

9. Cherche - has proc (lol glimmer, can be replaced), Drag Back and Fortify Fliers. I have Barst/Raven for Brave Axe fodder.

10. Tiki - has Axebreaker 3, needs assist and better A skill.

11. Xander - has Draw Back, Bonfire and Ward Cavalry, but lacks good A skill and Quick Riposte.

Any ideas? Halp!

Your promoted units scream mage, which narrows the pool down to Nino, Robin, and Tharja.  By color alone, I'd do Nino, since you're also missing a green unit besides Anna.

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16 minutes ago, DarkLordIvy said:


5* Michalis with bonfire is a wonderful sight to behold.

If you want another sword lord Seliph is a nice heavy hitter, even if he is pretty slow without +spd. 

Yeah I've seen Michalis is pretty good with Bonfire but I don't have any fodder right now.

Seliph would make Julia her best companion! Thing is I have a lot of infantry sword units right there :(

13 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Your promoted units scream mage, which narrows the pool down to Nino, Robin, and Tharja.  By color alone, I'd do Nino, since you're also missing a green unit besides Anna.

the irony I'm all about mages and have few of them in Heroes :P: . From the pool I'd take Tharja or Robin as I already have Julia and she's been wonders to me.

wait you're telling me nino because of green hair

12 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

@Quintessence Camus all the way. He's a bonus unit in the next rotation and he has some great bases to go with his horse and Distant Counter Gradivus. If you can run Horse Emblem just give him Fury and Hone and he gets 57 / 42 offenses. Terrifying.

Ah good point. How would this affect my arena score? I currently run askr siblings, julia and takumi, hit 4.8K+ and I'm on tier 18. If I promote Camus I'd run Camus, Reinhardt, Cecilia and Stahl, and Stahl is 4☆. Would I get a similar score, or would it be lower/higher?

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2 minutes ago, KongDude said:

What is Est good for? I have 3 4*s of her just taking up space.

Feathers, really. Est has one build and that build involves replacing her entire kit---nothing in her default is useful for SI.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Just now, KongDude said:

What is Est good for? I have 3 4*s of her just taking up space.

Defiant Res/Shove fodder?

Seriously speaking she's pretty beast with Brave Lance set. I met a Whitewing team at the arena that wrecked me, and there was an Est with Brave Lance+, Death Blow 3 and Drag Back. I think Glacies was there too, so that might be an investment option if you want.

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1 minute ago, Quintessence said:

the irony I'm all about mages and have few of them in Heroes :P: . From the pool I'd take Tharja or Robin as I already have Julia and she's been wonders to me.


wait you're telling me nino because of green hair


Just now, KongDude said:

What is Est good for? I have 3 4*s of her just taking up space.

She drastically improves with Darting Blow, especially on Flier Emblem.  Her base Atk is tied with Cordelia/Hinoka, though she lacks their Speed.  Her stupid-high Res means that she's perfect for Iceberg.  If you ever get a +Spd one, try Iceberg/Darting Blow/Desperation.

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5 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Ah good point. How would this affect my arena score? I currently run askr siblings, julia and takumi, hit 4.8K+ and I'm on tier 18. If I promote Camus I'd run Camus, Reinhardt, Cecilia and Stahl, and Stahl is 4☆. Would I get a similar score, or would it be lower/higher?

Nino is pretty great too, and she's a mainstay on my Arena team, personally.

Running Camus shouldn't affect your score, at least not as much as before. What level of skills you are able to kit him with matters more. Got anyone else you can run over Stahl?

My current team is a Horse Emblem hybrid with Camus / Xander giving each other Fortify / Hone buffs respectively, along with Nino and Sharena on the side. It works pretty great, especially now that Xander has Quick Pulse for 2 CD Bonfire.

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1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

Nino is pretty great too, and she's a mainstay on my Arena team, personally.

Running Camus shouldn't affect your score, at least not as much as before. What level of skills you are able to kit him with matters more. Got anyone else you can run over Stahl?

My current team is a Horse Emblem hybrid with Camus / Xander giving each other Fortify / Hone buffs respectively, along with Nino and Sharena on the side. It works pretty great, especially now that Xander has Quick Pulse for 2 CD Bonfire.

The ones that might replace Stahl are Cecilia and Xander. Thing is, Cecilia has hone cav but I'll lose red unit while I'll get red unit with Xander but lose Hone cav. The idea of running cecilia+stahl is to hone cecilia as well. The other option is promoting xander, give him hone cav from stahl but I'd cry because stahl has 1k+ hero merit ;_;

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Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

Brave Lance Est is a discount Cordelia

Aside from that, not much of anything, really.

Brave Lance Est actually costs more than Cordelia to min-max, sadly, because Cordelia starts with Brave-Lance+, meaning you don't have to dump 20k feathers just to change a weapon.

That said, a budget regular Brave-Lance build is quite usable, out-done by the best lance user in the game, but quite good anyway.

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13 minutes ago, eclipse said:


She drastically improves with Darting Blow, especially on Flier Emblem.  Her base Atk is tied with Cordelia/Hinoka, though she lacks their Speed.  Her stupid-high Res means that she's perfect for Iceberg.  If you ever get a +Spd one, try Iceberg/Darting Blow/Desperation.

Sounds interesting, but I'm sure I have units that would benefit much better from those skills.


2 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

Brave Lance Est is a discount Cordelia

Aside from that, not much of anything, really.

Already got a good Hinoka so to the bin she goes I guess.

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