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5 minutes ago, Stroud said:

SO, I can add giving Renewal to Celica to my bad decision list.

How long ago have you given Renewal to her? Mine had been running it since August 2017, so she’s got plenty of use of it.

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14 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

If it takes 60 million to run a mobile game you fucked up badly.

They are not doing a great job either. Nintendo is not happy with its mobile profits. Heroes' strong net profits could mean anything from the sky is raining money to being just a normal sustainable project. Since they have not bragged about Heroes' profits, I am assuming it is the latter where it is just enough keep the lights on and upper management content.

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34 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

How long ago have you given Renewal to her? Mine had been running it since August 2017, so she’s got plenty of use of it.


Its been around 2-3 month. And it worked out. I tried to make use of her HP bulk (For a mage she has solid HP) and made an approach that she can endure 1 counter from the likes of Zelgius.
But now that her tome says otherwise I will play her accordingly, only downside is that her HP bulk is too much for Fury Tome combination. But she has more choices anyway. 

I am still thinking about this refine general. This time all 3 are pretty good. But I guess I will start with Celica. I can make use of Odin later if his daughter appears and I want to make a team consisting of his family.

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14 minutes ago, Stroud said:

Its been around 2-3 month. And it worked out. I tried to make use of her HP bulk (For a mage she has solid HP) and made an approach that she can endure 1 counter from the likes of Zelgius.
But now that her tome says otherwise I will play her accordingly, only downside is that her HP bulk is too much for Fury Tome combination. But she has more choices anyway. 

See, if it worked out, you shouldn’t regret it. I foddered my Summer Tana for Atk/Spd Push, and it worked out well for her. Now her playstyle is turned on its head, but she’s already got plenty of use from her Atk/Spd Push (and L&D before that) and Renewal. Resources are meant to be used, and unspent resources might as well not exist.

4 minutes ago, Othin said:

Huh. So with the CYL banner still running when the FE4 banner starts, will the CYL units be left out of the FE4 banner's regular summoning pool?

They can pull an Ayra and include them while their banner is still running.

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14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

They can pull an Ayra and include them while their banner is still running.

Yeah, that's also a possibility. A more likely one, I guess.

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Update is here! That means it's time to go clear out space in my barracks. I've been looking forward to making combat manuals; this should solve all my needs for space!

Cherche's Axe is also quite nice, now my +10 Cherche is even more deadly than before. The Panic Ploy upgrade is also a nice effect, since she does have a huge HP pool. The axe itself also looks very cool too. I guess I know where my Dew is going...

22 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

How long ago have you given Renewal to her? Mine had been running it since August 2017, so she’s got plenty of use of it.

I got my Celica on her release banner, she's definitely gotten good use out of Renewal. Indeed, she probably will continue to need it, as her refine is lower on my priority list. Plus, I'm out of fodder Shannas, so there's no cheap Desperation available for her.

My Cherche got great use out of her Brave Axe+, and Fir did well with her Wo Dao+. Those were both good investments, even though now they've been powercrept by Prf weapons. As you say, resources are meant to be used!

20 minutes ago, Stroud said:

Its been around 2-3 month. And it worked out. I tried to make use of her HP bulk (For a mage she has solid HP) and made an approach that she can endure 1 counter from the likes of Zelgius.
But now that her tome says otherwise I will play her accordingly, only downside is that her HP bulk is too much for Fury Tome combination. But she has more choices anyway. 

I am still thinking about this refine general. This time all 3 are pretty good. But I guess I will start with Celica. I can make use of Odin later if his daughter appears and I want to make a team consisting of his family.

Actually, her HP is in an optimal range to use with Fury. She'll take 11 damage in combined recoil from Fury and her tome, which is sufficient to put her into Desperation range. So, after any first engagement, all her passive effects will be ready to go.

Of course, that's not counting Summoner Support. If she's +HP or has merges with Summoner Support, then she might have 45 or more HP.

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1 hour ago, Vaximillian said:

See, if it worked out, you shouldn’t regret it. I foddered my Summer Tana for Atk/Spd Push, and it worked out well for her. Now her playstyle is turned on its head, but she’s already got plenty of use from her Atk/Spd Push (and L&D before that) and Renewal. Resources are meant to be used, and unspent resources might as well not exist.

This is true, I had my uses and my fun. That builds can change with time is a normal thing. The meta in this game changes after a certain time. So as long as Units have done their deeds there is nothing to regret. FEH is always about investment and changes. And I rather have it this way. In case of Camilla I just was a bit disappointed about her refine, because I can't consider it useful for my core team.


You are right. I just missed a thing again, the threshold for Brazen atk/spd is 80% and not 70%. My Celica with neutral HP is just about right to get into Desperation range, I can play her with Fury. Still, this time superbane for HP is really nice.  I guess I will give her Fury, because giving her Brazen Atk/SPD would be too much for my feathers. I am hesitant regarding investment to units which are not merge projects. 

Edited by Stroud
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3 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

What do you mean? You can increase the rarity of the books by spending feathers the same way as you would with actual units.

Sending them home for feathers.

3 hours ago, Othin said:

By "not being able to get feathers for them", do you mean not being able to send them home?

The "Exchange Manuals" option lets you discard manuals for the same amount of feathers as you'd get for sending home the original unit.

3 hours ago, Landmaster said:

You can get feathers for them~ But yes, you should keep your ideal natures~

Kinda pissed I upgraded to 1100 barracks spots since they just gave us essentially infinite space. 

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17 hours ago, ILikeKirbys said:

No, Silvia does not have a new Dance skill. She has the regular Dance skill. Also, Mirror Stance is coveted? I agree it's rare, but I can't think of anyone who especially needs/desires Mirror Stance.


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Quan is slower than I expected, but with that ATK stat and Gae Bolg's effect (and maybe Brazen ATK/DEF for further boosting) mean this dude's probably gonna be super good as long as he doesn't fight mages.

Silvia's stats are what I wanted them to be. I want her even more now. I really hope I'm right about her dropping after this banner's up, but this will make me try for her anyway.

Lewyn is gonna be super good, he's got 40 neutral SPD with Forseti and 44 with Swift Sparrow (and that can be boosted further with stuff like SPD Tactic, which I really hope becomes a Sacred Seal now). I wanna throw the Flashing Blade Seal at him and watch him Desperation-Glimmer everything to death. Plus I could just throw regular Desperation on him with a setup like that. I doubt I'll get him, but it's fun to think about this.

Ethlyn is kinda weak compared to the likes of Veronica, but she still looks alright. Wonder what her skills are gonna be...


New dance skill, her B skill.  Also I don't think we've gotten any duel stance that isn't locked on a 5 star unit, and mirror is one of the best of those on top of that.  Mirror stance can be great on quite a few units.  

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4 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Before I go nuts with the manuals, the only downside apart from not being able to get feathers for them is that the natures are also lost. Correct?

You lose the ability to snowball merge for additional free SP.


2 hours ago, XRay said:

They are not doing a great job either. Nintendo is not happy with its mobile profits. Heroes' strong net profits could mean anything from the sky is raining money to being just a normal sustainable project. Since they have not bragged about Heroes' profits, I am assuming it is the latter where it is just enough keep the lights on and upper management content.

Them being "not satisfied" with their profits doesn't mean anything if they don't also say what their goals are. All we really know from that statement is they want more money.

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18 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

New dance skill, her B skill.  Also I don't think we've gotten any duel stance that isn't locked on a 5 star unit, and mirror is one of the best of those on top of that.  Mirror stance can be great on quite a few units.  

Mirror Stance has the problem of Fury usually doing the job better. It's only really useful for pure enemy phase units that don't need Distant Counter, which isn't a very large set of units, and most of those units would prefer either Fury or Atk/Res Bond instead.

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8 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Them being "not satisfied" with their profits doesn't mean anything if they don't also say what their goals are. All we really know from that statement is they want more money.

Since Nintendo is a publicly traded company, bragging about profits is expected behavior to keep their shareholders happy. If they are being quiet about it, it does not always mean it is a bad thing, but it probably is not very flattering.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Since Nintendo is a publicly traded company, bragging about profits is expected behavior to keep their shareholders happy. If they are being quiet about it, it does not always mean it is a bad thing, but it probably is not very flattering.

Based on the little information that the article gives us, my initial interpretation is not that Heroes is doing poorly, but that all of the other games aren't doing as well as Heroes.

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Based on the little information that the article gives us, my initial interpretation is not that Heroes is doing poorly, but that all of the other games aren't doing as well as Heroes.

Heroes is doing fine, but Heroes is not doing as spectacularly as people claim it to be. Huge revenue numbers make great headlines, but it is not great at determining how well business is actually doing without knowing how much they spent.

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31 minutes ago, Lewyn said:

New dance skill, her B skill.  Also I don't think we've gotten any duel stance that isn't locked on a 5 star unit, and mirror is one of the best of those on top of that.  Mirror stance can be great on quite a few units.  

I completely forgot about the B Skill when I replied, thought you meant Silvia had some kind of possibly-exclusive Dance+ or something (I could see this happening at some point, possibly with the Herons, or just Leanne). I can't see SPD/RES Dancebuff keeping Silvia at 5-Star-only though, it doesn't strike me as all that great compared to most other B Skills that Dancers can run (Wings of Mercy primarily, but Escape Route, Guard, Quick Riposte or a Breaker could serve fairly well if you want Silvia to do combat).

13 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Mirror Stance has the problem of Fury usually doing the job better. It's only really useful for pure enemy phase units that don't need Distant Counter, which isn't a very large set of units, and most of those units would prefer either Fury or Atk/Res Bond instead.

What about Warding Breath? I know that doesn't come with an ATK boost, but the accelerated Special charge seems like it'd be pretty good for those units too, wouldn't it?

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2 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Kinda pissed I upgraded to 1100 barracks spots since they just gave us essentially infinite space. 

Yeah, it kinda sucks for people who upgraded~ I personally never upgraded past 300 since I only actively pull from banners for Special Heroes/Legendary Heroes I want so I usually have plenty of time to clear out my Barracks inbetween those~

But 1100 space is never a bad thing~

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I'm just annoyed that I didn't stop at a round number. My barracks capacity is at 710 right now: I'd much rather have it at 700 or 750, but upgrading to 750 at this point would just be throwing 8 orbs away.

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I don't regret never expanding my barracks, but I regret merging everything!

Seriously ... so many units I could've saved for skill fodder just got merged because I didn't have space or someone who wanted to inherit those skills at that time. And now I really need skill fodder. My Julia is gonna be stuck with base skills for a while because I have nothing worthwhile for her to inherit.

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1 hour ago, ILikeKirbys said:

What about Warding Breath? I know that doesn't come with an ATK boost, but the accelerated Special charge seems like it'd be pretty good for those units too, wouldn't it?

Most of the units that want Mirror Stance do so exactly because they can't equip Warding Breath due to being ranged or mounted (Xander, female Morgan, Innes) and therefore do just as well or better with the aforementioned Fury or Atk/Res Bond.

What Mirror Stance does if it is available at 4-star rarity is give a cheaper, but weaker, option for Atk/Res Bond that is more specialized than Fury. Because of this, I don't think it's a skill worth holding a character to 5-star exclusivity for (Morgan is obviously a 5-star exclusive due to being a flying tome user with 5 default skills, not because she has Mirror Stance).

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5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Most of the units that want Mirror Stance do so exactly because they can't equip Warding Breath due to being ranged or mounted (Xander, female Morgan, Innes) and therefore do just as well or better with the aforementioned Fury or Atk/Res Bond.

What Mirror Stance does if it is available at 4-star rarity is give a cheaper, but weaker, option for Atk/Res Bond that is more specialized than Fury. Because of this, I don't think it's a skill worth holding a character to 5-star exclusivity for (Morgan is obviously a 5-star exclusive due to being a flying tome user with 5 default skills, not because she has Mirror Stance).

Also, the first instance of Mirror Stance has more reason to be on a 5* exclusive than the second one.

It's kind of like how Brazen skills and dragon-buff skills were both initially 5* exclusive, then male Kana was introduced as a GHB unit, offering free copies of both.

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2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Mirror Stance has the problem of Fury usually doing the job better. It's only really useful for pure enemy phase units that don't need Distant Counter, which isn't a very large set of units, and most of those units would prefer either Fury or Atk/Res Bond instead.

That's true but there are other 5 star skills with cheaper skills usually doing the job better.  We don't even have Fierce or Warding or Steady Stance on 4 star available units (other than free BK) and those are much weaker being single stat boosters.

Hey I hope Sylvia drops to 4 stars, I will be shooting for Quan and Lewyn and this way I will likely be able to get her in the future. However I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't either.  

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Speaking of Silvia's passives: she's the third unit to have Torrent Dance 1, now giving us access to all three dual-stat dance skills involving it, but there's still no one with Torrent Dance 2 or 3.

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2 hours ago, Hawk King said:

Kinda pissed I upgraded to 1100 barracks spots since they just gave us essentially infinite space. 

Maybe it is just me, but I think I will hit that 1,100 cap again in about two or three months. A good fraction of my space is taken up by units with neutral or better natures, limited units, and whole bunch of Special Heroes that I am too lazy to train up. I think somewhere between 800 and 900 will be the most I can trim my Barracks down to.

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