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Well, looks like I'm going through the tempest without a 40% bonus unit again. What a drag. Also, what the heck were they thinking, making Ayra summonable with Eldigan and Lachesis? Should've just put her on a banner with the other three Genealogy units.

Also, my free summon gave me a 3-star Laslow. And then the other red orb gave me a 4-star Eirika (whom I adore, mind you, but I already have a 5-star Eirika who's completely done and everything). Sigh. Still need a green dancer. I suppose all I can do is hope Ayra shows up for me one day.

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2 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

I meant the one with Gray as a bonus unit

I was salty too until I finally fucking pulled Celica after 100 red stones since May 15th.

2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Also, what the heck were they thinking, making Ayra summonable with Eldigan and Lachesis? Should've just put her on a banner with the other three Genealogy units.

They were thinking profits. Putting her on the banner with the three Genealogy heroes would have been reasonable, and we can’t have that.

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Just now, Vaximillian said:

They were thinking profits. Putting her on the banner with the three Genealogy heroes would have been reasonable, and we can’t have that.

Well, that just makes me less likely to spend money on Heroes just out of spite.

Granted, I actually haven't spent money at all yet, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if I saw enough reason to.

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2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

I would like to analyze the Ayra situation.

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If anyone asks for an extended version, I will not begrudge you for just copying that over and over again until it meets the requisite word count.

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Ayra for sale! Ayra for sale!

I have an Ayra for sale! Price: One Eldigan.


I've somehow managed to pull four Ayras in my quest to finally net myself one of my favourite FE4 characters. Maaaaan, whhhhhhhy?!

And before anyone says I'm lucky, etc, etc... I know it's lucky to get Ayra. I was happy to get her once. Even twice wasn't bad. She has now become my most pulled 5*, all while I'm trying to get a character I really, really want v.v

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Well, guess I'm never getting Ayra. Don't have any incentive to roll for an infantry sword (with pity breaker risk), even if she's the best infantry sword in the game. Deirdre is still higher priority for me.

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2 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Ayra for sale! Ayra for sale!

I have an Ayra for sale! Price: One Eldigan.


I've somehow managed to pull four Ayras in my quest to finally net myself one of my favourite FE4 characters. Maaaaan, whhhhhhhy?!

And before anyone says I'm lucky, etc, etc... I know it's lucky to get Ayra. I was happy to get her once. Even twice wasn't bad. She has now become my most pulled 5*, all while I'm trying to get a character I really, really want v.v

I would gladly hand over my only, SIed, non Merit-capped Eldigan that is a staple of my horse team (well, Sigurd's here this weekend) for one of those.

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7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

Ayra for sale! Ayra for sale!

I have an Ayra for sale! Price: One Eldigan.


I've somehow managed to pull four Ayras in my quest to finally net myself one of my favourite FE4 characters. Maaaaan, whhhhhhhy?!

And before anyone says I'm lucky, etc, etc... I know it's lucky to get Ayra. I was happy to get her once. Even twice wasn't bad. She has now become my most pulled 5*, all while I'm trying to get a character I really, really want v.v

First the dancers. Now this :(

I'm just trying to get enough orbs to do another summon...

I think it has to be the Holy War banner though since any focus pull is at least 40%. I'll go to Ayra/Eldigan once I have someone.

....I assume Holy War has better chances right?

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Is it me or does this mark the second time IS has been notably greedy? I remember when they released the first Hero Fest with some of the strongest units of that time immediately after the main PoR Banner (Ike + his close council) and now they put a very capable, decked out new unit, which could have easily been part of the Sigurd/Deirdre Banner that was released three days prior, on a seperate Banner coupled with old characters.

This makes me kinda wary of a potential upcoming Halloween Banner with new seasonal units. Usually I'm a fan of seasonal Banners and I would love to have one, still (especially since halloween costumes are awesome), but at this point I'm not sure the player base would react well if they decide to go ahead and make one.
First the Dancers, then Holy War and now the Ayra Banner. Most Accounts must be completely orb-drained right now.

Edited by Melior
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Ayra being summonable is really REALLY bad handling from them.

Even more, they're giving another armored sword unit in the TT, right after BK. 

It threw my hype with the TT (and with the game itself, in a way) down for real.

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I'm not annoyed that Ayra isn't a free unit.

I'm annoyed that they didn't put her on the Genealogy banner to begin with. Literally no rhyme or reason to have her separate.

So I guess what Heroes is telling me to do is to get back to EO5.

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4 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm not annoyed that Ayra isn't a free unit.

I'm annoyed that they didn't put her on the Genealogy banner to begin with. Literally no rhyme or reason to have her separate.

So I guess what Heroes is telling me to do is to get back to EO5.

At first glance when the Holy War Trailer was out, I was delighted but also happy not to drain my orbs summoning for it (it didn't seem like a must-summon banner).

If they put Ayra in it with that gorgeous art and a preview of her skills- then I would have been even more inclined to summon for the banner (and actually spend if I was the spending type)

So yeah just very...weird they put her in a separate banner without a preview.

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I just don't understand their logic, and I'm not looking forward to going through tempest trials without a 40% unit. The PoR tempest's 40% bonus units being what they were was annoying. I didn't have any of them, but at the very least Ike had been in the game for a while. Even if I didn't have him, there were people who would've had him even if not the three new units.

But this Genealogy tempest? All of the 40% bonus units are new characters. Sigurd, Deirdre, and Tailtiu haven't been out for even a week, have they? And Ayra was just added onto this banner today. Even if the tempest is four days from now, how many people who are f2p are going to be able to get enough orbs to make a decent pull, especially if they already exhausted their orb supplies trying to get a dancer or the Genealogy banners? And besides ... we didn't necessarily need to have a Genealogy tempest now. We could have had a Sacred Stones tempest, there are enough characters from Sacred Stones. We could've also brought back Askr units as 20% bonus characters. But this ... I don't even know what to say other than it doesn't seem fair at all.

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13 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

I would gladly hand over my only, SIed, non Merit-capped Eldigan that is a staple of my horse team (well, Sigurd's here this weekend) for one of those.


13 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

First the dancers. Now this :(

I'm just trying to get enough orbs to do another summon...

I think it has to be the Holy War banner though since any focus pull is at least 40%. I'll go to Ayra/Eldigan once I have someone.

....I assume Holy War has better chances right?

I just wonder how someone can be so luckily unlucky? It's like when I pulled three Spring Camillas before a Spring Chrom. Three of the units everyone else wanted, but not the one I wanted. At least Chrom did come along. I think I've mortally offended Eldigan by... Uh... I'm not sure. Something?

To be fair, I have had great luck up until this point (from whichever banner was after the SS banner to this one). I even got Sigurd pretty quickly. Just Eldigan doesn't like me...

Oh well. I wish you both all the luck :) I'm not pulling for a bit, so you can have mine xD


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2 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I just don't understand their logic, and I'm not looking forward to going through tempest trials without a 40% unit. The PoR tempest's 40% bonus units being what they were was annoying. I didn't have any of them, but at the very least Ike had been in the game for a while. Even if I didn't have him, there were people who would've had him even if not the three new units.

But this Genealogy tempest? All of the 40% bonus units are new characters. Sigurd, Deirdre, and Tailtiu haven't been out for even a week, have they? And Ayra was just added onto this banner today. Even if the tempest is four days from now, how many people who are f2p are going to be able to get enough orbs to make a decent pull, especially if they already exhausted their orb supplies trying to get a dancer or the Genealogy banners? And besides ... we didn't necessarily need to have a Genealogy tempest now. We could have had a Sacred Stones tempest, there are enough characters from Sacred Stones. We could've also brought back Askr units as 20% bonus characters. But this ... I don't even know what to say other than it doesn't seem fair at all.

Yeah it's quite perplexing...

There needs to be more time to get the new units- yeah it's not even a week since the Holy War units have been out.

Add to the fact that there was no calendar this month to plan things out, it felt like they wanted to ambush you. (I mean not that they HAVE to do a calendar every month- August was fine because it was special. September was a nice surprise but it wasn't a special event but yeah it just feels like a kick to the guts for people who plan their orb spending)

1 minute ago, Cute Chao said:


I just wonder how someone can be so luckily unlucky? It's like when I pulled three Spring Camillas before a Spring Chrom. Three of the units everyone else wanted, but not the one I wanted. At least Chrom did come along. I think I've mortally offended Eldigan by... Uh... I'm not sure. Something?

To be fair, I have had great luck up until this point (from whichever banner was after the SS banner to this one). I even got Sigurd pretty quickly. Just Eldigan doesn't like me...

Oh well. I wish you both all the luck :) I'm not pulling for a bit, so you can have mine xD


Maybe I should stop wanting units and they'll come? haha

Down to single digit orbs now though so I won't be summoning until I get more orbs from the TT. Which sadly will take longer because of 20% bonus unit (at least Arvis has boosted stats and be great against Julia?)

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The next few days I'll only log in for the bonuses. I don't have any motivation to play the game till the TT. And even then, I'll only play it because I need the orbs and coins from the rewards.

This game is disappointing me lately.

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20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Maybe I should stop wanting units and they'll come? haha

Down to single digit orbs now though so I won't be summoning until I get more orbs from the TT. Which sadly will take longer because of 20% bonus unit (at least Arvis has boosted stats and be great against Julia?)

Nope, that's not enough. You have to really, really want the wrong unit. So, say you want Ayra, really, really wish hard for Eldigan xD I mean to the point you're actually disappointed for a moment when you see her lol

I'm going to build my orbs back up for the supposed Halloween banner, and then if I do okay on that, I might try again for Eldigan. I don't think he's been on a banner that hasn't had another red unit, but if he has, I regret not pulling on it even more -.- I just didn't have the orbs before, and now I'm back to not having the orbs...

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5 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

I don't think he's been on a banner that hasn't had another red unit, but if he has, I regret not pulling on it even more -.-

Fury banner in July had him, Jagen, and Bartre.

That’s where I got him at Res/Spd.

Edited by Vaximillian
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