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42 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Yeah he and Kensou share the Dragon Spirit power so when he came in, he sort of siphoned away Kensou's psychic powers hence Kensou's change to a more melee moveset.

I think it reverses in 2001 so Kensou is more back to his normal moveset while Bao has less/smaller Psycho Balls.

It's a shame they didn't come back to the Dragon Spirit story and is just left hanging. The Hizoku clan (Lin, Ron, Duo Lon) would've been connected to if they revisited it but so far nothing.

Ah yeah, that's what it was. And also why I forgot exactly what had happened, since I don't play that era as much.

Yeah, they really haven't done a whole lot with the Psycho Soldier team in general, which is a shame. Of course, they do have their own game, but at this point, I don't think that old arcade game really works as an excuse to not involve them more in the KoF story. Although I think I read that they're planned to be more important in the story line started by XIV? I don't remember where I read that, but it'd be nice if it's true.

28 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

All this fighting game talk makes me want a 2D fighting game of Fire Emblem now, kind of like maybe Persona Arena style sprites xD

All these sword lords would have annoying reach though

Same, haha. I would love to see FE characters in that sprite style, but even if they did make an FE fighting game, I have a feeling they'll be sticking more to the Guilty Gear Xrd style for future games instead of sprites. Which is definitely not a complaint, because Guilty Gear Xrd looks outstanding, but I'll miss the nice BlazBlue and Persona Arena sprites regardless.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Boring! I think Ike as Aimee would work better.

The Shadow Dragon fan in me is offended by this word.

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29 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Why is 2 in strikethrough

Because some people might want to dispute it and say "Im supporting the game" when they're just (1) too afraid to admit that their pity rates were about to run away and they decided to spend last minute like the weaklings they really are, or (2) alternatively spent money and got nothing, or (3) that they spent money trying to get a particular character they like

32 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

Be content with whatever comes to you. Don't resist. Be content.

That seems like a better way to say it~

39 minutes ago, Poimagic said:

I'll probably just delete Dokkan Battle as that is the game I don't really care about.

I'm not scum as I don't spend money on Gacha Games

You've made a good choice

Welcome to the F2P club

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1 minute ago, Rezzy said:

I hope the FEH Channel discusses an expanded 3* pool and/or demoting many of the current 5* exclusives.

3 Star Minerva hype

3 Star Hinoka hype! Thatd be something~

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4 hours ago, Zeo said:

I've mostly seen Darting Blow Desperation Valters who catch me by surprise actually due to his deceptive speed. I was going to build him but he's on the back burner. Copy-pasting his  weapon's effect without the health recoil onto Caladbolg seems kind of unfair still though. Despite that

Valter's default set is already good and Desperation complements anything that boosts speed and attack (and Infernal Valter ran it pretty well). The issue with Darting Blow, Desperation Valter is that he only has 39 speed on initiation before buffs through Cursed Lance (+2) and Darting Blow (+6) with his 31 base speed. 39 is good, but there are other characters out there who can have much higher (base) speed and in the case of lance units in general, Firesweep Lance is an option which kills their enemy phase, something that isn't the point of Firesweep users, and that leaves their B-slot free for something else.

It works, but I think Valter might be better suited to using something else.

4 hours ago, Zeo said:

In Bold: That makes a whole lot of sense, and because of that I won't get my hopes up. He may not even get Caladbolg considering he didn't have it in the JP version of RD. He could just have a Slaying Edge+ or worse, a Silver Sword+ (Mia would have the Wo Dao+ or a Steel Blade variant most likely). So I'll be optimistic but realistic, especially considering he could get the Tobin treatment.

Two parts to this: the first one is about hype. Hype kills everything because at a certain point, something will be raised to such a height that it's almost impossible to reach. Something is going to disappoint us no matter how trivial it is. It is absolutely okay to be excited about things and why shouldn't you be? A new game's coming out and it looks awesome to you? Get excited about it. Just don't get hyped about it and if you do, try to ground yourself or be aware you're hyped about something and that whenever it's released and you've experienced it, it probably won't be what you thought it was.

The second part I guess is like follow reasonable ideas rather than unreasonable ideas -- I can't think of a way to phrase this better at the moment. We've seen the developers create and release characters who are noticeably stronger than other characters whether it is in stats, weapons, or even skills. The problem with this is that it can make people want more characters who as strong or stronger as the recently introduced characters considered overpowered, power creep, etc. Doing so would be following the developers arguably poor decisions, poor character/game design, and comes at the expense of the other characters in the game and the players when they focus on their character they want to be strong or however they envision them. Ultimately, it kind of goes back to hype killing things where because of "unnecessarily" powerful characters being released, people expect and/or want (their) characters to also be as powerful and it's not going to happen. Maybe it comes close, but there might be some nitpicks and because that character is powerful, there will likely be people who are mad at them and it's not really fun to see people blaming and raging at your favorite character.

For Edward, nobody know what he's really going to be like, but anyone can infer what he would be like based on what he was like in Radiant Dawn. And speaking of Valter who was introduced with a Cursed Lance, a weapon that only appeared in a support conversation between Cormag and Duessel, the fact he was able to get a weapon like that from something so trivial could also let people feel like Edward could have Caladbolg, a weapon that only appeared in the overseas version of RD. What helps even more is that Caladbolg was referenced on Edward's Cipher card despite Caladbolg not being in the Japanese version of RD. Ditto for Lughnasadh and Tarvos possibly being Leonardo and Nolan's weapons, respectively, when they're introduced into Heroes. The developers have paid attention to the most minute and obscure details in FE, so anything's a possibility.

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I tried Brave Exvius for a month, but then realised I don’t have remotely enough time for two mobile games with my devotion to both. So sorry, BE had to go. That I knew absolutely nothing about FF and the characters and thus wasn’t attached in the slightest didn’t help.

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Oh ye, I played Crusader's Quests a bit, don't remember if it's a gacha really. I should get back into it though because I recently found out the girl Elphelt Valentine is in it.

Edit: Also, I've been with Heroes since the beginning. I feel like I've missed way too much to get into a gacha mid way.

Edited by KongDude
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My predictions, based on the fact that IS has a history of crowdpleasing

  • New banner units
  • GHB matching said units
  • Something addressing the orb glitch
  • Raids (note how no GHB units thus far use endgame bosses, those characters will get their own mode. Plus we need more community oriented events.)
  • If not raids, a new game mode in general, something utilizing the community and/or friend list.
  • Addressing powercreep with something only half effective like increasing the bonuses from supports.
  • Formally announce the Michalis rerun, hint at a Xander/Camus/Zephiel rerun chain
  • Summon pool shuffling, personally hoping for all units available at 4 stars to be removed from 5-star pool
  • QOL changes made to TT, a new TT, if it's a mini it'll be New Mystery themed.
  • Something nobody's come up with so far.
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1 hour ago, Alertcircuit said:

If not raids, a new game mode in general, something utilizing the community and/or friend list

I'm hoping we get something like this. The friends list involvement is by far the best part of gauntlets to me. It's neat playing with your friends' units. "Oh hey, your X really helped me out in this match!"A mode expanding on that concept would be great.

Raids could be cool too, though I'm no sure how they'd make it work with Fire Emblem compared to regular RPG style. (my only comparison is raids in Granblue Fantasy)

1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

I tried Brave Exvius for a month, but then realised I don’t have remotely enough time for two mobile games with my devotion to both. So sorry, BE had to go. That I knew absolutely nothing about FF and the characters and thus wasn’t attached in the slightest didn’t help.

That was me with FGO. Thought it might be interesting and tried the English release when it came out in July. The art was nice, but I really didn't care about the characters and the weird premise of the Fate universe was just not for me. 

Mash was really cute though. 

Edited by Alkaid
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Part of me still hopes that we'll get a banner trailer when the daily reset happens. Not because I desperately want to know what the banner will be (I mean, I do, but that's not why), but because it would be hilariously pointless when the FEH broadcast is so soon. I'm not expecting it, but I am hoping for it.

Actually, important question: when the past broadcasts revealed a new banner, did the banner arrive immediately on the day after the broadcast? Or was it always at least another full day away from being released?

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10 minutes ago, DefaultBeep said:

Actually, important question: when the past broadcasts revealed a new banner, did the banner arrive immediately on the day after the broadcast? Or was it always at least another full day away from being released?

The one back in July occurred the night before the banner it revealed (Nohrian Summer) went live while the second in August occurred about four days before the banner it revealed (Brave Heroes) went live.

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11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

The one back in July occurred the night before the banner it revealed (Nohrian Summer) went live while the second in August occurred about four days before the banner it revealed (Brave Heroes) went live.

Alright, that's good to know then. I couldn't remember when exactly they occurred in relation to each other, but that means it's almost certain that we'll get another banner after the FEH broadcast. Thanks!

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13 minutes ago, Michelaar said:

Aaaaaaand nothing!

Much like my attempts to get Elincia. *insert rimshot here*

*sigh* 4% rate and still climbing. Sure can’t wait for someone like Seliph or M!Corrin to spook that rate and push me into outright despair.

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17 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

Surprise, surprise!

Tomorrow’s stream must be a real bombshell then.

This banner had better be super spectacular, and it had better come on Wednesday. Imma be real sad if I have to wait another week for a new banner. My orbs are just sitting here begging to be spent. 

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

Much like my attempts to get Elincia. *insert rimshot here*

*sigh* 4% rate and still climbing. Sure can’t wait for someone like Seliph or M!Corrin to spook that rate and push me into outright despair.

I'll keep your seat warm with my +Atk -HP 5* M!Corrin.

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1 hour ago, LucinaRobin said:

Does fire emblem heroes have mature content for kids to play?

Any ideas?

Well, Nowi in both of her appearances shows a bit too much skin for comfort, but otherwise it’s all pretty tame.

Several half-exposed butts too.

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1 hour ago, LucinaRobin said:

Does fire emblem heroes have mature content for kids to play?

Any ideas?

Gameplay-wise not really.

If you're talking about violence, I mean there may be references of killing certain characters in dialogue but that usually doesn't mean much if it's out of context of the original game the character is from.

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3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

Got like 10k feathers from Arena rewards, and I ended up merging Kagerou up to +3.

At 16.9k right now. Would’ve been 18.9k if I hadn’t 4★’d a Frederick for Clarisse.

Ishtar when?

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