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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

Women, even with large breasts, still have a lower center of balance than men do. What breasts do is not make poses impractical due to their weight but due to the volume that they occupy.

Their weight is insignificant compared the extra bone and muscle mass that men have in their upper bodies due to having a broader chest and shoulders and narrower hips.

You missed the point long ago, so I'll bring it back for you: Since you and I don't have breasts, we can't expect to have experienced the same physicality issues that women do.

3 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

If you're not talking about Amelia, then please elaborate on who you were talking about as an example. You talk about an "overall trend" without even supporting the fact that a trend even exists. This might not be about specific examples, but you have to actually support your argument with specific examples to have an argument in the first place.

I'm here actually going through all of the art in the game and you use your laziness as an excuse to fudge your argument without backing it up?

That's insulting, to say the least.

You've got to be the first person I've seen discuss this subject that is either so dense or disingenuous as to act like there's no trend in the way female characters are posed. Want me to make a list? Will that shut you up? Here we go, a list of characters with their ass sticking out towards the enemy when they're attacking or injured:

  • NY Camilla (attacking)
  • Fallen Celica
  • Karla
  • Lene
  • Olivia
  • Celica
  • Cavalry Eirika
  • Katarina
  • Summer Tana
  • Tharja (attacking)
  • Bride Tharja (attacking)
  • Young Summer Tiki
  • Catria
  • Clair (attacking)
  • Summer Cordelia (attacking)
  • Cordelia
  • Fjorm
  • Hinoka (attacking)
  • Peri
  • Sharena
  • Bridal Caeda
  • Summer Camilla
  • Spring Catria (attacking)
  • Summer Corrin
  • Delthea
  • Ishtar (attacking)
  • L'Arachel
  • Linde
  • Lute
  • Female Morgan
  • Bridal Ninian
  • Blue Olwen
  • Ophelia
  • Ninian
  • Nowi
  • Amelia
  • NY Azura
  • PA Azura (attacking, though I'd grant that she's probably performing)
  • Cherche
  • Minerva
  • Titania
  • Cecilia
  • Summer Elise
  • Gunnthra
  • Julia (attacking)
  • LA Lilina
  • Rhajat
  • Bridal Sanaki
  • Classic Veronica
  • Female Kana
  • Bridal Cordelia (attacking, though she's also shooting in the wrong direction so...)
  • Faye
  • Brave Lyn
  • Noire (attacking)
  • Spring Kagero
  • Summer Linde
  • PA Olivia (like Azura, she's performing)
  • Genny
  • Maribelle
  • Mist
  • Nanna
  • Priscilla (attacking)

I may have missed some, but with that many, it hardly matters to get an exact number. That's just one pose, which often overlaps with the "gotta pee" pose

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I'm going to split this up into three categories: defiant, bracing, and vulnerable, with one mixed category between defiant and vulnerable: desperate, and with a division of male and female because that's what the topic is about. Maybe it's not the best of ways to categorize the injured artworks, but I feel like they work in describing what is happening. They're pretty self-explanatory, but I'll put the definitions for them at the top of the spoiler. Also, the character will be accompanied by their artist's name. And of course, this is subjective. What I consider bracing, someone else would consider defiant or vulnerable. For example, I'm putting regular Alfonse in bracing. He's hurt and standing his ground, but not about to strike back which I feel would put him in bracing, however, Alfonse standing his ground could make sense as defiant as he's still trudging along despite his injuries.

Defiant. The character is depicted as being ready to counterattack. Some of them are calm, some are angered, some are smug, but they're all in control of their situation and ready to or about to swing back. Examples include AKIRA's art of Hector, Lon'qu, and Raven and BUNBUN's art for regular Lilina.



  1. Abel (Sasahima Suisei)
  2. Arthur (Mendako); heroes never give up!
  3. Arvis (Teita); you could argue this as bracing since while he is ready to attack, you could say he's more concerned about his injuries.
  4. Bartre (Okaya)
  5. Bruno (Kozaki Yusuke)
  6. the Black Knight (Daisuke Izuka)
  7. legendary Ephraim (Asatani Tomoyo); he doesn't look like he's about to retaliate, but his smug grin is what make me put him here as defiant.
  8. Eldigan (PenekoR)
  9. Garon (Soeda Ippei)
  10. Gray (kawasumi); his smug smile says it all.
  11. Gunther (Yamada Akihiro)
  12. Jagen (Yamada Akihiro)
  13. Jeorge (Mayo)
  14. Julius (sachie)
  15. Hardin (Daisuke Izuka)
  16. regular Hector (AKIRA); angry.
  17. CYL Hector (Kita Senri); smug.
  18. legendary Hector (Wada Sachiko); smug.
  19. Love Abounds Hector (Suekane Kumiko); angry.
  20. regular Ike (Meka)
  21. vanguard Ike (Kita Senri)
  22. Karel (Kita Senri)
  23. Lewyn (Suda Ayaka)
  24. Lon'qu (AKIRA)
  25. Matthew (Okaya)
  26. Merric (Mizuno Kana)
  27. Navarre (Yura)
  28. Niles (Yura)
  29. Oliver (Homazo)
  30. Raven (AKIRA)
  31. regular M!Robin (Fujiwara Ryo)
  32. CYL Roy (Wada Sachiko)
  33. Love Abounds Roy (BUNBUN); a little iffy because he doesn't have an arrow in hand or nocked, but he definitely looks angry and ready to fight back.
  34. regular Ryoma (Kita Senri)
  35. regular Shigure (Yura)
  36. Shiro (Arai Teruko); it's his smug smile because otherwise, that pose would be vulnerable.
  37. Subaki (Yura)
  38. possessed Takumi (Hino Shinnosuke)
  39. Walhart (Soeda Ippei)
  40. spring Xander (Suekane Kumiko)
  41. Zelgius (Daisuke Izuka)


  1. Beruka (Iack); mission failure is not an option for her.
  2. regular Catria (Amagaitaro); she took a hit and she looks like she's about stab back. You could argue for bracing, though.
  3. Cecila (Kita Senri)
  4. witch Celica (Fujiwara Akira); kind of hard to be afraid of anything when you've been brainwashed into a killing machine.
  5. bride Charlotte (Pikomaro); it's Charlotte. What did you expect from her?
  6. Clarine (Amagaitaro); you can argue bracing for this since she's standing her ground, but I feel like defiant works since it looks like she's ready to defend herself however she can.
  7. bride Cordelia (Mayo); arrow nocked, Cordelia is ready to fight back.
  8. summer Cordelia (Mayo); kind of bracing, but more I'm about to stab you for me.
  9. Florina (Zaza); kind of weird and hard to see since we can't see her face, but for someone shy and skittish, she really looks like she's in control despite being hurt.
  10. Karla (Kita Senri)
  11. Lilina (BUNBUN); probably the best example of a female character in heroes with a "I will mess you up for hurting me and my friends" look for her injured art. Truly the daughter of Hector.
  12. regular Linde (Kippu); she's crying, but she'll kick your butt before she's defeated.
  13. regular Lyn (Yamada Kotaro)
  14. Mathilda (Okaya); hers is weird since she does look like she's trying to defend herself and regain ground, but she also looks like she's about to fall over and freaking out over being hurt which is uncharacteristic of the demon knight.
  15. regular Sharena (Kozaki Yusuke)
  16. Setsuna (Kusugi Toku); defiant as a dopey Setsuna can be.
  17. Tailtiu (Shioemon)
  18. winter Tharja (Washimoto)
  19. CYL Veronica (Kozaki Yusuke); she's a unique case in that her injured art is based on her special attack art which you can't really see through normal gameplay. Because of that, I feel like she fits in defiant when she's still trying to cast a spell to heal her allies or hurt her enemies despite her own injuries.

Bracing. The character has taken a hit and they're recovering from it, but they're not shown being ready to retaliate nor are they shown wanting to run away, are surprised about their injuries, or letting fear take control of them. They're in control as best they can. Examples of this category would include HACCAN's Hawkeye and Yura's Sonya.



  1. regular Alfonse (Kozaki Yusuke)
  2. Alm (Arai Teruko)
  3. Arden (Soeda Ippei)
  4. Ares (PenekoR)
  5. Azama (Okaya)
  6. Berkut (Asatani Tomoyo)
  7. Boey (Aoji)
  8. Cain (Meka)
  9. Camus (Suekane Kumiko)
  10. regular Chrom (Ebila)
  11. helpful Chrom (Yamada Kotaro)
  12. Clive (Tobi)
  13. M!Corrin (Maiponpon)
  14. Donnel (Okaya)
  15. Dorcas (Soeda Ippei)
  16. Draug (Itagaki Hako)
  17. regular Eliwood (Miyuu)
  18. Love Abounds Eliwood (Ito Misei)
  19. regular Ephraim (Asatani Tomoyo)
  20. CYL Ephraim (Wada Sachiko)
  21. regular Frederick (Suekane Kumiko)
  22. summer Gaius (Ichiiro Hako)
  23. Gordin (Itagaki Hako)
  24. Hawkeye (HACCAN)
  25. Helbindi (Maeshima Shigeki)
  26. CYL Ike (Kita Senri); probably controversial, but I feel like BH Ike is in more of a defensive stance than regular and vanguard Ike who look like they are about to retaliate. It does work gameplay-wise since BH Ike is more of a wall of a tank with Urvan, Steady Breath, and Beorc's Blessing.
  27. regular Innes (Teita)
  28. summer Innes (Asatani Tomoyo)
  29. Jaffar (Kusugi Toku)
  30. Jamke (Suekane Kumiko)
  31. regular Jakob (Fujisaka Kimihiko)
  32. ToD! Jakob (Fujiwara Ryo)
  33. Joshua (Fujiwara Ryo)
  34. Leif (Aoji)
  35. Libra (Miyajima Haru)
  36. Linus (Meka)
  37. Lloyd (Pikomaro)
  38. Lukas (cuboon)
  39. groom Marth (Mayo)
  40. legendary Marth (Daisuke Izuka)
  41. Michalis (Daisuke Izuka)
  42. Ogma (Yamada Akihiro)
  43. Quan (Aoji)
  44. Raigh (Himukai Yuji); you could argue for defiant, but since there aren't any visible spells and his tome isn't open, I think bracing fits better.
  45. regular Reinhardt (cuboon)
  46. sword Reinhardt (cuboon)
  47. regular Roy (BUNBUN)
  48. Hoshidan Festival Ryoma (Kita Senri)
  49. legendary Ryoma (Kita Senri)
  50. Saber (PenekoR)
  51. Saizo (Iack)
  52. Seliph (Sata)
  53. Siegbert (Arai Teruko)
  54. Sigurd (Sata)
  55. Silas (Meka)
  56. Sothe (Kusugi Toku)
  57. Surtr (Maeshima Shigeki); hurts, doesn't it? How does it feel like being mortal?
  58. Stahl (Mayo)
  59. Tobin (kaya8); you could argue for vulnerable for him, but he looks like he's pushing forward despite his injuries which makes me feel like he fits bracing as he's dealing with getting hit and trying to fight on.
  60. Virion (Wada Sachiko)
  61. Xander (Maeshima Shigeki)
  62. Zephiel (Yamada Akhiro); unlike with Gunter and Jagen, he looks like he's in more of a defensive stance and taking in being hurt while Gunter and Jagen look like they want to strike back immediately and, especially with Jagen, they look enraged.


  1. Anna (Kozaki Yusuke)
  2. Athena (Miyuu); she is recovering from being hit and blocking to prevent further injuries, but she also looks like she's about to fall over, so you could argue this would fit vulnerable better.
  3. Ayra (Asatani Tomoyo)
  4. Performing Arts Azura (kaya8)
  5. regular Camilla (Maeshima Shigeki); you could argue for defiant, but I feel like she's really trying to defend herself and covering her injuries instead of preparing to strike back angrily, calmly, or arrogantly.
  6. Clair (Takagi Masafumi); you could argue vulnerable for this, but I feel like Clair is composed and trying to regain footing rather than freaking out about being hurt.
  7. Clarisse (Yura); you could argue for vulnerable her, especially since she's crying, but I feel like she is calm and dealing with the fact she bit off far more than she can chew and is evaluating her options.
  8. regular Cordelia (Ueda Yumehito)
  9. regular F!Corrin (bthx)
  10. regular Eirika; weird stance aside, she looks like she's trying to block incoming hits and standing her ground which is in great contrast to her alternate, mage knight self.
  11. Effie (HACCAN)
  12. Hana (Fuzichoco)
  13. regular Hinoka (HACCAN)
  14. regular Kagero (Iack); arguable in that you could say she's ready to attack or that she's more of defending herself after being hurt.
  15. Mae (Gaou); she's showing pain, but she's standing her ground.
  16. Minerva (Daisuke Izuka)
  17. Nephenee (HACCAN)
  18. regular Nino (Amagaitaro)
  19. Oboro (Ueda Yumehito)
  20. regular Olwen (cuboon); a little unsteady where you could argue for vulnerable, but I think Olwen's trying her best to keep composure and make sure she can retaliate when she recovers.
  21. green Olwen (cuboon); except for her idle art, the rest are based on Reinhardt's, so...
  22. Rebecca (Hoshino Lily)
  23. regular F!Robin (Ueda Yumehito)
  24. Selena (Zaza)
  25. Serra (Kusugi Toku)
  26. Sheena (Mayo)
  27. Soleil (Enkyo Yuichiro)
  28. Sonya (Yura)
  29. regular Tana (cuboon)
  30. regular adult Tiki (Ito Noizi)

Vulnerable. The character isn't ready to counterattack or to stand their ground. They're hurt and they're showing it. They're clearly not in control of their situation. Examples of this would be Amagaitaro's Amelia who is shown running away, Zaza's regular Lissa who's crying and looking like she's trying to move away from what's hurting her, or Kusakihara Toshiyuki's Rhajat who's surprised because who thought that fighting people could get you hurt.



  1. spring Alfonse (Kozaki Yusuke)
  2. Barst (Wada Sachiko); kind of weird when you think about it as Barst has been in several fights before, but here he's shown flinching hard against his injuries.
  3. Canas (Tobi)
  4. spring Chrom (Ebila)
  5. winter Chrom (Ebila)
  6. New Year's M!Corrin (Maiponpon)
  7. Finn (Itagaki Hako)
  8. regular Gaius (Ichiiro Hako)
  9. Gerome (Meka); armor and mask are broken, face is exposed, and he looks like he's really reeling from being hurt.
  10. M!Grima (Okuma Yugo)
  11. regular Henry (Kusugi Toku)
  12. ToD! Henry (Kugugi Toku)
  13. Hinata (Ueda Yumehito)
  14. Performing Arts Inigo (Suekane Kumiko)
  15. M!Kana (kawasumi)
  16. Kaze (Iack)
  17. Klein (Tobi)
  18. Laslow (Suekane Kumiko); poor footing, reeling from being hurt.
  19. Legault (PenekoR); kind of weird since he looks like he's doing a knee, but Legault looks like he's backing off instead and it fits his character as someone who doesn't want to be the in thick of things.
  20. Legion (nabe)
  21. regular Leo (Hino Shinnosuke)
  22. summer Leo (Tobi)
  23. Leon (Miyajima Haru)
  24. Lucius (Itagaki Hako)
  25. Luke (Daisuke Izuka)
  26. Lyon (Miyajima Haru)
  27. M!Morgan (Tobi)
  28. Oscar (Ichiiro Hako)
  29. winter M!Robin (Fujiwara Ryo)
  30. Roderick (Itagaki Hako)
  31. Saias (Teita)
  32. Seth (Fujiwara Ryo)
  33. Performing Arts Shigure (Yura)
  34. Soren (Miyajima Haru)
  35. regular Takumi (Hino Shinnosuke)
  36. New Year's Takumi (Tobi)
  37. summer Takumi (Tobi)
  38. Wrys (Pikomaro)
  39. Hoshidan Fesitival Xander (PenekoR)
  40. summer Xander (PenekoR)


  1. Amelia (Amagaitaro)
  2. regular Azura (kaya8); unlike Sonya or her PA self, regular Azura just looks like she's hurt and not trying to stand her ground. She looks like she wants to not be there.
  3. New Year's Azura (kaya8)
  4. regular Caeda (HAKO)
  5. bride Caeda (Yoshiku)
  6. New Year's Camilla (Mikuro)
  7. spring Camilla (Maeshima Shigeki)
  8. summer Camilla (Mikuro)
  9. spring Catria (Amagaitaro)
  10. regular Celica (Fujiwara Akira)
  11. CYL Celica (Hidari)
  12. Cherche (Wada Sachiko); you could argue for bracing, but her pained and concerned expression makes me feel like she is showing her vulnerability.
  13. summer F!Corrin (Sencha)
  14. Deirdre (Haimura Kiyotaka)
  15. Delthea (Miwabe Sakura)
  16. mage knight Eirika (Asatani Tomoyo)
  17. regular Elincia (Kippu)
  18. Hoshidan Festival Elincia (Asatani Tomoyo)
  19. Elise (HAKO)
  20. summer Elise (Mikuro)
  21. Est (Miwabe Sakura)
  22. Ethlyn (kaya8)
  23. Fae (Himukai Yuji)
  24. Faye (Konfuzi Kokon)
  25. Felicia (HAKO)
  26. Fir (kaya8)
  27. Fjorm (Maeshima Shigeki)
  28. Flora (HAKO)
  29. Genny (Amagaitaro)
  30. F!Grima (Chiko)
  31. Gunnthra (Maeshima Shigeki)
  32. Gwendolyn (Masao Tsubasa)
  33. kinshi knight Hinoka (Chiko)
  34. Ishtar (Suekane Kumiko)
  35. Julia (Haimura Kiyotaka)
  36. ninjabbit Kagero (cuboon)
  37. Katarina (kaya8)
  38. F!Kana (Miwabe Sakura)
  39. Laegjarn (Maeshima Shigeki)
  40. Laevatein (Maeshima Shigeki)
  41. L'Arachel (Konfuzi Kokon)
  42. Lachesis (Miwabe Sakura)
  43. Lene (Yoshiku)
  44. Love Abounds Lilina (BUNBUN)
  45. summer Linde (Kippu)
  46. regular Lissa (Zaza)
  47. winter Lissa (Umiu Geso)
  48. Loki (Maeshima Shigeki)
  49. regular Lucina (Maiponpon)
  50. CYL Lucina (Kozaki Yusuke); she's blocking, but she's clearly in pain and showing it.
  51. legendary Lucina (Yamada Kotaro)
  52. masked Lucina (Maiponpon)
  53. spring Lucina (Tomioka Jiro)
  54. bride Lyn (Yamada Kotaro)
  55. CYL Lyn (Yamada Kotaro)
  56. legendary Lyn (Wada Sachiko)
  57. Love Abounds Lyn (Wada Sachiko)
  58. Lute (Seo Kouji)
  59. Maria (kaya8)
  60. Maribelle (Kousei Horiguchi)
  61. Marisa (Fujiwara Akira)
  62. Mia (Yoneyama Mai)
  63. regular Micaiah (Chiko)
  64. Hoshidan Festival Micaiah (Chiko)
  65. Mist (Miwabe Sakura)
  66. F!Morgan (Tobi)
  67. Myrrh (Amagaitaro)
  68. Nanna (Konfuzi Kokon)
  69. Nina (Mikuro)
  70. regular Ninian (Kippu)
  71. bride Ninian (Enkyo Yuichiro)
  72. summer Noire (Kusakihara Toshiyuki)
  73. regular Nowi (Iack)
  74. ToD! Nowi (Enkyo Yuichiro)
  75. regular Olivia (AKIRA)
  76. flying Olivia (AKIRA)
  77. Performing Arts Olivia (Chiko)
  78. Ophelia (Umiu Geso)
  79. Palla (cuboon)
  80. Priscilla (kaya8)
  81. Rhajat (Kusakihara Toshiyuki)
  82. summer F!Robin (Mayo)
  83. regular Sakura (Fuzichoco)
  84. ToD! Sakura (Fuzichoco)
  85. regular Sanaki (Tomioka Jiro)
  86. flying Sanaki (Tomioka Jiro)
  87. Shanna (HAKO)
  88. spring Sharena (Kozaki Yusuke)
  89. Sophia (Zaza)
  90. Sully (Mayo); really uncharacteristic considering who she is.
  91. Sumia (Pikomaro)
  92. Sylvia (Chiko)
  93. summer Tana (cuboon)
  94. regular Tharja (ZIS)
  95. bride Tharja (Sencha)
  96. regular kid Tiki (Itou Noizi)
  97. summer kid Tiki (Gaou)
  98. summer adult Tiki (Okaya); "weapon's" broken, butt's facing the screen, yeah, she's screwed.
  99. Titania (Wada Sachiko)

Desperate. It's only eight characters: summer Frederick, Narcian, flying Nino, Odin, Peri, Ursula, Valter, and regular Veronica, but it's because they fit both in defiant as they're shown attacking or being ready to attack, but at the same time, they don't have the composure or anger for that matter, thus, desperation. They're retaliating, but they're doing it as a last ditch effort. Two of them are debatable: Frederick and Ursula. For summer Frederick, I wanted to put him in defiant, but reconsidered since it looks like he's just throwing whatever seashells and rocks he has left while Ursula doesn't even have her tome anymore which would put her in vulnerable, but looks like she's trying to cast a spell regardless. Flying Nino could also be considered similar enough to regular Nino, but her mouth looks like she's a bit panicky compared to her regular self with a closed mouth.



  1. summer Frederick (Suekane Kumiko)
  2. Narcian (Yamada Kotaro)
  3. Odin (Suekane Kumiko)
  4. Valter (PenekoR)


  1. flying Nino (Amagaitaro)
  2. Peri (Takagi Masafumi)
  3. Ursula (Kotobuki Tsukasa)
  4. Veronica (Kozaki Yusuke)

Some notes, of all the defiant category characters, Lon'qu is the only one who is deathly calm. Everyone else shows anger (witch Celica, Hector, Lilina), arrogance (Garon, legendary Ephraim, Shiro), or some other expression like CYL Veronica fighting through pain to heal her allies or attack her enemies and Setsuna being Setsuna. Lon'qu shows none of that. All he does is stare down his enemy, bloodied, clothes ruined, and probably knowing that he's outmatched by many of the sword units in Heroes. Sword version of Basilikos for Lon'qu when? :p

The other thing is that most of the characters with seasonal versions of themselves tend to end up having injured art that makes them look vulnerable. Makes sense, but it also kind of inflates the number of both male and female characters in that category. Ironically enough, winter Tharja isn't one of them despite her wearing less clothes than her regular and bride selves.

I don't know why I did this, why I wanted to, and my eyes still hurt. I'm going to go rest.

Edited by Kaden
Forgot F!Corrin, Narcian, and Quan was in the wrong place.
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55 minutes ago, Johann said:

Here we go, a list of characters with their ass sticking out towards the enemy when they're attacking or injured:

I don't see how leaning your weight onto one leg while still facing the enemy counts as sticking your ass out towards them. But, fine, I'll play your game. If your only condition is "their butt is sticking out to one side", then a ton of males are doing the exact same thing, just less obviously due to the fact that males have thicker waists and narrower hips.

Jagen, Abel, Clive, Valter, and Saizo have it on their attacking arts. Gray, Berkut, Oscar, and Arthur have it on their damaged art. Chrom has it on several of his variants. Or how about regular Hector's attacking art or Legendary Hector's damaged art.

Leon has it down perfect in his damaged art, but he's supposed to be effeminate. But then, Xander and Festival Ryoma also have it down pat. Henry's got it perfect in his attacking art.

This is pretty fun, actually.


Huh, Karel actually has the exact same damaged pose as Karla.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

Speaking as myself, and only for myself, I vastly prefer for both men and women to be non-sexualized, especially when they're supposed to be fighting. I just don't understand the fascination with sexiness.

And in certain circumstances I don't want them in my games at all. Vigoro in Skies of Arcadia isn't that bad by himself, but SoA being such an innocent game, him and his stuff is much worse than it actually is.

Secret of Mana's recent 3D version has another problematic instance with Primm's new Tiger costume:



Randi and Popoi are fine, and cute, but Primm suddenly got sexualized. Secret of Mana is very child-friendly, not in the least sexual, and Primm's new Moogle costume shows nothing, like with the two male characters. But they for no reason, other than a cheap sex sell, didn't do this with the tiger garb.

I will also say I'm not at all into hot springs visits in JRPGs where males becoming perverts invariably happen, or like events. 


3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

That's literally what it looks like when you get hit hard enough off-center to turn you around.

Why would that happen with any weapon though, that you'd be turned around but not knocked off your feet? When did FE have weaponized paddles?


2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

and if I recall correctly a lot of Genealogy players don't like Silvia to the point of killing her off for her substitute characters.

I don't think that has anything to do with her, and everything to do with the Subs being able to outdo or at least tie her kids quite often. 


2 hours ago, Alkaid said:

Actually, I think all the guys in Heroes have their nipples removed, which I've always found odd. Is it a Japanese thing?

Anime seems to do this in general. Just as they remove body hair, but this might also have to do with Japanese being less hairy. I've long adapted to this, and possibly even take it as a beauty ideal. TBF, guys have no biological reason for keeping them, IRRC, the only reason they exist is because they develop in the womb before sex differentiation characteristics do.

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36 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Some notes, of all the defiant category characters, Lon'qu is the only one who is deathly calm. Everyone else shows anger (witch Celica, Hector, Lilina), arrogance (Garon, legendary Ephraim, Shiro), or some other expression like CYL Veronica fighting through pain to heal her allies or attack her enemies and Setsuna being Setsuna. Lon'qu shows none of that. All he does is stare down his enemy, bloodied, clothes ruined, and probably knowing that he's outmatched by many of the sword units in Heroes. Sword version of Basilikos for Lon'qu when? :p

From what I've read, the position Lon'qu uses is for parrying attacks aimed at the head.

Ya done forgot Narcian! But it's pretty obvious where he'd fit

2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I don't see how leaning your weight onto one leg while still facing the enemy counts as sticking your ass out towards them. But, fine, I'll play your game. If your only condition is "their butt is sticking out to one side", then a ton of males are doing the exact same thing, just less obviously due to the fact that males have thicker waists and narrower hips.

If we factor in sticking their butt out in any direction, it's a much larger list for the women. If it's facing to the viewer's right, there's a clear view of their butt/it's shape (which is almost certainly the artist's intent), while also technically exposing it to their enemy.

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50 minutes ago, Kaden said:


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Bracing. The character has taken a hit and they're recovering from it, but they're not shown being ready to retaliate nor are they shown wanting to run away, are surprised about their injuries, or letting fear take control of them. They're in control as best they can. Examples of this category would include HACCAN's Hawkeye and Yura's Sonya.

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  1. Quan (Aoji)


Quan's not enough of a pretty boy that I'd put him under female XP

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16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why would that happen with any weapon though, that you'd be turned around but not knocked off your feet? When did FE have weaponized paddles?

Most of the actual damage in damaged art makes no sense from a practical standpoint with real-life weapons. It actually looks a lot like what I'd imagine wind magic to do with its really odd damage pattern of just scratches on skin and clothes, but cracked (not bent) and broken metal.


16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And in certain circumstances I don't want them in my games at all. Vigoro in Skies of Arcadia isn't that bad by himself, but SoA being such an innocent game, him and his stuff is much worse than it actually is.

In the game where female childhood friend's house has a hole in the wall you can peek through.

Also Belle's boobs. Holy shit Belle's boobs. EDIT: Actually both of the gunners.


15 minutes ago, Johann said:

If it's facing to the viewer's right,

Oh, no. You've removed a few of my examples. Fearsome.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

In the game where female childhood friend's house has a hole in the wall you can peek through.

Also Belle's boobs. Holy shit Belle's boobs.


I remembered the first, but that is one minor instance at the start of the game you can easily miss. A guy who gives you the mistaken impression he did/was going to rape Aika isn't the same. And the codpiece which on his 3D ingame model looks much too phallic- HD graphics would decrease the phallic mistaken impression though.

Also, that old man on a lucky cat bounty boss, post-battle talk sounded terribly pedophilic. 

Never noticed the gunner girl actually.


2 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

This whole “argument” is idiotic.

It'll be dead in a few hours, it's already looking to be well on the wane.

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You see, IS added themselves and every company in Heroes! It's Anna, and what does Anna always mention? $$$ and where does she have the most prominent role in the story? When there are seasonal banners urging you to spend money. If you want better male character representation and stats/kit, vote with your wallets instead of complaining about rEPreSEnTatiON. This also applies to character art and '''''''''''''''sexualization'''''''''''''', vast majority of people are willing to pay for them, therefore they consistently make these designs. And don't pretend male characters haven't been sexualized ever either.

It's not IS' fault that their demographic are mainly straight males, it's not their fault that female characters and '''''''''''''sexualized'''''''''''' designs tend to sell more and it's not their fault for following statistics and catering to the majority to make the most profits. (Not sure where most of the money goes since Three Houses looks like that) Nothing is going to change if male characters still consistently sells less, '''''''''''sexualized'''''''''' designs sell and the playerbase is not taking a major dip.

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6 minutes ago, Landmaster said:

Shots fired

Ethlyn put her foot down on lil' Altena coming with her, and with she herself coming along despite the recent birth of Leif. Evidence provided.

Although literally speaking, you are correct.



The legend of Ethlyn is precisely why the Fates parents dumped their kids in the Deeprealms by the way. Best not replicate her error, don't bring the kid with you, send the kid far far away for their own safety.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

A guy who gives you the mistaken impression he did/was going to rape Aika isn't the same.

He's pretty much Gaston, but not actually evil and more just comedic relief. I mean, his airship is literally a giant gun barrel. I don't think I ever interpreted him as intending to rape Aika. He was a bit too ridiculous of a character for that.

I never actually noticed his codpiece. Well, other than the fact that he had one.


I should play Skies again, but damn I have no time for a full JRPG. I was in the middle of an attempt at a perfect clear before college happened.

I want a remake. With full voice acting.


7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Never noticed the gunner girl actually.

It was really, really, really hard to not notice all of the bouncing every time you talk to her.

She was pretty cute, too. And her epilogue was really cute, too. ("She returned to the Primrose confident that cannonballs came out of cannons really fast.") I'm not usually one for the ditzy characters, but I'll let it slide this once.

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Might be a little late but goddamn you're killing me @Ice Dragon

As a woman with breasts I take issue with your argument that the weight of breasts is insignificant. We're talking about weight that is literally just hanging there that isn't distributed evenly with the rest of the torso. There's a reason that women with larger beasts often end up with back problems and that's because of weight, not volume. Seriously, just attach water balloons to your chest and walk around all day and tell me that the weight isn't a factor in your discomfort.

Also, a lot of the poses are really ridiculous (Noire's attacking art comes to mind because it's soooo bad). Feasibility aside, a good chunk of them are clearly meant to show off certain assets in the most fanservicey way possible because sex sells (and that intent should always be taken into account when trying to defend a pose because it's "technically" possible).

Personally alts like the summer ones don't bother me on the ladies side, and it's nice that those of y'all who are into get the shirtless guys as well. It would be nice if it were a bit more even and if we didn't get crap like Christmas Tharja (swimsuit for the summer? Perfectly reasonable. Swimsuit for a Christmas armor unit? Not even a little bit).

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2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I should play Skies again, but damn I have no time for a full JRPG. I was in the middle of an attempt at a perfect clear before college happened.

I want a remake. With full voice acting.


Skies could definitely use a remake. Ideally with some modern amenities, in particular either visible enemies instead of random encounters, or a Bravely-derived random encounter slider that lets you fight a lot or none at all freely at any time. Randoms were just a little too annoying, and running away lowers you Swashbuckler Rank massively if you do it even once.

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7 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

I should play Skies again, but damn I have no time for a full JRPG. I was in the middle of an attempt at a perfect clear before college happened.

I want a remake. With full voice acting.

I don't think I ever did 100% all the hidden world map locations, and I really should some day.

God that game was good.

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1 minute ago, kirauza343 said:

As a woman with breasts I take issue with your argument that the weight of breasts is insignificant. We're talking about weight that is literally just hanging there that isn't distributed evenly with the rest of the torso. There's a reason that women with larger beasts often end up with back problems and that's because of weight, not volume. Seriously, just attach water balloons to your chest and walk around all day and tell me that the weight isn't a factor in your discomfort.

Back problems are a bit different than just performing poses and actions, though, and that's what I was arguing against.

Large breasts also pose a problem when actually moving when they aren't being restrained close to the body (since their inertia will tug at the chest), but that also wasn't relevant to the argument.


3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Skies could definitely use a remake. Ideally with some modern amenities, in particular either visible enemies instead of random encounters, or a Bravely-derived random encounter slider that lets you fight a lot or none at all freely at any time. Randoms were just a little too annoying, and running away lowers you Swashbuckler Rank massively if you do it even once.

I was much younger and had more patience back then. It was really just lone Loopers that annoyed me because you probably wouldn't ever hit them, and they ran away on their own after a few turns.

Ixa'Taka was at least tolerable due to Aika's Lambda Burst having advantageous damage for the only time in its existence. And once you got Sword Rain castable on the second turn, things weren't terribly obnoxious (and once you get it castable on the first turn...).


2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I don't think I ever did 100% all the hidden world map locations, and I really should some day.

God that game was good.

My first run I got 100%, but since the game keeps track of each character's deaths, I really want to get a run with zero deaths.

All of the trash mobs with Eterni spells are a bitch.


What the hell just happened to the topic.

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Uh...yeah, what the hell did I just come in here to? ._.

I'm surprised mods aren't issuing warnings or something for all this. It's kinda...spammy?

Anyway, looking forward to Forging Bonds tomorrow and bonding with Silas! This'll be the most fun I have with this mode so far. I like Ephraim, but didn't like that he got turned into an armor, so... And I didn't care about anybody in the first FB.

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